Basic elasticsearch autocomplete - elasticsearch

I am trying to set up autocomplete for my elasticsearch cluster. The field I want to use is a text field with journal titles. I tried to use the 'standard' completion suggester field type in elasticsearch, but it used too much memory so I had to disable it.
In the meantime I would like to get something basic working, such that someone typing "science" would get a list of suggestions like "science in religion", "science experiments". Then when they type "science in" they would get "science in religion".
I guess this is just a match_phrase query and I can limit it to the top 10 results? Or there is a way to do term frequency across the index?

You can experiment with match_phrase, match_phrase_prefix, prefix over a keyword, and edge n-grams as well. Each of these work well for different use cases.


Get top 10 most used words in text fields

I have an index containing thousands of documents, each one of them having a full text field.
I want to search through all those fields and fetch the 10 most common words that come back most often.
I would also like a way of visualizing it on Kibana if that's possible.
The most common way to achieve that is to duplicate your full text field with a keyword datatype. That will get you able to make terms aggregation on that field - doc here. Maybe you could consider to do a significant term aggregation - doc here, thus to avoid the presence of stopwords and common words. In ES 6.x you could use also the significant text aggregation - doc here, without create the keyword field, but i never try it, i don't know how it works. Instead if you need to retrieve the frequency of the words for each document, you should use the termvector - doc here

ElasticSearch: is it possible to highlight words in the query rather than the results

We use ElasticSearch in a reverse manner from what I usually see. We store lots of small documents, usually 1 or 2 words, for example, Job Titles like "software engineering", "car mechanics", "architect", etc.
Then we query with a longer string, for example a 1000 word Job Spec. This way we get all Job Titles present in the text of the Job Spec.
It works well. But I was wondering whether I could get ElasticSearch to highlight the matching Job Titles in the Job Spec, i.e. highlight the results in the query. I have tried the highlight keyword, but it doesn't highlight the query text, it highlights the results. I'm not sure how to get the query to be returned in the ElasticSearch response, let alone whether it can be highlighted.
You might wonder why I need ElasticSearch to highlight the query, can't I just pick out all the results from the text and highlight them myself? Yes I can, but there's various things to think about that makes it hard such as stemming and stopword removal. for example "jquery" is stemmed to "jqueri" when doing the tokenising in ElasticSearch, so it's found as a result, but if I want to highlight it myself, I have to unstem it so it matches the original text. Elasticsearch also removes symbols, so terms & conditions would become terms conditions which is problematic if I want to highlight it manually as I have to add back the "&" symbol. There's a hundred other problem cases, hence the question about whether ElasticSearch can do it for me.
I'm quite sure highlighting the query string isn't possible - only highlighting parts of documents in an index.
What you might try is indexing the query string itself in it's own index and then using the results of the first query as the query terms for a second query against the query string (in the second index). You could then have highlighting on the query string. You'll have to make an extra request to ES each time, but I think it'll get what you want.

Multiple field autocomplete with index type boost

What I'm trying to accomplish on a high level is an autocomplete input field which queries both customers and orders on multiple fields, with customers ranking higher for customer name searches.
It seems to me that there are various ways to approach this problem with the tools that elasticsearch provides.
The way that I have approached this is to use multi_match queries with prefix_phrase type in order to get partial queries to work across multiple fields.
For example, "bo" should return back matches for "Bob Smith" as well as "Adam Boss". I'm indexing fullname as a separate field from firstname and lastname, so that "adam boss" will return a valid prefix match as well.
In addition, I'd like to boost customer results - trying to do that with a boost param on the multi_match, but that doesn't seem to be working the way I'd expect it to.
What would be a straight forward way to tackle this problem?
One of the challenges I'm facing with the elasticsearch docs is that it's not always clear which properties and features apply to which others. For example, the multi_match documentation doesn't talk about using a custom boost, other than on a field-level.
I think the best way is using completion suggester of ES (v0.90.3+), please refer here for a real use case:

Elasticsearch autocomplete and searching against multiple term fields

I'm integrating elasticsearch into an asset tracking application. When I setup the mapping initially, I envisioned the 'brand' field being a single-term field like 'Hitachi', or 'Ford'. Instead, I'm finding that the brand field in the actual data contains multiple terms like: "MB 7 A/B", "B-7" or even "Brush Bull BB72X".
I have an autocomplete component setup now that I configured to do autocomplete against an edgeNGram field, and perform the actual search against an nGram field. It's completely useless the way I set it up because users expect the search results to be restricted to what the autocomplete matches.
Any suggestions on the best way to setup my mapping to support autocomplete and subsequent searches against a multiple term field like this? I'm considering a terms query against a keyword field, or possibly a match query with 'and' as the operator? I also have to deal with hyphens like "B-7".
you can use phrase suggest, the guide is here:
the phrase suggest guide is here:

In elasticsearch, is there a way to show which field in a document was the "hit"?

When searching some documents using elasticsearch, I'd like to see which field in the document was the "hit" that flagged it up as a search result. Is there a native way to do this, or do I need to do it in the search client?
GET /events/_search?q=nottingham
gives me:
'name': 'Some name',
'nicknames': ['Nottingham']
it's obvious from this example that the nickname matched, but can I get elasticsearch to flag that for me?
Elasticsearch can find and highlight terms from your query in the result fields. See for more information. Technically speaking, it's not the same as flagging fields that caused the "hit", but for most practical purposes, it's as useful.
