Read signal level for ppp connection on RasPI - raspberry-pi3

I have a RasPI 3 with SIM800L connected via UART.
I use PPP connection to enable network traffic, and I want to get the signal level via AT command but device is busy when PPP is on.
Is it possibile to access to signal level? Or send a AT commands?

You can suspend your PPP call using +++ escape sequence. Something you need to know about the escape sequence:
It doesn't end the PPP connection; it just makes you control again AT UART while in the background it is mantained active
Before sending it, you must avoid sending characters for 1 second
The +++ string needs to be sent with no further character in the middle within 1 second
After sending it, you must avoid sending characters for 1 second. Only then it will be interpreted as escape sequence (this is to avoid +++ to be misinterpreted as data)
After you receive the OK response, you have AT interface back and you can send AT commands without dropping PPP connection, for example your AT+CSQ command to query signal quality.
Of course it is better to avoid to stay too much in suspension, in order to avoid inactivity timeouts from the remote peer.
After you're done with the commands, you can restore data mode with ATOcommand.


Socat forking each TCP packet

In order to forward all the TCP packets over port 8000 I'm using socat -d -d tcp-l:8000,pktinfo,keepalive,keepidle=10,keepintvl=10,keepcnt=100,ignoreeof,fork system:'bash ./' with the fork option in order to support multiple connections.
Let's say reads one byte and reply to the socket with the same byte. Then, you connect to the port 8000, send 'a', and you read 'a', no problem so far.
Here's the tricky part: never stops (you can see the code here, where there's a while true). Following the previous example, imagine you send one byte and it replies forever with the same byte. So, you send 'a', you read 'aaaaa...'.
You may expect not to work if you send 'a' and then 'b' (as you're using the same connection, only one fork has been made and it's stuck in the while loop). But I'm reading both 'a' and 'b' from the connection, as if socat is making two forks over the same TCP connection.
Anyone knows if is's something related with the socat params? Thanks.
Edit: by printing the PID I can see it is forking twice the program, and by printing $SOCAT_PEERADDR:$SOCAT_PEERPORT I can see that it is changing the port (but the program that calls the .sh it's just opening one socket).

