Custom JWT token in springboot microservices - spring-boot

We have an application that loads information(user specific) from the external system upon successful authentication, to avoid round trips to the external system for each api call, we are planning create a custom JWT token with user specific information for the first time user authenticated, then the token is send to user in each response header using http interceptor and in the front-end we are including the custom token in every request along with authorization token. Is this correct approach? Do you have any alternative suggestions?
I have looked into other distributed caching techniques like redis but not so appealing for a small usecase. Our payload length does not exceed 4 to 5K hence inclined towards the JWT option

it is ok to include user information that allows you to handle the user authorization inside the access token. Just beware of the privacy implication and perhaps not include personal information like social security number or date-of-birth or other identifiable information.
Also, make sure the token size does not get to big. The other option is to lookup and cache the user information in the API's when it receives a new access token.
Some systems including ASP.NET Core do store the token inside the session cookie in an encrypted form, so that the end user can't see or access the stored tokens.
If you are developing a SPA application, the using the BFF pattern is one approach.


Cache OAuth2 tokens in SpringBoot application?

I am implementing a Spring Boot application, in which the methods are calling third party REST endpoints. This REST API is accessible after OAuth2 authentication. That is why I retrieve tokens from the third party (various users can use my application and respectfully call the REST endpoints) and use these tokens for authorization in order to call the endpoints. But in the current implementation this happens before every call. That is why I would like to ask for advice how to cache these tokens and whether this is a good practice at all? Also the tokens expire in 1 hour.
You should not cache access tokens on the backend of a web application ,if you can store them client side and send them with each request.
In case you don't have possibility to store it at client side (possible case your API is talking to some message client like USSD,SMS etc),It will be expensive to get an OAuth access token, because it requires an HTTP request to the token endpoint. This case is a good example where you can cache tokens whenever possible.
You can make use of REDIS if you have multiple instances.
REMEMBER : Tokens are sensitive data, because they grant access to a user's resources. (Moreover, unlike a user's password, you can't just store a hash of the token.) Therefore, it's critical to protect tokens from being compromised. You can make use of encryption.Do check below links for more details :
As per Auth0 Token Best Practices
Store and reuse.
Reduce unnecessary roundtrips that extend your application's attack surface, and optimize plan token limits (where applicable) by storing access tokens obtained from the authorization server. Rather than requesting a new token, use the stored token during future calls until it expires. How you store tokens will depend on the characteristics of your application: typical solutions include databases (for apps that need to perform API calls regardless of the presence of a session) and HTTP sessions (for apps that have an activity window limited to an interactive session). For an example of server-side storage and token reuse, see Obtaining and Storing Access Tokens to Call External APIs in our Github repo

What to return after login via API?

I'm creating an API server which will be consumed by a mobile app that I will work on later. I have yet to see any reference of API best practices related to user flow and returned data even after searching for several hours.
My question is whether the login response of an API should return the a personal access token with the refresh token along with the user info? Or should I just return the token and make another API call for getting the user info.
I could just do what I have in mind but I'm trying to learn the best practices so that I don't have to adjust a lot of things later.
I need suggestions as well as good references related to my question.
Thank you.
It depends on what you are using for your authentication. If you are using libraries like Laravel Passport or JWT, you can have the token endpoint which returns the access token, refresh token, validity period and the token type (Bearer). You can then have an authenticated endpoint which will be used to get a user's profile based of the token passed in the request header.
However, if you go through the documentation for those libraries, in most there is an allowance to manually generate a token. You can use this in a custom endpoint that will return the token as well as the user profile Passport Manually Generate Token.
If you are using JWT, you can also embed a few user properties in the token itself. The client can the get the profile info from the JWT itself without having to make a round trip to the server. Passport ADD Profile to JWT
If you have a custom way in which you are handling authentication, you can pass the token as well as the user profile in the same response.
In the end, it's up to you to decide what suits you best.
Have you looked at OpenID Connect? It's another layer on top of OAuth 2.0 and provides user authentication (OAuth 2.0 does not cover authentication, it just assumes it happens) and ways to find information about the current user.
It has the concept of an ID_token, in addition to the OAuth access token, and also provides a /userinfo endpoint to retrieve information about the user.
You could put user information in your access token, but security best practice is to NOT allow your access token to be accessible from JavaScript (i.e. use HTTP_ONLY cookies to store your access token).

