An error when trying to aggregate using data.table - data.table

table users,
I have the code as shown in the screenshot and the resulting error. Unfortunately I can't share the data due to privacy issues. Does anyone have an idea of the error?
Thanks in advance!

When you use by, the resulting data.table should have one row per group. However, you try to assign multiple values to each of these lines by using unique() (given there are multiple unique values per group). You either have to wrap them in list() or paste(..., collapse = ", ") or something like that to just get a single value in each by.


Power Query - conditional replace/clear entire cell in multiple columns

I'm trying to clear the entire cell if it doesn't contain a given keyword.
I've managed to do this for one column:
Table.ReplaceValue(#"PrevStep",each [#"My Column"], each if Text.PositionOf([#"My Column"],"keyword")>-1 then [#"My Column"] else null,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"My Column"})
The problem is I need to iterate/repeat that step for a number of columns... the number of columns may vary and column names also may be different every time. I can have all those column names put into a list but I'm not able to use it.
The solution I'm looking for may look like this
for each ColNam in MyColumnsList
Table.ReplaceValue(#"PrevStep",each [#"ColNam"], each if Text.PositionOf([#"ColNam"],"keyword")>-1 then [#"ColNam"] else null,Replacer.ReplaceValue,MyColumnsList)
but this is not the VBA code but Power Query M - and of course the problem is with #PrevStep as I would see it like a recursions... again... do not know how to process.
Is the path I follow correct or should it be done some other way
Unpivot your columns to turn all the columns into two columns. Apply your replacement to the single value column then pivot it back into the original format

Sorting Issue After Table Render in Laravel DataTables as a Service Implementation

I have implemented laravel dataTable as a service.
The initial two columns are actual id and names so, I am able to sort it asc/desc after the table renders.
But the next few columns renders after performing few calculations, i.e. these values are not fetched directly from any column rather it is processed.
I am unable to sort these columns where calculations were performed, and I get this error. And I know it is looking for that particular column for eg outstanding_amount which I don't have in the DB, rather it is a calculated amount from two or more columns that are in some other tables.
Any Suggestions on how to overcome this issue?
It looks like you're trying to sort by values that aren't columns, but calculated values.
So the main issue here is to give Eloquent/MySql the data it needs to provide the sorting.
// You might need to do some joins first
->addSelect(DB::raw('your_calc as outstanding_amount'))
->orderBy('outstanding_amount') // asc can be omitted as this is the default
// Anternative: you don't need the value sorted by
// Don't forget any joins you might need
->orderByRaw('your_calc_for_outstanding_amount ASC')
For SQL functions it'll work as follow
->addSelect(DB::raw('COUNT( as product_count'));

Distinct count a field that has been sorted by territory from another source

I am trying to find a way to get a distinct count on a field that is being filtered by a territory without using grouping because of the fact that I need to then pass this value over to another report. The easiest way would be something like this:
distinctcount({Comm_Link.CmLi_Comm_CompanyId}) if {Company.Comp_Territory}='Atlanta'
But for obvious reasons that won't work. Any thoughts?
what you have to do is a running total. Right click on {Comm_Link.CmLi_Comm_CompanyId} insert running total, type of summary will be distinct count and on evaluate where says Use a formula type your condition {Company.Comp_Territory}="Atlanta"
your formula and approach is wrong.. I doubt whether your formula compiled with out any errors...
first create the value and then find the distinct count
if {Company.Comp_Territory}='Atlanta'
Then {Comm_Link.CmLi_Comm_CompanyId}
Now in footer write or you can get it by right click on the filed.

Qlikview: Matching columns of two indirectly link tables does not work

Following is the data model of the dashboard I am facing problem in:
Now, what i want to achieve is that in Case there is a filed named Manufacturing_Date. And in MWODefetcs there is a field named Defect_Date. What i want is that when ever a record is selected from a table containing cases from Case corresponding records are shown in another table based on the exact match of Manufacturing_Date=Defect_Date.
As simple as it sounds, i can not seem to accomplish it. I have tried the following expressions to no avail:
sum({$<Defect_Date ={"=$(Manufacturing_Date__c)"}>}Defect_Date)
Do the 2 tables need to be directly linked. Is it the intermediary iFaults table that is preventing me to accomplish it?
Please help.
you should use the P() set expression like this:
sum({$<Defect_Date =P(Manufacturing_Date__c) >}Defect_Date)

Not getting the correct totals using Cognos Report Studio. Need to get totals that show up in column

if (([MonthToDateQuery].[G/L Account] = 4200 and [Query1].[G_L_Group] = 'NEW')) THEN ([Credit Amount]-[Debit Amount]) ELSE (0)
Data Item1
I need Data Item1 to return newparts_calc values only.
So for example in 1st row Data Item1 should be 8,540.8, but is 34,163.2
Whats wrong? how do i fix?
I apologize for not making sense on the original question.
I have many of the calc's that im trying to gather and put on a crosstab. I want to see sales by month (row) and part category (column)
[Query2] is the one shown in picture above.
It joins [MonthToDateQuery] AND [Query1]
The join is on 'Invoice' and carnality is 1..1 = 1..1
[MonthToDateQuery] is based on the package im working in. General ledger. It supplies the g/l entries for each sales g/l account
[Query1] is a SQL query i brought in to be able to break out categories even further from g/l group.
For example g/l account 4300 is rebuilt. However i needed to break out even further to see Rebuilt-Production and Rebuilt-New. I can do that with the g/l group.
I saw in my g/l account ledger entries that it referenced the invoice number. So thats how i tied in my SQL.
So as you can see from the table below (which is the view tabular data from query) i need a total. I have tried plugging newparts_calc into my crosstab and setting aggregation to total but the numbers still dont seem right. I dont think i have something set as it should be.
All the calc's im doing are based on single or multiple G/L Accounts and single or multiple G/L Groups.
Any Advice?
As you can see the problem seems to be duplicate invoice numbers.
How can i fix?
Couple things come to mind:
-Set the processing order to 2
-Since your calc is always a multiple and you are joining two queries, you may need to check your cardinality. Sometimes it helps to add derived queries to ensure you are working with the correct grain.
I'm obviously missing something, but if you want
I need Data Item1 to return newparts_calc values only.
just use newparts_calc, without total? That would give you proper value for row 1 -)
If you need a running-total for days (sum of values for previous days) — you should use a running_total function.
At a guess, one of your two queries is returning multiple rows for each invoice, which will cause this double counting. Look at the output of the two queries and see if that's happening. If so, then you just need to work out how to collapse that down to one row per invoice.
Per your new question - The underlying data has got to be causing the issue. Its clearly not 1:1 (note that even though this is what your stated cardinality is, Cognos does not enforce 1:1). Invoice number is not unique, GL Group is at a lower level.
