How Can I Run Commands In A SFTP Session Via A Bash Script? [duplicate] - bash

This question already has answers here:
SFTP bash shell script to copy the file from source to destination
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to run the cd command in a bash script to a SFTP session. My code currently looks like
sftp $1#$2
and then I want to use cd within the SFTP session and other commands too but cd is fine for now. How can I do this?

Try the batch mode. Quoting the man page:
-b batchfile
Batch mode reads a series of commands from an input
batchfile instead of stdin. [...] A batchfile of ‘-’ may be used to indicate standard input.
You can use batch mode to run commands in sequence, e.g.
echo << EOF > sftp-commands-to-run.txt
put myfile.txt
... more commands ...
sftp -b sftp-commands-to-run.txt $1#$2
You can also pass the commands to run via stdin, e.g.
echo ls myfile.txt | sftp -b - $1#$2


Diffrence between bash and ./ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
History command works in a terminal, but doesn't when written as a bash script
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Suppose we have file that contains:
echo $(history | tail -n2 | head -n1) | sed 's/[0-9]* //' #looking for the last typed command
when executing this script with bash, the output will be empty:
but when we execute the script with ./, we get the last typed command:
I just want to know the diffrence between them
Notice that if we add #!/bin/bash at the beginning of the script, the ./ will no longer output anything.
History is disabled by BASH in non-interactive shells by-default. If you want to enable it however, you can do so like this:
echo $HISTFILE # will be empty in non-iteractive shell
HISTFILE=~/.bash_history # set it again
set -o history
# the command will work now
The reason this is done is to avoid cluttering the history by any commands being run by any shell scripts.
Adding hashbang (meaning the file is to be interpreted as a script by the program specified in your hashbang) to your script when being run via ./ invokes your script using the binary /bin/bash i.e. run via bash, thus again printing no history.

Get parameters in ssh file passed by Plink in batch [duplicate]

I need to execute a shell script remotely inside the Linux box from Windows
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Illegal number of parameters"
echo "$1"
Here is the command I ran from Windows command prompt
cmd> plink.exe -ssh username#host -pw gbG32s4D/ -m C:\ 5
I am getting output as
"Illegal number of parameters"
Is there any way I can pass command line parameter to shell script which will execute on remote server?
You misunderstand how the -m switch works.
It is just a way to make plink load the commands to send to the server from a local file.
The file is NOT uploaded and executed on the remote server (with arguments).
It's contents is read locally and sent to the server and executed there as if you typed it on a (remote) command line. You cannot give it arguments.
A workaround is to generate the file on the fly locally before running plink from a batch file (say run.bat):
echo echo %1 > script.tmp
plink.exe -ssh username#host -pw gbG32s4D/ -m script.tmp
Then run the batch file with the argument:
run.bat 5
The above will make the script execute echo 5 on the server.
If the script is complex, instead of assembling it locally, have it ready on the server (as #MarcelKuiper suggested) and execute just the script via Plink.
plink.exe -ssh username#host -pw gbG32s4D/ "./ %1"
In this case, as we execute just one command, you can pass it on Plink command line, including the arguments. You do not have to use the -m switch with a (temporary) file.
I triggered the Shell script in "commands.txt" from Plink which worked for me like a charm with below method I tried:
You can define your script as an one liner using && in a file (I defined in one liner)
You need to run your command in <
Note: Use first EOF in quote like <<'EOF' but not the last one. Else you will see you code will behave weirdly.
Please see below.
sudo -i <<'EOF'
<your script here>
Then, finally run it using Plink:
plink -ssh username#hostname -pw password -m commands.txt
Have you tried putting the command and argument in quotes:
i.e. -m "C:\ 5"

Calling rsync in bash from Windows cmd

I am trying to run rsync from a batch file. The command is
bash %CMD%
This works fine if I run the command after typing bash, but when I run the command from cmd with the bash precursor it says No such file or directory.
Additionally, when playing around and trying to debug bash ends up hanging... i.e. if I open bash I get no prompt, just a blinking cursor.
Any help is appreciated.
To run a command with bash you need to use the -c option
bash -c "%CMD%"
Without it the first non-option parameter will be treated as a *.sh shell script, which rsync isn't and will cause an error
If arguments remain after option processing, and neither the -c nor the -s option has been supplied, the first argument is assumed to be the name of a file containing shell commands.
Note that the cmd in Windows is not DOS even though they have a few similar commands. The rest are vastly different

How to use tee when using sudo [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I use sudo to redirect output to a location I don't have permission to write to? [closed]
(15 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
UBuntu 16.04
Bash 4.4
In line 158:
cd "$drive00" && sudo -H -u myuser bash -c "timeout 2s ./binaryfile -gentoken" > "${save_log_dir}"/update-"${now}".log;
^-- SC2024: sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use ..| sudo tee file
I tried a few times and each time my file gets eaten.
You don't need to use tee, just put the redirection inside the command that's executed with bash -c:
sudo -H -u myuser bash -c 'timeout 2s ./binaryfile -gentoken > "$1"' _ "${save_log_dir}/update-${now}.log"
If you redirect outside, your original shell is trying to open the file, but it doesn't have permission. Putting it inside the bash argument executes it in the target user's shell, with their permissions.
The _ in the command line is a dummy value for the $0 parameter of the shell. You need that placeholder to be able to supply the filename as $1.

Bash script "read" not pausing for user input when executed from SSH shell

I'm new to Bash scripting, so please be gentle.
I'm connected to a Ubuntu server via SSH (PuTTY) and when I run this command, I expect the bash script that downloads and executes to allow user input and then echo that input. It seems to just write out the echo label for the input request and terminate.
wget -O - | bash
Any clue what I might be doing wrong?
UPDATE: This bash command does exactly what I wanted
bash <(wget -q -O -
Jonathan already mentioned: bash takes its stdin from the pipe.
And therefore you cannot pipe the script into bash when you want to interactively input something. But you could use the process substitution feature of bash (assumed your login shell is a bash):
bash <(wget -O -
Bash is taking stdin from the pipe, not from the terminal. So you can't pipe a script to bash and still use the "read" command for user input.
Notice that you have the same problem if you save the script to a local file and pipe it to bash:
less | bash
I found this also works and helps keep the data in the current scope.
eval "wget -q -O -"
