Error: Cask 'powershell' is not installed - macos

In VS Code on my mac, when working with PowerShell, I'm getting "Error: Cask 'PowerShell' is not installed.", after VS Code detects an old PowerShell version on my machine and fire "brew upgrade --cask PowerShell" in the terminal.

Apparently, PowerShell hadn't been installed previously using homebrew/cask.
I had to install cask first using "brew install cask" in the terminal and then install PowerShell using "brew install --cask PowerShell".


how to uninstall iTerm2 on macOS

If you used HomeBrew to install iTerm2, then simply reverse installation using the revised updated terminal command:
brew uninstall --cask iterm2
Note: Running brew cask uninstall iterm2 causes Error: Unknown command

mac vscode ELECTRON RUN AS NODE launch error

After updating to the latest mac mojave (10.14.6) version, unable to launch vscode
getting the below error on trying to open from command line,
icudtl.dat not found in bundle[1011/] icudtl.dat not found in bundle
Reinstall the latest version of VS Code, if you are using brew update using brew command
brew cask upgrade visual-studio-code

How to install apps with homebrew in OS X

i want to install virtual box on mac os EI Captain with homebrew and also if i want to install more packages with homebrew how can i know that package is available in homebrew?
First, you’ll need the command-line tools for Xcode installed. On a modern Mac OS X system, you can install these just by running the following command in a Terminal window. You could also install the full Xcode application from Apple, if you prefer — but that takes up more space on your Mac and isn’t necessary.
xcode-select --install
Next, install Homebrew. You can just open a Terminal window, copy-paste the following command, and press Enter:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL”
This script informs you what it will do. Press Enter and then provide your password to install it. By default, it installs Homebrew so you can use the brew command without typing the sudo command and providing your password.
Run the following command once you’re done to ensure Homebrew is installed and working properly:
brew doctor
Once you’re done, run the following command to install Homebrew Cask. It uses Homebrew to install Cask:
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
Now you can install the Virtual box by entering the following commands
brew install vagrant-completion
brew cask install virtualbox
brew cask install vagrant
brew cask install vagrant-manager
For knowing that your package is available or not you can search your desire package by the following commands
For Open-Source Utilities
brew search name-of-your-package
For graphical Apps
brew cask search name-of-your-app
For installing Graphical Apps run
brew cask install name-of-your-app
For installing Open-Source Utilities run
brew install name-of-your-package

"virtualbox is not installed" : Error while uninstalling virtual box on Mac

I have installed vagrant and virtualbox on my Mac using brew cask. I want to uninstall virtual box. I get the following error when I run the brew cask uninstall virtualbox
Error: virtualbox is not installed
I can clearly see that virtualbox is installed on my machine and it appears in launcher section. I also see virtualbox, when I run the following command.
$brew cask list
adium adobe-reader consul google-chrome iterm2 java6 osxfuse vagrant virtualbox xquartz
Am I missing something here which prevents me to uninstall virtualbox. Any help would be appreciated.
As #gaussblurinc stated, installing and and uninstalling works.
brew cask install virtualbox
wait for it to complete....
brew cask uninstall virtualbox
This same solutions works for virtualbox-extension-pack.
This is a bug #2580 -> #14058 in brew cask list. You can hard remove all existing casks with:
rm -rf /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/virtualbox
brew cask zap virtualbox
You can then reinstall.
This alternative to force the uninstallation.
brew uninstall --cask virtualbox --force

CMake GUI on Mac

I can't find where I can get the GUI tool for CMake on MacOSX. I see references to it online but nothing else. I got CMake using MacPorts but on Windows I am used to using the GUI.
Does it exist on Mac and where/how do I get it?
you need to install the gui variant:
sudo port install cmake +gui
you may need to run sudo port uninstall cmake first.
Cask is outdated now. You can install cmake using:
brew install --cask cmake
Try installing the cmake GUI using brew cask
brew cask install cmake
how to install brew cask
Install Homebrew first How to install homebrew
Add the brew cask to using the command brew tap caskroom/cask
here it is:
extra plugins will imported by their own extensions so no OS compatibility is needed ;)