GSM SM5100B C M E E R R O R : 4 error

I am using Arduino to control an SM5100B GSM device, everything works except when I want to send an SMS after receiving another. I get this,
Error code:
O K > + C M G S : 2 5 O K + C M E E R R O R : 4
My code for handling the aforementioned received SMS:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Include the NewSoftSerial library to send serial commands to the cellular module.
char inchar; //Will hold the incoming character from the Serial Port.
SoftwareSerial cell(2,3);
char mobilenumber[] = "0597010129";
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
Serial.println("Initialize GSM module serial port for communication.");
delay(35000); // give time for GSM module to register on network etc.
Serial.println("delay off");
cell.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // set SMS mode to text
cell.println("AT+CNMI=3,3,0,0"); // set module to send SMS data to serial out upon receipt
void loop() {
if(cell.available() >0)//If a character comes in, from the cellular module
if (inchar=='#'){ // OK - the start of our command
if (inchar=='a'){
Serial.println("The folowing SMS : \n");;
if (inchar=='0'){ //sequance = #a0
Serial.println("#a0 was received");
else if (inchar=='1'){//sequance = #a1
Serial.println("#a1 was received ");
cell.println("AT+CMGD=1,4");// AT command to delete all msgs
Serial.println(" delete all SMS");
}//end of if(cell.available() >0) {...}
void sendSms(){
//cell.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // set SMS mode to text
cell.print("AT+CMGS="); // now send message...
cell.print((char)34); // ASCII equivalent of "
cell.println((char)34); // ASCII equivalent of "
delay(500); // give the module some thinking time
cell.print(":D hello m3alleg :D"); // our message to send
cell.println((char)26); // ASCII equivalent of Ctrl-Z
General note about your handling of AT commands.
No, no, no! This way of doing it will never work reliably. You MUST
wait for the > character to be received before sending "text
to send". Or actually it is not just the > character, it is four
characters. Quote from 3GPP specification 27.005:
the TA shall send a four character sequence
<CR><LF><greater_than><space> (IRA 13, 10, 62, 32) after command line
is terminated with <CR>; after that text can be entered from TE to
(TA (terminal adapter) here means modem and TE (terminal equipment) the sender of AT commands)
For any abortable AT command (and 27.005 clearly states for AT+CMGS
This command should be abortable.) the sending of any character will
abort the operation of the command. To quote ITU V.250:
5.6.1 Aborting commands
of commands is accomplished by the
transmission from the DTE to the DCE
of any character.
(DCE (data communication equipment) here means modem and DTE (data terminal equipment) the sender of AT commands)
This means that when you send "text to send" before "\r\n> " is sent
by the modem the command will be aborted. There is no way to wait "long
enough" for expecting the response be send. You MUST read and parse
the response text you get back from the modem.
The same applies for the final result code after each command (e.g. OK,
ERROR, CME ERROR and a few more). For instance sending "AT+CMGF=1"
and then sending the next command without first waiting for OK is begging
for problems. So always when sending AT commands, you MUST wait
for the final result code before sending the next command.
Please never, never use delay to wait for any AT command response. It's
as useful as kicking dogs that stand in your way in order to get them
to move. Yes it might actually work some times, but at some point you
will be sorry for taking that approach...
Answer to your question.
Based on the response you get, I can see that your problem is not command
abortion (although your parsing have serious problems as described above
that you should fix), and the CME ERROR is your best clue. From section
"9.2.1 General errors" in 27.007 it gives operation not supported as
description for value 4.
27.005 states that:
If sending fails in a network or an ME error, final result code +CMS ERROR: is returned.
Notice that this is +CMS ERROR and not +CME ERROR, but it is applicable, see below.
I guess that sequence of actions is as following:
The AT command handling part of the SM100B GSM modem accepts the sms data
and formats it in an appropriate format and sends it of to the part of the
modem that communicates with the GSM network. It successfully send the
sms data to the network and reports this back to the AT command handling
part which then prints +CMGS: 25 and final result code OK. However
after a short time the network sends back a rejection message for the sms,
which is then given as the +CME ERROR response.
If my guess above is correct, should the response have been delivered
as +CMS ERROR instead? No, because the final response
has for the AT+CMGS command has already been given (OK), and
returning multiple final result codes for a command should never be done
(except by mistake (note 1)).
And while +CME ERROR can replace the ERROR final result code,
it is not only a final result code. From the AT+CMEE command description:
Set command disables or enables the use of result code +CME ERROR: as an indication of an error relating to
the functionality of the MT. When enabled, MT related errors cause +CME ERROR: final result code instead
of the regular ERROR final result code. ERROR is returned normally when error is related to syntax, invalid parameters,
or TA functionality.
Thus +CME ERROR can both be an final result code as well as an unsolicited
result code (possibly also an intermediate result code).
But could not the AT+CMGS command have waited to receive the network
rejection and returned +CMS ERROR? Probably not. Without knowing too
much about the network details of sms sending, it might be the case
that rejection today might occur at a much later time than before. Such
changes are sometimes a problem with GSM related AT commands which have
an old heritage that was originally tightly tied to GSM behaviour which
some times becomes less and less true as the technology moves to GPRS,
UMTS, LTE, etc.
Note 1:
One of my former colleagues used to complain about the way the standard
have specified voice call handling, because after a ATD1234; command
you first get the final result code OK, and then later when the call is
ended you get a new final result code NO CARRIER. This just horribly
bad design, the call end indication should have been a specific unsolicited
response and not a final response.
So to summarise
Your sms seems to be rejected by the network. Try to find out why.
You also have some serious problems with your AT command handling
that you should fix; there is no way to handle AT commands without
reading and parsing the response text from the modem.
cell.println("AT+CNMI=3,3,0,0"); // set module to send SMS data to
serial out upon receipt
For anyone who is looking for answer to the same problem I had:
I was trying to wake up gsm module from sleep mode by sending sms and it didn't work right away. Phone call goes straight to UART, but for sms you have to use this command to set module to send SMS data to serial port upon receipt .

