st_asmvt getting error in Greenplum with postgis extension - greenplum

I have succefully install the greenplum and postgis extension. when I use the PostGIS function st_asmvtgeom,I am getting the following error:
ERROR: Missing libprotobuf-c (lwgeom_out_mvt.c:46)(seg0 slice1 ip:6001 pid=72306)(lwgeom_out_mvt.c:46)

Searching for this on the interweb yields a very clear answer to your problem:
Please do some research before asking questions here.


Error in GCP BigQuery Data Transfer Service: No suitable driver found for jdbc:redshift://

we followed Google Cloud Platform link to setup Data Transfer from AWS RedShift to BigQuery dataset. But we are getting following error:
18:51:01 Unable to proceed: Could not connect with provided parameters: No suitable driver found for jdbc:redshift://
18:50:30 Transfer load date: 20210120
18:50:29 Dispatched run to data source with id xxxxxxx
We verified all the required parameters and sure that values are correctly set. Can you please help with this issue?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you everyone for your prompt suggestions. Actually the error message was misguiding us. The issue was with AWS subnet that was somehow not allowing us in (could be private subnet in the RedShift Subnet Group; could not see real details before deleting the POC environment). Once we created RedShift cluster using Subnet Group having only public subnets then it worked very well. Hope this helps someone at some point of time.
Please bear in mind that, according to [1], "A JDBC URL specified with the former format of jdbc:postgresql://endpoint:port/database still works".
Consequently, I suggest that you change the start of the URL of your driver from jdbc:redshift to jdbc:postgresql.
If the prior change does not work, please review the following related questions [2] to [6], since it seems like this exception is frequently thrown when the driver URL does not match (pay extra attention at the use of single and double quotes) or when the driver has not been registered before trying to establish the connection.
I hope this helped solve the issue you are experiencing :)
SQLException: No suitable driver found
No suitable driver found for 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql
The infamous java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found
How to fix: "No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname" error when using pools?
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname

EMR - Cannot create external Hive table using jdbcstoragehandler

I am trying to create an external hive table on postgres.
My first error got resolved as per answer in below topic:
Cannot create Hive external table using jdbcStorageHandler
But I hit another issue:
java.lang.RuntimeException: MetaException(message:org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant
Surprisingly could not find anything on this issue so far in any forums.
Anyone encountered this error on EMR and resolved?
I resolved it finally and posting answer in case it will help someone.
Root cause was the conflicting old version of same jar file left in hive lib directory. Hence it was not picking the new jar files and rather refering old one.
After I deleted the old jar, problem is resolved.

Cloudera-scm-server.log showing error at two places

I am trying to run Cloudera-Manager and it's giving me error given in following screenshots and marked with red pen.
Can anybody help me resolve those error ??
The error is quite straightforward. Cloudera Manager can't connect to the database with credentials specified. Are you able to connect manually with credentials provided in /etc/cloudera-scm-server/
Seems like its trying to find Driver class for Mysql DB (and not Postgres). I can see below error in your snapshot:
JDBC Driver Class not found: com.mysql.jdbc.driver

ElasticSearch Installation Through RPM On RHL 5.5

I am trying to install elasticsearch 2.x through RPM.When I run
rpm -ivh elasticsearch-2.1.0.rpm it says
error: elasticsearch-2.1.0.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 signature: BAD, key ID d88e42b4
error: elasticsearch-2.1.0.rpm cannot be installed
I tried to sign RPM by
rpm --define="%_gpg_name " --addsign elasticsearch-2.1.0.rpm
When it asks for the pass phrase i tried with my email and d88e42b4 both but it says Pass phrase check failed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I landed in the same boat today and after digging around a while found that Elastic no longer supports RHEL < 6.
Have a look at the Elastic matrix at
Also refer the thread
The question is nearly a year old but I'm answering it with the hope that a fellow passerby might benefit.

Debugging PL/Python functions

I just practiced some happy engineering and wrote lots of code without testing each step as I usually do.
So now I have a few hundred lines of code with an error somewhere... I am using pgAdmin III to write the Python and I write it in their Query Tool, which is used for normal SQL queries. I will not past my Python code as I do not want help with this specific problem. Instead I am after a tool, which will provide me with the exact position in a PL/Python function where the error occurred. To see my reason for wanting this, the following is the error message I am getting, and I have way of debugging where the error occured:
********** Error **********
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "atextstring"
SQL state: 22P02
I've been using PL/pgSQL for a while and I haven't found a debbuging tool.
