Calling rsync in bash from Windows cmd - bash

I am trying to run rsync from a batch file. The command is
bash %CMD%
This works fine if I run the command after typing bash, but when I run the command from cmd with the bash precursor it says No such file or directory.
Additionally, when playing around and trying to debug bash ends up hanging... i.e. if I open bash I get no prompt, just a blinking cursor.
Any help is appreciated.

To run a command with bash you need to use the -c option
bash -c "%CMD%"
Without it the first non-option parameter will be treated as a *.sh shell script, which rsync isn't and will cause an error
If arguments remain after option processing, and neither the -c nor the -s option has been supplied, the first argument is assumed to be the name of a file containing shell commands.
Note that the cmd in Windows is not DOS even though they have a few similar commands. The rest are vastly different


What is the difference between "bash -i" vs "bash"?

According to bash man page, it says -i is for interactive mode of shell.
I tried example code to find out what -i option does. is script that needs user input, which means interactive script.
The default bash option is non-interactive mode.
But the runs without any problem with non-interactive mode.
It also runs well with interactive mode. It confuses me.
What is the exact usage of -i option in bash?
What is the difference between interactive and non-interactive mode in shell?
echo 'Your name ?'
read name
echo "Your name is $name"
$ bash
Your name ?
Your name is ABC
$ bash -i
Your name ?
Your name is DEF
With bash -i script you are running interactive non-login shell.q
What is the exact usage of -i option in bash?
From man bash:
-i If the -i option is present, the shell is interactive.
What is the difference between interactive and non-interactive mode in shell?
There are some differences. Look at man bash | grep -i -C5 interactive | less:
An interactive shell is one started without non-option arguments (unless -s is specified) and without the -c option whose standard input and er‐
ror are both connected to terminals (as determined by isatty(3)), or one started with the -i option. PS1 is set and $- includes i if bash is
interactive, allowing a shell script or a startup file to test this state.
When an interactive login shell exits, or a non-interactive login shell executes the exit builtin command, bash reads and executes commands from
the file ~/.bash_logout, if it exists.
When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from ~/.bashrc, if that file exists. This may
be inhibited by using the --norc option. The --rcfile file option will force bash to read and execute commands from file instead of ~/.bashrc.
When bash is interactive, in the absence of any traps, it ignores SIGTERM (so that kill 0 does not kill an interactive shell), and SIGINT is
caught and handled (so that the wait builtin is interruptible). In all cases, bash ignores SIGQUIT. If job control is in effect, bash ignores
etc. For example bash -i -c 'echo $PS1'.

sed shell with jenkins deployment

I'm working on something at the moment and just now I even wonder if what I am working on is even possible.
I want to SSH from jenkins to a shell script and use variables form a rc file that are in a git Repository. (The Shell script and rc file are in the same repo)
Nothing that I tried works and now I'm starting to wondering if it's even possible.
Here's is my local script but i get the same output on jenkins.
docker exec -it test-container bash 'sed -f <(printf "s/${DOMAIN}\.%s/www.&.${DOMAIN_SUFFIX_STAGE}/g\n" ${LANG_KEYS}) /var/www/foo/sed/test.txt > /var/www/foo/sed/new-2.txt'
No matter what I do I get this error
bash: sed -f <(printf "s/${DOMAIN}\.%s/www.&.${DOMAIN_SUFFIX_STAGE}/g\n" ${LANG_KEYS}) /var/www/foo/sed/test.txt > /var/www/foo/sed/new-2.txt: No such file or directory
And yes I can confirm that the directory is there
Here's an easier way to reproduce your problem:
$ bash "echo Hello"
bash: echo Hello: No such file or directory
This happens because the expected syntax is bash yourfile. The string you are passing is not a useful filename, so it fails.
To run a string argument as a command, you can use bash -c commandstring:
$ bash -c "echo Hello"
This makes bash interpret the parameter as a shell command to execute, instead of a filename to open.

How to fix hanging Ubuntu on Windows associated with batch programming

I have a batch file that contains this:
bash -c "shell/"
bash -c "shell/"
Each of the shell scripts look like this:
rsync --info=progress2 -rptz --delete -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/[MY_CERT].pem" [MY_REMOTE_UBUNTU_ON_AWS]:[MY_REMOTE_FOLDER1] [MY_LOCAL_DESTINATION_FOLDER1]
rsync --info=progress2 -rptz --delete -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/[MY_CERT].pem" [MY_REMOTE_UBUNTU_ON_AWS]:[MY_REMOTE_FOLDER2] [MY_LOCAL_DESTINATION_FOLDER2]
rsync --info=progress2 -rptz --delete -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/[MY_CERT].pem" [MY_REMOTE_UBUNTU_ON_AWS]:[MY_REMOTE_FOLDER3] [MY_LOCAL_DESTINATION_FOLDER3]
The problem is that bash always, without fail, hangs when I run the batch file. The first rsync command always seems to run fine, the second always fails (whether inside the same sh file or a different one).
By "hangs" I mean that I see a blinking cursor but no bash prompt and there is no way to get out of it without restarting the entire system (lxssmanager hangs when attempting to restart).
Everything always runs 100% fine when I enter bash and run the shell scripts, but as soon as I get batch involved it breaks.
I have no idea why or how... but the solution was to uninstall BitDefender.

Bash script "read" not pausing for user input when executed from SSH shell

I'm new to Bash scripting, so please be gentle.
I'm connected to a Ubuntu server via SSH (PuTTY) and when I run this command, I expect the bash script that downloads and executes to allow user input and then echo that input. It seems to just write out the echo label for the input request and terminate.
wget -O - | bash
Any clue what I might be doing wrong?
UPDATE: This bash command does exactly what I wanted
bash <(wget -q -O -
Jonathan already mentioned: bash takes its stdin from the pipe.
And therefore you cannot pipe the script into bash when you want to interactively input something. But you could use the process substitution feature of bash (assumed your login shell is a bash):
bash <(wget -O -
Bash is taking stdin from the pipe, not from the terminal. So you can't pipe a script to bash and still use the "read" command for user input.
Notice that you have the same problem if you save the script to a local file and pipe it to bash:
less | bash
I found this also works and helps keep the data in the current scope.
eval "wget -q -O -"

read: Illegal option -d

Here is the offending part of my script:
read -d '' TEXT <<'EOF'
Some Multiline
text that
I would like
echo "$TEXT" > ~/some/file.txt
and the error:
read: 175: Illegal option -d
I use this read -d all over the place and it works fine. Not sure why its not happy now. I'm running the script on Ubuntu 10.10
Fixes? Workarounds?
If you run sh and then try that command, you get:
read: 1: Illegal option -d
If you do it while still in bash, it works fine.
I therefore deduce that your script is not running under bash.
Make sure that your script begins with the line:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
(or equivalent) so that the correct shell is running the script.
Alternatively, if you cannot do that (because the script is not a bash one), just be aware that -d is a bash feature and may not be available in other shells. In that case, you will need to find another way.
The -d option to read is a feature unique to bash, not part of the POSIX standard (which only specifies -r and -p options to read). When you run your script with sh on Ubuntu, it's getting run with dash, which is a POSIX shell, and not bash. If you want the script to run under bash then you should run it with bash, or give it a #!/bin/bash shebang. Otherwise, it should be expected to run under any POSIX sh.
