"Translate" utag.link (tealium tracking function) into _satellite.track (Adobe Launch tracking) - tealium

we are migrating Tealium web analytics tracking into Adobe Launch.
Part of the website is tagged by utag.link method, e.g.
"item1" : "item1_value",
"item2" : "item2_value",
"event" : "event_value"})
and we need to "translate" it into Adobe Launch syntax, to save developers time, e.g.
How would you approach it? Is it doable?
Many thanks

Okay, this is a bit more complex than it looks. Technically, this answers your question completely: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-platform-launch/satellite-track-and-passing-related-information/m-p/271467
Hooowever! This will make the tracking only accessible by Launch/DTM. Other TMSes or even global env JS will end up relying on Launch if they need a piece of that data too. And imagine what happens when in five years you wanna migrate from Launch like you do now with Tealium? You will have to do the same needless thing. If your Tealium implementation had been implemented more carefully, you wouldn't need to waste your time on this migration now.
Therefore, I would suggest not using _satellite.track(). I would suggest using pure JS CustomEvents with payloads in details. Launch natively has triggers for native JS events and the ability to access their details through CJS: event.details. But even if I need to use that in GTM, I can deploy a simple event listener in GTM that will re-route all the wonderful CustomEvents into DL events and their payloads in neat DL vars.
Having this, you will never need to bother front-end devs when you need to make tracking available for a different TMS whether as a result of migration or parity tracking into a different analytics system.

In general, agree with BNazaruk's answer/philosophy that the best way to future-proof your implementation is to create a generic data layer and broadcast it to custom javascript events. Virtually all modern tag managers have a way to subscribe to them, map to their equivalent of environment variables, event rules, etc.
Having said that, here is an overview of Adobe's current best practice for Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection (Launch), using the Adobe Client Data Layer Extension.
Once you install the extension, you change your utag calls, e.g.
"item1" : "item1_value",
"item2" : "item2_value",
"event" : "event_value"
to this:
window.adobeDataLayer = window.adobeDataLayer || [];
"item1" : "item1_value",
"item2" : "item2_value",
"event" : "event_value"
A few notes about this:
adobeDataLayer is the default array name the Launch extension will look for. You can change this to something else within the extension's config (though Adobe does not recommend this, because reasons).
You can keep the current payload structure you used for Tealium and work with that, though longer term, you should consider restructuring your data layer. Things get a little complicated when dealing with Tealium's data layer syntax/conventions vs. Launch. For example, if you have multiple comma delimited events in your event string (Tealium convention) vs. creating Event Rules in Launch (which expects a single event in the string). There are workarounds for this stuff (ask a separate question if you need help), but again, longer term best path would be to change the structure of the data layer to something more standard.
Then, within Launch, you can create Data Elements to map to a given data point passed in the adobeDataLayer.push call.
Meanwhile, you can make a Rule with an event that listens for the data pushed, based on various criteria. Common example is to listen for a Specific Event, which corresponds to the event value you pushed. For example:
And then in the Rule's Conditions and Actions, you can reference the Data Elements you made. For example, if you want to trigger the Rule if event equals "event_value" (above), AND if item2 equals "item2_value", you can add a Condition like this:
Another example, Action to set Adobe Analytics eVar1 to the value of item2:

I would advise to remove any dependencies to TMS from your platform code and migrate to use a generic data layer. This way you developers will not have any issues in future to migrate TMS.
See this article about generic data layer not TMS provider specific: https://dev.to/alcazes/generic-data-layer-1i90


Amount of properties per command/event in event sourcing

I'm learning cqrs/event sourcing, and recently I listen some speach and speaker told that you need pass as few parameters to event as possible, in other words to make events tiny as possible. The main reason for that is it's impossible to change events later as it will break the event history, and its easelly to design small events correctly. But what if for example in UI you need fill in for example form with 10 fields to create new aggregate, and same situation can be with updating the aggregate? How to be in such a case? And how to be if business later consider to change something, but we have huge event which updating 10 fields?
The decision is always context-specific and each case deserves its own review of using thin events vs fat events.
The motivation for using thin domain events is to include just enough information that is required to ensure the state transition.
As for fat events, your projections might require a piece of entity state to avoid using any logic in the projection itself (best practice).
For integration, you'd prefer emitting fat events because you hardly know who will consume your event. Still, the content of the event should convey the information related to the meaning of the event itself.
Putting your events on a diet
Patterns for Decoupling in Distributed Systems: Fat Event
recently I listen some speach and speaker told that you need pass as few parameters to event as possible, in other words to make events tiny as possible.
I'm not convinced that holds up. If you are looking for good ides about designing events, you should review Greg Young's e-book on versioning.
If you are event sourcing, then you are primarily concerned with ensuring that your stream of events allows you to recreate the state of your domain model. The events themselves should be representations of changes that a domain expert will recognize. If you find yourself trying to invent smaller events just to fit some artificial constraint like "no more than three properties per event" then you are going to end up with data that doesn't really match the way your domain experts think -- which is to say, technical debt.

