Laravel mix - class from variable isnt builded - laravel

my class from variable is not working, im sure its mix problem.
<div class="rounded bg-gradient-to-r {{$replay->playerOneTeam()}}">
Team: {{ $replay->playerOneTeam()}}
It seems like purgeCSS or something is removing class "from-red-400". When I set it manually and do npm run dev it works, but when it's used from variable, it's not loading. The class is in code when I inspect but the code runs like it doesn't exist.

Check your tailwind.config.js file and look for something like this:
module.exports = {
mode: 'jit',
purge: [
// ...
In this example, JIT mode is enabled and purge is where you can specify files where to look for used Tailwind CSS classes. From here, you have three options:
[Not recommended] Disable JIT mode.
Follow the guidelines here to make sure the compiler sees your class name in those files you specified, i.e. to write purgeable HTML code in those files.
Divide purge into content and safelist so the compiler doesn't accidentally remove your classes specified there (which will be classes that do not appear explicitly in purgeable HTML code).
Using the example above, the third option would look something like this:
module.exports = {
mode: 'jit',
purge: {
content: [
safelist: [
'from-red-400', // this is the class you wanted
// ... some other classes you may need
'bg-blue-500', // example class
'text-center', // example class
'hover:opacity-100', // example class
// ...

in 2023, if someone has the same problem, this was the solution that I found working:
Add this in tailwind.config.js
safelist: [
pattern: /bg-(gray|red|orange|amber|yellow|green|lime|blue|sky|teal|indigo|violet|purple|pink)-(50|100|200|300|400)/,
pattern: /text-(gray|red|orange|amber|yellow|green|lime|blue|sky|teal|indigo|violet|purple|pink)-(500|600|700|800)/,


Configure SASS Load Path in Nuxt 3

I have my SCSS partials in my Nuxt 3 project's assets/css directory (e.g. assets/css/_cards.scss). I can import them in my components using the full path (#use '~/assets/css/cards';), but I'm having trouble getting the load path working so that I can import like #use 'cards';
From what I've seen, the Nuxt config should look like this to enable that, but this and similar variations are not working for me.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
vite: {
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
loadPaths: ['#/assets/css'],
This approach is not working for me either. However, my use case is that I wanted some global styles imported, as opposed to every component on its own.
What worked for me was to use css property directly inside defineNuxtConfig object.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
css: ["#/assets/css/_variables.scss"]
The correct key to use is includePaths which is documented here. I tried this key before, but the reason it did not work was that I used #/assets/css for the path. The # alias does not work in this option, so I needed to use ./assets/css for the path. Here is the corrected config:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
vite: {
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
includePaths: ['./assets/css'],

How to customise Bulma variables via Nuxt/Buefy?

How can I customise Bulma variables when using Nuxt and Buefy?
It seems Nuxt is loading Bulma/Buefy before it loads my Sass vars, where I set my custom values.
export default {
target: 'static',
head: {},
css: [
plugins: [],
components: true,
buildModules: [
modules: [
['nuxt-buefy', {css: true}],
build: {}
$danger: orange
How can I set my vars before Bulma/Buefy is initiated?
[--- UPDATE ---]
Following #kissu's idea of doing this via a plugin, I set to work on this.
plugins: [
#import '~/assets/set-bulma-vars.sass'
$danger: #00f
...but it doesn't seem to the variables in a scope such that Bulma can inherit them, and subsequently my vars are ignored (though the plugin CSS is loaded.)
So the only way I've solved this so far is via my own answer, below.
I have created a /assets/scss/custom_buefy.scss file with variables like this
#import "~bulma/sass/utilities/_all";
// the line above is important
$primary: hsl(168, 59%, 47%);
$link: hsl(24, 94%, 66%);
$info: hsl(200, 100%, 75%);
To customize our application.
Then created a /plugins/vue-buefy.js file to import it
import '~/assets/scss/custom_buefy.scss'
And then, imported it into our nuxt.config.js file
plugins: [
{ src: '#/plugins/vue-buefy', mode: 'client' },
Working good so far. Maybe not the best configuration, but flexible enough for customizing the CSS and also importing some specific components on demand (and not the whole library).
My starting point was not the CLI tho (I do use the buefy package), so YMMV.
In the end, this is what I did.
First, disable auto-loading of Buefy in nuxt.config.js > modules:
modules: [
['nuxt-buefy', {css: false}],
This solves the problem of Buefy (and Bulma) loading before we have chance to set any theme variables.
Next, create a Sass file e.g. bulma-vars.css:
$danger: orange
#import "~bulma/bulma"
#import "~buefy/src/scss/buefy"
(~bulma/bulma and ~buefy/src/scss/buefy are the relative paths to the main Bulma Sass file and Buefy SCSS file, respectively, within node_modules.)
Add this to nuxt.config.js > css:
css: [
There's probably better ways (I've seen references to doing this via the Nuxt style-resources module, or via a custom plugin - see #kissu's answer) but this at least works.

