Getting the last element of a lazy Seq in Raku - lazy-evaluation

I want to get the last element of a lazy but finite Seq in Raku, e.g.:
my $s = lazy gather for ^10 { take $_ };
The following don't work:
say $s[* - 1];
say $s.tail;
These ones work but don't seem too idiomatic:
say (for $s<> { $_ }).tail;
say (for $s<> { $_ })[* - 1];
What is the most idiomatic way of doing this while keeping the original Seq lazy?

What you're asking about ("get[ing] the last element of a lazy but finite Seq … while keeping the original Seq lazy") isn't possible. I don't mean that it's not possible with Raku – I mean that, in principle, it's not possible for any language that defines "laziness" the way Raku does with, for example, the is-lazy method.
If particular, when a Seq is lazy in Raku, that "means that [the Seq's] values are computed on demand and stored for later use." Additionally, one of the defining features of a lazy iterable is that it cannot know its own length while remaining lazy – that's why calling .elems on a lazy iterable throws an error:
my $s = lazy gather for ^10 { take $_ };
say $; # OUTPUT: «True»
$s.elems; # THROWS: «Cannot .elems a lazy list onto a Seq»
Now, at this point, you might reasonably be thinking "well, maybe Raku doesn't know how long $s is, but I can tell that it has exactly 10 elements in it." And you're not wrong – with that code, $s is indeed guaranteed to have 10 elements. This means that, if you want to get the tenth (last) element of $s, you can do so with $s[9]. And accessing $s's tenth element like that won't change the fact that $
But, importantly, you can only do so because you know something "extra" about $s, and that extra info undoes a good chunk of the reason you might want a list to be lazy in practice.
To see what I mean, consider a very similar Seq
my $s2 = lazy gather for ^10 { last if rand > .95; take $_ };
say $; # OUTPUT: «True»
Now, $s2probably has 10 elements, but it might not – the only way to know is to iterate through it and find out. In turn, this means $s2[9] does not jump to the tenth element the way $s[9] did; it iterates through $s2 just like you'd need to. And, as a result, if you run $s2[9], then $s2 will no longer be lazy (i.e., $ will return False).
And this is, in effect, what you did in the code in your question:
my $s = lazy gather for ^10 { take $_ };
say $; # OUTPUT: «True»
say (for $s<> { $_ }).tail; # OUTPUT: «9»
say $; # OUTPUT: «False»
Because Raku cannot ever know that it has reached the tail of a lazy Seq, the only way it could tell you the .tail is to fully iterate $s. And that necessarily means that $s is no longer lazy.
Two complications
It's worth mentioning two adjacent topics that aren't actually related but that are close enough that they trip some people up.
First, nothing I've said about lazy iterables not knowing their length precludes some non-lazy iterables from knowing their length. Indeed, a decent number of Raku types do both the Iterator role and the PredictiveIterator role – and the main point of a PredictiveIterator is that it does know how many elements it can produce without needing to produce/iterate them. But PredictiveIterators cannot be lazy.
The second potentially confusing topic is closely related to the first: while no PredictiveIterator can be lazy (that is, none will ever have an .is-lazy method that returns True), some PredictiveIterators have behavior that is very similar to laziness – and, in fact, may even be colloquially referred to as "lazy".
I can't do a great job explaining this distinction because, quite honestly, I don't fully understand it myself. But I can give you an example: the .lines method on an IO::Handle. It's certainly the case that reading the lines of a huge file behaves a lot like it's dealing with a lazy iterable. most obviously, you can process each line without ever having the whole file in memory. And the docs even say that "lines are read lazily" with the .lines method.
On the other hand:
my $l = 'some-file-with-100_000-lines.txt'.IO.lines;
say $; # OUTPUT: «False»
say $l.iterator ~~ PredictiveIterator; # OUTPUT: «True»
say $l.elems; # OUTPUT: «100000»
So I'm not quite sure whether it's fair to say that $l "is a lazy iterable", but if it is, it's "lazy" in a different way than $s was.
I realize that was a lot, but I hope it is helpful. If you have a more specific use case in mind for laziness (I bet it wasn't gathering the numbers from zero to nine!), I'd be happy to address that more specifically. And if anyone else can fill in some of the details with .lines and other lazy-not-lazy PredictiveIterators, I'd really appreciate it!

