Cannot disable Navigation Bar (or this is something else) - visual-studio

I'm editing a YAML file today in Visual Studio 2022 and noticed what I thought was the VS Navigation Bar at the top of my screen.
I hate the Navigation Bar and always turn it off, so I went into the settings to try to turn it off... again. But that feature was already unchecked.
I examined the "Navigation Bar" setting everywhere it appears. Both in the "All Languages" section (i.e. Tools >> Options >> Text Editor >> All Languages >> General) as well as for every individual file type listed in options. The Navigation Bar option is turned off for everything. I specifically examined the YAML file type. Nope, not there either. In fact that file type doesn't even have a checkbox for "Navigation Bar" unlike the others.
I tried disabling all of my extensions. That had no effect.
Whatever this thing is, it has two dropdowns that work. The one on the right has content, the one on the left does not. And it only appears when I am editing YAML files.
Does anyone know what this is and how to remove it from my screen while I'm editing YAML files?


How to disable Visual Studio's autocomplete while in comments

Visual Studio seems to have some kind of limited auto-complete that occurs while typing comments. It seems to be listing classes, variables etc just to fill in their name. Here's an image showing it popping up while I type "form".
I find this highly undesirable because comments are not usually code and I'm finding myself typing a common word (like "form") only for it to be replaced with the capitalized version because there's a class with the same name.
How can I disable it only in the comments? I do not want to disable it anywhere else nor make it harder to access elsewhere. Ideally I'd be able to manually open it with CTRL + SPACE or similar (right now that causes a seemingly useless second menu to appear).
Turns out this is being done by the Viasfora extension. It can be disabled from Options > Viasfora > General > Text Editor and set "enable plain-text completion" to be false.

Turn Off XAML error underlining

This is a simple issue, and I hope someone can help
For reasons I don't think I need to explain, my XAML thinks it has some errors in it in the Visual Studio code editor (which shows as wavy blue underlines across most of my XAML).
Does anyone know how to turn this underlining off in Visual Studio 2012 ?
It's incredibly annoying, and makes my XAML hard to read
I would suggest setting the editor for .xaml-files manually.
Go into
Tools->Options->Text Editor->File Extension
Write xaml in the Extension field and choose XML (Text) Editor from the Editor drop down and then click Add.
Your XAML files should now open as ordinary XML files, without error underlining.
You will probably loose a lot of the nice to have features of the XAML editor, but as far as I know (I've struggled a bit with this myself) it is the only way.
Found this on MSDN. There is a specific setting to disable this.
Open the Options dialog by selecting Tools > Options, and then select
Text Editor > XAML > Miscellaneous.
Uncheck the Show errors detected
by the XAML designer check box.
Article from MSDN
It is possible to hide the SquiggleShape by making the surrounding adornment layer hidden or collapsed using the Snoop tool.
To achieve this, the Snoop crosshair tool has to be dragged on the editor window with shift and ctrl keys pressed (keep them pressed a while when releasing mouse button). You should end on some Canvas (with the editor window highlighted), and below there is some ViewStack. Inside, there are some AdornmentLayer, one of which contains multiple SquiggleShape. In the properties section on the right side of the Snoop window, scroll to the Visibility row and select the value Hidden or Collapsed. Now, the squiggle lines are not visible any more.
This involves some manual work, but as long as the file stays open, the squiggle lines are hidden. In principle, it should be possible to write an extension which hides the lines automatically. However, at the moment I don't find the time to do this...
The only decent fix for this silly bug that I can find is right click on the xaml and click open with. Select source code editor (without with encoding). Not a great fix when you consider it gets rid of important errors. But it should help you read it better for the most part.
Another Option for this is to change the color of the line under: Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors. Change it to the same as the background.
It will turn it off in all other editors also though.

Xcode Line Wrapping setting doesn't work

I'm trying to disable line wrap in Xcode 4.3.2 (4E2002), but the setting doesn't seem to work. I seriously HATE line wrapping and it makes me super-unproductive. I've always had it turned off before, but since the latest XCode-update, it is enabled regardless of setting.
Is this an Xcode bug?
This is my settings dialog:
This comes by some files you have set Wrap line in Show the File inspector.
Please choose a file. View -> Utilities -> Show File inspector then deselect Wrap lines in Text Settings section.
I had >ONE< file out of two dozen that was wrapping it's text in the XCode editor. Although I don't know how/why the file got into this state, I figured out what it was and how to fix it.
If you show the XCode right-hand Utilities pane, and select the Document icon at the top left, you'll see a variety of settings relevant to that one file, including it's name, type, and location. Below that are some "Text Settings" values, including a checkbox for "Wrap lines". If that box is checked, it overrides the XCode preference and wraps the lines.
This picture shows the XCode editor areas, in case you are confused: XCode Editor Areas

Hide VS2010 Navigation Bar At The Top Of The Text Editor

I am using an addon called Code Map in Visual Studio 2010 which makes the navigation bar at the top of the text editor redundant. Is there a way to hide it? I tried "Hide Navigation Bar" in the Text Editor options but it doesn't seem to do anything when unchecked. I unchecked at the root just to be sure.
This option that you mentioned works, but unfortunately not for all languages. I tested it in my VS2010, and when I uncheck the "Navigation Bar" box in All Languages section, then it hides navigation bar in C# files, but not in VB.
If you look more closely on options for other languages than you will see that checkbox for Navigation Bar is locked in VB, CSS, F# and few other.
You can check Visual Studio 11 Beta, maybe it was changed?
EDIT: - unfortunately here I found similiar answer.

TextMate - scroll tabs

TextMate has one irritating 'feature' that shows up when editing lot of files (within a given project). in case there is no place at tab bar for new tabs, a ">>" is shown. it simply shows a popup with rest of files. that's ok, but why when one selects a file its tab is not visible? isn't it kind of iconsistency? what is more irritating here, tabs are not shown in this case even when navigating through "Next File Tab" or "Prev File Tab".
is there any way of enabling "scrollable" tabs bar or it's just "feature, not a bug" ?
This is just a byproduct of TextMate's tab-handling code (which is believe is custom-written for TextMate). I wouldn't call it a "feature" nor a "feature, not a bug", because I think it is a bug, just one that hasn't been fixed yet (development TextMate 1.x has been rather stagnant for the past couple of years). But I don't think there are any plugins that fix the bug and enabled a scrolling tab pane.