How I can pass environment variables to scss/ sass file using laravel mix and webpack?

I have an environment variable CDN_URL and I want to send this variable to the SCSS file.
I am also tried prependData of sass-loader.
I have to use Laravel 5.7, Laravel Mix 4.1.2 and webpack 4.27.1
error: Invalid CSS after "...load the styles": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was "var content = requi"
Below is my 'webpack.mix.js' file code.
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
use: [
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
indentedSyntax: true,
prependData: '$cdn-s3-static-url: ' + process.env.CDN_S3_STATIC_URL + ';',
Below is my '_functions.scss' file code:
#function asset($type, $file) {
#return url('#{$cdn-s3-static-url}#{$asset-base-path}#{$type}/#{$file}');
In my case I was running a gatsby site. Before each build, it runs gatsby-config.js, which has access to environment variables.
So at the top of the .js file that builds, before module.exports, I put this:
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
fs.writeFileSync('./src/styles/build-style.scss','$root: "/development-path/";');
} else {
fs.writeFileSync('./src/styles/build-style.scss','$root: "/production-path/";');
This results in a file which looks like:
$root: "/development-path/";
Then in the SCSS files where I needed ENV-dependent behaviour, I have:
#import './build-style.scss';
#font-face {
font-family: "MyFontFamily";
src: url($root + "font/MyFontFamily.woff") format('woff');
And now my asset (font in this example) loads from different spots depending on my dev/production environment variable.
It feels like a big hack and I'm sure there's a more correct way somewhere, but this got me moving again after an hour stoppage and it is working so far. I will probably extend it in the future to have build-style-dev.scss, build-style-prod.scss, and just copy them into build-style.scss at compile time. Or research the correct way.
You can prepend data to SASS using sass-loader
For example to pass the CDN_URL from .env
Extend webpack.mix.js
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
use: [
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
prependData: '$env: ' + process.env.CDN_URL + ';',
You may inject environment variables into Laravel Webpack Mix by prefixing a key in your .env file with MIX_. After the variable has been defined in your .env file, you may access via the process.env object.
So in your example, you should create a new variable in .env file like MIX_CDN_URL and inside webpack.mix.js you can access it using
You can sass-loader that will achieve the results you desire.

Special characters and PurgeCSS not working as expected

Using PurgeCSS along with Laravel Mix on a non Laravel project.
Everything works well but I want to use some special non CSS characters in my responsive utility classes but PurgeCSS is stripping them even if present in the markup.
My example class would be:
<div class="u<sm:hidden"></div>
In the css this is written as:
.u\<sm\:hidden {}
PurgeCSS has no issue with the colon symbol as the following class acts fine:
.u-sm\:hidden {}
Any way I can make this work as expected?
So I was facing the same issue and I did some digging and found the solution here
The way I solved it was to use a custom extractor for Purgecss and in that extractor write a regex expression that correctly matches the way responsive classes are designed in tailwindcss.
Now, here is my postcss.config.js file where all this magic happened:
const purgecss = require('#fullhuman/postcss-purgecss')
class TailwindExtractor {
static extract(content) {
return content.match(/[A-z0-9-:\/]+/g)
module.exports = {
plugins: [
content: [
extractors: [{
extractor: TailwindExtractor,
extensions: ['vue']
whitelist: ['html', 'body']

