In Golang, can I assign slice values as return values? - go

I am attempting to develop a passthrough function for error checking where certain arguments are evaluated, and the rest are returned. But I would like these to be returned as multiple return values rather than a slice. Is there any way to do this in Go? Here's an example:
func Check(args ...interface{}) ...interface{} {
last := len(args) - 1
err := args[last]
// Check for an error in the last argument
if err != nil {
// Return any args returned by the function we're checking
return ...args[:last]
I know this isn't quite formated right in the function declaration. This is just for the sake of argument. I would ideally like to be able to return a variable number of values, which could then be received on the other side via assignment. This would allow for simple inline error checking when I want to use the standard err/panic idiom.
I know that I could return the slice instead and then assign it's parts to individual variables, or I could create multiple such functions (e.g. Check0, Check1, Check2, etc.), each having a distinct number or return values, but neither of these solutions is very elegant. Any ideas on how to make something like this work gracefully? Or is it just not possible at this stage of Go?
On a related note, does anyone know if there are any plans to make slices unpackable into variables, something like the following?
one, two, three := []string{"one", "two", "three"}

You can't do that, I don't think that's even planned, which is a good thing IMO.
Your option is doing something like this (this is ugly, and shouldn't be used):
func Check(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
if err := args[len(args)-1]; err != nil {
//do suff with err
args = args[:len(args)-1]
return args
func Check2i(args ...interface{}) (int, int) {
return args[0].(int), args[1].(int)
func main() {
fmt.Println(Check(10, 20, 30, nil)...)
a, b := Check2i(Check(10, 20, nil)...)
_, _ = a, b


Generic Go code to retrieve multiple rows from BigQuery

I am writing some utils to retrieve multiple rows from BigQuery in a generic way using Go.
type User struct {name string, surname string}
type Car struct {model string, platenumber string}
query1:="SELECT name, surname FROM UserTable"
query2:="SELECT model, platenumber FROM CarTable"
cars, _ := query2.GetResults()
users, _ := query1.GetResults()
cars := []Car{}
query2.GetResults(cars) // and it would append to the slice
I am unsure about the signature of GetResults. I need somehow to pass the type to BigQuery library so it can retrieve the data and map it to the struct correctly. But at the same time I need to make it generic so it can be used for different types.
At the moment my GetResults looks like this: it doesn't work, the error is:
bigquery: cannot convert *interface {} to ValueLoader (need pointer to []Value, map[string]Value, or struct)[]
But I cannot pass directly the struct as I want to make it generic.
func (s *Query) GetResults() ([]interface{}, error) {
var result []interface{}
job, err := s.Run()
if err != nil {
s.log.Error(err, "error in running the query")
return nil, err
it, err := job.ReadData()
if err != nil {
s.log.Error(err, "error in reading the data")
return nil, err
var row interface{}
for {
err := it.Next(&row)
if err != nil {
result = append(result, row)
return result, nil
Is there another way to achieve that? Or is the good way not to create a method like that?
I've tried quite a lot of different things, with or without pointer, with or without array, by modifying the args, or returning a new list, nothing seem to work, and doing all of that feels a bit wrong regarding the nature "easy" of what I am trying to achieve.
I've also looked into doing the following
GetResults[T any]() ([]T, error)
But it's "excluded" as GetResults is part of an interface (and we can't define generic for a method of an interface). And I can't/don't want to define a type for all the interface, as it impacts other interfaces.

Correct way of handling an error when implementing Less()

I'm writing a sort function for a specific type. When writing the receiver "Less()" I call another function that might return an error. As Less() itself returns a bool what is the right way to handle this scenario? I don't want to panic, but I'd like to indicate that the attempt at sorting has failed, such that the function calling sort.Sort() can decide what to do with the error. However, sort.Sort() does not seem to return an error either so I'm guessing there is another way to go about this.
func (t MyType) Less(i, j int) bool {
retval, err := myOtherFunc(t[i])
// How do I handle err?
You can't; the closest solution would be to use sort.Slice instead, with a closure you can use to trap the error(s) in the outer scope:
errs := make([]error)
sort.Slice(mySlice, func(i, j int) bool {
retval, err := myOtherFunc(mySlice[i])
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return retval
if len(errs) > 0 {
// do something about errors
This won't stop sorting at the first error (you can't), but it at least lets you collect them. The sort package is meant for typical sorting heuristics like alphabetical, numeric, or alpha/numeric on a struct field or the like; not for more complex processes with the possibility of failure.

