Update happens successfully but no changes are made - spring

I have a spring boot program and right now my PutMapping function seems not be working as expected. Right now if I update the field in postman it says no errors but when I checked to see if the update occurred then there are no changes.
#PutMapping(path = "{bookingId}")
public void updateBooking (
#PathVariable("bookingId") Long bookingId,
#RequestParam(required = false) Integer tickets ) {
bookingService.updateBooking(bookingId, tickets);
public void updateBooking(Long bookingId, Integer tickets) {
// checks if event id exists
Booking booking = bookingRepository.findById(bookingId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(
"Booking with id " + bookingId + " does not exists. "));
if (tickets != null && !Objects.equals(booking.getTickets(), tickets)) {
else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"The update was unsuccessful" );
public Integer getTickets() {
return tickets;
public void setTickets(Integer tickets) {
this.tickets = tickets;

You are not saving the updated object in the database.
public void updateBooking(Long bookingId, Integer tickets) {
// checks if event id exists
Booking booking = bookingRepository.findById(bookingId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(
"Booking with id " + bookingId + " does not exists. "));
if (tickets != null && !Objects.equals(booking.getTickets(), tickets)) {
// save the updated booking in the database
else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"The update was unsuccessful" );


How to delete alarge amount of data one by one from a table with their relations using transactional annotation

I have a large amount of data that I want to purge from the database, there are about 6 tables of which 3 have a many to many relationship with cascadeType. All the others are log and history tables independent of the 3 others
i want to purge this data one by one and if any of them have error while deleting i have to undo only the current record and show it in console and keep deleting the others
I am trying to use transactional annotation with springboot but all purging stops if an error occurs
how to manage this kind of need?
here is what i did :
private void purgeCards(List<CardEntity> cardsTobePurge) {
List<Long> nextCardsNumberToUpdate = getNextCardsWhichWillNotBePurge(cardsTobePurge);
TransactionTemplate lTransTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(transactionManager);
lTransTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() {
public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
cardsTobePurge.forEach(cardTobePurge -> {
Long nextCardNumberOfCurrent = cardTobePurge.getNextCard();
if (nextCardsNumberToUpdate.contains(nextCardNumberOfCurrent)) {
CardEntity cardToUnlik = cardRepository.findByCardNumber(nextCardNumberOfCurrent);
log.info(BATCH_TITLE + " Removing card Number : " + cardTobePurge.getCardNumber() + " with Id : "
+ cardTobePurge.getId());
List<CardHistoryEntity> historyEntitiesOfThisCard = cardHistoryRepository.findByCard(cardTobePurge);
List<LogCreationCardEntity> logCreationEntitiesForThisCard = logCreationCardRepository
List<LogCustomerMergeEntity> logCustomerMergeEntitiesForThisCard = logCustomerMergeRepository
return Boolean.TRUE;
As a solution to my question:
I worked with TransactionTemplate to be able to manage transactions manually
so if an exception is raised a rollback will only be applied for the current iteration and will continue to process other cards
private void purgeCards(List<CardEntity> cardsTobePurge) {
int[] counter = { 0 }; //to simulate the exception
List<Long> nextCardsNumberToUpdate = findNextCardsWhichWillNotBePurge(cardsTobePurge);
cardsTobePurge.forEach(cardTobePurge -> {
Long nextCardNumberOfCurrent = cardTobePurge.getNextCard();
CardEntity cardToUnlik = null;
counter[0]++; //to simulate the exception
if (nextCardsNumberToUpdate.contains(nextCardNumberOfCurrent)) {
cardToUnlik = cardRepository.findByCardNumber(nextCardNumberOfCurrent);
purgeCard(cardTobePurge, nextCardsNumberToUpdate, cardToUnlik, counter);
private void purgeCard(#NonNull CardEntity cardToPurge, List<Long> nextCardsNumberToUpdate, CardEntity cardToUnlik,
int[] counter) {
TransactionTemplate lTransTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(transactionManager);
lTransTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
try {
if (cardToUnlik != null)
log.info(BATCH_TITLE + " Removing card Number : " + cardToPurge.getCardNumber() + " with Id : "
+ cardToPurge.getId());
List<CardHistoryEntity> historyEntitiesOfThisCard = cardHistoryRepository.findByCard(cardToPurge);
List<LogCreationCardEntity> logCreationEntitiesForThisCard = logCreationCardRepository
List<LogCustomerMergeEntity> logCustomerMergeEntitiesForThisCard = logCustomerMergeRepository
if (counter[0] == 2)//to simulate the exception
throw new Exception();//to simulate the exception
} catch (Exception e) {
if (cardToPurge != null)
log.error(BATCH_TITLE + " Problem with card Number : " + cardToPurge.getCardNumber()
+ " with Id : " + cardToPurge.getId(), e);
log.error(BATCH_TITLE + "Card entity is null", e);

