How do I execute onSubscribe action of do operator in Main thread - rx-swift

I execute UI related operation in the onSubscribe action of do operator. I obtain an
Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread
console error in Xcode. I tried to use observe(on: MainScheduler.instance) but without success.
This my snippet:
checkCurrentNetworkAndConnect().observe(on: MainScheduler.instance).do(onSubscribe: {
// UI related stuff
I also tried with subscribe(on: MainScheduler.instance) but doesn't work.
How can I achieve this?

This will happen if you are calling subscribe on a background thread. If you call subscribe on a background thread, then the Observable will be subscribed to on that background thread. To solve this, you will need to use subscribe(on:) after the do operator...
Something like this:
func example() {
.do(onSubscribe: {
print("UI related stuff")
.subscribe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
With the above, even if you call example() on a background thread, the onSubscribe: closure will be executed on the main thread.
If for some reason you also want the checkCurrentNetworkAndConnect() on a background thread, then you can do that with another subscribe(on:) above the do.
All this said, you should not be performing significant side effects inside a do(onSubscribe:) in the first place. It's one thing to put debug code in there but not anything more than that. I've been using RxSwift for 6 years and I've never needed to use a do(onSubscribe:) at all, much less for significant code. There is likely a better way to accomplish the ultimate goal you are trying to accomplish.
In response to your comment. How you go about doing what you want depends very much on specifics not provided. Below I have made some simplifying assumptions. If your problem is different, I suggest you post a new question with the details...
func example(operations: [Observable<Void>], messages: [String], label: UILabel, disposeBag: DisposeBag) {
Observable.concat(operations.enumerated().map { index, op in { messages[index + 1] }
.observe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
.bind(to: label.rx.text)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
The code above assumes:
that you have an array of operations expressed as observables
that none of them need data provided by a previous operation
that none of them emit data you care to use or keep
that every operation has a message that needs to be displayed before the operation starts
that there is an additional message to be displayed when the last operation completes


Launch one Coroutine at a time - Kotlin

We have a button in the UI, which, when pressed, will make some remote network call in its own coroutine. However, if the user spams the button for whatever reason, it is possible that the remote data might somehow get corrupted. We would like to prevent this by discarding all requests until the current one is completed.
There are many ways to do this. I have create a simple extension function on CoroutineScope to only launch if the CoroutineScope is not active. This is what I have created:
Extension Function
fun CoroutineScope.safeLaunch(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, block: () -> Unit): Job {
return if (!isActive) {
launch(dispatcher) {
} else {
launch {}
Example Use
fun loadNotifications() {
viewModelScope.safeLaunch(IO) {
getNotifications.invoke() // Suspend function invoke should only be from a coroutine or another suspend function
The problem is, the above won't compile as I get an error saying
Suspend function invoke should only be from a coroutine or another
suspend function
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or how to make it work?
There are multiple problems with this code:
Fixing the error you mentioned is very easy and requires to only specify block as suspendable: block: suspend () -> Unit.
isActive doesn't mean the job/scope is actively running something, but that it hasn't finished. isActive in your example always returns true, even before launching any coroutine on it.
If your server can't handle concurrent actions, then you should really fix this on server side. Limiting the client isn't a proper fix as it can be still exploited by users. Also, you need to remember that multiple clients can perform the same action at the same time.
As you mentioned, there are several ways how this situation can be handled on the client side:
In the case of UI and the button, it is probably the best for the user experience to disable the button or overlay the screen/button with a loading indicator. It gives the user the feedback that the operation is running in the background and at the same time it fixes the problem with multiple calls to the server.
In general case, if we just need to limit concurrency and reject any additional tasks while the last one is still running, probably the easiest is to use Mutex:
private val scope = CoroutineScope(EmptyCoroutineContext)
private val mutex = Mutex()
fun safeLaunch(block: suspend () -> Unit) {
if (!mutex.tryLock()) {
scope.launch {
try {
} finally {
Note we need a separate mutex per scope or per the type of the task. I don't think it is possible to create such utility as a generic extension function, working with any coroutine scope. Actually, we can implement it in a very similar way to your original code, but by looking at the current job's children. Still, I consider such solution hacking and I discourage it.