Block TCP-send till ACK returned

I am programming a client application sending TCP/IP packets to a server. Because of timeout issues I want to start a timer as soon as the ACK-Package is returned (so there can be no timeout while the package has not reached the server). I want to use the winapi.
Setting the Socket to blocking mode doesn't help, because the send command returns as soon as the data is written into the buffer (if I am not mistaken). Is there a way to block send till the ACK was returned, or is there any other way to do this without writing my own TCP-implementation?
It sounds like you want to do the minimum implementation to achieve your goal. In this case you should set your socket to blocking, and following the send which blocks until all data is sent, you call recv which in turn will block until the ACK packet is received or the server end closes or aborts the connection.
If you wanted to go further with your implementation you'd have to structure your client application in such a way that supports asynchronous communication. There are a few techniques with varying degrees of complexity; polling using select() simple, event model using WSASelectEvent/WSAWaitForMultipleEvents challenging, and the IOCompletionPort model which is very complicated.
peudocode... Will wait until ack is recevied, after which time you can call whatever functionallity you want -i chose some made up function send_data.. which would then send information over the socket after receiving the ack.
data = ''
while True
readable, writable, errors = select([socket])
if socket in readble
data += recv(socket)
if is_ack(data)
timer.start() #not sure why you want this

server using an overlapped named pipe : how to use GetOverlappedResult() with ReadFile()?

I have written a server and a client that are using an overlapped named pipe. My problem is mainly with Readfile() and GetOverlappedResult().
Note that this program is a test code. It will be integrated later in a framework (I'm porting linux code to unix that uses AF_UNIX adress family for socket connections)
I describe the server part. I have 2 threads :
1) the main thread opens an overlapped named pipe, then loop over WaitForMultipleObjects(). WaitForMultipleObjects() waits for 3 events: the 1st one waits for a client to connect. The 2nd allows me to cleanly quit the program. The 3rd is signaled when an operation is pending in ReadFile().
2) The second thread is launched when the client is connected. It loops over ReadFile().
Here is the server code:
I mainly used MSDN doc (named pipe server using overlapped I/O, named pipe client), the SDK, and other doc on internet, to write that code. Look in [1] for the client code. The client code needs some love, but for now, I focus on making the server working perfectly.
There are 4 functions in the server code (i forget the function that display error messages):
a) svr_new: it creates the overlapped named pipe and the 3 events, and calls ConnectNamedPipe()
b) svr_del frees all the resources
c) _read_data_cb: the thread that calls ReadFile()
d) the main() function (the main thread), which loops over WaitForMultipleObjects()
My aim is to detect in _read_data_cb() when the client disconnects (ReadFile() fails and GetLastError() returns ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) and when data comes from the client.
What I don't understand:
Should I call GetOverlappedResult() ?
If yes, where ? When ReadFile() fails and GetLastError() returns ERROR_IO_PENDING (line 50 of the paste) ? When WaitForMultipleObjects() returns (line 303 of the paste, I commented the code there) ? Somewhere else ?
I do a ResetEvent of the event of ReadFile() when WaitForMultipleObjects() returns (line 302 of the paste). Is it the correct place to call it ?
With the code I pasted, here is the result if the client sends these 24 bytes (the ReadFile() buffer is of size 5 bytes. I intentionnaly set that value to test what to do if a client sends some data larger than the ReadFile() buffer)
message : "salut, c'est le client !"
$ ./server.exe
waiting for client...
WaitForMultipleObjects : 0
client connected (1)
WaitForMultipleObjects : 2
* ReadFile : 5
WaitForMultipleObjects : 2
* ReadFile : 5
WaitForMultipleObjects : 2
* ReadFile : 5
WaitForMultipleObjects : 2
* ReadFile : 5
WaitForMultipleObjects : 2
* ReadFile : 4
Note: WaitForMultipleObjects() can be called less than that, it seems random.
So, in my code, I do not call getOverlappedResult(), ReadFile() succeeds (il reads 5*4 + 4 = 24 bytes), but I don't know when the read operation has finished.
Note: I I add a printf() when ReadFile() fails with ERROR_IO_PENDING, that printf() is called indefinitely.
In addition, the client sends 2 messages. The one above, and another one 3seconds later. The 2nd message is never read and ReadFile() fails with the error ERROR_SUCCESS... (so to be precise, ReadFile() returns FALSE and GetLastError() returns ERROR_SUCCESS)
So, I'm completely lost. I have searched hours on Internet, in MSDN, in the SDK code (Server32.c and Client32.c). I still do not know what to do in my specific case.
So, ca someone explain me how to use GetOverlappedResult() (if I have to use it) to know how to check if the read operation finished, and where ? And even, if someone can fix my code :-) I gave the code so that everyone can test it (i find a lot of doc on internet, but it is almost always not precise at all :-/ )
thank you
Take a look at I/O Completion Ports. In my opinion it's the most efficient way to receive and handle notifications about overlapped operations in Windows. So basically you will need to use GetQueuedCompletionStatus and GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx in blocking and non-blocking mode when you're ready to process new completion events, instead of calling GetOverlappedResult from time to time. As a matter of fact, you can even get rid of WaitForMultipleObjects completely.
Also, which flavor of Unix are you targeting? In Solaris there's a very similar abstraction. Check out man port_create.
Unfortunately, there's nothing similar in Linux. Signals (including real-time) can be used to some extent as waitable completion objects, but they are not as comprehensive as the ports in Windows and Solaris.