Getting multiple Mono objects with reactive Mongo queries

I'm using the webflux framework for spring boot, the behavior I'm trying to implement is creating a new customer in the database, if it does not already exist (throw an exception if it does)
and also maintain another country code database (if the new customer is from a new country, add to the database, if the country is already saved, use the old information)
This is the function in the service :
public Mono<Customer> createNewCustomer(Customer customer) {
if(!customer.isValid()) {
return Mono.error(new BadRequestException("Bad email or birthdate format"));
Mono<Customer> customerFromDB = customerDB.findByEmail(customer.getEmail());
Mono<Country> countryFromDB = countryDB.findByCountryCode(customer.getCountryCode());
Mono<Customer> c = customerFromDB.zipWith(countryFromDB).doOnSuccess(new Consumer<Tuple2<Customer, Country>>() {
public void accept(Tuple2<Customer, Country> t) {
System.err.println("tuple " + t);
if(t == null) {
countryDB.save(new Country(customer.getCountryCode(), customer.getCountryName())).subscribe();
Customer cus = t.getT1();
Country country = t.getT2();
if(cus != null) {
throw new CustomerAlreadyExistsException();
if(country == null) {
countryDB.save(new Country(customer.getCountryCode(), customer.getCountryName())).subscribe();
else {
return c;
My problem is, the tuple returns null if either country or customer are not found, while I need to know about them separately if they exist or not, so that I can save to the database correctly.
country == null is never true
I also tried to use customerFromDB.block() to get the actual value but I receive an error that it's not supported, so I guess that's not the way
Is there anyway to do two queries to get their values?
Solved it with the following solution:
public Mono<Customer> createNewCustomer(Customer customer) {
if(!customer.isValid()) {
return Mono.error(new BadRequestException("Bad email or birthdate format"));
return customerDB.findByEmail(customer.getEmail())
.defaultIfEmpty(new Customer("empty", "", "", "", "", ""))
.flatMap(cu -> {
if(!cu.getEmail().equals("empty")) {
return Mono.error(new CustomerAlreadyExistsException());
return countryDB.findByCountryCode(customer.getCountryCode())
.defaultIfEmpty(new Country(customer.getCountryCode(), customer.getCountryName()))
.flatMap(country -> {
return Mono.just(customer);});
Instead of doing both queries simulatneaously, I queried for one result and then queries for the next, I think this is the reactive way of doing it, but I'm open for corrections.

