Concurrent user and load - jmeter

By using jmeter, I have 2 task which is :
To perform concurrent user load & to see what are the optimum concurrent transactions at any one time for 10,100,300 concurrent user.
From each of above, 1ms of data load, 2ms of data load, 3ms of data load
for both, did i just use Synchronizing Timer? what i understand is in Synchronizing Timer, Item (1) is number of simulated user to group by and Item (2) is timeout in ms. Please correct me if Im wrong..

Your understanding of the Synchronizing Timer is a little bit wrong.
Timeout in milliseconds is not the maximum response time, it's the maximum time, JMeter will wait for the Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by.
For example you defined 100 threads and one thread fails somewhere prior to the Synchronizing Timer and gets shut down - the Synchronizing Timer will wait forever hence your test will never end.
So if you want to set maximum response time threshold so JMeter will automatically mark sampler as failed if the response time exceeds maximum acceptable value - you can do it in 2 ways:
Define Response Timeout under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request Defaults
Define maximum response time using Duration Assertion
In both cases you will have conditionally failed response in case if response time exceeds i.e. 3 ms


How to setup a throuput whereby we have mulitple different request in time interval using jmeter

I have the following scenario. So I have an OS process sample that will send a request to the console app and wait for the process to finish, I want to control the request to be line 6 Request in an hour.
So send 1 Request wait 10 min send another request wait 10 20 min point after the first request send 2 requests (could have a wait time of 30 seconds) in between the request then at the 40 min mark have another request. I have been reading about precise throughput timers but I am not new to Jmeter so trying to get some help if possible.
1 request of 5k at : xx:00 min
2 requests ( 1 each of 2k, 5k ) at : xx:20 min ~
1 request of 2k at : xx:40 min -
1hr no activity
repeat steps 1-4 a few ( 3 ) times
There is no way to run requests with different throughput values within the bounds of a single Thread Group, the overall throughput would be the speed of the "slowest" request.
All JMeter timers like Constant Throughput Timer, Precise Throughput Timer and Throughput Shaping Timer are trying to spread the load evenly during the throughput period.
So your load pattern can be implemented only using Constant Timers or Flow Control Action samplers, whatever is more convenient to you.
Something like this:
You can use Test Fragments and Module Controllers to avoid copying and pasting the requests

concurrency test in jmeter

I am new to jmeter, and I would like to do a test in which I send 500 requests per second, this for 10 seconds
The configuration I have is:
I would like to know if my configuration is correct or it can be done better
Your configuration means:
5000 users will be kicked off in 10 seconds, i.e. each second 500 users will be started
Once started the users will start executing Samplers upside down
The actual number of requests per second will depend on the application response time.
In your case you will only be able to achieve 500 requests per second if your application response time will be 1 second precisely. If it will be more - you will get less requests per second and vice versa.
If you need to send 500 requests per second for 10 seconds sharp I would suggest using Concurrency Thread Group and Throughput Shaping Timer combination.
The Throughput Shaping Timer needs to be set up like this:
And the concurrency thread group like this:
The configuration is for example only, in your case the number of threads required to conduct 500 request per second load might be different and again in mainly depends on the application response time.

How to achive 10tps throughput for individual request in a thread group

I have a jmeter script like below:
Thread group
+ Register client HTTP REQUEST
+ Health check HTTP REQUEST
+ Create event HTTP REQUEST
+ Constant timer 3000 ms
I have question below:
I have target throughput ie 10tps for each request ie register, healthcheck and event individually need to achieve throughput 10tps. Is there anyway i can set in jmeter to make sure server can handle it?
Does adding constant timer at create event will affect the average response time result?
Your configuration results in:
JMeter will execute Register client HTTP REQUEST as fast as it can
JMeter will execute Health check HTTP REQUEST as fast as it can
JMeter will wait for 3 seconds
JMeter will execute Create event HTTP REQUEST as fast as it can
According to JMeter Glossary:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So the real throughput depends on 2 factors:
The number of threads (virtual users) in the Thread Group
Your application response time
If you're looking to a way of conducting load of exactly 10 requests per second - consider using Throughput Shaping Timer or Precise Throughput Timer
With regards to the Constant Timer - its duration isn't included into request elapsed time, it will not have any impact on the average response time result but the throughput will be lower if the timer is there

JMeter number of threads in a run

I am quite new to jmeter and try to do a performance test of my application. I want to generate 100 request per second scenario however my server takes 3-4 secs to respond to every request. I am running my test for 1 mins which means number of requests fired should be 60k within the time span. However jmeter actually waits for the response before it sends next request. Which is not what I am looking for.
How can I make sure that jmeter sends a new requests every second with 100 req/sec without waiting for the response so that the number of requests fired per min is 60k.
I am trying to use constant throughput timer with 60k as request per min, however that is not helping. Here is my test screenshot.
I have done like this
And Throughput shaping timer being as
So ideally I should get number of samples as 3000?, still not getting that.
Make sure you provide enough threads (virtual users) under Thread Group, "vanilla" JMeter won't kick off any extra threads if actual throughput is less than target one you specify in the Constant Throughput Timer.
Another solution would be using Concurrency Thread Group along with the Throughput Shaping Timer. They can be tied together via feedback loop so if you use these test elements JMeter will start more threads if the current amount won't be enough to reach the desired requests per second rate.
You can install both using JMeter Plugins Manager
My suggestion is to consider using the Arrivals Thread Group. This TG will allow you to configure the desire average throughput (ATP); the TG will instantiate the required threads needed to achieve the ATP goal.

Can jmeter send request more expected samples?

-I has a request for post data to server.
-I config Jmeter with info :
Number of Threads(users) : 16
Ramp-up : 1 and check forever
I run jmeter about 15 minutes(900s) and stop.After,i view report and see report display about 45000 samples .
=> I think only 14400 samples expect for 15 minutes but display more samples.
So,Can jmeter run more samples (> 16 thread in 1s) although i config 16 threads in 1s ?
JMeter tries to execute samplers as fast as it can, each thread sends request, waits for response, sends another request, etc.
You will get 14400 samplers only if response time for each sampler will be exactly equal to 1 second. If response time is less than one second - you will get more samplers executed within the given timeframe and vice versa.
If you need to throttle JMeter execution rate to 960 requests per minute (16 requests per second) you can use one of the following elements:
Constant Throughput Timer
Throughput Shaping Timer
Be aware that both timers are capable of only pausing JMeter threads to limit the load to the defined factor, they won't be able to kick off any extra threads to reach the target throughput in case if current is too low.
