What is considered overloading the main thread? - macos

I am displaying information from a data model on a user interface. My current approach to doing so is by means of delegation as follows:
#protocol DataModelDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)updateUIFromDataModel;
I am implementing the delegate method in my controller class as follows, using GCD to push the UI updating to the main thread:
- (void)updateUIFromDataModel {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Code to update various UI controllers
// ...
// ...
What I am concerned about is that in some situations, this method can be called very frequently (~1000 times per second, each updating multiple UI objects), which to me feels very much like I am 'spamming' the main thread with commands.
Is this too much to be sending to the main thread? If so does anyone have any ideas on what would be the best way of approaching this?
I have looked into dispatch_apply, but that appears to be more useful when coalescing data, which is not what I am after - I really just want to skip updates if they are too frequent so only a sane amount of updates are sent to the main thread!
I was considering taking a different approach and implementing a timer instead to constantly poll the data, say every 10 ms, however since the data updating tends to be sporadic I feel that it would be wasteful to do so.
Combining both approaches, another option I have considered would be to wait for an update message and respond by setting the timer to poll the data at a set interval, and then disabling the timer if the data appears to have stopped changing. But would this be over-complicating the issue, and would the sane approach be to simply have a constant timer running?
edit: Added an answer below showing the adaptations using a dispatch source

One option is to use a Dispatch Source with type DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_OR which lets you post events repeatedly and have libdispatch combine them together for you. When you have something to post, you use dispatch_source_merge_data to let it know there's something new to do. Multiple calls to dispatch_source_merge_data will be coalesced together if the target queue (in your case, the main queue) is busy.

I have been experimenting with dispatch sources and got it working as expected now - Here is how I have adapted my class implementation in case it is of use to anyone who comes across this question:
#implementation AppController {
dispatch_source_t _gcdUpdateUI;
- (void)awakeFromNib {
// Added the following code to set up the dispatch source event handler:
_gcdUpdateUI = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_ADD, 0, 0,
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(_gcdUpdateUI, ^{
// For each UI element I want to update, pull data from model object:
// For testing purposes - print out a notification:
printf("Data Received. Messages Passed: %ld\n",
And now in the delegate method I have removed the call to dispatch_async, and replaced it with the following:
- (void)updateUIFromDataModel {
dispatch_source_merge_data(_gcdUpdateUI, 1);
This is working absolutely fine for me. Now Even during the most intense data updating the UI stays perfectly responsive.
Although the printf() output was a very crude way of checking if the coalescing is working, a quick scrolling back up the console output showed me that the majority of the messages print outs had a value 1 (easily 98% of them), however there were the intermittent jumps to around 10-20, reaching a peak value of just over 100 coalesced messages around a time when the model was sending the most update messages.
Thanks again for the help!

If the app beach-balls under heavy load, then you've blocked the main thread for too long and you need to implement a coalescing strategy for UI updates. If the app remains responsive to clicks, and doesn't beach-ball, then you're fine.


How can I write a save GUI-Aktor for Scalafx?

