How to handle errors when they are NOT the only value returned by a function? - go

I have created a function to handle errors that looks like this:
func handleErr(e error) {
if e != nil {
log.Fatal("Error:", e)
For functions that only return an error, I can do the following:
However, for functions that also return other values and not only an error, I have to spread my code over two lines, like this:
s, e := os.Getwd()
Is there a way to condense the above two lines into one?

Please note that it's not possible to uniformly handle the error and return a dynamically typed value at the same time. handleErr() could only return a value of type interface{}, further type assertion would be needed to extract a concrete type from it. As noted by mkopriva's comment, generics is needed to make the return type "dynamic".
The below answer only handles the error, but discards the other return value(s).
If you can modify handleErr()
Add another parameter to handlerErr() of interface{} type. Any value is assignable to interface{}:
func handleErr(i interface{}, e error) {
if e != nil {
log.Fatal("Error:", e)
Lets use this example function:
func foo(fail bool) (int, error) {
if fail {
return 0, errors.New("fail")
return 0, nil
Testing it:
fmt.Println("First is OK")
fmt.Println("Second is OK")
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
First is OK
2009/11/10 23:00:00 Error:fail
handleErr(foo(false)) is possible and is valid, because Spec: Calls:
As a special case, if the return values of a function or method g are equal in number and individually assignable to the parameters of another function or method f, then the call f(g(parameters_of_g)) will invoke f after binding the return values of g to the parameters of f in order. The call of f must contain no parameters other than the call of g, and g must have at least one return value. If f has a final ... parameter, it is assigned the return values of g that remain after assignment of regular parameters.
If you can't modify handleErr()
You can write a helper function which reduces 2 return values to one:
func reduceTwoParams(i interface{}, err error) error {
return err
You may use this with any functions that return 2 values where second is error, because all values are assignable to interface{}.
Testing it:
fmt.Println("First is OK")
fmt.Println("Second is OK")
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
First is OK
2009/11/10 23:00:00 Error:fail
If you want to handle functions with 3 return values, you have to write another helper:
func reduceThreeParams(i, j interface{}, err error) error {
return err


Return default value for generic type

How do you return nil for a generic type T?
func (list *mylist[T]) pop() T {
if list.first != nil {
data :=
list.first =
return data
return nil
func (list *mylist[T]) getfirst() T {
if list.first != nil {
return nil
I get the following compilation error:
cannot use nil as T value in return statement
You can't return nil for any type. If int is used as the type argument for T for example, returning nil makes no sense. nil is also not a valid value for structs.
What you may do–and what makes sense–is return the zero value for the type argument used for T. For example the zero value is nil for pointers, slices, it's the empty string for string and 0 for integer and floating point numbers.
How to return the zero value? Simply declare a variable of type T, and return it:
func getZero[T any]() T {
var result T
return result
Testing it:
i := getZero[int]()
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", i, i)
s := getZero[string]()
fmt.Printf("%T %q\n", s, s)
p := getZero[image.Point]()
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", p, p)
f := getZero[*float64]()
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", f, f)
Which outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
int 0
string ""
image.Point (0,0)
*float64 <nil>
The *new(T) idiom
This has been suggested as the preferred option in golang-nuts. It is probably less readable but easier to find and replace if/when some zero-value builtin gets added to the language.
It also allows one-line assignments.
The new built-in allocates storage for a variable of any type and returns a pointer to it, so dereferencing *new(T) effectively yields the zero value for T. You can use a type parameter as the argument:
func Zero[T any]() T {
return *new(T)
In case T is comparable, this comes in handy to check if some variable is a zero value:
func IsZero[T comparable](v T) bool {
return v == *new(T)
var of type T
Straightforward and easier to read, though it always requires one line more:
func Zero[T any]() T {
var zero T
return zero
Named return types
If you don't want to explicitly declare a variable you can use named returns. Not everyone is fond of this syntax, though this might come in handy when your function body is more complex than this contrived example, or if you need to manipulate the value in a defer statement:
func Zero[T any]() (ret T) {
func main() {
fmt.Println(Zero[int]()) // 0
fmt.Println(Zero[map[string]int]()) // map[]
fmt.Println(Zero[chan chan uint64]()) // <nil>
It's not a chance that the syntax for named returns closely resembles that of var declarations.
Using your example:
func (list *mylist[T]) pop() (data T) {
if list.first != nil {
data =
list.first =
Return nil for non-nillable types
If you actually want to do this, as stated in your question, you can return *T explicitly.
This can be done when the type param T is constrained to something that excludes pointer types. In that case, you can declare the return type as *T and now you can return nil, which is the zero value of pointer types.
// constraint includes only non-pointer types
func getNilFor[T constraints.Integer]() *T {
return nil
func main() {
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(getNilFor[int]())) // *int
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(getNilFor[uint64]())) // *uint64
Let me state this again: this works best when T is NOT constrained to anything that admits pointer types, otherwise what you get is a pointer-to-pointer type:
// pay attention to this
func zero[T any]() *T {
return nil
func main() {
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(zero[int]())) // *int, good
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(zero[*int]())) // **int, maybe not what you want...
You can init a empty variable.
if l == 0 {
var empty T
return empty, errors.New("empty Stack")

