Jmeter -Loop count Infinite - jmeter

Have single HTTP Request, since ramp-up time is zero, all 2000 request will ramp-up in zero second.
Since Loop count is given infinite again 2000 request will be sent or 1 request will be sent after successful response, another request will be sent for infinite time
Flow 1:-
2000 request in 0 Ramp-up time.
1 request - success response - again next request - Infinite time
Flow 2:
2000 request in 0 Ramp-up time.
2000 request - success response - again 2000 request - Infinite time
In above two flow mentioned, can anyone tell which is the correct flow.

You're not running 2000 requests, you're running 2000 users.
JMeter will start 2000 users at the same time and each user start executing your HTTP Request sampler as fast as it can. You can see the number of requests over time using i.e. Transactions per Second chart
If you want to execute 2000 requests one by one - change your Thread Group settings to
If you want to execute 2000 requests at the same time - change your Thread Group settings to:
it's also a good idea to add a Synchronizing Timer


How to setup a throuput whereby we have mulitple different request in time interval using jmeter

I have the following scenario. So I have an OS process sample that will send a request to the console app and wait for the process to finish, I want to control the request to be line 6 Request in an hour.
So send 1 Request wait 10 min send another request wait 10 20 min point after the first request send 2 requests (could have a wait time of 30 seconds) in between the request then at the 40 min mark have another request. I have been reading about precise throughput timers but I am not new to Jmeter so trying to get some help if possible.
1 request of 5k at : xx:00 min
2 requests ( 1 each of 2k, 5k ) at : xx:20 min ~
1 request of 2k at : xx:40 min -
1hr no activity
repeat steps 1-4 a few ( 3 ) times
There is no way to run requests with different throughput values within the bounds of a single Thread Group, the overall throughput would be the speed of the "slowest" request.
All JMeter timers like Constant Throughput Timer, Precise Throughput Timer and Throughput Shaping Timer are trying to spread the load evenly during the throughput period.
So your load pattern can be implemented only using Constant Timers or Flow Control Action samplers, whatever is more convenient to you.
Something like this:
You can use Test Fragments and Module Controllers to avoid copying and pasting the requests

How to keep constant load of 400 RPS using Concurrency Thread Group and Throughput Shaping Timer combination

I Want to make a test case to send 50,000 Requests with 400 RPS using Jmeter.
I have been suggested to use combination of Concurrency thread group and Throughput Shaping Timer for this use case and I have tried following from the following link:
Here the problem is I only get ~28K responses recorded in csv instead of 50K.
I need to make 400 RPS irrespective of the request sent the previous second
I also need to have time difference of ~1sec for each 400 rows so that I can confirm 400 requests are sent every second.
Any Other suggestions to achieving the same result are also okay.
I have used 400 as start and end rps and duration of 125 second considering 400 * 125 = 50,000
I have attached the image of my concurrency thread group too
In order to be able to send 400 RPS with 400 threads your application must respond in 1 second or less because JMeter waits for the response from previous sampler before starting the next one. If your application response time will be 2 seconds - you will get 200 RPS, 4 seconds - 100 RPS, etc.
If your application response time is higher - you need to increase the number of threads proportionally, your 40 spare threads might be not sufficient.
Also JMeter needs to be able to send requests fast enough so make sure to follow JMeter Best Practices and go for Distributed Testing if needed
If your application under test cannot handle 400 RPS - there is nothing you can do from JMeter side, you can only identify the bottleneck and either report it or fix it yourself prior to re-running the test

How to send 500 request per second in 100 loop count using Jmeter

I have to test 500 request per second in a loop count of 100 (Totally 50,000 request) using Jmeter.
I have to send 500 each sec irrespective of me getting a response, i.e.even if my previous 500 requests fails, I have to send my next 500 requests.
Currently I have used a constant timer of 1 second and set the Thread count to 500 and Loop count to 100 with a Ramp up period of 1.
And I don't think I'm getting the desired results correctly.
So what settings I must use to achieve the desired result.
If you mean:
send 500 requests
wait 1 second
send another 500 requests
wait 1 second
repeat steps 1-2 98 more times
you need to amend your test plan configuration to include Synchronizing Timer with Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by set to 500 and replace the Constant Timer with the Flow Control Action sampler

Concurrent user and load

By using jmeter, I have 2 task which is :
To perform concurrent user load & to see what are the optimum concurrent transactions at any one time for 10,100,300 concurrent user.
From each of above, 1ms of data load, 2ms of data load, 3ms of data load
for both, did i just use Synchronizing Timer? what i understand is in Synchronizing Timer, Item (1) is number of simulated user to group by and Item (2) is timeout in ms. Please correct me if Im wrong..
Your understanding of the Synchronizing Timer is a little bit wrong.
Timeout in milliseconds is not the maximum response time, it's the maximum time, JMeter will wait for the Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by.
For example you defined 100 threads and one thread fails somewhere prior to the Synchronizing Timer and gets shut down - the Synchronizing Timer will wait forever hence your test will never end.
So if you want to set maximum response time threshold so JMeter will automatically mark sampler as failed if the response time exceeds maximum acceptable value - you can do it in 2 ways:
Define Response Timeout under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request Defaults
Define maximum response time using Duration Assertion
In both cases you will have conditionally failed response in case if response time exceeds i.e. 3 ms

Set time gap/timer between 'foreach controller' requests in Jmeter

Set time gap/timer between 'foreach controller' requests.
We have a below scenario:
Login single user>click question multiple times
To achieve above scenario in Jmeter used below Test Plan:
ThreadGroup - 1 user, 1 ramp up period, 1 loop
-HTTP request to login
-Questionslist - RegExp to get list of questions with -1
-ForEach Controller - 100 times loop count
--HTTP request
When 'Timer' is set under 'ForEach controller' doesn't actually considered this timer value (ex: 2000 milliseconds)
Please guide how to have time gap between 'ForEach controller' http request.
Actually Constant Timer should work however you will not see this delay anywhere as by default the duration of PreProcessors, Post-Processors and Timers is not included into Sampler time.
You could put your HTTP Request and the Timer under Transaction Controller and configure it to:
Generate Parent Sample
Include duration of timer and pre-post processors in generated sample
This way you will get Timer time (2 seconds) added to your Sample Result.
However above approach is on per-user basis, it means that each virtual user will have a 2-second delay between HTTP Request. If you would like to have 2 seconds of absolutely idle time, i.e. when no requests are being made at all you can add a Test Action sampler after HTTP Request sampler and configure it to produce a 2000 ms delay. Also put Synchronizing Timer as a child of the Test Action sampler and set Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by to be equal to the number of virtual users in Thread Group - this way Test Action sampler will act as a rendezvous point and all the virtual users will "meet" there to "sleep" together for 2 seconds.