Basically I want an Aktor to change a scalafx-GUI safely.
I've read many posts describing this, but there where sometimes contradictory and some years old, so some of them might be outdated.
I have a working example code and I basically want to know if this kind of programming is thread-save.
The other question is if I can configure sbt or the compiler or something in a way, that all threads (from the gui, the actors and the futures) are started by the same dispatcher.
I've found some example code "scalafx-akka-demo" on GitHub, which is 4 years old. What I did in the following example is basically the same, just a little simplified to keep things easy.
Then there is the scalatrix-example approximately with the same age. This example really worries me.
In there is a self-written dispatcher from Viktor Klang from 2012, and I have no idea how to make this work or if I really need it. The question is: Is this dispatcher only an optimisation or do I have to use something like it to be thread save?
But even if I don't absolutely need the dispatcher like in scalatrix, it is not optimal to have a dispatcher for the aktor-threads and one for the scalafx-event-threads. (And maybe one for the Futures-threads as well?)
In my actual project, I have some measurement values coming from a device over TCP-IP, going to an TCP-IP actor and are to be displayed in a scalafx-GUI. But this is much to long.
So here is my example code:
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.{JFXApp, Platform}
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.Button
import scalafx.stage.WindowEvent
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
object Main extends JFXApp {
case object Count
case object StopCounter
case object CounterReset
val aktorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("My-Aktor-system") // Create actor context
val guiActor: ActorRef = aktorSystem.actorOf(Props(new GUIActor), "guiActor") // Create GUI actor
val button: Button = new Button(text = "0") {
onAction = (_: ActionEvent) => guiActor ! Count
val someComputation = Future {
println("Doing counter reset")
guiActor ! CounterReset
Platform.runLater(button.text = "0")
class GUIActor extends Actor {
def receive: Receive = counter(1)
def counter(n: Int): Receive = {
case Count =>
Platform.runLater(button.text = n.toString)
println("The count is: " + n)
context.become(counter(n + 1))
case CounterReset => context.become(counter(1))
case StopCounter => context.system.terminate()
stage = new PrimaryStage {
scene = new Scene {
root = button
onCloseRequest = (_: WindowEvent) => {
guiActor ! StopCounter
Await.ready(aktorSystem.whenTerminated, 5.seconds)
So this code brings up a button, and every time it is clicked the number of the button increases. After some time the number on the button is reset once.
In this example-code I tried to bring the scalafx-GUI, the actor and the Future to influence each other. So the button click sends a message to the actor, and then the actor changes the gui - which is what I am testing here.
The Future also sends to the actor and changes the gui.
So far, this example works and I haven't found everything wrong with it.
But unfortunately, when it comes to thread-safety this doesn't mean much
My concrete questions are:
Is the method to change the gui in the example code thread save?
Is there may be a better way to do it?
Can the different threads be started from the same dispatcher?
(if yes, then how?)
To address your questions:
1) Is the method to change the gui in the example code thread save?
JavaFX, which ScalaFX sits upon, implements thread safety by insisting that all GUI interactions take place upon the JavaFX Application Thread (JAT), which is created during JavaFX initialization (ScalaFX takes care of this for you). Any code running on a different thread that interacts with JavaFX/ScalaFX will result in an error.
You are ensuring that your GUI code executes on the JAT by passing interacting code via the Platform.runLater method, which evaluates its arguments on the JAT. Because arguments are passed by name, they are not evaluated on the calling thread.
So, as far as JavaFX is concerned, your code is thread safe.
However, potential issues can still arise if the code you pass to Platform.runLater contains any references to mutable state maintained on other threads.
You have two calls to Platform.runLater. In the first of these (button.text = "0"), the only mutable state (button.text) belongs to JavaFX, which will be examined and modified on the JAT, so you're good.
In the second call (button.text = n.toString), you're passing the same JavaFX mutable state (button.text). But you're also passing a reference to n, which belongs to the GUIActor thread. However, this value is immutable, and so there are no threading issues from looking at its value. (The count is maintained by the Akka GUIActor class's context, and the only interactions that change the count come through Akka's message handling mechanism, which is guaranteed to be thread safe.)
That said, there is one potential issue here: the Future both resets the count (which will occur on the GUIActor thread) as well as setting the text to "0" (which will occur on the JAT). Consequently, it's possible that these two actions will occur in an unexpected order, such as button's text being changed to "0" before the count is actually reset. If this occurs simultaneously with the user clicking the button, you'll get a race condition and it's conceivable that the displayed value may end up not matching the current count.
2) Is there may be a better way to do it?
There's always a better way! ;-)
To be honest, given this small example, there's not a lot of further improvement to be made.
I would try to keep all of the interaction with the GUI inside either GUIActor, or the Main object to simplify the threading and synchronization issues.
For example, going back to the last point in the previous answer, rather than have the Future update button.text, it would be better if that was done as part of the CounterReset message handler in GUIActor, which then guarantees that the counter and button appearance are synchronized correctly (or, at least, that they're always updated in the same order), with the displayed value guaranteed to match the count.
If your GUIActor class is handling a lot of interaction with the GUI, then you could have it execute all of its code on the JAT (I think this was the purpose of Viktor Klang's example), which would simplify a lot of its code. For example, you would not have to call Platform.runLater to interact with the GUI. The downside is that you then cannot perform processing in parallel with the GUI, which might slow down its performance and responsiveness as a result.
3) Can the different threads be started from the same dispatcher? (if yes, then how?)
You can specify custom execution contexts for both futures and Akka actors to get better control of their threads and dispatching. However, given Donald Knuth's observation that "premature optimization is the root of all evil", there's no evidence that this would provide you with any benefits whatsoever, and your code would become significantly more complicated as a result.
As far as I'm aware, you can't change the execution context for JavaFX/ScalaFX, since JAT creation must be finely controlled in order to guarantee thread safety. But I could be wrong.
In any case, the overhead of having different dispatchers is not going to be high. One of the reasons for using futures and actors is that they will take care of these issues for you by default. Unless you have a good reason to do otherwise, I would use the defaults.