Why does go panic recover to return value with local variable not work?

This panic recover code works with named return values.
func main() {
result, err := foo()
fmt.Println("result:", result)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("err:", err)
func foo() (result int, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
result = -1
err = errors.New(e.(string))
result = 100
err = nil
func bar() {
panic("panic happened")
result: -1
err: panic happened
But why this code with local variables does not work?
func main() {
result, err := foo()
fmt.Println("result:", result)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("err:", err)
func foo() (int, error) {
var result int
var err error
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
result = -1
err = errors.New(e.(string))
result = 100
err = nil
return result, err
func bar() {
panic("panic happened")
result: 0
Any explanation to help me understanding the reason / basic concept of it? In the go tour basics the explanation is as followed.
Named return values
Go's return values may be named. If so, they are treated as variables defined at the top of the function.
So it should be the same, right?
Note that this has nothing to do with panic/recover, it is a feature of the defer statement.
... if the deferred function is a function literal and the surrounding
function has named result parameters that are in scope within the
literal, the deferred function may access and modify the result
parameters before they are returned. If the deferred function has
any return values, they are discarded when the function completes.
Spec: Return statements details this:
There are three ways to return values from a function with a result type:
The return value or values may be explicitly listed in the "return" statement. Each expression must be single-valued and assignable to the corresponding element of the function's result type.
The expression list in the "return" statement may be a single call to a multi-valued function. The effect is as if each value returned from that function were assigned to a temporary variable with the type of the respective value, followed by a "return" statement listing these variables, at which point the rules of the previous case apply.
The expression list may be empty if the function's result type specifies names for its result parameters. The result parameters act as ordinary local variables and the function may assign values to them as necessary. The "return" statement returns the values of these variables.
So basically if you use a return statement that explicitly lists the return values, those will be used, regardless if the result parameters are named or not.
If the result parameters are named, they act as ordinary local variables: you can read and write them. If the result parameters are named, you may use a "naked" return statement, without listing the values to return. If you do so, then the actual return values will be the values of the (named) result parameters. The same thing applies if your function does not reach a return statement due to panicing and recovering: once the deferred functions run, the actual return values will be the values of the named result parameters (which the deferred functions can change and "have a say" in what to return).
If you don't use named result parameters but you declare local variables, they are not special in this way: when the function returns, those are not used "automatically" as the result values (like they would be if they would be named result parameters and not local variables). So if you change them in a deferred function, that will not have any effect on the actual values returned. In fact, if you don't use named result parameters and your function panics and recovers, you can't specify the return values, they will be the zero values of the result types. That's why you see result: 0 (0 is the zero value for int) and no error (because error is an interface type and zero value for interface types is nil and you don't print the error if it's nil).
See related: How to return a value in a Go function that panics?
Might be a brief summary for #icza's anwser:
Named return variables use their final values for returning when the function teminate with no panic(return normally or recover from panic), so you can change them in defer recover func(), and the final values changed, so be the return values.
If use local variables, compiler can not know these local variables will be used as return variables until a normal return. Local variables might be changed in panic recover, but
the return statement has not been executed yet because the panic, so the local variables you defined was not treated as return variables, the return values will be the zero values of the return types.

