Configure SASS Load Path in Nuxt 3 - sass

I have my SCSS partials in my Nuxt 3 project's assets/css directory (e.g. assets/css/_cards.scss). I can import them in my components using the full path (#use '~/assets/css/cards';), but I'm having trouble getting the load path working so that I can import like #use 'cards';
From what I've seen, the Nuxt config should look like this to enable that, but this and similar variations are not working for me.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
vite: {
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
loadPaths: ['#/assets/css'],

This approach is not working for me either. However, my use case is that I wanted some global styles imported, as opposed to every component on its own.
What worked for me was to use css property directly inside defineNuxtConfig object.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
css: ["#/assets/css/_variables.scss"]

The correct key to use is includePaths which is documented here. I tried this key before, but the reason it did not work was that I used #/assets/css for the path. The # alias does not work in this option, so I needed to use ./assets/css for the path. Here is the corrected config:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
vite: {
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
includePaths: ['./assets/css'],


Vite does not build my #extend rules from bulma-scss

I'm having a build issue with the scss at-rule "extend" using Vite to build out a Vue3 component library using the bulma-scss NPM package.
Using Bluma buttons for example, I would like to import the bulma-scss button.scss file into my tag in my .vue file (or into the button.scss file and then import that into the script tag) like so:
<style lang="scss">
#import 'bulma-scss/elements/button';
When running $ vite build I get this error from Vite:
File: /Users/my-user/sites/component-library/node_modules/bulma-scss/elements/_button.scss
Error: The target selector was not found.
Use "#extend %control !optional" to avoid this error.
It is specifically this line in the bulma-scss package that it doesn't like (in this example)
it looks like I can get around this by adding the following preprocessor option to my storybook's vite configs:
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
additionalData: `#import "bulma-scss";`
But that would include the entirety of bulma-scss right? Ideally I would only import the things I need from bulma.
And here is my entire vite config file (sans the css preprocessorOptions)
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '#vitejs/plugin-vue'
import {resolve} from 'path';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue()],
build: {
lib: {
entry: resolve(__dirname, 'src/index.js'),
name: 'lmsComponentLibrary',
rollupOptions: {
// make sure to externalize deps that shouldn't be bundled
// into your library
external: ['vue'],
output: {
// Provide global variables to use in the UMD build
// for externalized deps
globals: {
vue: 'Vue',
resolve: {
alias: {
'bulma-scss/': require('path').join(__dirname, 'node_modules/bulma-scss/'),
I think the problem comes from the bulma-scss package itself. In the file that you are importing there is no %control placeholder. Even its import ../utilities/controls and ../utilities/mixins don't have that placeholder neither. So the error is expected here.
The %control is defined in bulma-scss/utilities/extends so you can fix the problem by importing that file. BUT, it will lead to another problem because in the _extends.scss there are some variables that are not defined. So you need to import all the file that contains these variables.
Luckily, the package has a file containing all the utility variables. So you just need to import it.
#import 'bulma-scss/utilities/all'; <-- Add this line
#import 'bulma-scss/elements/button';

Sapper - imported scss styles disappear

I have a strange problem which may be related toe tree-shaking. I build a sapper app and in my rollup config, I use the svelte-preprocess package and configure it like this:
const preprocessOptions = {
scss: {
data: `#import '${join(process.cwd(), "src/styles/main.scss")}';`,
includePaths: ["node_modules", "src"],
postcss: {
plugins: [
preset: "default",
minimize: !isDevelopment,
sourceMap: isDevelopment,
Via the scss plugin I copy the global stylesheet main.scss. All of the styles out of it seem to get applied, except for the styles of the body. Somehow these get ignored, because when I check the body styles in the dev console, it is empty. Can't you access the body in Sapper or is there maybe a special way to do this?
The problem is that with Sapper the body is part of the template.html file. That means there's no component with a body element. Svelte will remove styles that are not used in your component unless they are explicitly marked as global. The global preprocessor can help with this. I think in your case I would just get the bundler to create a separate css file for the template.html and include it explicitly like the global.css:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='global.css'>

