Add claims to security.oauth2.jwt.Jwt - spring-boot

I have a SpringBoot OAuth2 Client and ResourceServer. My AuthorizationServer is Okta.
Now suppose that in a certain moment I want to add a claim to my token, for Example:
public ResponseEntity<String> addUser(#AuthenticationPrincipal Jwt jwt) {
// here I want to add a claim to my Jwt, the token
// should return to the frontend and when I resend back to my resourceserver
// it should be validated again
return new ResponseEntity<String>(token, HttpStatus.OK);
I have read tons of docs of TokenEnhencer and TokenConverter but it not seems to be the solution I looking for.
Can I do something like this?

Seems like you want to authorize based on domain specific claims, and there are two main options here:
Get extra claims at the time of token issuance - Okta needs to either call an API or do a database lookup - this is the preferred option but not always possible
Look up claims in the resource server when an access token is first received, then cache them for subsequent requests with the same access token
Leave the Okta issued token alone in the client, then adopt one of the above two approaches in the API. Out of interest, here is a Spring Boot API of mine that uses a library based approach to OAuth handling and implements both approaches:
Standard Authorizer
Claims Caching Authorizer


How to force an oAuth token renewal (access-token + refresh token) with Spring boot keycloak adapter + spring security.?

I have a multi-tenant application (springboot keycloak adapter + spring security) secured by Keycloak. Given the multi-tenant nature of the project, I wrote a multi-client connector which works fine.
On the official Keycloak doc, it is recommended (for multi-tenant applications) to model each tenant as a new realm, but for me it works better to have multiple clients within the same same realm. This is due to following advantages:
Client scopes, groups and other configs can be shared
Users don't need to be duplicated on N different realms
SSO login works perfectly within same realm clients (by using bearer
services +CORS)
So, everything works fine except for 1 thing, my initial SSO access_token (which is then shared across all bearer-only services by means of CORS) is kind of big (it shows all the resources - tenants - and its roles within each resource/tenant).
I'd like to limit the size of the access_token, by means of using "scopes" to restrict the roles in the token to only those meaningful to the tenant where I'm logged in at that time. For this, I'm manually firing a Request to the auth server (outside of the standard functionality provided by springboot/spring security) with the goal of manually overwriting whatever access-token exists within my app, with the new one generated by my extra request.
My "new" token request looks similar to this:
SimpleKeycloakAccount currentUserAccount = (SimpleKeycloakAccount) auth.getDetails();
String authServerUrl = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getDeployment().getAuthServerBaseUrl();
String realm = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getDeployment().getRealm();
String resource = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getDeployment().getResourceName();
String refreshToken = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getRefreshToken();
String token = currentUserAccount.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getTokenString();
Http http = new Http( new Configuration(authServerUrl, realm, resource,
, null),
(params, headers) -> {});
String url = authServerUrl + "/realms/" + realm + "/protocol/openid-connect/token";
AccessTokenResponse response = http.<AccessTokenResponse>post(url)
.param("grant_type", "refresh_token")
.param("refresh_token", refreshToken)
.param("client_id", resource)
.param("client_secret", "SOME_SECRET")
// :) - response.getToken() and response.getRefreshToken(), contain new successfully generated tokens
My question is, how can I force my-app to change/reset the standard access-token & refresh_token obtained by the usual means, with these "custom created" tokens? or is that possible at all?
Thx for any feedback!
Further Information
To clarify more, lets analyze the behavior of a typical springboot/spring security project integrated with Keycloak:
You protect your endpoints with "roles" via configurations (either on the, or on the SecurityContext)
You know that this Spring application talks in the back channel with the Keycloak authorization server, that's how you become the access_token (But all this is a black box for the developer, you only know a Principal was created, a Security Context, Credentials; etc - everything happens behind the curtains)
Considering those 2 points above, imagine that you use an Http library to basically request a new token towards the auth server token endpoint like in the code above (yes filtered by scopes and everything). So the situation now is that though you have created a valid access_token (and refresh_token); since they were created "manually" by firing a request towards the token endpoint, this new token hasn't been "incorporated" to the application because No new Principal has been created, no new security context has been generated, etc. In other words, to the springboot application this new token is non-existent.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to tell sprinboot/spring security: "Hey pal, I know you didn't generate this token yourself, but please accept it and behave as if you'd have created it".
I hope this clarifies the intent of my question.
You can revoke a token using method.
On the Autorization Server:
ConsumerTokenServices tokenServices;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/tokens/revoke/{tokenId:.*}")
public String revokeToken(#PathVariable String tokenId) {
return tokenId;
Of course, you'll have to secure this method since is a very sensitive one.
In the case that each tenant is a separate client you can just use keycloak's "Scope" mapping at each client. Just turn off Full Scope Allowed and your tokens will only contain the user's roles for that specific client (tenant).
"Scope Mappings" is a a non intuitive way of saying "Define what roles should go into the access token" :-)
When turned off the UI changes and you even can configure what other roles of other clients should additionally go into the access token.
Just to give some closure to this question:
No, there doesn't seem to be any elegant or intended way to force a manual token renewal by means of using springboot/spring security keycloak connector.
The Javascript connector can do this trivially like this:
// for creating your keycloak connector
var keycloak = Keycloak({
url: 'http://localhost:8080/auth',
realm: '[YOUR_REALM]',
clientId: '[YOUR_CLIENT]'
// for login in (change scopes list to change access capabilities)
var options = {
scope: [EMPTY_STRING_SEPARATED_LIST_OF_SCOPES] // <-- here specify valid scopes
keycloak.login(options); // <-- receive a new token with correctly processed scopes
Given how easy it is to do this with the Keycloak client JS adapter, and how obscure it is to do this with the springboot/spring security adapter, it follows following:
Security design seems intended to have 2 (Keycloak security) layers; the first is a front-facing public client (usually password protected), and the 2nd layer is composed of several bearer-only services which would ussually only accept acces-tokens. If for those bearer-only services you want to implement finner grained control via scopes, you achieve that trivially by using a javascript based Keycloak client (other connectors as explained won't deal nicely with the header modification necessary to deal with OAuth2 scopes).