Drop the lazy
Lazy sequences in Raku are designed to work well as is. You don't need to emphasize they're lazy by adding an explicit lazy.
If you add an explicit lazy, Raku interprets that as a request to block operations such as .tail because they will almost certainly immediately render laziness moot, and, if called on an infinite sequence, or even just a sufficiently large one, hang or OOM the program.
So, either drop the lazy, or don't invoke operations like .tail that will be blocked if you do.
Expanded version of my original answer
As noted by #ugexe, the idiomatic solution is to drop the lazy.
Quoting my answer to the SO About Laziness:
if a gather is asked if it's lazy, it returns False.
Aiui, something like the following applies:
Some lazy sequence producers may be actually or effectively infinite. If so, calling .tail etc on them will hang the calling program. Conversely, other lazy sequences perform fine when all their values are consumed in one go. How should Raku distinguish between these two scenarios?
A decision was made in 2015 to let value producing datatypes emphasize or deemphasize their laziness via their response to an .is-lazy call.
Returning True signals that a sequence is not only lazy but wants to be known to be lazy by consuming code that calls .is-lazy. (Not so much end-user code but instead built in consuming features such as # sigilled variables handling an assignment trying to determine whether or not to assign eagerly.) Built in consuming features take a True as a signal they ought block calls like .tail. If a dev knows this is overly conservative, they can add an eager (or remove an unneeded lazy).
Conversely, a datatype, or even a particular object instance, may return False to signal that it does not want to be considered lazy. This may be because the actual behaviour of a particular datatype or instance is eager, but it might instead be that it is lazy technically, but doesn't want a consumer to block operations such as .tail because it knows they will not be harmful, or at least prefers to have that be the default presumption. If a dev knows better (because, say, it hangs the program), or at least does not want to block potentially problematic operations, they can add a lazy (or remove an unneeded eager).
I think this approach works well, but it doc and error messages mentioning "lazy" may not have caught up with the shift made in 2015. So:
If you've been confused by some doc about laziness, please search for doc issues with "lazy" in them, or "laziness", and add comments to existing issues, or file a new doc issue (perhaps linking to this SO answer).
If you've been confused by a Rakudo error message mentioning laziness, please search for Rakudo issues with "lazy" in them, and tagged [LTA] (which means "Less Than Awesome"), and add comments, or file a new Rakudo issue (with an [LTA] tag, and perhaps a link to this SO answer).
Further discussion
the docs ... say “If you want to force lazy evaluation use the lazy subroutine or method. Binding to a scalar or sigilless container will also force laziness.”
Yes. Aiui this is correct.
[which] sounds like it implies “my $x := lazy gather { ... } is the same as my $x := gather { ... }”.
An explicit lazy statement prefix or method adds emphasis to laziness, and Raku interprets that to mean it ought block operations like .tail in case they hang the program.
In contrast, binding to a variable alters neither emphasis nor deemphasis of laziness, merely relaying onward whatever the bound producer datatype/instance has chosen to convey via .is-lazy.
not only in connection with gather but elsewhere as well
Yes. It's about the result of .is-lazy:
my $x = (1, { .say; $_ + 1 } ... 1000);
my $y = lazy (1, { .say; $_ + 1 } ... 1000);
both act lazily ... but $x.tail is possible while $y.tail is not.
An explicit lazy statement prefix or method forces the answer to .is-lazy to be True. This signals to a consumer that cares about the dangers of laziness that it should become cautious (eg rejecting .tail etc.).
(Conversely, an eager statement prefix or method can be used to force the answer to .is-lazy to be False, making timid consumers accept .tail etc calls.)
I take from this that there are two kinds of laziness in Raku, and one has to be careful to see which one is being used where.
It's two kinds of what I'll call consumption guidance:
Don't-tail-me If an object returns True from an .is-lazy call then it is treated as if it might be infinite. Thus operations like .tail are blocked.
You-can-tail-me If an object returns False from an .is-lazy call then operations like .tail are accepted.
It's not so much that there's a need to be careful about which of these two kinds is in play, but if one wants to call operations like tail, then one may need to enable that by inserting an eager or removing a lazy, and one must take responsibility for the consequences:
If the program hangs due to use of .tail, well, DIHWIDT.
If you suddenly consume all of a lazy sequence and haven't cached it, well, maybe you should cache it.
What I would say is that the error messages and/or doc may well need to be improved.


Can a finite list be lazy in Perl 6?

