Pass a list of files to sed to delete a line in them all - bash

I am trying to do a one liner command that would delete the first line from a bunch of files. The list of files will be generated by grep command.
grep -l 'hsv,vcv,tro,ztk' ${OUTPUT_DIR}/*.csv | tr -s "\n" " " | xargs /usr/bin/sed -i '1d'
The problem is that sed can't see the list of files to act on.I'm not able to work out what is wrong with the command. Please can someone point me to my mistake.

Line numbers in sed are counted across all input files. So the address 1 only matches once per sed invocation.
In your example, only the first file in the list will get edited.
You can complete your task with loop such as this:
grep -l 'hsv,vcv,tro,ztk' "${OUTPUT_DIR}/"*.csv |
while IFS= read -r file; do
sed -i '1d' "$file"

This might work for you (GNU sed and grep):
grep -l 'hsv,vcv,tro,ztk' ${OUTPUT_DIR}/*.csv | xargs sed -i '1d'
The -l ouputs the file names which are received as arguments for xargs.
The -i edits in place the file and removes the first line of each file.
N.B. The -i option in sed works at a per file level, to use line numbers for each file within a stream use the -s option.

The only solution that worked for me is this apart from the one posted by Dan above -
for k in $(grep -l 'hsv,vcv,tro,ztk' ${OUTPUT_DIR}/*.csv | tr -s "\n" " ")
/usr/bin/sed -i '1d' "${k}"


Pipe output to terminal and file using tee from grep and sed pipe

I'm trying to get the output from a grep and sed pipe to go to the terminal and a text file.
grep -Filr "string1" * 2>&1 | tee ~/outputfile.txt | sed -i "s|string1|string2|g"
grep -Filr "string1" * | sed -i "s|string1|string2|g" 2>&1 | tee ~/outputfile.txt
work. I get "sed: no input files" going to the terminal so sed is not getting the correct input. I just want to see and write out to a text file which files are modified from the search and replace. I know using find instead of grep would be more efficient since the search wouldn't be done twice, but I'm not sure how to output the file name using find and sed when there is a search hit.
Oops I forgot to include xargs in the code. It should have been:
grep -Filr "string1" * 2>&1 | tee ~/outputfile.txt | xargs sed -i "s|string1|string2|g"
grep -Filr "string1" * | xargs sed -i "s|string1|string2|g" 2>&1 | tee ~/outputfile.txt
To be clear, I'm looking for a solution that modifies the matched files with the search and replace, and then outputs the modified files' file names to the terminal and a log file.
The -i option to sed is only useful when sed operates on a file, not on standard input. Drop it, and your first option is correct.
I'd use a loop:
for i in `grep -lr string1 *`; do sed -i . 's/string1/string2/g' $i; echo $i >> ~/outputfile.txt; done
I'd advise against using the 'i' option for grep, because it would match files which the sed command won't actually modify.
You can do the same with find and exec, but that's a dangerous tool.
I almost forgot about this. I eventually went with a for loop in a bash script:
for i in $( grep -Flr "string1" * ); do
sed -i "s|string1|string2|g" $i
echo $i
echo $i >> ~/outputfile.txt
I'm using the vertical pipe | as the separator, because I'm replacing URL paths with lots of forward slashes.
Thank you both for your help.

vimdiff files given in a text file

I have a text file files.txt with following entries
Now I wish to see the diff of files on line 1. I tried the following
head -n 1 files.txt | cut -d, -f 2,3 | sed "s/,/\t/g" | xargs -I files vimdiff files
It is not working. I replaced vimdiff with diff, it did not work either. However this works
head -n 1 files.txt | cut -d, -f 1 | xargs -I file vim file
How to pass file as an argument to diff as two separate file paths rather than a single string?
PS : To make matter worse, I have space in some of file paths.
First take the first line, then recplace the symbols by a space, and feed it to vimdiff via a subshell.
vimdiff $(head -1 files.txt | tr '",' ' ')
The above elegant method will not work with names with a space. The below dirty one will.
awk -F, 'NR==1{print "vimdiff",$1,$2}' files.txt | bash
try this, see if it helps
sed '1{s/,/ /; s/^/diff /;q}' files.txt|sh
I also escaped the whitespace in filepath (first sed command)
head -n 1 files.txt | sed "s/ /\\\\ /g" | sed "s/[\",]/ /g" |xargs vimdiff

How to pass output of grep to sed?