[kotlin]Mark function as suspendable

I got following functions for making server calls
suspend fun <T: BaseResponse> processPost(post:Post):T? {
val gson=Gson()
val data=gson.toJson(post.reqData)
val res= sendPost(data,post.script)
//process response here
return null
private fun sendPost(data:String,url:String):Pair<String,Int> {
//send data to server
In some cases processPost may enter into infinite loop(for instance to wait for access token refresh).Of course this code should never be run on the main thread.But when I mark this function as suspend IDE is highliting it as redundant.Its not big deal but I'm curious how then can I restrict function execution on the main thread?
It seems that you have quite some learning on coroutines to do. It’s impossible to cover all you need to know in one single answer. That’s what tutorials are for. Anyway I will try to answer just the points you asked. It may not make sense before you learn the concepts, I’m sorry if my answer does not help.
Just like many other things, coroutines are not magic. If you don’t understand what something does, you cannot hope it has the properties you want. It may sound harsh but I want to stress that such mentality is a major cause of bugs.
Making a function suspending allows you to call other suspending functions in the function body. It does not make blocking calls non-blocking, nor does it automatically jump threads for you.
You can use withContext to have the execution jump to another thread.
suspend fun xyz() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
When you call xyz in the main thread, it’ll hand the task to the IO dispatcher. Without being blocked, it can then handle other stuff in the app.
EDIT regarding the comment.
Sorry for being so patronizing and making a wrong guess about your misconception.
If you just want the compiler/the IDE to shut up about the warning, you can simply add #Suppress("RedundantSuspendModifier") to the function. But you shouldn't, because the compiler knows better than you, at least for now.
The great thing about coroutines is that you can write in direct style without blocking the main thread.
launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val result = makeAnHttpCall() // this can take a long time
messWithUi(result) // changes to the UI has to be in the main thread
I hope it is obvious by now that the suspend modifier is not going to stop the main thread from calling the function.
suspend fun someHeavyComputation(): Result {
return ...
launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val result = someHeavyComputation() // this will run in the main thread
Now if you want the computation not to be done in the main thread:
suspend fun someHeavyComputation() = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
... // this will be in a thread pool
Further reading: Blocking threads, suspending coroutines.

Are hot non completing database observables a Rx usecase? Side-effect writing issue

I have more of a opinions question, asi if this, what many people do, should be a Rx use case.
In apps there is usually sql database, which is queried by UI as a observable, which emits after the query is loaded + anytime data changes (Room / SqlDelight etc)
Reads sound okay, however, is it possible to have "pure" writes to the database?
Writing to the database might look like this
fun sync() = Completable.fromCallable {
// do something
SomeUi {
init {
.subscribe { show list }
Imagine you want to display progressbar while this Completable is in flight.
What is effectively happening here is sideffecting to the database. Which means the opened database observable will re-emit when the data is written, but still before the sync() returns (assuming single threaded for simplicity)
Now there is point in time where there is new data in the UI and the progressbar is shown. (and worse with multithreading timings) This is invalid state.
In imperative world, sync would provide a completion callback, in which one would reload the query manually + show/hide progressbar synchronously. (And somehow block the database change listener for duration of the sync writes?)
Is there a way around this at all?