Suppose I have a sequence where I know the start and end points and the generator is straightforward. Can I make it lazy?
my #b = 0 ... 3;
say 'Is #b lazy? ' ~; # Not lazy
I'd like to combination that known list with itself an unknown number of times but not generate the entire list immediately. I want #cross to be lazy:
my #cross = [X] #b xx $n;
I know I can do this through other simple matters or programming (and my Perl 5 Set::CrossProduct does just that), but I'm curious if there is some simple and intended way that I'm missing. Some way that doesn't involve me counting on my own.
As a side question, what's the feature of a sequence that makes it lazy? Is it just the endpoint? Is there a sequence with a known endpoint that can still be lazy if the generator can make infinite values between? I wondered how much information I have to remove and tried something like this:
my $m = #*ARGS[0];
my #b = 0, * + $m ... ^ * > 3;
say 'Is #b lazy? ' ~;
say '#b: ' ~ #b;
Still, this is not lazy.
The "is-lazy" method, in my opinion, is really a misnomer. The only thing it says, as cuonglm pointed out, is that just passes on that the underlying iterator claims to be lazy. But that still doesn't mean anything, really. An iterator can technically produce values on demand, but still claim it isn't lazy. And vice-versa.
The "is-lazy" check is used internally to prevent cases where the number of elements needs to be known in advance (like .roll or .pick): if the Seq / iterator claims to be lazy, it won't actually try, but fail or throw instead.
The only thing that .lazy does, is wrap the iterator of the Seq into another iterator that does claim to be lazy (if the given iterator claims it isn't lazy, of course). And make sure it won't pull any values unless really needed. So, adding .lazy doesn't tell anything about when values will be produced, only when they will be delivered. And it helps in testing iterator based logic to see how they would work with an iterator that claims to be lazy.
So, getting back to the question: if you want to be sure that something is lazy, you will have to write the iterator yourself. Having said that, the past months I've spent quite a lot of effort in making things as lazy as possible in the core. Notably xx N still isn't lazy, although it does produce a Seq nowadays. Making it lazy broke some spectests at some deep level I haven't been able to figure out just yet. Looking forward, I think you can be sure that things will be as lazy as makes sense generally, with maybe a possibility of indicating favouring memory over CPU. But you will never have complete control over builtins: if you want complete control, you will have to write it yourself.
Yes, you can, using lazy method:
> my #b = (0 ... 3).lazy;
> say 'Is #b lazy? ' ~;
Is #b lazy? True
There's nothing special Seq that make it be lazy, just its underlying Iterator does.
As already pointed out, is-lazy does not really mean anything.
But I just wanted to mention that there is a page on rakudo wiki that gives a couple of clues on what you can expect from is-lazy.
You can make:
my #b = 0 ... 3;
lazy just by adding the lazy keyword in the right place, like this:
my #b = lazy 0 ... 3;
Or, as cuonglm pointed out, you can call the range's method, like this:
my #b = (0 ... 3).lazy;

