TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'subscribe') in Jasmine - jasmine

I am trying to write the test cases for the below method :-
subscriptionPackages() {
(response) => {
this.packagePlan = response;
(httpErrorRes) => {
I have tried the below snippet in my spec.ts file for covering the above code :-
fdescribe('AddProductComponent', () => {
let component: AddProductComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<AddProductComponent>;
let packageServiceStub = jasmine.createSpyObj('ManagePackageService', ['getPackages']);
beforeEach(async () => {
await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
imports: [HttpClientTestingModule,ReactiveFormsModule,FormsModule,ToastrModule.forRoot(),
TranslateModule.forRoot(), NgSelectModule],
declarations: [ AddProductComponent ],
providers :[AppConfig,
{ provide: ManagePackageService, useValue: packageServiceStub }]
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AddProductComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
component.packagePlan = [{'name':'basic', 'id':1}, {'name':'advance', 'id':2}, {'name':'premium', 'id':3}];
it('should create subscriptionPackages', () => {
const mockpackageResponse = [];
From this code my test case is covered but I am getting below error :-

Do you call subscriptionPackages in the ngOnInit or the constructor of the component?
If you're calling it in the ngOnInit, you need to mock the returnValue before the first fixture.detectChanges(). The first fixture.detectChanges() is when ngOnInit is called.
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AddProductComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
// !! Move this line here if calling subscriptionPackages in ngOnInit !!
component.packagePlan = [{'name':'basic', 'id':1}, {'name':'advance', 'id':2}, {'name':'premium', 'id':3}];
it('should create subscriptionPackages', () => {
const mockpackageResponse = [];
beforeEach(() => {
// !! Move this line here if calling subscriptionPackages in constructor !!
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AddProductComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
component.packagePlan = [{'name':'basic', 'id':1}, {'name':'advance', 'id':2}, {'name':'premium', 'id':3}];
it('should create subscriptionPackages', () => {
const mockpackageResponse = [];


How to mock useRouter parameters for react-hooks-testing-library?

I have a custom hook, which has structure of:
const urlHook = () => {
const router = useRouter();
const read = () => {
return validate(router.query.param);
const write = (params) => {
query: {
param: params,
{shallow: true},
const validate = (params) => {}
I want to test this hook using react-hooks-testing-library but I'm not sure how to setup for router.query.param to read values that I want or how to check if function write() will create correct url?
To mock entire hook - jest.requireActual:
jest.mock('react-router-dom', () => ({
useParams: () => ({
blogId: 'company1',
articleId: 'blog1',
useRouteMatch: () => ({ url: '/blog/blog1/article/article1' }),
To mock history/routing state - MemoryRouter:
import {Route, MemoryRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
const renderWithRouter = ({children}) => (
<MemoryRouter initialEntries={['blogs/1']}>
<Route path='blogs/:blogId'>
Helpful example with explanations:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_value')

I am trying to write the test cases for the below method :-
constructor(private dataSharing: DataSharingService) {
const res: any = this.dataSharing.getSystemUser();
this.systemUserData = res.source._value;
this.systemUserData.systemUserId && this.systemUserData.systemUserId === 1 ? this.disableButton = false : this.disableButton = true;
I have tried the below snippet in my spec.ts file for covering the above code :-
fdescribe('ManagePermissionsComponent', () => {
let component: ManagePermissionsComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ManagePermissionsComponent>;
let dataSharing = jasmine.createSpyObj('DataSharingService', ['getSystemUser']);
beforeEach(async () => {
await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
imports: [RouterTestingModule, HttpClientTestingModule],
declarations: [ManagePermissionsComponent],
providers: [
{provide: DataSharingService, dataSharing: roleServiceStub }, SessionStorageService]
beforeEach(() => {
component.systemUserData = dataSharing.getSystemUser.source._value
//component.systemUserData = {'username': 'akvishwakarma#netlink.com', 'firstName': 'Avani', 'lastName': 'Vishwakarma', 'systemUserId': 1, 'isActive': true, 'password' :"Avani123", 'oldPassword':'Avani123', 'email':'abhargav#gmail.com', 'contact':123, 'imageId':'jpg', 'isAccountLocked':true, 'accountLocked':'dds','accountLockedDate':null, 'loginAttempt':null, 'createdDate':null, 'createdBy':'aparna', 'updatedBy':'jdsjsd', 'updatedDate':null, 'otpGenerated':'dfdsf', 'otpGeneratedDate':'sdsd'};
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ManagePermissionsComponent);
component = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
But I am getting below error :-
I have added comments below, it should help you.
fdescribe('ManagePermissionsComponent', () => {
let component: ManagePermissionsComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<ManagePermissionsComponent>;
// change this line to just a declaration like so
let dataSharing: jasmine.SpyObj<DataSharingService>;
beforeEach(async () => {
// move the assigning of the spy object here so you have a new
// spy object for every test (beforeEach)
dataSharing = jasmine.createSpyObj<DataSharingService>('DataSharingService', ['getSystemUser']);
await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
imports: [RouterTestingModule, HttpClientTestingModule],
declarations: [ManagePermissionsComponent],
providers: [
// this line was wrong as well, it should be useValue: dataSharing.
// every time the test requires DataSharingService, we provide the mock
{provide: DataSharingService, useValue: dataSharing }, SessionStorageService]
beforeEach(() => {
// need to mock getSystemUser before createComponent because
// we need it for the constructor.
// mock _value however you like
dataSharing.getSystemUser.and.returnValue({ source: { _value: {} }});
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ManagePermissionsComponent);
component = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;