Implementing JWT with Spring security without users

I would like to set up an IT solution based on the Front / Back principle.
Front side I would use a technology like React, Angular and Back side I would use a technology like java spring boot to implement controller Rest.
The front will make Rest requests on the back to retrieve data.
I would like to add a security concept to the solution by implementing the JWT standard on the back. Thus the client, knowing the secret, could request a token back and could make requests by specifying the token via the header of the request.
I found several tutorials explaining how to set up this type of solutions. In particular:
In this tutorial, we assume that we define somewhere (here in a H2 database) the different users of the app and their role (admin or standard).
So the front could ask a token but it would have to indicate the user and his password and the secret defined. The back looks in the database and gives a token relative to the role defined for this user.
My question is simple. Do we have to define users and roles if we want to use JWT?
What I would have liked to do is not to inform and not to store potential users and their roles.
Simply the front requests a token with the secret without giving user and the back gives a token. Which will be used later in the header of the requests.

How can I protect my WebAPI from abuse and avoid sharing API keys?

I have a Web API written in C# and hosted in Azure with Azure API Management (AAM) sitting in front of that API and throttling requests.
The clients that call the API will be javascript based and will be calling on behalf of anonymous end users. For example, the home page of a web site might call our API via javascript to present information to an end user without asking them to login.
AAM ensures that callers to the API have a valid API key. There is the potential for this key to be copied and abused though if someone grabs it from the publicly visible source.
Is it possible to use OAuth2 to obtain a JWT Access Token without human intervention and for this to be exposed on the client?
OAuth2 can issue expiring JSON Web Tokens which would lower the risk of token theft, but I'm struggling to get this going without any human intervention.
OAuth2 is mostly about end user initiated authorisation but IdentityServer3 seems to have a Hybrid approach. Could I use this Hybrid approach to get the remote web server to request a token by sending the API key from server to server first and then outputting the JWT in the web page for use by the client side script?
This would then hide the API key and only show a JWT that is of use for a few minutes.
AAM can integrate with OAuth2 and inspects JWT Access Tokens, but I don't think it understands this Hybrid flow (it may not need to as we won't be asking for user logins).
Or should I just give up and rate limit requests only?
If you can generate these hybrid JWT keys without user intervention then API Management can validate them and use one of the claims as a key for doing rate limiting. Normally rate limiting is done based on API Management subscription keys, but the new advanced rate limiting policies allow you rate limit based on any expression.
I'm not familiar with how the IdentityServer hybrid mode keys work, but usually if there is non-interactive login, then there is some kind of secret that needs to be protected. This is always a challenge when running code on the client.
The API Management HTTP API does have a method to regenerate keys. You could use this to implement your own token expiry mechanism to limit the impact of key theft.