Ruby TCPSocket write doesn't work, but puts does?

I'm working on a Ruby TCP client/server app using GServer and TCPSocket. I've run into a problem that I don't understand. My TCPSocket client successfully connects to my GServer, but I can only send data using puts. Calls to TCPSocket.send or TCPSocket.write do nothing. Is there some magic that I'm missing?
tcp_client = ipaddr, port )
tcp_client.puts( 'Z' ) # -> GServer receives "Z\n"
But if I use write or send...
tcp_client = ipaddr, port )
tcp_client.write( 'Z' ) # -> nothing is received
tcp_client.send( 'Z' ) # -> nothing is received
Thanks for the help
Additional information:
The behavior is the same on Linux & Windows.
Flushing the socket after write doesn't change the behavior.
Are you sure the problem isn't on the server side? Are you using some method to read that expects a string or something ending in "\n"?
With buffering taken care of in previous posts to address the question of whether the data is being sent consider capturing the data on the line using something like wireshark. If the data you are sending is seen on the line then the server isn't receiving it.
Otherwise, if the data isn't going onto the line, TCP may hold onto data to avoid sending a single segment with only a few bytes in it (see Nagle's Algorithm). Depending on your OS or TCP vendor you may have different behaviour, but most TCP stacks support the TCP_NODELAY option which may help get the data out in a more timely manner.
tcp_client.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1)
This can help debugging, but typically shouldn't be left in production code if throughput is higher priority than responsiveness.
Try explicitly flushing:
tcp_client = ipaddr, port )
tcp_client.write( 'Z' )
tcp_client.send( 'Z' )
This way, the output is buffered at most only until the point at which you decide it should be sent out.
Hi there the reason should be related to the fact puts add automatic LF and CRL to your string.
If you want to use send or write you need to add them yourself so for instance that would be:
tcp_client.send( "Z\r\n",0)
I had the same problem, so after reading the socket, I had to explicitly delete the last instance of "\n" by doing the following:
client_socket.gets.gsub(/\n$/, '')