SequelizeDatabaseError: could not serialize access due to concurrent update

In Mocha test beforeEach hook, I am trying to destroy all table records.
import { db } from '../src/db/models';
export const truncateTable = () => {
const promises = Object.keys(db).map(key => {
if (key !== 'Sequelize' && key !== 'sequelize') {
return db[key].destroy({ where: {} });
return Promise.all(promises);
Then in the test, I am doing this:
describe.only('application mutations', () => {
beforeEach(() => truncateTable());
The error I am getting:
SequelizeDatabaseError: could not serialize access due to concurrent
TL/DR: in your tests, if you want a quick way to delete models and reset your DB, use sync.
describe.only('application mutations', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await db.sync({force: true})
If you want to individually destroy your models, you must properly await for your promise to finish before initiating a new one. Currently, your promises are being initiated all at once, hence the Sequelize error.
export const truncateTable = async () => {
const promises = Object.keys(db).map(key => {
if (key !== 'Sequelize' && key !== 'sequelize') {
await db[key].destroy({ where: {} });
// in your test file
describe.only('application mutations', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await truncateTable();

Mocha not registering 'it' blocks inside promise list

I'm trying to write a test that will run a GET over all items. To do this, I get that list in the before block, then I want to have an it block for each item. I am trying to do this by putting the it block inside itemList.forEach. However, I suspect that the problem here is that the blocks never get registered for the test. How can I run this test as desired?
let token;
let itemList;
describe('GET items/:itemId with Admin', async () => {
before(async () => {
// NOTE: item.find({}) returns a promise of a list of all items
itemList = await item.find({});
console.log(item[0]._id) // this logs correctly!
const res = await userLogin(admin);
token = res.body.accessToken.toString();
it('registers initial it test', () => {
// This test passes and logs the statement
console.log('first test registered')
console.log(itemList.length) // successfully logs non-zero value
await itemList.forEach(async (item) => {
it('respond with json with a item', () => {
const itemId = item._id;
return getItem(itemId, token)
.then((response) => {
assert.property(response.body, '_id');
Afaik the before setup runs before every it test. It doesn't run immediately, and definitely does not wait for anything until you try to iterate your itemList. I think you will need to do either
describe('GET items/:itemId with Admin', async () => {
let token;
before(async() => {
const res = await userLogin(admin);
token = res.body.accessToken.toString();
// a list of all items for which tests should be created
const itemList = await item.find({});
console.log(itemList.length) // successfully logs non-zero value
for (const item of itemList) {
it('responds with json for item '+item, () => {
const itemId = item._id;
return getItem(itemId, token).then((response) => {
assert.property(response.body, '_id');
describe('GET items/:itemId with Admin', () => {
let itemList;
let token;
before(async() => {
[itemList, token] = await Promise.all([
userLogin(admin).then(res => res.body.accessToken.toString())
it('responds with json for every item', () => {
return Promise.all(itemList.map(item => {
const itemId = item._id;
return getItem(itemId, token)
.then((response) => {
assert.property(response.body, '_id');
This is the solution I ended up with. I ended up putting a new describe block in the before block. The before block results the promise that gives the list of items. There is an it block in the top level so that mocha registers the test in the first place.
describe('GET items/:itemId with Admin', async () => {
before((done) => {
Item.find({}).then(async (itemList) => {
// create the admin user to get the items with
await createUsers([admin]);
const res = await userLogin(admin);
const token = res.body.accessToken.toString();
itemList.forEach((item, index) => {
const itemId = item._id;
describe(`get item number ${index}: _id: ${itemId}`, () => {
it('responds with item id', () =>
getItem(item, token)
.then((response) => {
assert.notProperty(response.body, 'error');
assert.property(response.body, '_id');
assert.equal(response.body._id, itemId);
// If there is no it block here, it will not run the before block!
it(`register the initial it`, () => {
assert.equal('regression test!', 'regression test!');

How can I test Observable.ajax (redux-observable)?

