How to set nestedTransactionAllowed to true in Spring? - spring-boot

I have a case where I need to initiate calls to four different services in the same method. According to our business logic all four steps must succeed, rollback otherwise. The problem is that since all the steps occur in the same transaction (via #Transactional annotation) the second call in the method cant process the result of the first one. I have tried Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW on the first call but since it starts a new transaction the changes it makes are committed and not rollbacked whether the other calls succeed or not. At some point it seemed like Propagation.NESTED could do the work but I get a NestedTransactionNotSupportedException which warns me of setting the nestedTransactionAllowed property to true. But I could not found any document about how to do that. Any ideas? And also would appreciate any other suggestion for the problem. Thanks.
Root method:
public GuestUserDto createGuestUser(GuestUserRegisterRequest existingGuestUser) {
UserDto userDto = guestUserRegistrationDelegateService.registerGuestUser(
guestUserRegisterHistoryService.createRegisterHistory(, existingGuestUser));
return guestUserDtoConverter.convert(userDto);
Deactivation method:
public void deactivateGuestUser(GuestUserRegisterRequest existingUser) {
String emailPlaceholder = existingUser.getMemberId() + existingUser.getEmail();
updateGuestUserStatus(existingUser.getMemberId(), emailPlaceholder);

Seems that the main cause was Hibernate's flush operations order, as it was giving priority to insert over update. Flushing manually after updating in DAO layer solved the problem.

NestedTransactionAllowed can be set in HibernateTransactionManager as follows.
HibernateTransactionManager manager = new HibernateTransactionManager(sessionFactory);
return manager;
Please refer to


How to track the result of transaction in spring?

You can imagine I have some service, say it will be money service. Also assume I have one method, that perform actual transfer (Quite mundane example, I know). And I have to return true if transaction ended up successfully, and false, if it is not. So, here is the think that I do not actually grasp - how do I track the result of transaction in Spring Framework? (May be even for just simple logging purposes) Example of my transfer method is present below. Appreciate any help.
public boolean transferMoneyFromOneAccountToAnother(MoneyTransferForm moneyTransferForm) {
final UserBankAccount sourceBankAccount = bankAccountRepository.findBankAccountByIdentifier(
final UserBankAccount targetBankAccount = bankAccountRepository.findBankAccountByIdentifier(
subtractMoneyFromSourceAccount(moneyTransferForm, sourceBankAccount);
appendMoneyToTargetAccount(moneyTransferForm, targetBankAccount);
I can think of two ways to do it:
You can simply enclose your method call with try/catch block and if there are no exception then your transaction was committed successfully.
transferMoneyFromOneAccountToAnother()"Transacton Done Successfully");
}catch(Exception ex){
//transaction failed
logger.error("Transaction failed")
You can have a method which is annotated with #TransactionalEventListener and listening to your custom event. You can check these links for more understanding of how it works:
#TransactionalEventListener annotated method not invoked in #Transactional test

Spring Transactional on method with multiple db operation

I'm little confused. I though #Transactional on method means all operations or none.
Say I have this method:
public void fewDbOpeations(){
Say calculation2() throw exception or my second call to myDao.saveResult goes wrong , what I see is the even though the whole method annotated with #Transactional the saving result after calculation1() call is successful.
That is my first interaction with database saved the records I want but the second one failed but I thought because the method is #Transactinal even the first call to save to database should be rolled back.
Do I miss something?
#Transactional (rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void fewDbOpeations(){
Try using this as well and throw Exceptions.
It depends on how you handle exceptions and if there are still #Transactional annotated on those internal method calls.
To have "all or nothing" behaviour in fewDbOpeations(), make sure the followings for all the internal method calls :
Do not annotated with #Transactional(propagation=REQUIRES_NEW)
Do not catch the exception inside and not throw out. Throw RuntimeException or Error but not checked Exception (Assume you are using default setting).

Deleting a record then selecting within the same Spring Transaction still returns the deleted record

I have some code within a spring transaction with the isolation level set to SERIALIZABLE. This code does a few things firstly it deletes all records from a table that have a flag set, next it performs a select to ensure invalid records can not be written and finally the new records are written.
The problem is that the select continues to return the records that were deleted if the code is run with the transaction annotation. My understanding is that because we are performing these operations within the same spring transaction that the previous delete operation will be considered when performing the select.
We are using Spring Boot 2.1 and Hibernate 5.2
A summary of the code is shown below:
public void deleteRecord(EntityObj entityObj) {
//Below line added as part of debugging but I don't think I should really need it?
public List<EntityObj> findRecordByProperty(final String property) {
return fooRepository.findEntityObjByProperty(property);
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
public void debugReadWrite() {
EntitiyObject entitiyObject = new EntityObject();
List<EntityObj> results = findRecordByProperty("bar");
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Should be no results!")
The transaction has not committed yet, you need to complete the transaction and then find the record.
decorating the deleteRecord with propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) should solve the issue
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void deleteRecord(EntityObj entityObj) {
// flush not needed fooRepository.flush();
A flush is not needed because when deleteRecord completes the translation will be committed.
under the hood
//start transaction
public void deleteRecord(EntityObj entityObj) {
//commit transaction
Turns out the issue was due to our use of Hystrix. The transaction is started outside of Hystirx and then at a later point goes through a Hystrix command. The Hystrix command is using a threadpool and so the transaction is lost while executing on the new thread from the Hystrix threadpool. See this github issue for more info:

JPA: Nested transactional method is not rolled back

UPD 1: Upon further research I think the following information may be useful:
I obtain datasource through JNDI lookup on WildFly 9.0.2, then 'wrap' it into in instance of HikariDataSource (e. g. return new HikariDataSource(jndiDSLookup(dsName))).
the transaction manager that ends up being used is JTATransactionManager.
I do not configure the transaction manager in any way.
I am experiencing an issue with JPA/Hibernate and (maybe) Spring-Boot where DB changes introduced in a transactional method of one class called from a transactional method of another class are committed even though the changes in the caller method are rolled back (as they should be).
Here are my transactional services
#Transactional(rollbackFor = IOException.class)
public class StuffService {
#Inject private BarService barService;
#Inject private StuffRepository stuffRepository;
public Stuff updateStuff(Stuff stuff) {
try {
if (null != barService.doBar(stuff)) {
} catch (FirstCustomException e) {
logger.error("Blah", e);
throw new SecondCustomException(e.getMessage());
throw new SecondCustomException("Blah 2");
// other methods
and BarService:
public class BarService {
#Inject private EntityARepository entityARepository;
#Inject private EntityBRepository entityBRepository;
* updates existing entity A and persists new entity B.
public EntityA doBar(Stuff stuff) throws FirstCustomException {
EntityA a = entityARepository.findOne(/* some criteria */);
EntityB b = new EntityB();
// other methods
EntityARepository and EntityBRepository are very similar Spring-Boot repositories defined like this:
public interface EntityARepository extends JpaRepository<EntityA, Long>{
EntityA findOne(/* some criteria */);
FirstCustomException extends Throwable
SecondCustomException extends RuntimeException
Stuff entity is versioned, and every once in a while it is concurrently updated by StuffService.updateStuff(). In that case changes to one of the stuff instances are rolled back, as expected, but everything that happens in the barService.doBar() ends up being committed.
This puzzles me quite a lot since transaction propagation on both methods should be REQUIRED (the default one) and both methods belong to different classes, hence #Transactional should apply for both.
I did see Transaction is not completely rolled back after server throws OptimisticLockException1
But it did not really answer my question.
Can anyone please give me an idea of what's going on?
Thank you.
This isn't a 'nested' transaction - these services are operating in completely independent transactions. If you want the rollback of one to affect the other, you need to have them take part in the same transaction rather than start its own.
Or if your issue is that there is a problem with the version of 'stuff' passed into the doBar method and you want it verified, you will need to do something with the stuff instance that would cause an optimistic lock check, and so result in an exception if it is stale. see EntityManager.lock

#transactional in spring jpa not updating table

I am using spring jpa transactions in my project.One Case includes inserting a data in a synchronized method and when another thread accesses it the data is not updated.My code is given below :
public UpdatedDTO parentMethod(){
private UpdatedDTO updatedDTO = getSomeMethod();
return updatedDTO;
public synchronized childmethod1(inputVal){
//Place where update takes place
TableEntityObject obj = objectRepository.findByInputVal(inputVal);
if(obj == null){
public void childMethod2(inputVal){
//Code for inserting
TableEntityObject obj = new TableEntityObject();
Now if two threads access at the same time and if first thread completes childmethod2 and childmethod1 and without completing parentMethod() after that if second thread comes to the childMethod1() and checks if data exists,the data is null and is not updated by first thread.I have tried many ways like
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public synchronized childmethod1(inputVal){
//Place where update takes place
TableEntityObject obj = objectRepository.findByInputVal(inputVal);
if(obj == null){
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void childMethod2(inputVal){
//Code for inserting
TableEntityObject obj = new TableEntityObject();
also tried taking off #transactional in the childMethod1() but nothing works out.I know im doing something wrong here , but couldnt figure out where and what exactly i am doing wrong.Can anyone help me out with this
#Transactional is resolved using proxies on spring beans. It means it will have no effect if your method with #Transactional is called from the same class. Take a look at Spring #Transaction method call by the method within the same class, does not work?
The easiest would be moving those methods into separate service.
Typical checklist I follow in cases like these :
If Java based configuration then make sure
#EnableTransactionManagement annocation is present in the class
containing the #Configuration annotation
Make sure the transactionManager bean is created, again this should be mentioned in the configuration class.
Use of #Transactional annocatio over the method which is calling the repository, typically a class in the DAO layer
Adding the #Service annotation for the class which is invoking the methods in the repository
Nice blog which explains the Transaction configuration with JPA in depth -->