Using JWT to implement Authentication on web API

I have been reading about JWT.
But from what I read it is not an authentication mechanism but more like a crucial component in a Authentication mechanism.
I have currently implemented a solution which works, but it was just to try out JWT and see how it works. But what I am after now is how one should make use of it. From my experience of it its basically just an encryption mechanism that gives you a unique encrypted key. You are also able to put information inside of this token.
I am wanting to implement it in terms on a ASP.NET web api 2 to be consumed by a mobile application.
So step 1:
app => Server : Login (user, pasword)
Server => app : Login OK, heres your JWT
app => server : Get my profile (sends JWT with request)
Server then decrypts JWT and determines the requests Identity.
Now this is just my understanding of it, Look I could be on the totally wrong path.
Is the Ideal of JWT so that you dont have to authenticate on every request? I just authenticate the users credentials once (on the initial login) and there on after the server can simply use JWT and no have to lookup the users pw and user in the DB?
I just want to use the JWT to Identity who the user is. I will then authorize then after i have authenticated them. As I know there is a big confused with the new MVC and Authentication and Authorization.
So what my question comes down to.
How can I safely and effectively Implement a Authentication Mechanism Using JWT?
I don't want to just cough something up that seems to work and not have any Idea of the security implications. I am sure that there exists a source some where that has possibly designed a secure mechanism that would suit my requirements.
My requirements are:
Must only have to check db for users credentials once off per session? Due to the use of bcrypt using a lot of resources to compare passwords.
Must be able to identify the user from their request. (I.e who they are, userId will be sufficient) and preferably without accessing the DB as well
Should be as low overhead as possible, with regards to resources on the server side processing the request.
If an intruder had to copy a devices previous request, then he should not be able to access the real users data. (obviously)
Your understanding of JWTs is good. But here are a couple corrections and some recommendations.
Authentication and Authorization
JWTs have nothing to do with authentication. Hitting your DB and hashing passwords only happens when you authenticate on creation of the JWT. This is orthogonal to JWTs and you can do that in any way you like. I personally like Membership Reboot, which also has a good example of using JWTs.
Theoretically, you could have the user enter a password once a year and have the JWT be valid that entire year. This most likely not the best solution, if the JWT gets stolen at any point the users resources would be compromised.
Tokens can, but don't have to be encrypted. Encrypting your tokens will increase the complexity of your system and amount of computation your server needs to read the JWTs. This might be important if you require that no one is able to read the token when it is at rest.
Tokens are always cryptographically signed by the issuer to ensure their integrity. Meaning they cannot be tampered with by the user or a third party.
Your JWTs can contain any information you want. The users name, birthdate, email, etc. You do this with claims based authorization. You then just tell your provider to make a JWT with these claims from the Claims Principle. The following code is from that Membership Reboot example and it shows you how this is done.
public override Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
var svc = context.OwinContext.Environment.GetUserAccountService<UserAccount>();
UserAccount user;
if (svc.Authenticate("users", context.UserName, context.Password, out user))
var claims = user.GetAllClaims();
var id = new System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity(claims, "MembershipReboot");
return base.GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(context);
This allows you to control with precision whom is accessing your resources, all without hitting your processor intensive authentication service.
A very easy way to implement a Token provider is to use Microsoft's OAuth Authorization Server in your WebAPI project. It give you the bare bones of what you need to make a OAuth server for your API.
You could also look into Thinktecture's Identity Server which would give you much easier control over users. For instance, you can easily implement refresh tokens with identity server where the user is authenticated once and then for a certain amount of time (maybe a month) they can continue getting short lived JWTs from the Identity Server. The refresh tokens are good because they can be revoked, whereas JWTs cannot. The downside of this solution is that you need to set up another server or two to host the Identity service.
To deal with your last point, that an intruder should not be able to copy the last request to get access to a resource, you must use SSL at a bare minimum. This will protect the token in transport.
If you are protecting something extremely sensitive, you should keep the token lifetime to a very short window of time. If you are protecting something less sensitive, you could make the lifetime longer. The longer the token if valid, the larger the window of time a attacker will have to impersonate the authenticated user if the user's machine is compromised.
I've written detailed blog post about configuring the OWIN Authorization server to issue signed JSON Web Tokens instead of default token. So the resource servers (Audience) can register with the Authorization server, and then they can use the JWT tokens issued by Token issuer party without the need to unify machineKey values between all parties. You can read the post JSON Web Token in ASP.NET Web API 2 using Owin
For the formal concept . The Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is, while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.
Let’s see the real life example
Imagine that your neighbor has asked you to feed his pets while he is away. In this example, you have the authorization to access the kitchen and open the cupboard storing the pet food. However, you can’t go into your neighbor’s bedroom as he did not explicitly permit you to do so. Even though you had the right to enter the house (authentication), your neighbor only allowed you access to certain areas (authorization).
For more detailed and for users who like more STEP BY STEP implementation on practical use of JSON Web Token in WEB API. This is must read post Secure WebAPI Using JSON WEB TOKEN
Updated to use: System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt -Version 5.1.4
