React setInterval makes unnecessary code to execute - react-hooks

I want to make clock with useState, useEffect, and setInterval. But when I run this code, "hello" is logged every second. In real code, another code is in place instead of "hello" which I really want to execute only one time. How can I solve this problem?
(Using useEffect is not essential.)
const [clock, setClock] = useState({ year: "", month: "", date: "", hours: "", minutes: "" });
useEffect(() => {
const updateEverySecond = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
return () => {
}, []);
In addition, this is the code of getClock().
function getClock() {
let now = new Date();
var monthArray = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);
const year = String(now.getFullYear());
const month = String(monthArray[now.getMonth()]);
const date = String(now.getDate());
const hours = String(now.getHours());
const minutes = String(now.getMinutes()).padStart(2, 0);
return { year, month, date, hours, minutes };

You'd actually want to move the code you want to execute only one time into a useEffect hook. Similar to how you're using useEffect now where the code within your current hook executes only once because your dependency array (the second argument of useEffect) is empty. For purposes of code organization, you could simply create a second useEffect hook for whatever would replace console.log("hello"), but regardless of that, the end state would look something like this:
useEffect(() => {
}, []);

Yes, In the above code hello will print every time. that is how React functional component works, on every rerender it will execute each line inside the function again, that's why is logging hello
But you can use one another useEffect without any state dependency([]) to achieve the one time call
useEffect(() => {
//this section will only run when component mount (only the first time)
}, []);
here is a full working example


rxjs fundamentals | expecting subscription next to run once but runs multiple times

fromEvent(document.querySelector('input[name=secondaryPhone]'), 'blur').pipe(
map(event =>['value']),
).subscribe(value => {
I've been working with and learning rxjs for over a month now and still have long way to go. Would anyone be able to explain to me why my debugger is triggered an equal amount of times as there was characters entered into the input? e.g., 123 4567 triggers the debugger 7 times (all with value = 123 4567). Thanks!
It only runs once for me. This is not the event handler that is triggering the multiple debuggers for you.
const { fromEvent } = rxjs;
const { first, map } = rxjs.operators;
fromEvent(document.querySelector('input[name=secondaryPhone]'), 'blur').pipe(
map(event =>['value']),
).subscribe(value => {
console.log('blur ' + value);
<script src=""></script>
<input name="secondaryPhone">

graphql after running mutation if I quickly goback to Previous page, occur error

after running mutation using the graphql, if I quickly goback to Previous page,
occur error : Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and
asynchronous tasks in %s.%s, a useEffect cleanup function,
I think it's because I quickly go to another page during the mutation.
If this is not the case, there is no error.
(Even if an error occurs, update succeeds. but I'm worried about errors)
Even if move to another page during mutating, I want to proceed with the update as it is
How can I proceed with the update?
if If there is no way, is there method that How to create a delay during mutating
im so sorry. my english is not good.
const CalendarTodo = ({
data,`enter code here`
}) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
const monthDay = `${month + 1}월 ${day}일`;
const [createToDoMutation] = useMutation(CREATE_TODO, {
variables: {
data &&
data.toDos &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0] &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0].id,
monthDay: monthDay,
dayToDo: value,
importEvent: isImportWhether
update: (proxy, { data: { createToDo } }) => {
const data = proxy.readQuery({ query: SEE_TODO_OF_ME });
data &&
data.toDos &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0] &&
.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0]
proxy.writeQuery({ query: SEE_TODO_OF_ME, data });
optimisticResponse: {
createToDo: {
__typename: "DayToDo",
id: Math.random().toString(),
toDoList: value,
importEvent: isImportWhether
return (
export default CalendarTodo;
As you already guessed the reason is the asynchronous request that keeps on running even after un-mounting the component due to navigating away from it.
There are many ways to solve this. One is to add a check whether or not the component you are calling the async request from is still mounted and only update its state if so, e.g.:
useEffect(() => {
let isMounted = true;
apollo.mutate({query, variables, update: {
if(isMounted) {
// update state or something
return () => {
isMounted = false;
}, []);
This way however the data might be lost. If you want to make sure that you receive and store the return value you should add the request to a higher level component or context hat will not be unmounted on navigation. This way you can trigger the async call but dont have to worry about navigating away.

