error running yarn build about big integer literals - yarnpkg

I'm trying to install crater app and it says to do yarn build. I keep getting errors, and everything is up to date so I am lost on how to fix this one:
error during build:
Error: Transform failed with 3 errors:
assets/vendor.6c423067.js:56507:1751: error: Big integer literals are not available in the configured target environment ("chrome87", "edge88", "es2019", "firefox78", "safari13.1")
assets/vendor.6c423067.js:56507:3030: error: Big integer literals are not available in the configured target environment ("chrome87", "edge88", "es2019", "firefox78", "safari13.1")
assets/vendor.6c423067.js:56507:3070: error: Big integer literals are not available in the configured target environment ("chrome87", "edge88", "es2019", "firefox78", "safari13.1")
at failureErrorWithLog (/var/www/admin.thehigheryougo/crater/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1493:15)
at /var/www/admin.thehigheryougo/crater/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1282:29
at /var/www/admin.thehigheryougo/crater/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:629:9
at handleIncomingPacket (/var/www/admin.thehigheryougo/crater/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:726:9)
at Socket.readFromStdout (/var/www/admin.thehigheryougo/crater/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:596:7)
at Socket.emit (events.js:400:28)
at addChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:290:12)
at readableAddChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:265:9)
at Socket.Readable.push (internal/streams/readable.js:204:10)
at Pipe.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
I am familiar with npm and how to fix issues with that, but this is my first time using yarn and I couldnt find a related topic for how to resolve it. Please help!


How to debug #graphql-codegen/cli

Having difficult understanding where these errors are coming from. Adding --verbose and --debug to the command do nothing. I just want to know specifically what is causing the schema to fail to load. No matter what url I provide, it always fails. This wasn't happening before.
Is there any way to troubleshoot this I'm not seeing?
(node:11248) ExperimentalWarning: stream/web is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
[STARTED] Parse Configuration
[SUCCESS] Parse Configuration
[STARTED] Generate outputs
[STARTED] Generate src/generated/graphql.tsx
[STARTED] Load GraphQL schemas
[FAILED] Failed to load schema
[SUCCESS] Generate outputs
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
I think it should be fixed if you upgrade your #graphql-codegen/cli.
Check documentation:
Check issue:
$ graphql-codegen --debug --config codegen.yml
✔ Parse Configuration
⚠ Generate outputs
❯ Generate to src/types/api/index.ts
✔ Load GraphQL schemas
✔ Load GraphQL documents
✖ GraphQL Document Validation failed with 23 errors;
Error 0: Cannot query field "..." on type "..."

yarn deploy give error with Command failed with exit code 1 when running collection-examples-as

I am trying to run the collection-examples-as near example but when I run yarn deploy it gives me the following error
$ near dev-deploy --wasmFile="./contract.wasm"
Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1637744501224-6323200, node:, helper:, file:
An error occurred
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './contract.wasm'
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './contract.wasm'] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'open',
path: './contract.wasm'
error Command failed with exit code 1.
I think the error is it can't find the path to ./contract.wasm so I run yarn build the I tried to deploy it again using yarn deploy but I got another error which is:
$ near dev-deploy --wasmFile="./contract.wasm"
Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1637744501224-6323200, node:, helper:, file:
An error occurred
Error: Can not sign transactions for account dev-1637744501224-6323200 on network
default, no matching key pair found in
credentials), UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(/home/rasha/collection-examples-
type: 'KeyNotFound',
context: undefined
any help or suggestions?
There's an issue with old versions of near-cli and dev-deploy.
As a workaround, you can try running the latest cli directly from your terminal:
near dev-deploy --wasmFile="./contract.wasm" -f
Just check that you installed the latest version of near-cli, currently 2.2.0. You can check your version with near --version.
Be sure to run yarn build first, so you'll have the compiled contract.wasm file.
Note: When you run yarn deploy, it uses the old near-cli version defined in package.json. (probably some old version like 1.6.0)
You might also want to check this GitHub issue (dev-deploy error):

Internal error: org.jetbrains.concurrency.MessageError: Helper script failed on remote: _jb_debug_helper is not defined

WebStorm 2017.2.1
Internal error: org.jetbrains.concurrency.MessageError: Helper script failed on remote: _jb_debug_helper is not defined
I am getting above error when tries to run debugger and look for certain properties in 'local' section. Even a single watch expression added to it does not return the result.
the issue is tracked as WEB-27884, please follow it for updates