How do you pass a slice of *interface{} as arguments?

I want to use Scan() in package sql, but the number of columns, and hence the number of arguments, will change at runtime. This is the signature of Scan():
func (rs *Rows) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error
According to the documentation, *interface{} is one of the types accepted by Scan(). So I want to create a slice of []*interface{} and that expand as arguments.
This is what I thought would work:
func query(database *sql.DB) {
rows, _ := database.Query("select * from testTable")
for rows.Next() {
data := make([]*interface{}, 2)
err := rows.Scan(data...) // Compilation error
fmt.Printf("%v%v\n", *data[0], *data[1])
if err != nil {
Compilation fails with cannot use data (type []*interface {}) as type []interface {} in argument to rows.Scan. I thought that data... would expand to &data[0], &data[1], but apparently not. I don't understand the error message. *interface{} is compatible with interface{}, so why can't I expand the slice of pointers to interface types?
This works:
func query(database *sql.DB) {
rows, _ := database.Query("select * from testTable")
for rows.Next() {
data := make([]*interface{}, 2)
err := rows.Scan(&data[0], &data[1]) // Only changed this line
fmt.Printf("%v%v\n", *data[0], *data[1]) // Outputs "[48][116 101 120 116]"
if err != nil {
I can't use this however, because the number of columns is unknown at compile time. How can I write this code so that I can pass a variable number of *interface{} to rows.Scan()?
First, you must not use []*interface{} slice of pointers to interface rather than []interface{} where the interfaces are pointers. []*interface{} is different from []interface{}. Just create a slice of interfaces where each element is a pointer to a concrete type.
Here is a snippet how you would do this.
var x int
var s string
data := []interface{}{&x, &s}
Note on the use of the ... spread operator.
Here are some related questions that will explain a bit more:
golang: slice of struct != slice of interface it implements?
Cannot convert []string to []interface {}
If you really want to pass a []*interface{} (perhaps you don't know the concrete types of the output) you must first wrap each *interface{} in a interface{}:
values := make([]interface{}, columnsCount)
for i := range values {
values[i] = new(interface{})
Individual values passed into a ...interface{} parameter are automatically wrapped in a interface{}, but just like []int... won't satisfy ...interface{}, neither will []*interface{}....

generic map value

I have run into this problem a few times when wanting to use keys of maps in a similar way but the values in the maps are different. I thought I could write a function that takes the key type I want with interface{} as the value type but it doesn't work.
func main() {
mapOne := map[string]int
mapTwo := map[string]double
mapThree := map[string]SomeStruct
func useKeys(m map[string]interface{}) {
//something with keys here
Not sure if there is an elegant way to do this I just feel waist full rewriting simple things for different values.
Though maps and slices in go are generic themselves, they are not covariant (nor could they be, since interfaces aren't generics). It's part of working with a language that doesn't have generics, you will have to repeat some things.
If you really just need to get the keys of any old map, you can use reflection to do so:
func useKeys(m interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Map {
fmt.Println("not a map!")
keys := v.MapKeys()
Go 1.18
You can write a function with type parameters (generic) for this:
func useKeys[V any](m map[string]V) V {
return m["foo"]
And use it as:
func main() {
m1 := map[string]int{"foo": 1}
m2 := map[string]float64{"foo": 4.5}
m3 := map[string]*SomeStruct{}
As you can see, the type parameter V unifies with the map value, so that you can explicitly force callers of useKeys to pass maps whose keys are string only.
You can see this on the GoTip Playground:

