Gradle 7: How to create folders in ZIP task? - gradle

I try to create zip-task in Gradle 7 and I want to have different folders for different files.
task myZipTask(type: Zip) {
from 'first/source'
into 'firstFolderInsideZipFile'
from 'second/source'
into 'secondFolderInsideZipFile'
It obviously doesn't work like this, but is there a way to implement it?

You should be able to do something like this:
plugins {
id 'java'
task myZipTask(type: Zip) {
from('first/source') {
from('second/source') {


Gradle task to create a zip archive of a directory

I have a gradle task to create a zip archive of a directory.
The gradle task is:
task archiveReports(type: Zip) {
from '/projects/Reports/*'
archiveName ''
When I am running the command 'gradle archiveReports', its showing the build is successful. However, no zip file is getting created.
Am I missing something here?
I figured out a way for this:
Its working for me now.
task myZip(type: Zip) {
from 'Reports/'
include '*'
include '*/*' //to include contents of a folder present inside Reports directory
archiveName ''
With Gradle 6.7,
task packageDistribution(type: Zip) {
archiveFileName = ""
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/dist")
from "$buildDir/toArchive"
Note : archiveName is deprected.
With Kotlin DSL
tasks.register<Zip>("packageDistribution") {
With Groovy
tasks.register('packageDistribution', Zip) {
archiveFileName = ""
destinationDirectory = layout.buildDirectory.dir('dist')
from layout.buildDirectory.dir("toArchive")
Taken from the official docs
Just in case anyone will come here to find out how to zip your project e.g. to use it as an AWS lambda zip, here you go:
tasks {
val zipTask by register("createZip", Zip::class) {
into("lib") {
build {

Null dependency in gradle? (workaround for lazy downloads?)

I would like to be able to write something like this:
dependencies {
myConfig computeMyDependency()
and I want to be able to say "there is no dependency". Returning null or an empty map doesn't work. I suppose I can return files('/dev/null'), but that is weird, hacky and not portable. Is there some sort of null dependency constructor I can use?
Some background:
What I'm really trying to do is to defer dependency download to actual execution time. It appears that if a write a task, for example a copy task like so:
task copyMyDependencyFile(type: Copy) {
from { configurations.myConfig
.grep {"zip") }
.collect() { zipTree it }
into targetDir
Then running ./gradlew tasks will actually execute the from closure, which makes me very sad. (Using Gradle 2.4)
A quick workaround might be also:
task copyMyDependencyFile << {
copy {
from {
grep {"jar") }.
collect { zipTree it }
into targetDir
It should be portable.
Not sure but maybe from and into maybe configured in doLast closure of task with type Copy:
task copyMyDependencyFile(type: Copy) {
doLast {
from {
grep {"jar") }.
collect { zipTree it }
into targetDir
Please try the latter yourself.

Gradle copy build script dependency to folder

We are building one of our applications with gradle and part of the distribution I want to include an external jar which is not a run time dependency in a config folder. That jar is needed as part of the application install and it contains some custom ant tasks.
Our build script dependency looks like below:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:3.1.1'
classpath 'my-group:custom-tasks:1.2.3'
How would I access and copy the custom-task-1.2.3.jar into a certain folder so I can include it in my distribution? Something like below:
task copyCustomTasks {
doLast {
copy {
// This below is a make up to express what I want
from buildscript.dependencies
include 'custom-tasks*.jar'
into "$buildDir/config"
If this is not the gradle way of doing things please let me know what alternatives I have.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I solved my problem in a different way by creating an extra configuration. However I would still be interested to find out how you can access build script dependencies at run time. Thanks again for your inputs.
configurations {
install {
description = "application install classpath"
transitive = true
dependencies {
task copyInstallDeps {
doLast {
copy {
from configurations.install
into "$buildDir/config"
You're quite close:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
task copyLibs(type: Copy) {
from buildscript.configurations.classpath
into 'lib'

How can I define two different 'distribution' tasks in gradle?

The normal behavior of the distTar and distZip tasks from the application plugin in gradle seems to be to copy the contents of src/dist into the zip and tar files, but I have a subfolder in src/dist that I want to exclude from the default distribution, and include it for a new (extended) task, possibly to be called distZipWithJRE.
I have been able to exclude this folder in the default task as follows:
distributions.main {
contents {
from('build/config/main') {
from('../src/dist') {
How can I define a second task that behaves just like the original (unmodified) task?
Using Gradle 4.8 I had to tweak the answer to use 'with' from CopySpec instead
distributions {
zipWithJRE {
baseName = 'zipWithJRE'
contents {
with distributions.main.contents
It seems that what you're looking for is in the docs. You need to leave current settings as is and for zipWithJRE create and configure custom distribution:
distributions {
zipWithJRE {
baseName = 'zipWithJRE'
contents {
from { distributions.main.contents }

Gradle copy without overwrite

Is there a way to avoid overwriting files, when using task type:Copy?
This is my task:
task unpack1(type:Copy)
duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from zipTree(rootDir.getPath()+"/app-war/app.war")
into rootDir.getPath()+"/tmp"
duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from rootDir.getPath()+"/tmp"
into "WebContent"
I want to avoid to specify all the files using exclude 'file/file*'.
It looks like that duplicatesStrategy= DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE doesn't work. I read about an issue on gradle 0.9 but I'm using Gradle 2.1.
Is this problem still there?
Or am I misunderstanding how this task should be used properly?
A further refinement of BugOrFeature's answer. It's using simple strings for the from and into parameters, uses the CopySpec's destinationDir property to resolve the destination file's relative path to a File:
task ensureLocalTestProperties(type: Copy) {
from zipTree('/app-war/app.war')
into 'WebContent'
eachFile {
if (it.relativePath.getFile(destinationDir).exists()) {
You can always check first if the file exists in the destination directory:
task copyFileIfNotExists << {
if (!file('destination/directory/myFile').exists())
copy {
Sample based on Peter's comment:
task unpack1(type: Copy) {
def destination = project.file("WebContent")
from rootDir.getPath() + "/tmp"
into destination
eachFile {
if (it.getRelativePath().getFile(destination).exists()) {