reselect across multiple comoponents work only with deepEqual check

I've tested in various ways... Still, It isn't working.
I don't seem to doing anything wrong
exactly same code as reselect doc
redux store is all normalized
reducers are all immutable
From parent component, I just pass down a prop with id and from child component, connected with redux and used selector to get that exact item by id(from parent component)
### This is what Parent components render looks like
render() {
return (
<h4>Parent component</h4>
{ =>
<ChildComponentHere key={tabId} tabId={tabId} />
### This is what Child component looks like
render() {
const { sessionTab } = this.props (this props is from connect() )
<Tab key={} tab={sessionTab} />
### Selectors for across multiple components
const getTheTab = (state: any, ownProps: IOwnProps) => state.sessionWindows.sessionTab[ownProps.tabId];
const makeTheTabSelector = () =>
(tab: object) => tab
export const makeMapState = () => {
const theTabSelector = makeTheTabSelector();
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, props: IOwnProps) => {
return {
sessionTab: theTabSelector(state, props)
return mapStateToProps
Weirdly Working solution: just change to deep equality check.(from anywhere)
use selectors with deep equality works as expected.
at shouldComponentUpdate. use _.isEqual also worked.
1. const createDeepEqualSelector = createSelectorCreator(
2. if (!_isEqual(this.props, nextProps) || !_isEqual(this.state, nextState)){return true}
From my understanding, my redux is always immutable so when something changed It makes new reference(object or array) that's why react re-renders. But when there is 100 items and only 1 item changed, only component with that changed props get to re-render.
To make this happen, I pass down only id(just string. shallow equality(===) works right?)using this id, get exact item.(most of the components get same valued input but few component get different valued input) Use reselect to memoize the value. when something updated and each component get new referenced input compare with memoized value and re-render when something trully changed.
This is mostly what I can think of right now... If I have to use _isEqual anyway, why would use reselect?? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something here. can anyone help?
For more clarification.(hopefully..)
First,My redux data structure is like this
sessionWindow: {
byId: { // window datas byId
"windowId_111": {
id: "windowId_111",
incognito: false,
tabs: [1,7,3,8,45,468,35,124] // this is for the order of sessionTab datas that this window Item has
"windowId_222": {
id: "windowId_222",
incognito: true,
tabs: [2, 8, 333, 111]
... keep same data structure as above
allIds: ["windowId_222", "windowId_111"] // this is for the order of sessionWindow datas
sessionTab: { // I put all tab datas here. each sessionTab doesn't know which sessionWindow they are belong to
"1": {
id: 1
title: "google",
url: "",
active: false,
...more properties
"7": {
id: 7
title: "github",
url: "",
active: true
...keep same data structure as above
1. when a small portion of data changed, It re-renders all other components.
Let's say sessionTab with id 7's url and title changed. At my sessionTab Reducer with 'SessionTabUpdated" action dispatched. This is the reducer logic
const updateSessionTab = (state, action) => {
return {
[action.tabId]: {
title: action.payload.title,
url: action.payload.url
Nothing is broken. just using basic reselect doesn't prevent from other components to be re-rendered. I have to use deep equality version to stop re-render the component with no data changed
After few days I've struggled, I started to think that the problem is maybe from my redux data structure? because even if I change one item from sessionTab, It will always make new reference like {...state, [changedTab'id]: {....}} In the end, I don't know...
Three aspects of your selector definition and usage look a little odd:
getTheTab is digging down through multiple levels at once
makeTheTabSelector has an "output selector" that just returns the value it was given, which means it's the same as getTheTab
In mapState, you're passing the entire props object to theTabSelector(state, props).
I'd suggest trying this, and see what happens:
const selectSessionWindows = state => state.sessionWindows;
const selectSessionTabs = createSelector(
sessionWindows => sessionWindows.sessionTab
const makeTheTabSelector = () => {
const selectTabById = createSelector(
[selectSessionTabs, (state, tabId) => tabId],
(sessionTabs, tabId) => sessionTabs[tabId]
return selectTabById;
export const makeMapState() => {
const theTabSelector = makeTheTabSelector();
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, props: IOwnProps) => {
return {
sessionTab: theTabSelector(state, props.tabId)
return mapStateToProps
No guarantees that will fix things, but it's worth a shot.
You might also want to try using some devtool utilities that will tell you why a component is re-rendering. I have links to several such tools in the Devtools#Component Update Monitoring section of my Redux addons catalog.
Hopefully that will let you figure things out. Either way, leave a comment and let me know.