Async table creation and query advantages / disadvantages

In my application I have the following:
From what I understand there is an Async way to do this also:
Can someone explain if there is any advantage in me using the Async way and do people normally always use the Async?
Also are there likely to be benefits if I use this type of Async query:
public Task<TodoItem> GetItemAsync(int id)
return database.Table<TodoItem>().Where(i => i.ID == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
When calling the methods on the main (UI) thread everything on the UI stops for as long as it takes that method to execute. If db2.CreateTable<CategoryGroup>() doesn't take up much time when doing it's thing, it shouldn't be a problem.
Doing a lot of time consuming actions straight after each other might affect your UI and make it freeze.
Calling the *Async variant of the method moves the work to a background thread, via the task API. Calling Wait() on that task, though, makes the current thread (in this case the UI thread) wait for the task to finish, and you're stuck with the same problem.
You should always await tasks: await database.CreateTableAsync<TodoItem>(). This will let it execute on a background thread and not make the current thread wait for it to finish. The next line in your code won't be executed until the Task is finished though. When you write the code, it makes the `Async variant look like it's behaving like the regular version.
Personally, I'd probably move all the methods into a task and just await that. That way you're not returning to the UI thread between each task to execute the next one:
await Task.Run(() =>
In this case you're making the database do all it's work on a background thread (and not freezing the UI while it's doing it). It then returns the result to the UI thread to enable you to update UI.
public Task<TodoItem> GetItemAsync(int id)
return database.Table<TodoItem>().Where(i => i.ID == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

What is considered overloading the main thread?

I am displaying information from a data model on a user interface. My current approach to doing so is by means of delegation as follows:
#protocol DataModelDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)updateUIFromDataModel;
I am implementing the delegate method in my controller class as follows, using GCD to push the UI updating to the main thread:
- (void)updateUIFromDataModel {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Code to update various UI controllers
// ...
// ...
What I am concerned about is that in some situations, this method can be called very frequently (~1000 times per second, each updating multiple UI objects), which to me feels very much like I am 'spamming' the main thread with commands.
Is this too much to be sending to the main thread? If so does anyone have any ideas on what would be the best way of approaching this?
I have looked into dispatch_apply, but that appears to be more useful when coalescing data, which is not what I am after - I really just want to skip updates if they are too frequent so only a sane amount of updates are sent to the main thread!
I was considering taking a different approach and implementing a timer instead to constantly poll the data, say every 10 ms, however since the data updating tends to be sporadic I feel that it would be wasteful to do so.
Combining both approaches, another option I have considered would be to wait for an update message and respond by setting the timer to poll the data at a set interval, and then disabling the timer if the data appears to have stopped changing. But would this be over-complicating the issue, and would the sane approach be to simply have a constant timer running?
edit: Added an answer below showing the adaptations using a dispatch source
One option is to use a Dispatch Source with type DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_OR which lets you post events repeatedly and have libdispatch combine them together for you. When you have something to post, you use dispatch_source_merge_data to let it know there's something new to do. Multiple calls to dispatch_source_merge_data will be coalesced together if the target queue (in your case, the main queue) is busy.
I have been experimenting with dispatch sources and got it working as expected now - Here is how I have adapted my class implementation in case it is of use to anyone who comes across this question:
#implementation AppController {
dispatch_source_t _gcdUpdateUI;
- (void)awakeFromNib {
// Added the following code to set up the dispatch source event handler:
_gcdUpdateUI = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_ADD, 0, 0,
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(_gcdUpdateUI, ^{
// For each UI element I want to update, pull data from model object:
// For testing purposes - print out a notification:
printf("Data Received. Messages Passed: %ld\n",
And now in the delegate method I have removed the call to dispatch_async, and replaced it with the following:
- (void)updateUIFromDataModel {
dispatch_source_merge_data(_gcdUpdateUI, 1);
This is working absolutely fine for me. Now Even during the most intense data updating the UI stays perfectly responsive.
Although the printf() output was a very crude way of checking if the coalescing is working, a quick scrolling back up the console output showed me that the majority of the messages print outs had a value 1 (easily 98% of them), however there were the intermittent jumps to around 10-20, reaching a peak value of just over 100 coalesced messages around a time when the model was sending the most update messages.
Thanks again for the help!
If the app beach-balls under heavy load, then you've blocked the main thread for too long and you need to implement a coalescing strategy for UI updates. If the app remains responsive to clicks, and doesn't beach-ball, then you're fine.