Good style for splitting lengthy expressions over lines

If the following is not the best style, what is for the equivalent expression?
if (some_really_long_expression__________ && \
The line continuation feels ugly. But I'm having a hard time finding a better alternative.
The parser doesn't need the backslashes in cases where the continuation is unambiguous. For example, using Ruby 2.0:
if true &&
true &&
puts true
#=> true
The following are some more-or-less random thoughts about the question of line length from someone who just plays with Ruby. Nor have I had any training as a software engineer, so consider yourself forewarned.
I find the problem of long lines is often more the number of characters than the number of operations. The former can be reduced by (drum-roll) shortening variable names and method names. The question, of course, is whether the application of a verbosity filter (aka babbling, prattling or jabbering filter) will make the code harder to comprehend. How often have you seen something fairly close to the following (without \)?
total_cuteness_rating = {|animal| \
cuteness_calculation(animal)}.reduce {|cuteness_accumulator, \
cuteness_per_animal| cuteness_accumulator + cuteness_per_animal}
Compare that with:
tot_cuteness = {|a| cuteness(a)}.reduce(&:+)
Firstly, I see no benefit of long names for local variables within a block (and rarely for local variables in a method). Here, isn't it perfectly obvious what a refers to in the calculation of tot_cuteness? How good a memory do you need to remember what a is when it is confined to a single line of code?
Secondly, whenever possible use the short form for enumerables followed by a block (e.g, reduce(&:+)). This allows us to comprehend what's going on in microseconds, here as soon as our eyes latch onto the +. Same, for .to_i, _s or _f. True, reduce {|tot, e| tot + e} isn't much longer, but we're forcing the reader's brain to decode two variables as well as the operator, when + is really all it needs.
Another way to shorten lines is to avoid long chains of operations. That comes at a cost, however. As far as I'm concerned, the longer the chain, the better. It reduces the need for temporary variables, reduces the number of lines of code and--possibly of greatest importance--allows us to read across a line, as most humans are accustomed, rather than down the page. The above line of code reads, "To calculate total cuteness, calculate each pet's cuteness rating, then sum those ratings". How could it be more clear?
When chains are particularly long, they can be written over multiple lines without using the line-continuaton character \:
array.each {|e| blah, blah, ..., blah
.map {|a| blah, blah, ..., blah
.reduce {|i| blah, blah, ..., blah }
That's no less clear than separate statements. I think this is frequently done in Rails.
What about the use of abbreviations? Which of the following names is most clear?
I would argue the first three are equally clear, and the last no less clear if the writer consistently prefixes variable names with n_ when that means "number of". Same for tot_, and so on. Enough.
One approach is to encapsulate those expressions inside meaningful methods. And you might be able to break it into multiple methods that you can later reuse.
Other then that is hard to suggest anything with the little information you gave. You might be able to get rid of the if statement using command objects or something like that but I can't tell if it makes sense on your code because you didn't show it.
Ismael answer works really well in Ruby (there may be other languages too) for 2 reasons:
Ruby has very low overhead to creating methods due to lack of type
It allows you to decouple such logic for reuse or future adaptability and testing
Another option I'll toss out is create logic equations and store the result in a variable e.g.
# this are short logic equations testing x but you can apply same for longer expressions
number_gt_5 = x > 5
number_lt_20 = x < 20
number_eq_11 = x == 11
if (number_gt_5 && number_lt_20 && !number_eq_11)
# do some stuff

Any reason NOT to always use keyword arguments?