Event source the whole system is bad

I'm learning a proper microservice architecture using CQRS, MassTransit and different type of storage for the read side. One thing which often comes along CQRS is the event sourcing. I do understand it's not mandatory at all. However, I can't think of why using it on the whole system is really an anti pattern.
Having an store for all events as a single source of truth can help you build / rebuild a read store on the fly whenever you want.
You are not locked in to any vendor (except for the event store)
For me, the question is more like is it easier to not start with event sourcing (and still have separate data storage depending on which the microservices. eg: elasticsearch, mongodb, etc etc) and migrating / provisioning whenever it's needed or on the other hand, start with event sourcing everything so that you don't have to deal with migration later on.
I can't think of why using it on the whole system is really an anti pattern.
I agree -- calling it an "anti pattern" is an overstatement.
The spelling I believe? Using event sourcing on the whole system isn't cost effective today.
It could be tomorrow, as we get more practice with it, and the costs of designing these systems goes down and we learn to extract more benefit from them.
In the mean time - how valuable are the temporal queries that you get from event sourcing? In your core domain, where you get competitive advantage, they could be quite valuable. In places where you are just doing bookkeeping of information provided to you by the outside world? Not so much - you may be getting everything you need out of simpler solutions that only keep track of "now".
I recently published a blog post about this issue. It explains why event sourcing is a persistence strategy and shouldn't be used at global scale.
To summarize it: Event Sourcing forces you to emit an event for every changed data. This can result in very fine grained events. If you use Event Sourcing for inter microservice communication, you expose those events to the outside world.
In the end you expose the your persistence layer, comparable to exposing your (relational) database schema in a CRUD based persistence strategy.

How to get Core Data to make only one instance of entity of type

So. Before I get singleton pattern hate on this message hear me out. I'd love to hear ideas. I'm making a program that I think I need to use core data for, because later I want the status of some variables to be easily accessible from OS X, and multiple iOS devices.
What I'm making is an OS X program that will control phidgets (phidgets.com) to control and listen for status changes in real world objects. Example: whether a motor is turned on or not. Turn a motor on and off. Turn on status lights, etc.
I originally thought I'd just make global variables that I change, poll and manipulate in order to have a central status board for the logic of the program to work off of. But, because of the engineering that is put into core data every year by apple, I am assuming making this work with core data will allow me to more easily have options to sync this later with iOS devices that could control or monitor the said status' remotely.
Is there a nifty way you can imagine to:
-startup the program, confirm there is only one entity of type "SystemStatus", if there isn't one, make one. is there is one, we continue and are able to let the program update it's attributes with status of the real world objects it's controlling.
using core data was something I thought of also, because it will allow me a place to persist stored history of data gathered too. Example: motor bearing temperature over time.
If you ensure that access to this object is done through your API, Core Data becomes an implementation detail behind the getter method of the singleton object. There are no facilities in Core Data to tell it to create only one object, but if you ensure access to the object is done through a wrapper of your own, you can fetch it on demand and if it doesn't exist, you can insert it, save, and pass it to the caller.
An important thing to consider when using Core Data objects is multithreading. Passing the same object to multiple threads is very error-prone and requires locking mechanisms (or use of Apple's block-based API). This is not very straightforward for what you describe. Consider either a wrapper object which uses Core Data objects internally (wraps access to properties in block-based API) or using a different approach than Core Data.