Recursive observable

I'm working with RxJs and I have to make a polling mechanism to retrieve updates from a server.
I need to make a request every second, parse the updates, emit it and remember its id, because I need it to request the next pack of updates like getUpdate(lastId + 1).
The first part is easy so I just use interval with mergeMap
let lastId = 0
const updates = Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
.map(() => lastId)
.mergeMap((offset) => getUpdates(offset + 1))
I'm collecting identifiers like this:
updates.pluck('update_id').scan(Math.max, 0).subscribe(val => lastId = val)
But this solution isn't pure reactive and I'm looking for the way to omit the usage of "global" variable.
How can I improve the code while still being able to return observable containing just updates to the caller?
The server response for getUpdates(id) looks like this:
{ update_id: 1, payload: { ... } },
{ update_id: 3, payload: { ... } },
{ update_id: 2, payload: { ... } }
It may contain 0 to Infinity updates in any order
Something like this? Note that this is an infinite stream since there is no condition to abort; you didn't give one.
// Just returns the ID as the update_id.
const fakeResponse = id => {
return [{ update_id: id }];
// Fakes the actual HTTP call with a network delay.
const getUpdates = id => Rx.Observable.of(null).delay(250).map(() => fakeResponse(id));
// Start with update_id = 0, then recursively call with the last
// returned ID incremented by 1.
// The actual emissions on this stream will be the full server responses.
const updates$ = getUpdates(0)
.expand(response => Rx.Observable.of(null)
.switchMap(() => {
const highestId = Math.max( => update.update_id));
return getUpdates(highestId + 1);
<script src=""></script>
To define the termination of the stream, you probably want to hook into the switchMap at the end; use whatever property of response to conditionally return Observable.empty() instead of calling getUpdates again.

Testing a Redux action creator that appends a timestamp

When writing a Mocha test spec against an action creator how can I be certain what a timestamp will be if it is generated within the action creator?
It doesn't have to utilize Sinon, but I tried to make use of Sinon Fake Timers to "freeze time" and just can't seem to get this pieced together wither with my limited knowledge of stubbing and mocking. If this is considered a Redux anti-pattern please point me in a better direction, but my understanding is that Redux action creators can be non-pure functions, unlike reducers.
Borrowing a little from the Redux Writing Tests Recipes here is the core of my problem as I understand it...
import moment from 'moment';
export const getTimestamp = function () {
return moment().format();
import { getTimestamp } from '../../utils/CommonUtils';
export function addTodo(text) {
return {
type: 'ADD_TODO',
timestamp: getTimestamp() // <-- This is the new property
import expect from 'expect';
import * as actions from '../../actions/TodoActions';
import * as types from '../../constants/ActionTypes';
import { getTimestamp } from '../../utils/CommonUtils';
describe('actions', () => {
it('should create an action to add a todo', () => {
const text = 'Finish docs';
const timestamp = getTimestamp(); // <-- This will often be off by a few milliseconds
const expectedAction = {
type: types.ADD_TODO,
When testing time I have used this library successfully in the past:
Then in a beforeEach and afterEach you can save the time to be something specific and make your assertions then reset the time to be normal after.
let time;
beforeEach(() => {
time = new Date(1451935054510); // 1/4/16
afterEach(() => {
Now you can make assertions on what time is being returned. Does this make sense?
I would still love to see other answers but I finally got a reasonable solution. This answer uses proxyquire to override/replace the getTimestamp() method defined in CommonUtils when used by TodoActions for the duration of the test.
No modifications to CommonUtils.js or TodoActions.js from above:
import expect from 'expect';
import proxyquire from 'proxyquire';
import * as types from '../../constants/ActionTypes';
const now = '2016-01-06T15:30:00-05:00';
const commonStub = {'getTimestamp': () => now};
const actions = proxyquire('../../actions/TodoActions', {
'../../utils/CommonUtils': commonStub
describe('actions', () => {
it('should create an action to add a todo', () => {
const text = 'Finish docs';
const timestamp = now; // <-- Use the variable defined above
const expectedAction = {
type: types.ADD_TODO,