Before jumping into python, I had started with some Objective-C / Cocoa books. As I recall, most functions required keyword arguments to be explicitly stated. Until recently I forgot all about this, and just used positional arguments in Python. But lately, I've ran into a few bugs which resulted from improper positions - sneaky little things they were.
Got me thinking - generally speaking, unless there is a circumstance that specifically requires non-keyword arguments - is there any good reason NOT to use keyword arguments? Is it considered bad style to always use them, even for simple functions?
I feel like as most of my 50-line programs have been scaling to 500 or more lines regularly, if I just get accustomed to always using keyword arguments, the code will be more easily readable and maintainable as it grows. Any reason this might not be so?
The general impression I am getting is that its a style preference, with many good arguments that they should generally not be used for very simple arguments, but are otherwise consistent with good style. Before accepting I just want to clarify though - is there any specific non-style problems that arise from this method - for instance, significant performance hits?
There isn't any reason not to use keyword arguments apart from the clarity and readability of the code. The choice of whether to use keywords should be based on whether the keyword adds additional useful information when reading the code or not.
I follow the following general rule:
If it is hard to infer the function (name) of the argument from the function name – pass it by keyword (e.g. I wouldn't want to have text.splitlines(True) in my code).
If it is hard to infer the order of the arguments, for example if you have too many arguments, or when you have independent optional arguments – pass it by keyword (e.g. funkyplot(x, y, None, None, None, None, None, None, 'red') doesn't look particularly nice).
Never pass the first few arguments by keyword if the purpose of the argument is obvious. You see, sin(2*pi) is better than sin(value=2*pi), the same is true for plot(x, y, z).
In most cases, stable mandatory arguments would be positional, and optional arguments would be keyword.
There's also a possible difference in performance, because in every implementation the keyword arguments would be slightly slower, but considering this would be generally a premature optimisation and the results from it wouldn't be significant, I don't think it's crucial for the decision.
UPDATE: Non-stylistical concerns
Keyword arguments can do everything that positional arguments can, and if you're defining a new API there are no technical disadvantages apart from possible performance issues. However, you might have little issues if you're combining your code with existing elements.
Consider the following:
If you make your function take keyword arguments, that becomes part of your interface.
You can't replace your function with another that has a similar signature but a different keyword for the same argument.
You might want to use a decorator or another utility on your function that assumes that your function takes a positional argument. Unbound methods are an example of such utility because they always pass the first argument as positional after reading it as positional, so cls.method(self=cls_instance) doesn't work even if there is an argument self in the definition.
None of these would be a real issue if you design your API well and document the use of keyword arguments, especially if you're not designing something that should be interchangeable with something that already exists.
If your consideration is to improve readability of function calls, why not simply declare functions as normal, e.g.
def test(x, y):
print "x:", x
print "y:", y
And simply call functions by declaring the names explicitly, like so:
test(y=4, x=1)
Which obviously gives you the output:
x: 1
y: 4
or this exercise would be pointless.
This avoids having arguments be optional and needing default values (unless you want them to be, in which case just go ahead with the keyword arguments! :) and gives you all the versatility and improved readability of named arguments that are not limited by order.
Well, there are a few reasons why I would not do that.
If all your arguments are keyword arguments, it increases noise in the code and it might remove clarity about which arguments are required and which ones are optionnal.
Also, if I have to use your code, I might want to kill you !! (Just kidding), but having to type the name of all the parameters everytime... not so fun.
Just to offer a different argument, I think there are some cases in which named parameters might improve readability. For example, imagine a function that creates a user in your system:
create_user("George", "Martin", "", "", "1", "Radius Circle")
From that definition, it is not at all clear what these values might mean, even though they are all required, however with named parameters it is always obvious:
street_name="Radius Circle")
I remember reading a very good explanation of "options" in UNIX programs: "Options are meant to be optional, a program should be able to run without any options at all".
The same principle could be applied to keyword arguments in Python.
These kind of arguments should allow a user to "customize" the function call, but a function should be able to be called without any implicit keyword-value argument pairs at all.
Sometimes, things should be simple because they are simple.
If you always enforce you to use keyword arguments on every function call, soon your code will be unreadable.
When Python's built-in compile() and __import__() functions gain keyword argument support, the same argument was made in favor of clarity. There appears to be no significant performance hit, if any.
Now, if you make your functions only accept keyword arguments (as opposed to passing the positional parameters using keywords when calling them, which is allowed), then yes, it'd be annoying.
I don't see the purpose of using keyword arguments when the meaning of the arguments is obvious
Keyword args are good when you have long parameter lists with no well defined order (that you can't easily come up with a clear scheme to remember); however there are many situations where using them is overkill or makes the program less clear.
First, sometimes is much easier to remember the order of keywords than the names of keyword arguments, and specifying the names of arguments could make it less clear. Take randint from scipy.random with the following docstring:
randint(low, high=None, size=None)
Return random integers x such that low <= x < high.
If high is None, then 0 <= x < low.
When wanting to generate a random int from [0,10) its clearer to write randint(10) than randint(low=10) in my view. If you need to generate an array with 100 numbers in [0,10) you can probably remember the argument order and write randint(0, 10, 100). However, you may not remember the variable names (e.g., is the first parameter low, lower, start, min, minimum) and once you have to look up the parameter names, you might as well not use them (as you just looked up the proper order).
Also consider variadic functions (ones with variable number of parameters that are anonymous themselves). E.g., you may want to write something like:
def square_sum(*params):
sq_sum = 0
for p in params:
sq_sum += p*p
return sq_sum
that can be applied a bunch of bare parameters (square_sum(1,2,3,4,5) # gives 55 ). Sure you could have written the function to take an named keyword iterable def square_sum(params): and called it like square_sum([1,2,3,4,5]) but that may be less intuitive, especially when there's no potential confusion about the argument name or its contents.
A mistake I often do is that I forget that positional arguments have to be specified before any keyword arguments, when calling a function. If testing is a function, then:
testing(arg = 20, 56)
gives a SyntaxError message; something like:
SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg
It is easy to fix of course, it's just annoying. So in the case of few - lines programs as the ones you mention, I would probably just go with positional arguments after giving nice, descriptive names to the parameters of the function. I don't know if what I mention is that big of a problem though.
One downside I could see is that you'd have to think of a sensible default value for everything, and in many cases there might not be any sensible default value (including None). Then you would feel obliged to write a whole lot of error handling code for the cases where a kwarg that logically should be a positional arg was left unspecified.
Imagine writing stuff like this every time..
def logarithm(x=None):
if x is None:
raise TypeError("You can't do log(None), sorry!")

