I'm new to rust and the windows API and I'm trying to use the PostMessage function using the windows-rs crate. However, I'm not sure what data type WPARAM expects. I've tried guessing since the windows-rs documentation doesn't seem to say. The official microsoft docs for C++ seem to expect the constants found below.. but I get an error when I try using them with the rust crate.
use windows::{
Win32::System::Threading::*, Win32::UI::WindowsAndMessaging::*, Win32::UI::Input::KeyboardAndMouse::*
fn main() {
unsafe {
let wh = GetActiveWindow();
PostMessageA(wh, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_ADD, None);
I get an error telling me that WPARAM doesn't have an implementation for "VIRTUAL_KEY". I've also tried using the hexdecimal for VK_ADD in various ways.. but each one throws errors about WPARAM not implementing the type I try to use.
PostMessageA(wh, WM_KEYDOWN, 0x6B, None);
PostMessageA(wh, WM_KEYDOWN, "0x6B", None);
let hex: u32 = 0x6B;
PostMessageA(wh, WM_KEYDOWN, hex, None);
I'm also not sure how to send the hexadecimal properly formatted either, so I'm probably doing that incorrectly. Does anyone have any ideas, or could anyone with a better understanding of rust check out the source code of the crate?
As #Jmb said in his comment, using WPARAM(VK_ADD.0 as _) should work, but you would also need to pass the LPARAM argument as required by the WM_KEYDOWN message, but if you simply want to send keyboard input then its better and easier to use SendInput
Hello im new at filter driver programming, i took windows swapBuffer example and i try to modify it to pritn me the file name for each read/write operation
and print the data tryed to read/ write.
i tried to do it like this:
_Flt_CompletionContext_Outptr_ PVOID *CompletionContext)
/* here we do some logic that check that we want to write more the
0 bytes and get volume context and allocate aligned nonPaged memory
for the "swapping memory" , build a MDL and then if all succeed i try this:
WCHAR filename[300] = {0};
wfprintf(filename, "%wZ\0", Data->Iopb->TargetFileObject->FileName);
if (NULL != wcstr(filename, L"try_me.txt"))
DbgPrint("Fname %S try to write %S\n", filename, Data->Iopb->Parameters.Write.WriteBuffe);
my main problem (i think) Data->Iopb->TargetFileObject->FileName is unicode and i dont know how to make the compae betwine this and a string of the file name
my outher problem is how do i print the buffer curretly to the dbg string without risking at getting blue screen? (i got alot from them laytly...) sometimes i get to this function without writing a string , how do i recognize the different and printing it saftely?
last question , are there any way to nake try except in drivers or all the faults are continue directly to blue screen?
thank you
here is the link to the entire code (Without the additions I wrote (which I listed in this post above))
File name are the concepts at IRP_MJ_CREATE. you can't rely on the name at irp_mj_write or read. so better to do it in create. also try to get the name from FltObject->FileObject->FileName it may give you the desired name of your file aling with other names too.
For printing the written data you need to check for Irp flag in minifilter it is from Data->Iopb->IrpFlags, IRP_PAGING_IO if its true then print the buffer using
KdPrint((".... "));
Yes, you can use try, except in driver too.
Hope this may help.
Working in C++ Builder 10 Seattle on Win7-64.
I have a TRichEdit control into which I can write from a button click event:
MyRichEdit->SelText = t_string;
I want to be able to undo that change, so I have a menu item with shortcut Ctrl+Z that does this:
SendMessage(MyRichEdit->Handle, EM_UNDO, 0, 0);
The Undo works as expected if I have typed into the rich edit, but not to undo the programmatically assigned "paste".
I had similar code in an old application that was built with Borland C++ Builder v6, and it works there.
My question then is: Should the above code undo the write-to-SelText? Or is there something else I need to do?
The implementation of the SelText setter looks like this:
procedure TCustomEdit.SetSelText(const Value: string);
SendTextMessage(Handle, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, Value);
The documentation for EM_REPLACESEL says:
Specifies whether the replacement operation can be undone. If this is
TRUE, the operation can be undone. If this is FALSE , the operation
cannot be undone.
A pointer to a null-terminated string containing the replacement text.
The VCL is sending 0 which is FALSE and so the operation cannot be undone. You will need to avoid using SelText and instead send the EM_REPLACESEL directly, passing TRUE as wParam.
I examined the source code for the Delphi 6 VCL and it too always passes 0 for wParam when sending this message, so I would have expected the old versions of the VCL to behave in the same way. All the same, you now know how to resolve the issue.
As an aside, you can replace sending of EM_UNDO with a call to MyRichEdit->Undo() which does exactly the same thing.
I copied code that's supposed to change desktop wallpaper. I have this constant in my program:
const char * image_name = "button_out.gif";
Later, I write the image on disk using Magick++:
The image appears in program's working directory. If I run the program directly from explorer the working directory equals the program location.
Because the code prints the 0x80070002 - File not found error I added a exist function in the beginning:
#include <sys/stat.h>
bool exists(const char* name) {
struct stat buffer;
return (stat (name, &buffer) == 0);
void SetWallpaper(LPCWSTR file){
if(!exists((const char* )file)) {
wcout << "The file "<<file<<" does not exist!" << endl;
... actually try to set a wallpaper ...
The error is not printed however and the code proceeds.
Now the question is:
Does my exist function work properly?
Where does windows look for that image?
Full code to set a Magick++ generated image as background in case I have missed something relevant in this question.
