Cognos 10 Row cumulative expression - websphere

Im trying to make a cumulative formula to add the percentages up in the row with the percentages before it. it can be a random amount of columns ranging from 1 to 15 for example.
This shows me the percentages in a crosstab. i just need to make another crosstab that cumulatively adds the percentages
'percentage(Count( [Pickticket Control Number]))'
I've tried running totals and not manages to make headway. any help would be great.
for context there are 3 crosstabs. One is count of pickktickets, two is count of picktickets as % and third needs to be count of picktickets cumulative as a percentage.


Subtracting multiple cells on Google Sheets + the use of IF ELSE

It's been weeks since I've been trying to solve this problem, I tried various formulas for this (ArrayFormula, ABS, SUMPRODUCT, using a negative sign on the cells), but I can't seem to get it right.
The correct way will always be manually subtracting the cells one by one but this will cause too much delay or problem if we have more than 100 rows on the sheets.
Here's the link to the sheet:
The overall idea for this is that the Total Purchased should be compared to the total sold. The 2201 value on the total sold is retrieved from another transactions sheet and it just totals every sold item, and then starting from E4 (170 in cell value) onwards, it decreases since we just need to know the number of sold items from that certain row.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. I'm looking forward to getting help from this as this stresses me for weeks now.
use cumulative function
and include in your formula in E4 as follows

PowerBi Matrix - display subtotals as averages, ignore blank cells

I have a measure using DIVIDE function, that combines two other measures based on columns from different tables.
The matrix shows averages in row subtotals automatically.
However, it is not clear to me how to prevent it from counting in blank cells when calculating averages.
I can't find solution anywhere online, even though it seems like a simple problem.
% of Full Time = CALCULATE (DIVIDE([Actual Hours Heatmap], [Heatmap Capacity]))
Measure from source 1:
Heatmap Capacity = ROUND (calculate( sum('Workday Target per CC'[Hour Target]) * sum('Employee Mapping'[eMPLOYEE Count])), 2)
Measure from source 2:
Actual Hours Heatmap = ROUND (sum(Actuals Input[Hours ACT]),2)
AVERAGEX function
FILTER function
Filter - measure is not 0 and not blank
Measures are recalculated for each cell. The total isn't an average-of-averages; it's the measure calculated without any active filter on Area.

Datadog: METRIC.as_rate() vs. per_second(METRIC)

I'm trying to figure out the difference between the in-application modifier as_rate() and the rollup function per_second().
I want a table with two columns: the left column shows the total number of events submitted to a Distribution (in query-speak: count:METRIC{*} by {tag}), and the right column shows the average rate of events per second. The table visualization applies a sum rollup on left column, and an average rollup on the right column, so that the left column should equal the right column multiplied by the total number of seconds in the selected time period.
From reading the docs I expected either of these queries to work for the right column:
count:DISTRIBUTION_METRIC{*} by {tag}.as_rate()
per_second(count:DISTRIBUTION_METRIC{*} by {tag})
But, it turns out that these two queries are not the same. as_rate() is the only one that finds the expected average rate where left = right * num_seconds. In fact, the per_second() rollup does this extra weird thing where metrics with lower total events have higher average rates.
Is someone able to clarify why these two functions are not synonymous and what per_second() does differently?

SSRS Bring Total in to Matrix/Tablix

In the image below I need to calculate the two blank columns 'Percentage Total Pend' and 'Percentage Total NMI'. I need to divide the first column number by the total.
Ex: 1,326/4,491
I have researched how to get the Total value of the group inside and came across 'Inscope' but didn't fully understand the functionality. From what I have gathered this issue is because the Total or Subtotal is outside the grouping or Tablix. Any help would be greatly appreciated
enter image description here

Adding summary for group section in crystal report

I am designing a report in which I filter the data and then add a group. I also add a summary field to show the sum of the cost of items in the group. But The amount of sum is not correct, it shows the sum of all items in the group without considering the criteria to filter the data (It sum the cost of all item). However, in the group I have 5 items and the sum should show the sum of cost for these 5 items not all items. But If I use the running total for the cost, it shows the right amount. How can I solve the problem in using the summary field?
Are you putting the summary field in the group footer? A running total field in CR will come up with different sums depending on where you put it in the report, so you have to be a bit careful.