calling my apex method in apex trigger getting the error

public static void insertInboundJive(Map<Id, String> mapCases){
Map<Id, String> mapCases1 = new Map<Id, String>();
Map<Id, Integer> mapIncrements = new Map<Id, Integer>();
//List<ICS_Case_Interaction__c> lstCaseInteraction;
if(mapCases != null && mapCases.size() > 0) {
List<ICS_Case_Interaction__c> lstCaseInteraction = [ SELECT Id,case__r.origin FROM ICS_Case_Interaction__c Where case__r.Id =:mapCases.keySet()];
for(ICS_Case_Interaction__c caseInteracts :lstCaseInteraction ){
if(caseInteracts.case__r.Id != null && caseInteracts.case__r.Status == 'New Customer Message'){
system.debug('**AdityaDebug**' +caseInteracts.case__r.Id);
system.debug('**AdityaDebug**' +caseInteracts.case__r.Status);
mapcases1.put(caseInteracts.case__r.Id , TYPE_JIVE_INBOUND);
Integer intIncrement = mapIncrements.get(caseInteracts.case__r.Id);
system.debug('Increment' +intIncrement);
if(intIncrement != null){
system.debug('Increment++' +intIncrement);
else {
intIncrement = 1;
mapIncrements.put(caseInteracts.case__r.Id, intIncrement);
if(mapCases.size() > 0) {
insertByCaseAsync(mapCases, mapIncrements);
catch(Exception ex){
Core_Log_Entry.logEntryWithException('Case Interaction Metrics', 'CaseInteraction','insertInboundEmail', 'Error', null, null, ex);
This is my Method in the class.I am trying to call the apex method in the trigger.but its throwing the error.Could you please help me and try to reach out the best.
The error which I am getting was
line 188, col 106. Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void insertInboundJive(List) from the type ICS_Case_Interactions_Trigger_Handler
if(trigger.isUpdate) {
if(Label.ICS_Case_Interaction_Metrics.equals('1')) {ICS_Case_Interactions_Trigger_Handler.insertInboundJive(trigger.new);}
You are trying to pass the wrong parameters. In the method you have defined that when called you need to pass a Map where the values are String however you are passing Trigger.new which is a list of Objects. My approach is to handle the mapping in the trigger and then manipulate data in the controller:
In this case you can do the below to pass the records and get the string of data you want in the controller.. or do it in the trigger so you don't change the controller.
Map<Id,Contact> map = new Map<Id,ICS_Case_Interaction__c>(); // new map
for(ICS_Case_Interaction__c con :trigger.new){
map.put(con.Id, con); // enter the records you need for the method
if(trigger.isUpdate) {
if(Label.ICS_Case_Interaction_Metrics.equals('1')) {
and in the controller you should have
public static void insertInboundJive(Map<Id, ICS_Case_Interaction__c> mapCases){

Opendaylight flow notification

I am writing an Opendaylight application that will extract all the flow rules as and when it is deleted, added or updated.
To get the notifications when a flow is added, removed or updated, the application should provide a listener which extends the salFlowListener interface.
However, when I create the application directory structure, it is not clear from the Opendaylight tutorials online as to where the logic is to be put.
Additionally, there are compilation errors when the notification-service is augmented using the YANG model.
Is this the right approach to getting the notifications and is any clear tutorials online that I can refer to?
public class ChangeListener implements DataChangeListener {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DhcontrollerListener.class);
private DataBroker dataBroker;
public DhcontrollerListener(DataBroker broker) {
this.dataBroker = broker;
InstanceIdentifier<Flow> flowPath = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Nodes.class)
dataBroker.registerDataChangeListener(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, flowPath, this,
public void onDataChanged(AsyncDataChangeEvent<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> change) {
if (change == null) {
logger.info("DhcontrollerListener ===>>> onDataChanged: change is null");
private void handleCreatedFlow(AsyncDataChangeEvent<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> change) {
Map<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> createdData = change.getCreatedData();
if (createdData == null) {
logger.info("handleCreatedFlow ===>>> getRemovedPaths==null");
for (Map.Entry<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> entry : createdData.entrySet()) {
final DataObject dataObject = entry.getValue();
if (dataObject instanceof Flow) {
Flow flow = (Flow) dataObject;
logger.info("create flow : " + flow.getCookie() + " " + flow.getKey().toString());
private void handleUpdatedFlow(AsyncDataChangeEvent<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> change) {
Map<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> updatedData = change.getCreatedData();
if (updatedData == null) {
logger.info("handleUpdatedFlow ===>>> getRemovedPaths==null");
for (Map.Entry<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> entry : updatedData.entrySet()) {
final DataObject dataObject = entry.getValue();
if (dataObject instanceof Flow) {
Flow flow = (Flow) dataObject;
logger.info("update flow : " + flow.getCookie() + " " + flow.getKey().toString());
private void handleDeletedFlow(AsyncDataChangeEvent<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> change) {
Map<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> originalData = change.getOriginalData();
Set<InstanceIdentifier<?>> removedData = change.getRemovedPaths();
if (removedData == null) {
logger.info("handleDeletedFlow ===>>> getRemovedPaths==null");
for (InstanceIdentifier<?> instanceIdentifier : removedData) {
final DataObject dataObject = originalData.get(instanceIdentifier);
if (dataObject instanceof Flow) {
Flow flow = (Flow) dataObject;
logger.info("remove flow : " + flow.getCookie() + " " + flow.getPriority() + " "
+ flow.getMatch().getIpMatch() + " " + flow.getKey().toString());
How I do is to set the InstanceIdentifier. Setting different InstanceIdentifier, you can also listener to the change of node, table, and so on.