Project reactor processors v3.X

We are trying to migrate from 2.X to 3.X.
We have used the EventBus as event manager in our application(Low latency FX system) and it works very well for us.
After the change we decided to take every module and create his own processor to handle event.
1. Does this use seems to be correct from your point of view? Because lack of document at the current stage and after reviewing everything we could we don't really know what to do here
2. We have tried to use Flux in order to perform action every X interval
For example: Market is arriving 1000 for 1 second but we want to process an update only 4 time in a second. After upgrading we are using:
Processor with buffer and sending to another method.
In this method we have Flux that get list and try to work in parallel in order to complete his task.
We had 2 major problems:
1. Sometimes we received Null event which we cannot find that our system is sending to i suppose maybe we are miss using the processor
//Definition of processor
ReplayProcessor<Event> classAEventProcessor = ReplayProcessor.create();
//Event handler subscribing
public void onMyEventX(Consumer<Event> consumer) {
Flux<Event> handler = classAEventProcessor .filter(event -> event.getType().equals(EVENT_X));
in the example above the event in the handler sometimes get null.. Once he does the stream stop working until we are restating server(Because only on restart we are doing creating processor)
2.We have tried to us parallel but sometimes some of the message were disappeared so maybe we are misusing the framework
//On constructor
tickProcessor.buffer(1024, Duration.of(250, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)).subscribe(markets ->
.doOnNext(entryMap -> {
The intention of this is that the processor will wakeup every 250ms and invoke the handler. The handler will work work with Flux parallel in order to make better and faster processing.
*In case that DoBlockingWork takes more than 250ms i couldn't understand what will be the behavior
The EventBus was wrapped by us and every event subscribed throw the wrapped event manager.
Now we have tried to create event processor for every module but it works very slow. We have used TopicProcessor with ThreadExecutor and still very slow.. EventBus did the same work in high speed
Anyone has any idea? BTW when i tried to use DirectProcessor it seems to work much better that the TopicProcessor
Reactor 3 is built around the concept that you should avoid blocking as much as you can, so in your second snippet DoBlockingWork doesn't look good.
How are the events generated? Do you maybe have an listener-based asynchronous API to get them? If so, you could try using Flux.create.
For your use case of "we have 1000 events in 1 second, but only want to process 4", I'd chain a sample operator. For instance, sample(Duration.ofMillis(250)) will divide each second into 4 windows, from which it will only emit the last element.
The reference guide is being written, as well as a page where you can find links to external articles and learning material.There's a preview of the WIP reference guide here and the learning resources page here.