Clone detection algorithm

I'm writing an algorithm that detects clones in source code. E.g. if there is a block like:
for(int i = o; i <5; i++){
...and if this block is repeated somewhere else in the source code it will be detected as a clone. The method I am using at the moment is to create hashes for lines/blocks and compare them with hashes of other lines/blocks in the same source to see if there are any matches.
Now, if the same block as above was to be repeated somewhere with only the argument of doSomething different, it would not be detected as a clone even though it would appear very much like a clone to you and me. My algorithm detects exact matches but doesn't detect matching blocks where only the argument is different.
Could anyone suggest any ways of getting around this issue? Thanks!
Here's a super-simple way, which might go too far in erasing information (i.e., might produce too many false positives): replace every identifier that isn't a keyword with some fixed name. So you'd get
for (int DUMMY = DUMMY; DUMMY<5; DUMMY++) {
(assuming you really meant o rather than 0 in the initialization part of the for-loop).
If you get a huge number of false positives with this, you could then post-process them by, for instance, looking to see what fraction of the DUMMYs actually correspond to the same identifier in both halves of the match, or at least to identifiers that are consistent between the two.
To do much better you'll probably need to parse the code to some extent. That would be a lot more work.
Well if you're going todo something else then you're going to have to parse to code at least a bit. For example you could detect methods and then ignore the method arguments in your hash. Anyway I think it's always true that you need your program to understand the code better than 'just text blocks', and that might get awefuly complicated.

Which method will perform better? (Or is there not enough of a difference to matter?)

Which (if any) of the following will give the smallest performance hit? Or is the difference so small that I should use the most readable?
In the same page I've noted 3 styles used by previous maintainers:
Method 1:
If (strRqMethod = "Forum" or strRqMethod = "URL" or strRqMethod = "EditURL" or strRqMethod = "EditForum") Then
End If
Method 2:
Select Case strRqMethod
Case "Reply", "ReplyQuote", "TopicQuote"
'This is the only case in this statement...'
End Select
Method 3:
If InArray("Edit,EditTopic,Reply,ReplyQuote,Topic,TopicQuote",strRqMethod) Then
End If
'Elsewhere in the code'
function InArray(strArray,strValue)
if strArray <> "" and strArray <> "0" then
if (instr("," & strArray & "," ,"," & strValue & ",") > 0) then
InArray = True
InArray = False
end if
InArray = False
end if
end function
Moving away from Classic ASP/VBScript is not an option, so those comments need not bother to post.
You can benchmark this yourself to get the best results, as some performance will differ depending on the size of the input string.
However, I will say from a maintenance perspective, the second one is a bit easier to read/understand.
Well Method 3 is clearly going to perform worse than the other two.
Between Method 1 and Method 2 the difference is going to be marginal. Its worth remembering that VBScript doesn't do boolean expression short cutting hence in Method 1 strRqMethod will be compared with all strings even if it matches the first one. The Case statement in Method 2 at least has the option not to do that and likely will stop comparing when the first match is found in the set.
Utimately I would choose Method 2 not because I think it might be faster but because it expresses the intent of the code in the clearest way.
Educated guess:
Performance-wise, first two approaches are roughly equivalent; third method is very likely slower, even if it gets inlined.
Furthermore the differential between the first two are likely in the micro-seconds range, so you can safely consider this to be a bone fide case of premature optimization...
Since we're on the topic of OR-ed boolean evaluation, a few things to know:
Most compilers/interpreters will evaluate boolean expressions with "short circuit optimization", which means that at the first true condition found, the subsequent OR-ed conditions are NOT evaluated (since they wouldn't change the outcome). It is therefore a good idea to list the condition in [rough] decreasing order of probability, i.e. listing all the common cases first. (Also note that short circuit evaluation is also used with AND-ed expressions, but of course in the reverse, i.e. at the first false condition, the evalation stops, hence suggesting to write the expression with the most likely conditions to fail first).
Comparing strings is such a common task that most languages have this done in a very optimized fashion, at a very low level of the language. Most any trick we can think to improve this particular task is typically less efficient than the native operator.
As long as this is not done 100.000 (in other words: a lof of) times in a loop, it makes no difference. Although it is parsed code, we may still assume that the parsing is done swift and quickly enough not to make a difference.
I found severe performance problems only when you are concatenating a lot of strings - like I once found out when running a page, adding debug code to a global string to be able to dispay the debug only at the bottom of the page. The longer the page was, the more code it ran, the more debug code I added, and the longer the time it took to display the page. Since this page was doing some database access, I presumed it was somewhere in that code that the delay occured, only to found out that it was just the debug statements (to be honest, I had a log of debug string concatenated).