I have been playing with rxjs and redux-observable for the last few days and have been struggle to find a way to a test for Observable.ajax. I have the following epic which create a request to https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/,
export function testApiEpic (action$) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST)
.switchMap(action =>
Observable.ajax({ url, method })
.map(data => successTestApi(data.response))
.catch(error => failureTestApi(error))
export const REQUEST = 'my-app/testApi/REQUEST'
export const SUCCESS = 'my-app/testApi/SUCCESS'
export const FAILURE = 'my-app/testApi/FAILURE'
export const CLEAR = 'my-app/testApi/CLEAR'
export function requestTestApi () {
return { type: REQUEST }
export function successTestApi (response) {
return { type: SUCCESS, response }
export function failureTestApi (error) {
return { type: FAILURE, error }
export function clearTestApi () {
return { type: CLEAR }
The code works fine when runs in browser but not when testing with Jest.
I have try,
1) Create a test based on https://redux-observable.js.org/docs/recipes/WritingTests.html. The store.getActions() returns only { type: REQUEST }.
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(testApiEpic)
const mockStore = configureMockStore([epicMiddleware])
describe.only('fetchUserEpic', () => {
let store
beforeEach(() => {
store = mockStore()
afterEach(() => {
it('returns a response, () => {
store.dispatch({ type: REQUEST })
{ type: REQUEST },
{ type: SUCCESS, response }
2) Create a test based on Redux-observable: failed jest test for epic. It returns with
Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
it('returns a response', (done) => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({ type: REQUEST })
const store = { getState: () => {} }
testApiEpic(action$, store)
.subscribe(actions => {
{ type: SUCCESS, response }
Can someone point me out what is the correct way to test Observable.ajax ?
I would follow the second example, from StackOverflow. To make it work you'll need to make some minor adjustments. Instead of importing Observable.ajax in your epic file and using that reference directly, you need to use some form of dependency injection. One way is to provide it to the middleware when you create it.
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax';
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic, {
dependencies: { ajax }
The object we passed as dependencies will be give to all epics as the third argument
export function testApiEpic (action$, store, { ajax }) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST)
.switchMap(action =>
ajax({ url, method })
.map(data => successTestApi(data.response))
.catch(error => failureTestApi(error))
Alternatively, you could not use the dependencies option of the middleware and instead just use default parameters:
export function testApiEpic (action$, store, ajax = Observable.ajax) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST)
.switchMap(action =>
ajax({ url, method })
.map(data => successTestApi(data.response))
.catch(error => failureTestApi(error))
Either one you choose, when we test the epic we can now call it directly and provide our own mock for it. Here are examples for success/error/cancel paths These are untested and might have issues, but should give you the general idea
it('handles success path', (done) => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of(requestTestApi())
const store = null; // not used by epic
const dependencies = {
ajax: (url, method) => Observable.of({ url, method })
testApiEpic(action$, store, dependencies)
.subscribe(actions => {
successTestApi({ url: '/whatever-it-is', method: 'WHATEVERITIS' })
it('handles error path', (done) => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of(requestTestApi())
const store = null; // not used by epic
const dependencies = {
ajax: (url, method) => Observable.throw({ url, method })
testApiEpic(action$, store, dependencies)
.subscribe(actions => {
failureTestApi({ url: '/whatever-it-is', method: 'WHATEVERITIS' })
it('supports cancellation', (done) => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of(requestTestApi(), clearTestApi())
const store = null; // not used by epic
const dependencies = {
ajax: (url, method) => Observable.of({ url, method }).delay(100)
const onNext = chai.spy();
testApiEpic(action$, store, dependencies)
next: onNext,
complete: () => {
For the first way:
First, use isomorphic-fetch instead of Observable.ajax for nock support, like this
const fetchSomeData = (api: string, params: FetchDataParams) => {
const request = fetch(`${api}?${stringify(params)}`)
.then(res => res.json());
return Observable.from(request);
So my epic is:
const fetchDataEpic: Epic<GateAction, ImGateState> = action$ =>
.mergeMap((action: FetchModel) =>
fetchDynamicData(action.url, action.params)
.map((payload: FetchedData) => fetchModelSucc(payload.data))
.catch(error => Observable.of(
Then, you may need an interval to decide when to finish the test.
describe("epics", () => {
let store: MockStore<{}>;
beforeEach(() => {
store = mockStore();
afterEach(() => {
it("fetch data model succ", () => {
const payload = {
code: 0,
data: someData,
header: {},
msg: "ok"
const params = {
data1: 100,
data2: "4"
const mock = nock("https://test.com")
.reply(200, payload);
const go = new Promise((resolve) => {
url: "https://test.com/test",
let interval: number;
interval = window.setInterval(() => {
if (mock.isDone()) {
}, 20);
return expect(go).resolves.toEqual([
url: "https://test.com/assignment",
data: somData
enjoy it :)
