Laravel mix static with dynamic slug in a base route - laravel

I have a question and I don't find a solution, I'm building a landing page section and in this section I will have some pages with identical layout, and content will be provider by db, some other pages will return a blade view.
How can I manager the route?
Url structure will be{slug}
Which is the best way to compare the {slug} with provider static slug and if not find search in the db?

You can use in your route a where condition. Like that?
Route::get('/landing/{page}', App\Http\Controllers\LandingPageController::class)
->where('page', 'about-us|imprint|contact');
In this example only /landingpage/about-us, /landingpage/imprint, /landingpage/contact requestable.
And in your LandingPageController you can add a method with a switch case to redirect to the right page.
class LandingPageController {
public function __invoke($page)
return view('pages.'.$page);


issue in laravel hierarchy dynamic pages

i want to make a site that maybe has 3-4 levels or more for its pages
like: /.../level n
but when i use :
Route::get(/{page?slug} ,[controller::show]})
it returns 404 because "get" function in Route facade return first slug instead of full url so my controller can find any data in DB
how can i manage it?
(all pages is created dynamically from my own cms and will be readed from DB)
ofcourse i did it for 3 multilevel like
Route::get(/{page?}/{page2?}/{page3?} ,[controller::show]})
public function show(page =null , page2 =null, page3 =null){
but it is a messy code and is not proper for more level

How to render a cms page with default theme AND variables from controllers in OctoberCMS?

I'm wondering how I can render a view, or display a page with my default theme in OctoberCMS, via a route that executes a function in a controller.
If I have the following route:
Route::get('bransje', [
'uses' => 'Ekstremedia\Cityportal\CPController#bransje'
And in my controller CPController ive tried several things, like I used to with Laravel:
public function bransje() {
$stuff = Stuff::with('info');
return View::make('cms::bransje')->with('stuff',$stuff);
But I cannot seem to get it to work, and I've tried to search the web, but it's hard to find answers. I have found a workaround, and that is to make a plugin component, then I can include that component and do:
public function onRun()
$this->eventen = $this->page['stuff'] = $this->stuff();
protected function stuff()
return ...
Is there any way so I can make pages without using the Cms, and that are wrapped in my default theme? I've tried
return View::make('my-theme-name::page');
and a lot of variants but no luck.
I know I can also do a:
public function onRun()
in the start of my page in the cms, but I'm not sure how to call a function from my plugin controller via there.
You can bypass frontend routing by using routes.php file in your plugin.
Full example in this video turotial.
If this answer can still be useful (Worked for October v434).
I have almost the same scenerio.
What I want to achieve is a type of routing like facebook page and profile. is the same url structure as
First I create a page in the CMS for each scenario (say catchpage.htm)
Then a created a catchall route at the buttom of routes.php in my plugin that will also not disturb the internal working of octobercms.
if (!Request::is('combine/*') && !Request::is('backend/*') && !Request::is('backend')) {
// Last fail over for looking up slug from the database
Route::get('{slug}/{slug2?}', function ($slug, $slug2 = null) {
//Pretend this are our routes and we can check them against the database
$routes = ["bola", "sade", "bisi", "ade", "tayo"];
if(in_array($slug, $routes)) {
$cmsController = new Cms\Classes\Controller;
return $cmsController->render("/catchpage", ['slug' => $slug]);
// Some fallback to 404
return Response::make(View::make('cms::404'), 404);
The if Request::is check is a list of all the resource that october uses under the hood, please dont remove the combine as it is the combiner route. Remove it and the style and script will not render. Also the backend is the url to the backend, make sure to supply the backend and the backend/*.
Finally don't forget to return Response::make(View::make('cms::404'), 404); if the resource is useless.
You may put all these in a controller though.
If anyone has a better workaround, please let us know.

Dynamic Controllers in CodeIgniter

I am in the process of creating a new website which loads all master and child categories from the database. I have tested the navigation as well, i.e., if I click any master category, it perfectly loads all the respective child categories without any issue. However, at present, I am doing this by passing query string in the URL. For instance
Let's assume that the id, 32145, represents a master category namely 'About us'. My question is how can I change the above URL to something like:
and if there is any child category under About us than it should display as:
Please help me out as I am really stuck with this problem.
by default CodeIgniter uses a segment-based approach, you can do URL routing in way like your second part of the question - "and if there is any child category under About us"
$route['product/(:any)'] = "catalog/product_lookup";
more here:
but if you want to rewrite complete URL than you should probably check .htaccess rewriting
It is not easy, do once for migration.
In database you can store the New controller/url for products (if it is not have yet)
Create new Controllers
Route controller which redirect the old Url to the New Url
Route old urls to Route controller
Route controller something like this:
public function old_url($aProdId) {
if (is_null($aProdId)) {
// error cannot be null
$NewUrl = $this->new_url_model->getNewUrl($aProdId);
if (!$NewUrl) {
// error new url not exist
redirect(base_url($NewUrl), 'refresh');

ASP.NET MVC Routing - Thousands of URL's

My ecommerce application stores URL's for item pages in the database. There are thousands of these URL's, which are all root level (i.e.{item-page-url}).
If I add all of these URL's to the route table by using a simple for loop to call RouteCollection.MapRoute for each URL site performance degrades exponentially. Why? The reason for this is here.
How should I properly handle this situation? Adding all of the routes to the route table doesn't seem right (not to mention the performance pretty much confirms that). I've seen a few ideas about inspecting all incoming URL's and then trying to match that to the URL's in the database but don't fully understand how I'd implement that, nor am I sure if it's the best approach.
Any ideas or suggestions? This seems like it would be not so uncommon, but I haven't found a concrete way to handle it.
If you can change your route to then adding following route to the top of your route config file can help you.
new { controller = "yourcontrollername", action = "Index" }
and in the action map the parameter value with name of your product name
public ActionResult Index(string id)
//var prdName = id.Replace("-", " ");
//look up prdName in database
return View();
Added following as a top route
new { controller = "Content", action = "Index" }
and by accessing http://localhost:12025/Car-Paint I was directed to Index action of ContentController where I accessed "Car-Paint" in parameter id
But, above having above blocks patterns like http://localhost:12025/Home/ (here Home is also treated as a product)

MVC3 URL Parameters

I have some parameters in URL, which I would like to be present in the URL for all pages in my MVC3 app. For example:
Whether the user is navigating to a new page or submitting a form, how can I have my parameter
be present in all my pages? Right now the only way I can think off is somehow reconstruct the URL for every new view I need to render. Is there built in functionality in MVC to do this?
That sounds like something you should store in Session instead of updating all of your links to add the same parameter.
You could use a Session variable as the other poster suggested, or you could use a base view model which holds this static param value.
So your base view would be something like this:
public class BaseViewModel
public static int ParamValue = 1;
then in each view model you use for each view, you'd have something like this:
public class PageViewModel : BaseViewModel
// properties
This way, in each view, you can just reference #Model.ParamValue whenever you need to access it:
#Model Namespace.PageViewModel
My param value is <b>#Model.ParamValue</b>