What to return after login via API?

I'm creating an API server which will be consumed by a mobile app that I will work on later. I have yet to see any reference of API best practices related to user flow and returned data even after searching for several hours.
My question is whether the login response of an API should return the a personal access token with the refresh token along with the user info? Or should I just return the token and make another API call for getting the user info.
I could just do what I have in mind but I'm trying to learn the best practices so that I don't have to adjust a lot of things later.
I need suggestions as well as good references related to my question.
Thank you.
It depends on what you are using for your authentication. If you are using libraries like Laravel Passport or JWT, you can have the token endpoint which returns the access token, refresh token, validity period and the token type (Bearer). You can then have an authenticated endpoint which will be used to get a user's profile based of the token passed in the request header.
However, if you go through the documentation for those libraries, in most there is an allowance to manually generate a token. You can use this in a custom endpoint that will return the token as well as the user profile Passport Manually Generate Token.
If you are using JWT, you can also embed a few user properties in the token itself. The client can the get the profile info from the JWT itself without having to make a round trip to the server. Passport ADD Profile to JWT
If you have a custom way in which you are handling authentication, you can pass the token as well as the user profile in the same response.
In the end, it's up to you to decide what suits you best.
Have you looked at OpenID Connect? It's another layer on top of OAuth 2.0 and provides user authentication (OAuth 2.0 does not cover authentication, it just assumes it happens) and ways to find information about the current user.
It has the concept of an ID_token, in addition to the OAuth access token, and also provides a /userinfo endpoint to retrieve information about the user.
You could put user information in your access token, but security best practice is to NOT allow your access token to be accessible from JavaScript (i.e. use HTTP_ONLY cookies to store your access token).