Go: Assign multiple return value function to new and old variable

In go there are functions which return two values or more values, commonly one is an error. Suppose that I want to store the first return value into an already initialized variable, but I would like to initialize the variable to contain the error inline. Is there a way to do this?
For example, say I had this code
var a int
//This code doesn't compile because err doesn't exist
a, err = SomeFuncWithTwoReturnValues()
//This code doesn't compile either
a, err := SomeFuncWithTwoReturnValues()
I know you could do this, but I was hoping there was a way to do it all inline
var a int
var err error
a, err = SomeFuncWithTwoReturnValues()
a, err := SomeFuncWithTwoReturnValues()
EDIT: The code above actually compiles, so I looked back at my code to drill down more and have created a quick sample that actually replicates the problem (not just in my mind...).
package main
func myfunc() (int, int) {
return 1, 1
func main() {
a := make([]int, 1)
a[0], b := myfunc()
a[0] = b
Compiler says main.go|9| non-name a[0] on left side of :=. If I make it = instead of := though then b is never created. I get the feeling that there is not shorthand way to do it though.
As you've mentioned in the comments, you'll need to use the = operator in order to assign to a variable you've already declared. The := operator is used to simultaneously declare and assign a variable. The two are the same:
var x int
x = 5
//is the same as
x := 5
This solution will at least compile:
package main
func myfunc() (int, int) {
return 1, 1
func main() {
var b int
a := make([]int, 1)
a[0], b = myfunc()
a[0] = b
To answer your question, I don't think there is a way to simultaneously use an undeclared and a declared variable when returning multiple values. That would be trying to use two different operators simultaneously.
Edit: just saw your example from the code that compiles, so it appears you're already familiar with go's assignment operators. I'll leave the example up anyway.
Golang is not a very consistent language. This is a good example. At the beginning I was confused and it would be much simpler if they would always allow the := operator. The compiler is smart enough to detect already declared variables:
package main
import "fmt"
func testFunc() (int,error) {
return 42,fmt.Errorf("Test Error")
func main() {
number1,err := testFunc() // OK
number2,err := testFunc() // OK, even if err is already defined
number1,err = testFunc() // OK
// number1,err := testFunc() // ERROR: no new variables on left side of :=
Playground Link:
It's not consistent, because golang allows you to use := for already declared variables if you assign to them while also introducing a new variable. So the compiler can detect that variables already exists and skip their declaration. But the golang developers decided to allow that only if you introduce at least one new value. The last example shows that.
I ran into this situation like this:
package main
import "os"
func main() {
var cache struct { dir string }
// undefined: err
cache.dir, err = os.UserCacheDir()
// non-name cache.dir on left side of :=
cache.dir, err := os.UserCacheDir()
if err != nil {
as you discovered, this issue does not have a clean solution. You can declare
an extra variable:
dir, err := os.UserCacheDir()
if err != nil {
cache := userCache{dir}
Or, while more verbose, you can declare the error beforehand. This can save
memory, as Go does not use a Rust ownership model:
var (
cache struct { dir string }
err error
cache.dir, err = os.UserCacheDir()
As mention in the spec, while using:=, if one of the variables is new, then the old one will just be assigned with the new data.
Unlike regular variable declarations, a short variable declaration may redeclare variables provided they were originally declared earlier in the same block (or the parameter lists if the block is the function body) with the same type, and at least one of the non-blank variables is new. As a consequence, redeclaration can only appear in a multi-variable short declaration. Redeclaration does not introduce a new variable; it just assigns a new value to the original.
field1, offset := nextField(str, 0)
field2, offset := nextField(str, offset) // redeclares offset
As mentioned by the other answers you cannot use assignment and declaration in the same return statement. You have to use either.
However I guess the main reason for your question is cleaning up the code so you don't have to declare an extra err variable above the method or function statement.
You can solve this in two ways:
Declare a global var err error variable and use it in the assignment:
var err error
func MyFunc(someInput string) {
var a int
a, err = someOtherFunction()
If your method or function returns an error you can use the declared return variable
func MyFunc(someInput string) (err error) {
var a int
a, err = someOtherFunction()
I mainly have the problem in methods when I want to assign something to a struct member, e.g.:
type MyStruct struct {
so string
func (m *MyStruct) SomeMethod() (err error) {, err = SomeFunction()
// handle error and continue or return it