Cannot run in production mode

I have a donejs application and its running ok in development mode donejs develop, but when I run it in production mode:
donejs build
donejs deploy (to firebase)
NODE_ENV=production donejs start
it will not start and show an error (see CODE A)
This file: file:my-app/dist/bundles/my-app/index.js:704 corresponds to JQuery 3.x and its not a dependency of the project itself but a dependency of can-connect-feathers ( In fact in index.js there is also included JQuery 2.x what makes me think there might be some sort of incompatibility among them.
I already tried changing the project's dependency to JQuery 3.x but didn't help. Actually it will make even donejs develop fail (see CODE B).
I also tried the following:
cd my-app/node_modules/steal
npm install
but didn't help, another error appears and finally tried cd my-app/node_modules/can && npm install but that end up in multiple errors.
I'm using:
NODE_ENV=production donejs start
my-app#0.0.0 start my-app
done-serve --proxy http://localhost:3030 --port 8080
done-serve starting on http://localhost:8080
Potentially unhandled rejection [5] TypeError: Error loading "package.json!npm" at file:my-app/package.json
Error loading "bundles/my-app/index" at file:my-app/dist/bundles/my-app/index.js
Error evaluating file:my-app/dist/bundles/my-app/index.js
Cannot read property 'createElement' of undefined
at i (file:my-app/dist/bundles/my-app/index.js:704:20)
at file:my-app/dist/bundles/my-app/index.js:1039:2881
at file:my-app/dist/bundles/my-app/index.js:1039:3580
at file:my-app/dist/bundles/my-app/index.js:268:21
at file:my-app/dist/bundles/my-app/index.js:268:27
at Object.exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:54:17)
at doEval (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/dist/system.src.js:2059:10)
at __eval (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/dist/system.src.js:1976:7)
at Loader.exec [as __exec] (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/dist/system.src.js:339:5)
at Loader.loader.instantiate (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/dist/system.src.js:1517:16)
donejs develop
my-app#0.0.0 develop my-app
done-serve --develop --proxy http://localhost:3030 --port 8080
done-serve starting on http://localhost:8080
Potentially unhandled rejection [8] Error: Error loading "my-app#0.0.0#index.stache!done-autorender#0.8.0#autorender" at <unknown>
Error loading "can#2.3.27#util/jquery/jquery" at file:my-app/node_modules/can/util/jquery/jquery.js
Error loading "can#2.3.27#util/jquery/jquery" from "done-autorender#0.8.0#autorender" at file:my-app/node_modules/done-autorender/src/autorender.js
Did not find ./node_modules/can/node_modules/jquery/package.json
at (file:my-app/node_modules/steal/ext/npm-crawl.js:532:11)
at file:my-app/node_modules/steal/ext/npm-crawl.js:556:33
at tryCatchReject (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:1183:30)
at runContinuation1 (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:1142:4)
at Fulfilled.when (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:930:4)
at (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:821:13)
at Scheduler._drain (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:97:19)
at Scheduler.drain (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:62:9)
at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:436:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:365:13)
Potentially unhandled rejection [16] Error: Error loading "can#2.3.27#util/jquery/jquery" at file:my-app/node_modules/can/util/jquery/jquery.js
Error loading "can#2.3.27#util/jquery/jquery" from "my-app#0.0.0#index.stache!done-autorender#0.8.0#autorender" at file:my-app/src/index.stache
Did not find ./node_modules/can/node_modules/jquery/package.json
at (file:my-app/node_modules/steal/ext/npm-crawl.js:532:11)
at file:my-app/node_modules/steal/ext/npm-crawl.js:556:33
at tryCatchReject (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:1183:30)
at runContinuation1 (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:1142:4)
at Fulfilled.when (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:930:4)
at (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:821:13)
at Scheduler._drain (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:97:19)
at Scheduler.drain (my-app/node_modules/steal/node_modules/steal-systemjs/node_modules/steal-es6-module-loader/dist/es6-module-loader.src.js:62:9)
at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:436:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:365:13)
If the double jQuery installation is the issue, it should be resolved by version 2.0.0, which is exactly the same as the 1.0 version, but requires that you pass in a jQuery package as the jquery option. So, in addition to whatever else you had in your can-connect-feathers config, you'll need to provide the jquery option:
import $ from 'jquery'
import Feathers from 'can-connect-feathers';
new Feathers({
jquery: $

Installing Meteor at Koding

I'm trying to instal meteor at koding and I got error on the last step meteor -p port this is what I get :
throw err;
Error: failed to connect to []
at Server.connect.connectionPool.on.server._serverState (/Users/chlebta/meteor/dev_bundle/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:482:73)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20)
at connection.on._self._poolState (/Users/chlebta/meteor/dev_bundle/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/connection_pool.js:96:15)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:99:17)
at Socket.errorHandler (/Users/chlebta/meteor/dev_bundle/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/connection.js:411:10)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
at Socket._destroy.self.errorEmitted (net.js:329:14)
at process.startup.processNextTick.process._tickCallback (node.js:244:9)
Exited with code: 1
Your application is crashing. Waiting for file change.
There is a section about Meteor in the Koding wiki.
Also, please note that you should select a port inside the port range of 1024 to 10000. Some ports may be in use, so you might have to try out a few different ones.
Not sure if you've gotten past this, but I had a similar issue. I ended up having to create an environment variable named MONGO_URL:
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://user:pass#host:port/dbname
Of course, replace user, pass, host, port and dbname with what Koding assigned to you. Not the most secure, so I'll find a more elegant solution to this, but for the moment, it works.