Authentication and authorization as a central MicroService ASP.NET

I am planning to change the ASP.NET Web API 2.0 which includes Authentication and Authorization and all the services into Microservices architecture.
My Question if I create a central microservice to handle authentication and authorization. How do I authorize the users sending the request with their tokens to other services?
To elaborate the question:
Let'say I have three microservices.
1 ) ASP NET framework handling authentication and authorization, Which will authenticate a user and sends a token.
2 ) Orders service, Which will receive the requests with the token in their headers. (ASP NET core)
3 ) Accounting service, which will receive the requests with the token in their headers. (ASP NET core)
How do we authorize the users when they call service 2 or 3?
And Is this an ideal approach?
Instead of authenticating external requests at each microservice (you may want to do that for internal microservice communications), I would install a gateway (for example Ocelot which can handle the external "upstream" authentication for you using whatever system you're using, for example for Jwt bearer:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddJwtBearer("TestScheme", x => ...
Then in Ocelot you can decide which routes require this scheme as follows
"Routes": [{
"DownstreamHostAndPorts": [...],
"DownstreamPathTemplate": "/",
"UpstreamPathTemplate": "/",
"AuthenticationOptions": {
"AuthenticationProviderKey": "TestScheme", //<--here decide to use this scheme
"AllowedScopes": []
If Authentication is successful you can use Ocelot's method of "claims to claims transformation" from your upstream to downstream this method - I personally wanted customise this and build a new Jwt token for internal authentication so used my own downstream handler, like this:
.AddHttpClient<IMyService, MyService>(client => ...)
//then in the MyJwtDownstreamHandler
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(
TokenGenerator.Generate( //<--generate your own Symmetric token using your own method
identity: myIdentity, //<--claims for downstream here
Based on comments Above
External Identity provider
You may need to use external identity provider e.g. identiyserver4 , azure ad or auth0 etc. Since the token may be generated is JWT token you will have to validate the token.
Validate Token
You need to validate the token in the .Net core Middle ware. Every token issued has a payload and your app middleware will verify every incoming token and reject if it's not able to validate. Your middle ware will fill the claims principle which can be used in your application to validate the authorization as well e.g. roles (if user has authorization to access particular api). You would put "authorize" attribute on top of controller and it will do the job.
You can validate the token manually or some identity provider gives automatic validation e.g. Azure Ad will validate the token and fill the claims principle without doing much effort by simply adding Azure ad nuget package.
There are heaps of example if you simply google. Tokens can be confusing so i would suggest you understand tokens e.g. id_token , access_token , refresh token . Authentication flows and claims. It would become easier if you understand the token types and flows. I am attaching very simple example just to give you idea.

Authenticating an API request with a Token

Suppose I make an API request to the following URL:
This is an API I built and have full control over.
I would like to limit access to this API to only the apps I authorize.
I see many services will provide you with an API key which you can append to your URL to give you access.
Suppose I have:
Then on the backend I have something like:
class REST {
public $ACCESS_TOKEN = 'a6reallly7long2string9of0numbers2and4letters',
public function Auth($token){
if($token===$this->ACCESS_TOKEN) return true;
return false;
If the values match, I allow access.
But all someone would have to do is look at the request the app is making on the client side and they have the token.
Even if I encrypt the token or use one-way hashing, they'll still have the value that decrypts to the correct result.
How does one approach good authentication via URL token for an API?
I would like to limit access to this API to only the apps I authorize.
What are you looking for is "access authorization". Indeed, an access token seems to be a good way, but there are some aspects missing
** Authorization header **
By default the token should be sent as an HTTP header ( not in the url
Commonly used Authorization headers types are Basic (for basic authentication) and Bearer (for OAuth authentication and authorization)
The token should not be a hardcoded constant. It should be created/generated based on the application (and optionally user) authentication. And still better if the token is temporary
Now you can ask - how can an application keep its credentials secret? Each application can have their own server services (end user should.not access application credentials) or pure web application should be comtrolled by the CORS headers
Just search for OAuth 2.0 protocol and JWT token (jwt should be self-contained and signed).
IMHO the URL token may be an option when there is no other alternative, as URL is often cached, resent, logged,...
** API Manager **
If you have resources (server) to do so, you can deploy an API manager (there are open source, commercial or cloud options, just search for some). API manager will handle the application enrollment, authorization and enforcement.

Authenticate to an REST api from another REST api in Spring Security

I've a question about how to design a security problem.
Actually, we have an API secured by Spring Security.
It's based on the simple UserDetails security pattern.
Now, we are developing another API, deployed on(in a near future) another domain, against another database but the authentication information will be the same as the first API.
So, I would like to know how to design the authentication in the model. Actually I was thinking of something like:
Can I have your advice on that design?
Another question is how to implement that in Spring Security, especially the store & validate token on 2nd API?
I'd extract the authentifaction part into an own api, which handles only the login and token generation. The token would be stored in TokenStore (i.e. ad atabase) and with it along i'd store the userdetails and whcih api he can use.
The browser sends the token with each request to your api 1 and api 2. They can the check the token against the TokenStore and then validate if the user has the right to access this api.
You could use spring-security-oauth2 for this, but had to tweak the tokengeneration workflow a bit. In this case your UI app will be the authorizaion server and generate the tokens transparently for a logged in user and give it to the part running in the browser. Your App in the browser would ne to send this token on each call to api 1 or 2. Api 1 and 2 would be different resourceserver, but check against the same tokenstore.