Organizing GUI code

My question has two parts:
Does anyone have any tips or references to some documentation on the web about how to write GUI code that is easy to read, write, and maintain?
I find that the more extensive my GUI forms become, I end up with a long list of fairly short event handler methods. If I try to add any private helper methods, they just get lost in the shuffle, and I constantly have to scroll around the page to follow a single line of thought.
How can I easily manage settings across the application?
If the user selects a new item in a drop-down list, I might need to enable some components on the GUI, update an app config file, and store the new value in a local variable for later. I usually opt to not create event handlers for all the settings (see above), and end up with methods like "LoadGUISettings" and "SaveGUISettings", but then I end up calling these methods all over my code, and it runs through a lot of code just to update very few, if any, actual changes.
Some guidelines for the first question, from an OO perspective:
Break up large classes into smaller ones. Does that panel have a bunch of fairly modular subpanels? Make a smaller class for each subpanel, then have another, higher-level class put them all together.
Reduce duplication. Do you have two trees that share functionality? Make a superclass! Are all of your event handlers doing something similar? Create a method that they all call!
Second question. I see two ways of doing this:
Listeners. If many components should respond to a change that occured in one component, have that component fire an event.
Global variables. If many components are reading and writing the same data, make it global (however you do that in your chosen language). For extra usefulness, combine the two approaches and let components listen for changes in the global data object.
If you're using WPF, you might want to read the Composite Application Guideance for WPF.
It discusses many of these topics (as well as many others). The main goal of that guideance is to make large scale applications in a flexible, maintainable manner.
You should definitely look at Jeremy Miller's guide to rich client design. It is incomplete, but I believe he is writing a book on the subject.
Another blog you should check out is Rich Newman's. He is writing about Composite Application Block which is a MS best practice guide on how to structure rich clients.
You can also read this book which is only a very light read but gives you some good ideas.

Generating UI from DB - the good, the bad and the ugly?