Problem 1: String Conversions
Your primary problem is that you are attempting to use LPCWSTR (a const wchar_t *) and const char * interchangeably. I see a number of issues in your source, in particular:
You start with const char * image_name.
You then cast it to a LPCWSTR to pass to SetWallpaper. This basically guarantees that SetWallpaper will fail, as desktop->SetWallpaper is not able to handle non wide-character strings.
You then cast it back to a const char * to pass to stat() via exists(). This should work in your situation (since the original string really is a char *) but isn't correct because your string parameter to SetWallpaper is supposedly a proper LPCWSTR.
You need to pick a string format (wide-character vs. what Windows terms "ANSI") and stick to that format, using consistent APIs throughout.
The easiest option is probably just to leave most of your code untouched, but modify SetWallpaper to take a const char * and convert to a wide-character string when needed (for this you can use mbstowcs). So, for example:
void SetWallpaper(const char * file){ // <- Use a const char* parameter.
// Convert to a wide-character string to pass to COM:
wchar_t wcfile[MAX_PATH + 1];
mbstowcs(wcfile, file, sizeof(wcfile) / sizeof(wchar_t));
// Pass the converted wide-character string:
desktop->SetWallpaper(wcfile, 0);
The other option would be to use wide-character strings throughout, i.e.:
LPCWSTR image_name = L"button_out.gif";
Modify exists() to take a LPCWSTR and use _wstat() instead.
Use wide-character versions of all other API functions.
However, I am unsure how that would interact with the ImageMagick API, which may not have wide-character support. So it's up to you. Choose whatever approach is the easiest to implement but make sure you are consistent. The general rule is do not cast between LPCWSTR and const char *; if you are ever in a situation where you need to change one to the other, you cannot cast, you must convert (via mbstowcs or wcstombs).
Problem 2: SetWallpaper default directory is not current working directory
At this point, your string usage will be consistent. Now that you have that problem ironed out, if SetWallpaper fails while exists() does not, then SetWallpaper is not looking where you think it is. As you discovered in your comment, SetWallpaper looks in the desktop by default. In this case, while I have not tested it, you may be able to work around this by passing an absolute path to SetWallpaper. For this, you can use GetFullPathName to determine the absolute file name given your relative path. Remember to be consistent with your string types, though.
Also, if stat() continues to fail, then that problem is either that your working directory is not what you think it is, or your filename is not what you think it is. To that end you will want to perform the following tests:
Print the current working directory at the point you check for the files existence, verify it is correct.
Print the filename when you check for its existence, verify it is correct.
You should be good to go once you work all the above issues out.
I'm just starting learning C++/XAML windows store app development but for the life of me I can't find a nice way to print variable values to the "Output" window in VS2012.
Debug.WriteLine() doesn't seem to exist for Windows Store apps and I can't find a way to print other than OutputDebugString() which I can't use to print variable values (without some heavy formatting).
Is there just an easy way to print the example line:
mouse position X: 12
for example, where 12 is an integer that comes from MouseDelta.
Thanks for your time,
Not really, no. You could write a little function that formatted like printf and passed along the resulting string to OutputDebugString() but there's nothing more straightforward available.
I guess you could use ToString(), Platform::String::operator+, and Platform::String::Data() to accomplish this; though it's a little ugly:
OutputDebugString( ("mouse position X:" + MouseDelta.X.ToString())->Data() );
Here is a nice alternative: http://seaplusplus.com/2012/06/25/printf-debugging-in-metro-style-apps/, basically it allocates a console for your Windows Store App, obviously this will fail certification but given that this may be just for debug purposes only, it will fine. I'm copying the relevant code here:
// Include Windows.h for WINBASEAPI and WINAPI:
#include <Windows.h>
// Declare AllocConsole ourselves, since Windows.h omits it:
extern "C" WINBASEAPI int WINAPI AllocConsole();
auto main(Platform::Array<Platform::String^>^) -> int
std::wcout << L"Hello there!" << std::endl;
However if you want to see such output inside your app, then you may want to use Console Class for Modern UI Apps which implements part of the .NET System.Console and can be safely used inside Windows Store apps.
This solution uses a wrapper around OutputDebugString:
void WinLog(const wchar_t *text, int n)
wchar_t buf[1024];
_snwprintf_s(buf, 1024, _TRUNCATE, L"%s %d\n", text, n);
which can be called as follows:
WinLog(L"The Answer is", 42);
How do I programmatically trigger Flip 3D on Windows Vista and 7?
Is there an API for this and if so, what is it called and where can I find the relevant functions? (I need a specific answer, eg a web link to the actual functions, not something generic like "Oh, it's in DirectX.")
On a related node, I have a Logitech mouse that has a "Document Flip" button that invokes Flip 3D (and then I can press up/down keys to page through the results.) I am curious if they are using an official Windows API or if there is some low level hackery going on.
you need to run a function from dwmapi
Sadly there is no proper funktion name only the ord-number 105
You can try this by executing %WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe dwmapi #105 from Run-dialog or cmd.
ive found out the Windows' API GetProcAddress Function accepts ord-numbers (the 105) as second parameter as well as proper name
lpProcName [in]
The function or variable name, or the function's ordinal value. If this parameter is an ordinal value, it must be in the low-order word; the high-order word must be zero.
so use this code
typedef vois (__cdecl *FlipProc)();
HINSTANCE hDwmApi = LoadLibrary(TEXT("dwmapi.dll"));
FlipProcAdd = (FlipProc) GetProcAddress(hDwmApi, (LPCSTR)105);