I have a command like this :
cat error | grep -o [0-9]
which is printing only numbers like 2,30 and so on. Now I wish to pass this number to sed.
Something like :
cat error | grep -o [0-9] | sed -n '$OutPutFromGrep,$OutPutFromGrepp'
Is it possible to do so?
I'm new to shell scripting. Thanks in advance
If the intention is to print the lines that grep returns, generating a sed script might be the way to go:
grep -E -o '[0-9]+' error | sed 's/$/p/' | sed -f - error
You are probably looking for xargs, particularly the -I option:
themel#eristoteles:~$ xargs -I FOO echo once FOO, twice FOO
once hi, twice hi
once there, twice there
Your example:
themel#eristoteles:~$ cat error
error in line 123
error in line 234
errors in line 345 and 346
themel#eristoteles:~$ grep -o '[0-9]*' < error | xargs -I OutPutFromGrep echo sed -n 'OutPutFromGrep,OutPutFromGrepp'
sed -n 123,123p
sed -n 234,234p
sed -n 345,345p
sed -n 346,346p
For real-world use, you'll probably want to pass sed an input file and remove the echo.
(Fixed your UUOC, by the way. )
Yes you can pass output from grep to sed.
Please note that in order to match whole numbers you need to use [0-9]* not only [0-9] which would match only a single digit.
Also note you should use double quotes to get variables expanded(in the sed argument) and it seems you have a typo in the second variable name.
Hope this helps.

Bash working code to delete first or last line from file

I saw the sed examples, but no matter how I write that it won't delete my first line. Actually, I did more tests and it won't delete my first line either, so for sure I'm doing something wrong:
sed '1d' filename
or for last line
sed '$d' file name
I want the changes to take place in the same file, and don't want another output file.
So please, what's the correct way to remove the last line in my file?
sed -i '$ d' filename. The -i flag edits file in place.
Here you go !
delete first line (also BSD/MacOS compatible)
sed '1,1d' file1 >> file1.out
delete last row/line
sed '$d' file2 >> file2.out
You can use the --in-place (-i) switch:
sed -i '$d' filename
Source: man sed
If your sed supports in-place editing, it's sed -e '1d' -e '$d' -i filename.
Because nobody gives it any love:
ed filename <<'END'
Giving this answer since sed is not tagged.
head -`wc -l | awk '{print ($1-1)}'`
Try cat file1 | sed "1,1d; $d" > file2

grep pipe with sed

This is my bash command
grep -rl "System.out.print" Project1/ |
xargs -I{} grep -H -n "System.out.print" {} |
cut -f-2 -d: |
sed "s/\(.*\):\(.*\)/filename is \1 and line number is \2/
What I'm trying to do here is,I'm trying to iterate through sub folders and check what files contains "System.out.print" (using grep)
using 2nd grep trying to get file names and line numbers
using sed command I display those to console.
from here I want to remove "System.out.print" with "XXXXX" how I can pipe sed command to this?
pls help me
GNU sed has an option to change files in place:
find Project1/ -type f | xargs sed -i 's/System\.out\.print/XXXXX/g'
Btw, your script could be written as:
grep -rsn 'root' /etc/ |
awk -F: '{ print "filename is", $1, "and line number is", $2 }'
I'm just building on hop's answer, which I found to be more useful than find -exec. I had search_text dispersed all over my computer, in logs, config files and so on, but I didn't want to search (or especially change) anything in /dev, /sys, /proc, and so on. One note, read man xargs; it doesn't like file names with spaces.
grep -HriIl --exclude-dir=dev --exclude-dir=proc --exclude-dir=sys search_text / | xargs sed -i 's/search_text/replace_text/g'