I've read a statement somewhere that generating UI automatically from DB layout (or business objects, or whatever other business layer) is a bad idea. I can also imagine a few good challenges that one would have to face in order to make something like this.
However I have not seen (nor could find) any examples of people attempting it. Thus I'm wondering - is it really that bad? It's definately not easy, but can it be done with any measure success? What are the major obstacles? It would be great to see some examples of successes and failures.
To clarify - with "generating UI automatically" I mean that the all forms with all their controls are generated completely automatically (at runtime or compile time), based perhaps on some hints in metadata on how the data should be represented. This is in contrast to designing forms by hand (as most people do).
Added: Found this somewhat related question
Added 2: OK, it seems that one way this can get pretty fair results is if enough presentation-related metadata is available. For this approach, how much would be "enough", and would it be any less work than designing the form manually? Does it also provide greater flexibility for future changes?
We had a project which would generate the database tables/stored proc as well as the UI from business classes. It was done in .NET and we used a lot of Custom Attributes on the classes and properties to make it behave how we wanted it to. It worked great though and if you manage to follow your design you can create customizations of your software really easily. We also did have a way of putting in "custom" user controls for some very exceptional cases.
All in all it worked out well for us. Unfortunately it is a sold banking product and there is no available source.
it's ok for something tiny where all you need is a utilitarian method to get the data in.
for anything resembling a real application though, it's a terrible idea. what makes for a good UI is the humanisation factor, the bits you tweak to ensure that this machine reacts well to a person's touch.
you just can't get that when your interface is generated mechanically.... well maybe with something approaching AI. :)
edit - to clarify: UI generated from code/db is fine as a starting point, it's just a rubbish end point.
hey this is not difficult to achieve at all and its not a bad idea at all. it all depends on your project needs. a lot of software products (mind you not projects but products) depend upon this model - so they dont have to rewrite their code / ui logic for different client needs. clients can customize their ui the way they want to using a designer form in the admin system
i have used xml for preserving meta data for this sort of stuff. some of the attributes which i saved for every field were:
friendlyname (label caption)
haspredefinedvalues (yes for drop
down list / multi check box list)
multiselect (if yes then check box
list, if no then drop down list)
enabled (to show or not to show)
sortkey (order on the web form)
regarding positioning - i did not care much and simply generate table tr td tags 1 below the other - however if you want to implement this as well, you can have 1 more attribute called CssClass where you can define ui specific properties (look and feel, positioning, etc) here
UPDATE: also note a lot of ecommerce products follow this kind of dynamic ui when you want to enter product information - as their clients can be selling everything under the sun from furniture to sex toys ;-) so instead of rewriting their code for every different industry they simply let their clients enter meta data for product attributes via an admin form :-)
i would also recommend you to look at Entity-attribute-value model - it has its own pros and cons but i feel it can be used quite well with your requirements.
In my Opinion there some things you should think about:
Does the customer need a function to customize his UI?
Are there a lot of different attributes or elements?
Is the effort of creating such an "rendering engine" worth it?
Okay, i think that its pretty obvious why you should think about these. It really depends on your project if that kind of model makes sense...
If you want to create some a lot of forms that can be customized at runtime then this model could be pretty uselful. Also, if you need to do a lot of smaller tools and you use this as some kind of "engine" then this effort could be worth it because you can save a lot of time.
With that kind of "rendering engine" you could automatically add error reportings, check the values or add other things that are always build up with the same pattern. But if you have too many of this things, elements or attributes then the performance can go down rapidly.
Another things that becomes interesting in bigger projects is, that changes that have to occur in each form just have to be made in the engine, not in each form. This could save A LOT of time if there is a bug in the finished application.
In our company we use a similar model for an interface generator between cash-software (right now i cant remember the right word for it...) and our application, just that it doesnt create an UI, but an output file for one of the applications.
We use XML to define the structure and how the values need to be converted and so on..
I would say that in most cases the data is not suitable for UI generation. That's why you almost always put a a layer of logic in between to interpret the DB information to the user. Another thing is that when you generate the UI from DB you will end up displaying the inner workings of the system, something that you normally don't want to do.
But it depends on where the DB came from. If it was created to exactly reflect what the users goals of the system is. If the users mental model of what the application should help them with is stored in the DB. Then it might just work. But then you have to start at the users end. If not I suggest you don't go that way.
Can you look on your problem from application architecture perspective? I see you as another database terrorist – trying to solve all by writing stored procedures. Why having UI at all? Try do it in DB script. In effect of such approach – on what composite system you will end up? When system serves different businesses – try modularization, selectively discovered components, restrict sharing references. UI shall be replaceable, independent from business layer. When storing so much data in DB – there is hard dependency of UI – system becomes monolith. How you implement MVVM pattern in scenario when UI is generated? Designers like Blend are containing lots of features, which cannot be replaced by most futuristic UI generator – unless – your development platform is Notepad only.
There is a hybrid approach where forms and all are described in a database to ensure consistency server side, which is then compiled to ensure efficiency client side on deploy.
A real-life example is the enterprise software MS Dynamics AX.
It has a 'Data' database and a 'Model' database.
The 'Model' stores forms, classes, jobs and every artefact the application needs to run.
Deploying the new software structure used to be to dump the model database and initiate a CIL compile (CIL for common intermediate language, something used by Microsoft in .net)
This way is suitable for enterprise-wide software and can handle large customizations. But keep in mind that this approach sets a framework that should be well understood by whoever gonna maintain and customize the application later.
I did this (in PHP / MySQL) to automatically generate sections of a CMS that I was building for a client. It worked OK my main problem was that the code that generates the forms became very opaque and difficult to understand therefore difficult to reuse and modify so I did not reuse it.
Note that the tables followed strict conventions such as naming, etc. which made it possible for the UI to expect particular columns and infer information about the naming of the columns and tables. There is a need for meta information to help the UI display the data.
Generally it can work however the thing is if your UI just mirrors the database then maybe there is lots of room to improve. A good UI should do much more than mirror a database, it should be built around human interaction patterns and preferences, not around the database structure.
So basically if you want to be cheap and do a quick-and-dirty interface which mirrors your DB then go for it. The main challenge would be to find good quality code that can do this or write it yourself.
From my perspective, it was always a problem to change edit forms when a very simple change was needed in a table structure.
I always had the feeling we have to spend too much time on rewriting the CRUD forms instead of developing the useful stuff, like processing / reporting / analyzing data, giving alerts for decisions etc...
For this reason, I made long time ago a code generator. So, it become easier to re-generate the forms with a simple restriction: to keep the CSS classes names. Simply like this!
UI was always based on a very "standard" code, controlled by a custom CSS.
Whenever I needed to change database structure, so update an edit form, I had to re-generate the code and redeploy.
One disadvantage I noticed was about the changes (customizations, improvements etc.) done on the previous generated code, which are lost when you re-generate it.
But anyway, the advantage of having a lot of work done by the code-generator was great!
I initially did it for the 2000s Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages) & Microsoft SQL Server... so, when that technology was replaced by .NET, my code-generator become obsoleted.
I made something similar for PHP but I never finished it...
Anyway, from small experiments I found that generating code ON THE FLY can be way more helpful (and this approach does not exclude the SAVED generated code): no worries about changing database etc.
So, the next step was to create something that I am very proud to show here, and I think it is one nice resolution for the issue raised in this thread.
I would start with applicable use cases: https://data-seed.tech/usecases.php.
I worked to add details on how to use, but if something is still missing please let me know here!
You can change database structure, and with no line of code you can start edit data, and more like this, you have available an API for CRUD operations.
I am still a fan of the "code-generator" approach, and I think it is just a flavor of using XML/XSLT that I used for DATA-SEED. I plan to add code-generator functionalities.