Importing external stylesheets globally with CSS modules

I'm struggling to add SASS with an external stylesheet (Bulma) to my React application. So far I have set up Parcel with CSS modules via postcss. This is my .postcssrc config:
"modules": true,
"plugins": {
"autoprefixer": {
"grid": true
"postcss-modules": {
"generateScopedName": "[name]_[local]_[hash:base64:5]"
I have installed node-sass and successfully added a .scss file to one of my components. External (Bulma) styles are added via #import "~bulma/bulma"; and are correctly resolved.
Unfortunately, imported styles are not applied globally and instead the class names are modified similarly to local definitions, e.g.:
/*! v0.8.0 | MIT License | */
#-webkit-keyframes container_spinAround_28_Bz {
from {
transform: rotate(0deg); }
to {
transform: rotate(359deg); } }
#keyframes container_spinAround_28_Bz {
from {
transform: rotate(0deg); }
to {
transform: rotate(359deg); } }
Note the added prefixes and suffixes.
Ideally, I would like to import the stylesheet globally and do not modify their names. I'd like to continue using CSS modules and I think I also have to use SASS in order to globally modify Bulma stylesheet by overriding SASS variables.
Anyway, things I've tried so far:
Using postcss-nested and wrapping the import with :global block:
:global {
#import "~bulma/bulma";
However, this throws an exception:
main.scss:5018:5: Missing whitespace before :global
Creating a separate scss file included directly in HTML file via <link> rather than imported in a jsx/tsx file to avoid using CSS modules.
This seems to break Parcel entirely, as it fails to link correct files in the compiled HTML files, i.e. <LONG-HASH>.css instead of generated main.<HASH>.css.
Using postcss-import.
Either my setup is incorrect or it has no effect on SASS files.
You can define regular expressions to mark matched files as global stylesheets with the globalModulePaths setting.
"postcss-modules": {
"globalModulePaths": [
The example above would mark all files with .global. in their name, e.g.
Managed to figure it out while writing the question.
The only solution that worked for me to load global CSS styles from rollup (when applying preserveModules: true) was using the 'rollup-plugin-styles' plugin and the following configuration:
// rollup.config.js
plugins: [
extensions: ['.css'],
use: ['css'],
}), …
// In the package.json you have to add the proper side effects
"sideEffects": [
"**/*.css.js" //this one is very important too
// MyComponent.tx
import '../styles/myGlobal.css';

How I can pass environment variables to scss/ sass file using laravel mix and webpack?

I have an environment variable CDN_URL and I want to send this variable to the SCSS file.
I am also tried prependData of sass-loader.
I have to use Laravel 5.7, Laravel Mix 4.1.2 and webpack 4.27.1
error: Invalid CSS after "...load the styles": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was "var content = requi"
Below is my 'webpack.mix.js' file code.
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
use: [
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
indentedSyntax: true,
prependData: '$cdn-s3-static-url: ' + process.env.CDN_S3_STATIC_URL + ';',
Below is my '_functions.scss' file code:
#function asset($type, $file) {
#return url('#{$cdn-s3-static-url}#{$asset-base-path}#{$type}/#{$file}');
In my case I was running a gatsby site. Before each build, it runs gatsby-config.js, which has access to environment variables.
So at the top of the .js file that builds, before module.exports, I put this:
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
fs.writeFileSync('./src/styles/build-style.scss','$root: "/development-path/";');
} else {
fs.writeFileSync('./src/styles/build-style.scss','$root: "/production-path/";');
This results in a file which looks like:
$root: "/development-path/";
Then in the SCSS files where I needed ENV-dependent behaviour, I have:
#import './build-style.scss';
#font-face {
font-family: "MyFontFamily";
src: url($root + "font/MyFontFamily.woff") format('woff');
And now my asset (font in this example) loads from different spots depending on my dev/production environment variable.
It feels like a big hack and I'm sure there's a more correct way somewhere, but this got me moving again after an hour stoppage and it is working so far. I will probably extend it in the future to have build-style-dev.scss, build-style-prod.scss, and just copy them into build-style.scss at compile time. Or research the correct way.
You can prepend data to SASS using sass-loader
For example to pass the CDN_URL from .env
Extend webpack.mix.js
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.s[ac]ss$/i,
use: [
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
prependData: '$env: ' + process.env.CDN_URL + ';',
You may inject environment variables into Laravel Webpack Mix by prefixing a key in your .env file with MIX_. After the variable has been defined in your .env file, you may access via the process.env object.
So in your example, you should create a new variable in .env file like MIX_CDN_URL and inside webpack.mix.js you can access it using
You can sass-loader that will achieve the results you desire.

Is it possible to share variable between SASS and Javascript in Vuex(Nuxt)?

As in question. I use Vue, Vuex(Nuxt) and we also share all mixins and sass variables using:
#nuxtjs/style-resources": "^1.0.0"
Which is newer version of "nuxt-sass-resources-loader": "^2.0.5"
I know that there i spossibility with Webpack such as here
So my question is - is it posiibile to do it in similar way and how to configure it? What should I have installed and how can I add it to my nuxt.config.js?
I also found that article but for me it is not working.
Short answer: yes.
SASS offers the option to export variables, which you can import as module and use like any other object. Webpack with sass-loader and node-sass handles the imports.
// in assets/scss/variables.scss
$white-color: #fcf5ed;
// the :export directive is the magic sauce for webpack
:export {
whitecolor: #{$white-color};
// in store.js
import Styles from '~/assets/scss/variables.scss'
export const state = () => ({
styles: {...Styles}
// in component
computed: {
styles() {
return this.$store.state.styles;
Longer answer: You can also just use css variables for everything.
// in assets/scss/variables.scss
$white-color: #fcf5ed;
:root {
--whitecolor: #{$white-color};
// in component
mounted() {
this.$ = 'var(--whitecolor)';
.component {
color: var(--whitecolor);
