UI Plugin is not loaded on project pages - user-interface

I have written a simple Rundeck UI plugin. The purpose of the plugin is to inject content into a project dashboard.
By inspecting the page, I see that the plugin is loaded (and the JS runs) on all pages except the project pages. There is nothing I can do to make the plugin available to project pages. Are UI plugins disabled on project pages?
- pages: '*'
- js/main.js

On the new Rundeck 3.4 branch some 3.3.X UI elements are broken (for example, from some UI plugins), actually, this example doesn't work on rundeck 3.4.6. But if you add that plugin on rundeck 3.3.X you can see it on the Dashboard page.


Joomla - Unable to include CSS in dashboard plugin page for deactivated plugin

I am creating a custom system plugin for Joomla 3.9. In the dashboard I need to include CSS for the same. When the plugin is active/Enabled, I am able to do the same but when the plugin is inactive, CSS file is not getting included.

How to integrate metronic theme with DNN9?

We have a DNN9 platform for our Business2Business website. It has basic look of reports however we wanted to show some advance look to reports and charts so that we are planning to integrate metronic theme in DNN9. I tried multiple ways to do it but failed. kindly help regarding this for the same.
Not sure what you have tried but we succeeded in displaying reports module data using Mandeeps Porto css and boostrap classes.
We achieved this using the xsl stylesheet option in reports module settings.
If the theme resources are part of your portal skin on the page that the reports module resides then xsl elements will display fine. If not part of the portal theme, you can either declare the resource in page setting header or in the xsl stylesheet itself.
Hope this helps

Xpages - New version of CkEditor not load

Recently I decide to migrate my application from version 8.5.3 Lotus Notes to version 9.0.1. When doing this I needed to change the version of CkEditor from 4.4.7 to 4.5.3, so I changed the file in the \data \ domino\html\ckeditor folder, however when re-building my application I received the following error in browser console:
The file xsp/.ibmxspres/domino/ckeditor/plugins/ibmspellchecker/plugin.js not exists in the new version of ckEditor.
I realized this is because the application tries to fetch the javascripts files from the old version of CkEditor, as if it were cached.
I've tried everything specified here: http://www.intec.co.uk/dde-local-preview-ckeditor/ but nothing worked.
Does anyone have any ideas?
From what I understand: you are upgrading CKEditor by yourself instead of using the default version that is installed and doing this by installing a version of CKEditor that you have obtained from CKEditor directly.
If so, the problem may be that the xpages inputRichText control uses some CKEditor plugins that are provided by IBM e.g. ibmspellchecker, ibmxspimage and these won't be provided in the standard CKEditor distribution.
If these plugins are not present in your new CKEditor installation then the editor will not load properly.
You have 2 options
Ensure these IBM plugins are put back in the html/ckeditor/plugins directory (and hope they are still compatible with the CKEditor version)
Tell the inputRichText control not to load any of the ibm plugins. (but this means you will not be able to upload images)
To remove plugins from the editor config use the dojoAttribute 'removePlugins'
<xp:inputRichText id="inputRichText1">
<xp:dojoAttribute name="removePlugins" value="ibmspellchecker,etc"></xp:dojoAttribute>

Nativescript hot reload JS code

While i can hot reload XML in Nativescript i am unable to hot reload JS changes. Is this even possible?
I run 'tns livesync ios --emulator --watch'.
My editor is Visual Source Code and I use the NS plugin for it.
NativeScript itself does not yet support hot-reloading of JS files as of version 2.20.
There is a plugin called nativescript-liveedit that allows hot reloading of JS on the Android platform. The plugin is not "perfect" but; it works in the majority of the cases and allows you to configure related files and files to auto-restart on (i.e. if you change a singleton)
(Disclaimer: I'm the author of the plugin)

Not able to add document property button in CKEditor 4

I have upgraded my CKEditor in my ajaxplorer project.
I want to add document property in ckeditor 4 and I have tried in all ways. by adding code in class.AjxpCkEditor.js aven ckeditor.js but yet succeed. There was no folder for document property as "docprops" which was having in older version. Then I have copied that folder and done some changes in class.AjxpCkEditor.js but its not working even I have done change in ckeditor.js but not working.
This plugin is not included in any of the 3 predefined presets, so you need to build your own version of CKEditor using the online builder.
Here's the plugin: http://ckeditor.com/addon/docprops and plugins installation instructions.
