MVC3 URL Parameters -

I have some parameters in URL, which I would like to be present in the URL for all pages in my MVC3 app. For example:
Whether the user is navigating to a new page or submitting a form, how can I have my parameter
be present in all my pages? Right now the only way I can think off is somehow reconstruct the URL for every new view I need to render. Is there built in functionality in MVC to do this?

That sounds like something you should store in Session instead of updating all of your links to add the same parameter.

You could use a Session variable as the other poster suggested, or you could use a base view model which holds this static param value.
So your base view would be something like this:
public class BaseViewModel
public static int ParamValue = 1;
then in each view model you use for each view, you'd have something like this:
public class PageViewModel : BaseViewModel
// properties
This way, in each view, you can just reference #Model.ParamValue whenever you need to access it:
#Model Namespace.PageViewModel
My param value is <b>#Model.ParamValue</b>


How can I specify the name of the controller in ASP.NET Web API?

I have an ApiController, quite simple, like this:
public class AssetController : ApiController
// removed for brevity
When I insert a route to it from a view, the url created is something like:
but I would like to customize the name, so that it becomes this:
How can I specify a custom name for my controller, without resorting to a complete custom routing table?
When I insert a route to it from a view, the url created is something like: http://host/Asset
You haven't really shown how you are doing this inserting but the following should work fine:
#Url.RouteUrl("DefaultApi", new { httproute = "false", controller = "assets" })
and if you want an absolute url you could specify the protocol scheme as third argument:
#Url.RouteUrl("DefaultApi", new { httproute = "false", controller = "assets" }, "http")
And in order to obey RESTFul conventions you should rename your controller to AssetsController.
I'd recommend looking at the library. It handles this aspect quite well by putting an attribute right on each function and giving it a specific route (which can be anything).
I've had to resolve this issue so I've opted to adjust my routing table to reflect the API that I really want. mvc 3- get the current controller instance (not just name)

I know how to get the current controller name
But is there any way to get the current controller instance in some class (not in an action and not in a view)?
By default you can only access the current Controller inside a controller with ControllerContext.Controller or inside a view with ViewContext.Context. To access it from some class you need to implement a custom ControllerFactory which stores the controller instance somewhere and retrieve it from there. E.g in the Request.Items:
public class MyControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
public override IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
var controller = base.CreateController(requestContext, controllerName);
HttpContext.Current.Items["controllerInstance"] = controller;
return controller;
Then you register it in your Application_Start:
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MyControllerFactory());
And you can get the controller instance later:
public class SomeClass
public SomeClass()
var controller = (IController)HttpContext.Current.Items["controllerInstance"];
But I would find some another way to pass the controller instance to my class instead of this "hacky" workaround.
Someone will have to correct me if what I am doing is detrimental to the whole Asp.Net page life cycle / whatever but surely you can do this:
In controller
ViewBag.CurrentController = this;
In view
var c = ViewBag.CurrentController;
var m1 = BaseController.RenderViewToString(c, "~/Views/Test/_Partial.cshtml", null);
In my case, I had a base controller that all controllers extend. In that base controller lived a static method called RenderViewToString and it required a controller. Since I figured I could just instantiate a new instance of an empty controller at this point for c, I just sent it to the view in the lovely ViewBag container that exists in the world of Asp.Net MVC. For reasons I could not go into now, I could not retrieve the string in the controller and send just that back to the view (this was what I had done earlier before requirements changed).
The reason I have done it this way is in other languages like PHP and JS, there are similar simple ways to transfer classes around.

Get current controller in view

I have a View - _Edit which lives in News M/V/C.
I reuse the V/M via the CategoryController as:
return PartialView("/Views/News/_Edit.cshtml", model);
How from within the View - _Edit can I alert the controller name?
When I:
alert('#ViewContext. RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString()');
The Value is: News
However, the URL is: /Category/foobar
Is there a way to get the value 'Category' to alert? thanks
I have put this in my partial view:
in the same kind of situation you describe, and it shows the controller described in the URL (Category for you, Product for me), instead of the actual location of the partial view.
So use this alert instead:
I do it like this:
Create base class for all controllers and put here name attribute:
public abstract class MyBaseController : Controller
public abstract string Name { get; }
In view
var controller = ViewContext.Controller as MyBaseController;
if (controller != null)
Controller example
public class SampleController: MyBaseController
public override string Name { get { return "Sample"; }
Other way to get current Controller name in View
Just use:
This will give you the whole Controller's Name
You are still in the context of your CategoryController even though you're loading a PartialView from your Views/News folder.
You can use any of the below code to get the controller name
If you are using MVC 3 you can use
For anyone looking for this nowadays (latest versions) of ASP.NET Core MVC, you can use:

How to determine if a View exists in ASP.NET MVC 3?

I am implementing a new ASP.NET MVC 3 application that will use a form of dynamic routing to determine what view to return from a common controller action. I'd like have a default view that is displayed if there is no view at the dynamic location.
Think of it like navigating a tree structure. There is only one TreeController located in the root Controllers folder. It has a Browse action method that accepts the path of the node to browse. Each node can have a custom view so I need to first attempt to locate that view and return it from the action method, like this:
public ViewResult Browse(String path)
var model = ...;
return View(path, model);
So, if I navigate to "MySite/Tree/A/B/C" then I would expect to find a view at "\Views\Tree\A\B\C.aspx".
However, if there is not a custom view, I need to defer to a standard/default view (such as "\Views\Tree\Browse.aspx").
Since this is only the case for this action method, I don't believe that I should be handling NotFound errors that may result due to other circumstances. And, I'm not looking for dynamic routing as described in other posts because the path to the controller is fixed.
Controllers shouldn't know about physical views.
You do this by writing a custom view engine, e.g.:
public class MyViewEngine: WebFormViewEngine
public MyViewEngine()
ViewLocationFormats = ViewLocationFormats.Concat(
new [] {"~/Views/{1}/Browse.aspx""}).ToArray();
// similarly for AreaViewLocationFormats, etc., if needed
See the source code for, e.g., WebFormViewEngine for details.
If you need to do this conditionally (for only a few action) then you can override FindView in that type and look at the route values.
Obviously, if you use Razor, then change that one instead.
Then, in Global.asax.cs, use it:
private void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// stuff
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new MyViewEngine());
From within a Controller action this seems to work:
var fullPath = string.Format("~/Views/CustomStuff/{0}.cshtml", viewname);
var mappedPath = Server.MapPath(fullPath);
if( !System.IO.File.Exists(mappedPath) ) return View("Default");
else return View(viewname);
(note: not precompiling views)

Weird behavior of urlrewriting in MVC3 with razor viewengine

I am working on a project which adopted ASP.NET MVC3(Razor) tech.
Now, I have a controller below:
public class Home: Controller
public ActionResult Result(string id)
return View(id);
and I have set MapRoute as below:
new { controller="Home", action = "Result"}
and it was suposed to display a View which named "Result" when I typed the url in the browser. However it didn't.
Instead it gave me an exception below:
The view 'Result' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:
It is strange isn't it?
Can anyone help me to figure out what mistakes I've made?
return View(id);
Returns a view with the name of ID's value (.cshtml), not the view with the name result.cshtml. I think this is because Id is a string. Are you trying to pass the id to the view?
To return the view matching the name of your controller's action simply use
return View();
If you want to pass that value to the view, for what ever crazy reason, using the viewbag is the easiest way since the string id is being used to declare a view name.
ViewBag.ID = id;
return View();
Then in the view just use the value you stored. And yes Razor HTML encodes by default.