How to get return type of a function

I'm writing higher order functions in Go, and am trying to figure out the return type of the inner function f.
As a simple example, let's say I want to return the default value of the return type of the inner function:
if f returns string, GetDefault(f) returns ""
if f returns []byte, GetDefault(f) return []byte{}
func GetDefault(func(interface{})) {
// How would I write this function?
Is it possible to write such a function in Go, without running f?
You can use reflection to get the type and initialize a default value.
func GetDefault(f interface{}) interface{} {
ft := reflect.TypeOf(f)
if ft.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("not a func")
out0 := ft.Out(0) // type of the 0th output value
return reflect.New(out0).Elem().Interface()

How to spread arguments as parameters

I have the following Golang code:
rows, err := common.GetAll(c, req, params, timer)
return common.GenericRowMarshal(200, rows, err)
I want to figure out if it's possible to do:
return common.GenericRowMarshal(200, common.GetAll(c, req, params, timer)...)
but this doesn't compile :(
It says "not enough arguments to call..."
Anyone know if this is possible somehow?
No, each time a statement executes, the function value and parameters to the call are evaluated as usual, see doc:
As a special case, if the return values of a function or method g are equal in number and individually assignable to the parameters of another function or method f, then the call f(g(parameters_of_g)) will invoke f after binding the return values of g to the parameters of f in order. The call of f must contain no parameters other than the call of g, and g must have at least one return value. If f has a final ... parameter, it is assigned the return values of g that remain after assignment of regular parameters.
func Split(s string, pos int) (string, string) {
return s[0:pos], s[pos:]
func Join(s, t string) string {
return s + t
if Join(Split(value, len(value)/2)) != value {
log.Panic("test fails")
If f has a final ... parameter, it is assigned the return values of g that remain after assignment of regular parameters.
For example, the following code works:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
f(200, g())
func f(i int, slice ...interface{}) {
fmt.Println(i, slice) // 200 [[1 <nil>]]
func g() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{1, nil}
I've tried this too, thinking it might work. Currently (Go 1.13) you can only do this if the inner func returns exactly the parameters that the outer function expects.

In Golang, can I assign slice values as return values?

I am attempting to develop a passthrough function for error checking where certain arguments are evaluated, and the rest are returned. But I would like these to be returned as multiple return values rather than a slice. Is there any way to do this in Go? Here's an example:
func Check(args ...interface{}) ...interface{} {
last := len(args) - 1
err := args[last]
// Check for an error in the last argument
if err != nil {
// Return any args returned by the function we're checking
return ...args[:last]
I know this isn't quite formated right in the function declaration. This is just for the sake of argument. I would ideally like to be able to return a variable number of values, which could then be received on the other side via assignment. This would allow for simple inline error checking when I want to use the standard err/panic idiom.
I know that I could return the slice instead and then assign it's parts to individual variables, or I could create multiple such functions (e.g. Check0, Check1, Check2, etc.), each having a distinct number or return values, but neither of these solutions is very elegant. Any ideas on how to make something like this work gracefully? Or is it just not possible at this stage of Go?
On a related note, does anyone know if there are any plans to make slices unpackable into variables, something like the following?
one, two, three := []string{"one", "two", "three"}
You can't do that, I don't think that's even planned, which is a good thing IMO.
Your option is doing something like this (this is ugly, and shouldn't be used):
func Check(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
if err := args[len(args)-1]; err != nil {
//do suff with err
args = args[:len(args)-1]
return args
func Check2i(args ...interface{}) (int, int) {
return args[0].(int), args[1].(int)
func main() {
fmt.Println(Check(10, 20, 30, nil)...)
a, b := Check2i(Check(10, 20, nil)...)
_, _ = a, b