Updating a datatable in Wicket

We are developing a new application in Wicket and have run into a small problem.
What we do:
1) create a new SortableDataProvider
2) create a new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom
3) create a new WebMarkupContainer
4) add the DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom to the WebMarkupContainer
5) create a new AjaxCheckBox
6) in the onUpdate of the AjaxCheckBox, add the WebMarkupContainer to the AjaxRequestTarget
7) set the SortableDataProvider to a new SortableDataProvider (with the updated query)
8) DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom - with the new provider).
What happends:
1) Click the checkbox -> nothing happends.
2) Click it again -> crash: "Last cause: This method can only be called on a component that has already been added to its parent.
WicketMessage: Method onRequest of interface org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener targeted at org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.form.AjaxCheckBox$1#1a2fefd on component [ [Component id = checkBox]] threw an exception"
3) Click back in the browser -> the list i filtered with the new provider.
Any ideas?
Here's some code.
1) In the constructor of the WebPage:
model = new Model(projectPlannerService);
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isChecked);
table = new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50);
listContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("wmc");
* checkbox för filtrering
AjaxCheckBox checkBox = new AjaxCheckBox("checkBox", new Model()) {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.add(listContainer, "wmc");
isChecked = !isChecked;
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isChecked);
2) In updateTable():
table.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50));
3) The SortableProjectDataProvider:
// Constructor
public SortableProjectDataProvider(IModel<?> model, WebSession webSession, boolean isChecked) {
this.model = model;
this.projectPlannerService = (ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject();
this.webSession = webSession;
setSort("customer", SortOrder.ASCENDING);
System.out.println("ischecked:" + isChecked);
list = ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findAllProjects();
list = ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findAllActiveProjects();
System.out.println("size: " + list.size());
comparator = new ProjectComparator();
public Iterator<Project> iterator(int first, int count) {
Collections.sort(list, comparator);
if (first > list.size()) {
first = 0;
if (first + count > list.size()) {
return list.subList(first, list.size()).iterator();
} else {
return list.subList(first, first + count).iterator();
public IModel<Project> model(Project object) {
return new DetachableProjectModel((Project) object);
public int size() {
return list.size();
private class DetachableProjectModel extends LoadableDetachableModel {
private Long id;
ProjectPlannerService projectPlannerService;
public DetachableProjectModel(Long id) {
if (id == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.id = id;
public DetachableProjectModel(Project project) {
public int hashCode() {
return id.hashCode();
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
} else if (obj == null) {
return false;
} else if (obj instanceof DetachableProjectModel) {
DetachableProjectModel other = (DetachableProjectModel) obj;
return other.id == this.id;
return false;
protected Object load() {
return ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findProjectById(id);
-input wicket:id="checkBox" type="checkbox"- Show active -/input-
-div wicket:id="wmc"-
-table wicket:id="table"--/table-
Thanks in advance!
By replacing the instance of your SortableProjectDataProvider with a new one you are making your life difficult. Instead of using the boolean isChecked in the constructor you could use an IModel<Boolean>. Assign the same instance of that model to your data provider and the check-box and you are done. No need to replace anything in onUpdate, add your listContainer to the AjaxRequestTarget and everything should just work...
private IModel<Boolean> isCheckedModel = new Model<Boolean>(Boolean.FALSE);
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isCheckedModel);
AjaxCheckBox checkBox = new AjaxCheckBox("checkBox", isCheckedModel) {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
It is almost never a good idea to replace such things with new ones in Wicket. Encapsulate what changes in a model and change / replace the model's object. Every object that has a reference to that model can see the updated value or change it as needed.
Hope this helps.
Try this:
Wrong: target.add(listContainer, "wmc");
Right: target.add(listContainer);
Wrong; table.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50));
Right: DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom tmp = new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50);
table = tmp;
(You replace the DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom but not your reference.)
