Debugging PL/Python functions - debugging

I just practiced some happy engineering and wrote lots of code without testing each step as I usually do.
So now I have a few hundred lines of code with an error somewhere... I am using pgAdmin III to write the Python and I write it in their Query Tool, which is used for normal SQL queries. I will not past my Python code as I do not want help with this specific problem. Instead I am after a tool, which will provide me with the exact position in a PL/Python function where the error occurred. To see my reason for wanting this, the following is the error message I am getting, and I have way of debugging where the error occured:
********** Error **********
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "atextstring"
SQL state: 22P02

I've been using PL/pgSQL for a while and I haven't found a debbuging tool.


My webpage gives me this error. I have tried many commands but it doesnt work

I get an error on my website. Can somebody help me. Im not that skilled. I applied a few putty commands and it didnt work.
Warning: SQLite3::query(): Unable to prepare statement: 11, database disk image is malformed in /var/www/html/uadmin/class/user.php on line 89
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetchArray() on boolean in /var/www/html/uadmin/class/user.php:90 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/uadmin/adm.php(22): require_once() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/uadmin/class/user.php on line 90
It seems your database may have become corrupted. This article gives some good examples of how that may have happened.
In summary, it might be due to hardware failure or software error. Apparently it sometimes happens when there is a large amount of traffic to your database.
If you don't have a backup of your database, you might have to recreate it from scatch.
Something else you can try is PRAGMA integrity_check. That will show you a little more info about what might be going on.

while deploying existing Business network Getting Sysntax Error

While deploying existing business network getting following error:-
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
There is not very much information in your question, but I would guess that you have made changes to your logic.js script and have a syntax error in it!

Run time error in castalia during network initialization

Dear castalia users i tried a lot to solving this error but i am unable to fix this error. can any one gave exact solution how to resolve error given in figure
If your simulation stops at 0 seconds, then it might be caused by some error in intialize() function.
Something that is impossible to be executed.
I had the same error when i was trying to get the transmission level.

How to access WSO2 BAM's hadoop job tracker?

I am quite new to BAM and one of my hive queries is broken.
However I can't find what's wrong since the only error it gives me is
ERROR: Error while executing Hive script.Query returned non-zero code: 9, cause: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask
I've looked around and found out that BAM is only capable of displaying that much information and for more I need to look in hadoop's job tracker. However I can't find any info on how to turn it on or access it in the BAM server.
So how do I access it/ turn it on ?
Please do not mislead with the exception. Most probably this seems to be a problem with Hive query. To get a proper idea about the problem you should send the backend console print log.
It seems like the problem is most probably with your hive query and not with hadoop job tracker. To make sure, please run of the samples[1] and check whether hive queries are executing properly. If hive queries executing without a problem and summarized results are displayed in dashboards, the problem could be with your hive query.
[1] -

VBScript LDAP query to return mailserver property

Using the command line tool, ldapquery, the command is this:
ldapsearch -h myldapserver uid=myloginname mailserver
That returns a line like this:
I've tried every variation I can think of using VBS and I can query and get results returned from many other available properties, but some fail including most importantly this one, with a method not supported error. I know it is there, because I can use the command line tool to get it, but I can't figure out how to cleanly do it in VBS.
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!!
I just wanted to close this up, it had been a while since I've been on. Basically it turned out that my query was good, but that the server I was interacting with had been improperly setup so there were a lot of inconsistencies resulting in what seemed like a coding error. In the end, what was required was a shell out to the ldapsearch program, clunky, but functional.