How to combine `css-modules` with normal `sass`, preferably in `webpack`

TLDR: How to combine css-modules with normal sass, preferably in webpack.
The Setup:
I am working on the styling build process for an e-commerce website. The site's styles are currently done in sass along with the js through a gulp browserify build process.
I have recently added a single page app that is built using react with webpack and babel. Inside of that application I am taking advantage of css-modules provided by webpack to scope the class names to each react component.
The problem:
I would like to incorporate the styles from the webpack css-modules build in with the main styling bundle for the site. To do this, I was considering building a webpack configuration to build the styles for the whole site. The problem I have is how to get the styles which are currently built by the single page webpack configuration and inject just the style chunk into a global webpack configuration that handles styles for the whole site. I should mention that I would like to keep the two configurations as separate as possible
The Questions:
Is there a proper way of having decoupled webpack builds where one is still able to use chunks from the other?
If so, how do I do it so that the css-module setup stays in the single page configuration, and the extract-text-webpack part along with a boring sass build goes into a global configuarion?
If not, how should I go about having one section of sass go through the css-modules workflow, and still combine it with the bundle from the rest of the site.
Thanks in advance.
based on #Alexandr Subbotin's answer, I have updated my webpack to look something like the code below. I did have to change names and paths because of the code belongs to my employer, so there may be slight errors.
var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');
const JSDIR = './build/js/';
const STYLES = './build/css/bundle.css';
module.exports = {
entry : {
'styles' : './src/styles.scss',
'app' : './src/index.js',
// a javascript file that includes the root of the single page app.
'single-page' : './src/single-page/styles-entry.js',
output : {
path : JSDIR,
filename : '[name].js', // normally compiles my
publicPath: 'http://localhost:8080/',
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
loader : 'babel-loader',
query : {
presets: [
test : /\.scss$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style?sourceMap', 'css?-url&sourceMap!sass?sourceMap'),
exclude : /\/single-page\//,
test : /\.scss$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(
include : /\/single-page\//,
plugins : [
new ExtractTextPlugin(STYLES, {
allChunks : true,
resolve : {
alias: {
"eventEmitter/EventEmitter": "wolfy87-eventemitter",
extensions: ['', '.js','.jsx'],
If I understood your question you want to apply css-modules only to one part of your application and leave simple sass building process in other parts.
To do this you can use exclude and include options in loaders. I.e. if you have your single page application inside single-page directory your webpack config can be:
module: {
entry: {
// it is your global sass styles
application_css: './css/application.scss',
// it is main file of your SPA bundle. Somewhere inside you will use require('./styles.scss') that should be processed by css-modules
spa_index: './single-page/index.js'
loaders: [
// This loader will build all your sass that are not in `single-page` directory
test: /\.scss$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style', 'css!sass'),
exclude: /\/single-page\//
// This loader will handle all your css module in `single-page` directory
test: /\.scss$/,
loader: 'style!css?modules!sass',
include: /\/single-page\//
So, in this case all css from single-page/ will use css modules, and the rest won't.
If you take a look in API section of ExtractTextPlugin documentation you find
The ExtractTextPlugin generates an output file per entry, so you must use [name], [id] or [contenthash] when using multiple entries.
In your example you have have two chunks with css (styles and single-page), but only one output ./build/css/bundle.css. If you change your output to ./build/css/[name].css your will have two css files: styles.css with your global css and single-page.css with SPA styles.