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest deprecated

Today, I had to restart my browser due to some issue with an extension. What I found when I restarted it, was that my browser (Chromium) automatically updated to a new version that doesn't allow synchronous AJAX-requests anymore. Quote:
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of
its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help,
check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
I need synchronous AJAX-requests for my node.js applications to work though, as they store and load data from disk through a server utilizing fopen. I found this to be a very simplistic and effective way of doing things, very handy in the creation of little hobby projects and editors... Is there a way to re-enable synchronous XMLHttpRequests in Chrome/Chromium?
This answer has been edited.
Short answer:
They don't want sync on the main thread.
The solution is simple for new browsers that support threads/web workers:
var foo = new Worker("scriptWithSyncRequests.js")
Neither DOM nor global vairables aren't going to be visible within a worker but encapsulation of multiple synchronous requests is going to be really easy.
Alternative solution is to switch to async but to use browser localStorage along with JSON.stringify as a medium. You might be able to mock localStorage if you allowed to do some IO.
Just for fun, there are alternative hacks if we want to restrict our self using only sync:
It is tempting to use setTimeout because one might think it is a good way to encapsulate synchronous requests together. Sadly, there is a gotcha. Async in javascript doesn't mean it gets to run in its own thread. Async is likely postponing the call, waiting for others to finish. Lucky for us there is light at the end of the tunnel because it is likely you can use xhttp.timeout along with xhttp.ontimeout to recover. See Timeout XMLHttpRequest
This means we can implement tiny version of a schedular that handles failed request and allocates time to try again or report error.
// The basic idea.
function runSchedular(s)
setTimeout(function() {
if (s.ptr < callQueue.length) {
// Handles rescheduling if needed by pushing the que.
// Remember to set time for xhttp.timeout.
// Use xhttp.ontimeout to set default return value for failure.
// The pushed function might do something like: (in pesudo)
// if !d1
// d1 = get(http...?query);
// if !d2
// d2 = get(http...?query);
// if (!d1) {pushQue tryAgainLater}
// if (!d2) {pushQue tryAgainLater}
// if (d1 && d2) {pushQue handleData}
s = s.callQueue[s.ptr++](s);
} else {
// Clear the que when there is nothing more to do.
s.ptr = 0;
s.callQueue = [];
// You could implement an idle counter and increase this value to free
// CPU time.
s.t = 200;
}, s.t);
Doesn't "deprecated" mean that it's available, but won't be forever. (I read elsewhere that it won't be going away for a number of years.) If so, and this is for hobby projects, then perhaps you could use async: false for now as a quick way to get the job done?

Concurrent Collection, reporting custom progress data to UI when parallel tasking

I have a concurrent collection that contains 100K items. The processing of each item in the collection can take as little as 100ms or as long as 10 seconds. I want to speed things up by parallelizing the processing, and have a 100 minions doing the work simultaneously. I also have to report some specific data to the UI as this processing occurs, not simply a percentage complete.
I want the parallelized sub-tasks to nibble away at the concurrent collection like a school of minnows attacking a piece of bread tossed into a pond. How do I expose the concurrent collection to the parallelized tasks? Can I have a normal loop and simply launch an async task inside the loop and pass it an IProgress? Do I even need the concurrent collection for this?
It has been recommended to me that I use Parallel.ForEach but I don't see how each sub-process established by the degrees of parallelism could report a custom object back to the UI with each item it processes, not only after it has finished processing its share of the 100K items.
The framework already provides the IProgress inteface for this purpose, and an implementation in Progress. To report progress, call IProgress.Report with a progressvalue. The value T can be any type, not just a number.
Each IProgress implementation can work in its own way. Progress raises an event and calls a callback you pass to it when you create it.
Additionally, Progress.Report executes asynchronously. Under the covers, it uses SychronizationContext.Post to execute its callback and all event handlers on the thread that created the Progress instance.
Assuming you create a progress value class like this:
class ProgressValue
public long Step{get;set;}
public string Message {get;set;}
You could write something like this:
IProgress<ProgressValue> myProgress=new Progress<ProgressValue>(p=>
IList<int> myVeryLargeList=...;
//Do some heavy work
myProgress.Report(new ProgressValue
Message=String.Format("Processed step {0}",step);
Oops! Progress implements IProgress explicitly. You have to cast it to IProgress , as #Tim noticed.
Fixed the code to explicitly declare myProgress as an IProgress.

