Android enterprise policy - how to use managed play store in Whitelist mode with big number of apps? - android-management-api

I just got to know that we can not use more than 1050 apps in Whitelist mode.
When I tried to add 1500 apps, I got an error: too many apps. Maximum allowed 1050, actual 1500
I know I'll need more apps but can not go in Blacklist mode since we are not allowing apps other than these 1500.
Anyone - any inputs on how to handle this scenario?
example policy :
"applications": [
list of 1500 apps
"playStoreMode": "WHITELIST"

Unfortunately, currently there is no way to increase the maximum number of apps allowed. However, there is currently a feature request that is filed to change the limit but there is no guarantee when this will be worked on.
I suggest joining the Android Management API mailing list to keep you posted on the latest updates.


Downloads on Google play console not resulting in active users

I recently uploaded an app on the playstore. I has quite a number of downloads. However, this number is far more than the number of users who actually created an account. I check and there are neither crashes nor uninstalls which cause this. Installed audience is almost 1000 but number of user accounts only about 100. For the app, the user most create and account before using the service.
I imagined that this would reduce the number of registered accounts however, I did not expect to get only 10% out of it. I'll like to know if anyone experienced a similar issue and what the solution was.

Does the Android Management API /devices have a latency

We currently have a problem with a google api :<our_enterprise>/devices/<device_name>
This API returns information about a named device, including information about its applications. We noticed a difference between what the api is returning to us is one of our phones.
Our phone has an updated application (21.05) but, the api always returns the previous version (21.01). This is problematic regarding the support of the phones because we can't have a reliable and instantaneous information of the applications installed on the phone.
Do you know if this api has a latency time to return the right data or if it is a bug?
As tested, there is latency time to return the data when getting application reports. I am unable to determine the exact delay time.
Currently, there is no concrete way to easily get the application reports at the exact time. However, if there is an update in the policy, then query an application report, the updated application report can be acquired. I suggest that you update a policy that will not directly affect your device and then query the report.
Please refer to this link for additional information.

Automating the Configuration Process Of Beacons

I am working on a IoT Project, where I need to deploy 700 beacons in different parts of the country.
Whenever a user(assuming the required services are enabled on the user's phone), the user should get a silent notification of a link to a webapp and if there's an Android/iOS app(for registered users) it would display an update notification.
I have implemented this functionality, so that's already done.
My problem is I have to configure every single beacon manually, which I would like to get it done via a script or an API, because there's a possibility I may have to do the same for 1000+ beacons.
I am using RadBeacon Dot Beacons
Configuration Process Details:
Configuration Doc Of Beacons
Configuration through the Beacon App
Setup a Google Nearby Beacon
How can I automate the entire configuration process for both Android & iOS ?
Little guidance will be highly appreciated.
I would email or call support at Radius Networks and ask if you can get access to a private SDK to configure your beacons for iOS, MacOS or Android.
If you can get your hands on such a SDK, you could build an iOS, MacOS or Android app that does all of these configuration steps. You will still, however, need to put each RadBeacon Dot into configuration mode one by one and wait for your custom configuration app to connect via bluetooth and configure the beacon. Since bluetooth connections can be a bit finicky, this might take 5 secs or more with retries. So best case scenario, you're talking 5 secs x 700 = one hour to get them all configured.
You'll also have to account for the time it takes you to write the config app and debug it until it is working reliably and as quickly as possible. I have lots of experience with these kinds of apps, and would expect it to take me at least 8 hours, probably much more. So the best case level of effort to get all beacons configured is 9 hours.
The alternative, of course, is to train an intern (or your little sister) to do this manually, and pay him or her for the trouble. If you can get all these manual steps done in 45 seconds, doing 700 of them will take a little less than 9 hours -- faster!

Google api limits for platforms (DFP)

I'm not sure where to read about the API request limit for a Google platform such as DFP.
I want to know if the limits are on a per platform basis, or a per google API console account basis? Because there may be several API accounts under
a single platform
According to their support,
The API will give a QuotaError if the number of requests exceeds the limit. It is recommended to implement a back off before retrying the request. If you have DFP Small business, then it is recommended to limit requests 2 per second, if you have a Premium account, limit 8 requests per second.
For any additional information you could refer their,
Online Documentation
Ask for help in their Google Group
Hope that helps. Cheers

Limit number of download on Google store [duplicate]

I am getting to launch a new app which is network based. Right now I do not have it scaled very large (I only have one server running). Is there anyway through Google Play that I can restrict the downloads to a couple of hundred people until I can purchase the scalability I need for my app? I want to have a maximum of a couple hundred people download the app a month so that I can scale accordingly. Is there anyway to do this besides removing it from the store every time I get too many downloads?
You could utilize Google Play Alpha/Beta testing which allows you to invite people to either a Google Group or Google+ Community and only those people can download your application from Google Play. That way you could cut off membership once you've hit a certain number of people (note that if you are using a Google+ Community, you want to make sure you make it Public - Moderator approval to join or Private) and then restart once you've scaled up.
However, if you are doing a traditional production publish of your app then there is no way to limit the number of people downloading your application.