Updating UI in Cocoa from another .m file

I have a GUI app that has a main thread and then I use NSOperation to run 2 other threads once the user clicks the Start button. Now one thread calculates a certain value and updates it. What I want thread 2 to do is to pick this value up and update the UI.
How do I get a IBOutlet Textfield value to get updated on the UI from this second thread ?
main.m --- handles the UI and has code to start the 2 threads when the user hits the Start Button.
thread1.m -- calculates a particular value and keeps doing it until the user hits stop.
thread2.m - Need to use this thread to update the UI in main.m with the the value that thread1.m calculates.
I am unable to accomplish the thread2.m task and update the UI. My issue is that how do I define a IBOutlet and update it with a value from thread2/1 so that the main.m has access to this value and updates the UI. I have access to the actual variable in main.m and can print it out using NSLog. Its just that I am getting stuck on how to update the UI with this value. As I need to have theIBOutlet in main.m to tie it with the UILabel in the app. Any ideas guys ? Thanks.
Could you add pointers to your thread1.m and thread2.m files? Then set them with either a constructor method or some accessor methods?
If I understand the situation you described in your example, and assuming what you are calculating is an int (you can modify as you need):
Add an accessor to thread1.m
//Assume that you get calculatedValue from whereever else in your thread.
return calculatedValue;
Then add to thread2.m
NSTextField *guiTextField;
Thread1 *thread1;
-(void) setThread: (Thread1 *aThread)
self.thread1 = aThread;
-(void) setGuiTextField: (NSTextField *aTextField)
self.guiTextField = aTextField;
-(void) updateGUI()
[guiTextField setStringValue: [thread1 showCurrentCalcValue]];
Presuming your main.m is something like the following:
IBOutlet NSTextField *outputDisplay
-(void) setUpThreads()
Thread1 *thread1 = [[Thread1 alloc] init];
Thread2 *thread2 = [[Thread2 alloc] init];
[thread2 setGuiTextField: outputDisplay];
[thread2 setThread: thread1];
//Whatever else you need to do
Then just take care of setting everything and calling the methods in your threads.
Source code files don't matter. You could have all of this stuff in one file (not that that would be a good idea) and the problem would be unchanged. What matters are the classes.
Classes are not simply bags of code; you design them, you name them, and you define each class's area of responsibility. A class and/or instances of it do certain things; you define what those things are and aren't.
When writing NSOperation subclasses, don't worry about the threads. There's no guarantee they even will run on separate threads. Each operation is simply a unit of work; you write an operation to do one thing, whatever that may be.
eg: main.m --- handles the UI and has code to start the 2 threads —
— when the user hits the Start Button.
thread1.m -- calculates a particular value and keeps doing it until the user hits stop.
That's not one thing; that's an indefinite sequence of things.
thread2.m - Need to use this thread to update the UI in main.m with the the value that thread1.m calculates.
You should not touch the UI from (what may be) a secondary thread. See the Threading Programming Guide, especially the Thread Safety Summary.
I don't see why this should even be threaded at all. You can do all of this much more easily with an NSTimer running on the main thread.
If it would be inappropriate to “calculate… a particular value” on the main thread, you could make that an operation. Your response to the timer message will create an operation and add it to your computation queue. When the user hits stop, that action will go through on the main thread; invalidate the timer and wait for the queue to finish all of its remaining operations.
With either solution, “thread2.m” goes away entirely. Your update(s) to the UI will (and must) happen entirely on the main thread. With the latter solution, you don't even have to wait until you're done; you can update the UI with current progress information every time you receive the timer message.
