How to select trucks based on location in anylogic? - location

We are modelling a supply chain in AnyLogic. First Location is India, then the goods are shipped via ship to Germany.
Since the test version limits the agents numbers we have to use ONE agentpopuplation for all our trucks.
How can we chose, when placing an order, the trucks in the country/those nearby to avoid trucks are coming from the other side of the world to pick up the goods?
Cheers and thank you already!

Depending on your model structure, Truck nearestTruck = this.getNearestAgent(main.Truck); will give you the closest truck.
If you are looking for the closest idle truck, you might use this structure:
This will give you the list of idle trucks.
List idleTrucks = filter( trucks, t -> t.inState(Idle) );
This will give you the nearest idle truck.
List <Truck> truckList=sortAscending( trucks, h -> h.distanceTo(yourAgent) );
Truck nearestIdleTruck=truckList.get(0);


Godot : How to instantiate a scene from a list of possible scenes

I am trying to create a game in which procedural generation will be like The Binding of Isaac one : successive rooms selected from a list. I think I will be able to link them together and all, but I have a problem : How do I choose a room from a list ?
My first thought is to create folders containing scenes, something like
and to select a random scene from the folder I need, for example a random basic room from the first zone would be a random scene from zone_1/basic_rooms.
The problem is that I have no idea if this a good solution as it will create lots of scenes, and that I don't know how to do this properly. Do I simply use a string containing the folder path, or are there better ways ? Then I suppose I get all the files in the folder, choose one randomly, load it and instanciate it, but again, I'm not sure.
I think I got a little lost in my explainations, but to summarize, I am searching for a way to select a room layout from a list, and don't know how to do.
What you suggest would work.
You can instance scene by this pattern:
var room_scene = load("res://zone/room_type/room_1.tscn")
var room_instance = room_scene.instance()
I'll also remind you to give a position to the room_instance.
So, as you said, you can build the string you pass to load.
I'll suggest to put hat logic in an autoload and call it where you need it.
However, the above code will stop the game while it is loading the scene. Instead do Background Loading with ResourceLoader.
First you need to call load_interactive which will give you a ResourceInteractiveLoader object:
loader = ResourceLoader.load_interactive(path)
Then you need to call poll on the loader. Until it returns ERR_FILE_EOF. In which case you can get the scene with get_resource:
if loader.poll() == ERR_FILE_EOF:
scene = loader.get_resource()
Otherwise, it means that call to poll wasn't enough to finish loading.
The idea is to spread the calls to poll across multiple frames (e.g. by calling it from _process).
You can call get_stage_count to get the number of times you need to call poll, and get_stage will tell you how many you have called it so far.
Thus, you can use them to compute the progress:
var progress = float(loader.get_stage()) / loader.get_stage_count()
That gives you a value from 0 to 1. Where 0 is not loaded at all, and 1 is done. Multiply by 100 to get a percentage to display. You may also use it for a progress bar.
The problem is that I have no idea if this a good solution as it will create lots of scenes
This is not a problem.
Do I simply use a string containing the folder path
Then I suppose I get all the files in the folder, choose one randomly
Not necessarily.
You can make sure that all the scenes in the folder have the same name, except for a number, then you only need to know how many scenes are in the folder, and pick a number.
However, you may not want full randomness. Depending on your approach to generate the rooms, you may want to:
Pick the room based on the connections it has. To make sure it connects to adjacent rooms.
Have weighs for how common or rare a room should be.
Thus, it would be useful to have a file with that information (e.g. a json or a csv file). Then your autoload code responsible for loading scenes would load that file into a data structure (e.g. a dictionary or an array), from where it can pick what scene to load, considering any weighs or constraints specified there.
I will assume that your rooms exist on a grid, and can have doors for NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. I will also assume that the player can backtrack, so the layout must be persistent.
I don't know how far ahead you will generate. You can choose to generate all the map at once, or generate rooms as the player attempt to enter, or generate a few rooms ahead.
If you are going to generate as the player attempts to enter, you will want an room transition animation where you can hide the scene loading (with the Background Loading approach).
However, you should not generate a room that has already been generated. Thus, keep a literal grid (an array) where you can store if a room has been generated. You would first check the grid (the array), and if it has been generated, there is nothing to do. But if it hasn't, then you need to pick a room at random.
But wait! If you are entering - for example - from the south, the room you pick must have a south door to go back. If you organize the rooms by the doors they have, then you can pick from the rooms that have south doors - in this example.
In fact, you need to consider the doors of any neighbor rooms you have already generated. Thus, store in the grid (the array) what doors the room that was generated has. So you can later read from the array to see what doors the new room needs. If there is no room, decide at random if you want a door there. Then pick a room at random, from the sets that have the those doors.
Your sets of rooms would be, the combinations of NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. A way to generate the list, is to give each direction a power of two. For example:
EAST = 4
WEST = 8
Then to figure out the sets, you can count, and the binary representation gives the doors. For example 10 = 8 + 2 -> WEST and SOUTH.
Those are your sets of rooms. To reiterate, look at the already generated neighbors for doors going into the room you are going to generate. If there is no room, decide at random if you want a door there. That should tell you from what set of rooms you need to pick to generate.
This is similar to the approach auto-tile solution use. You may want to read how that works.
Now assuming the rooms in the set have weights (so some rooms are more common and others are rarer), and you need to pick at random.
This is the general algorithm:
Sum the weights.
Normalize the weights (Divide the weights by the sum, so they add up to 1).
Accumulate the normalized weights.
Generate a random number from 0 to 1, and what is the last accumulated normalized weight that is greater than the random number we got.
Since, presumably, you will be picking rooms from the same set multiple times, you can calculate and store the accumulated normalized weights (let us call them final weights), so you don't compute them every time.
You can compute them like this:
var total_weight:float = 0.0
for option in options:
total_weight = total_weight + option.weight
var final_weight:float = 0.0
var final_weights:Array = []
for option in options:
var normalized_weight = option.weight / total_weight
final_weight = final_weight + normalized_weight
Then you can pick like this:
var randomic:float = randf()
for index in final_weights.size():
if final_weights[index] > randomic:
return options[index]
Once you have picked what room to generate, you can load it (e.g. with the Background Loading approach), instance it, and add it to the scene tree. Remember to give a position in the world.
Also remember to update the grid (the array) information. You picked a room from a set that have certain doors. You want to store that to take into account to generate the adjacent rooms.
And, by the way, if you need large scale path-finding (for something going from a room to another), you can use that grid too.

Multilevel modeling

I want to look at the change in the percentage of income savings measured in dollars using repeated measures data for older adults. I want to compare three groups based on their father's occupation while growing up.
I want to estimate different slopes and intercepts for the three groups. For example: group A is subjects whose father's were blue-collar; group B is subjects whose fathers were white-collar; group C is subjects whose fathers were other types of workers. I have repeated measures for 10 annual surveys and subjects reported how much of their income they saved. I want to see if the intercept and trajectory differ for the three groups.
This is what I come up with but I am not sure if this gets at the appropriate verbal explanation.
xtmixed savings time || subjects:, var
m1 looks at the impact of time on savings and estimates intercepts and slopes for each subject.
xtmixed savings time##fathers_occupation || subjects:, var
Does m2 examine the differences in the intercept and slope for the two groups? Or do I need to add fathers_occupation to the right side of || as well?
You don't need it in the right part, unless you think the effect of fathers_occupation on savings is different between all the subjects. m2 estimates different intercepts for each subject and then the time##fathers_occupation estimates the slopes of fathers_occupation in each measurement (time) group of subjects.
I don't know your data but I think it's very unlikely to have different effects for fathers_occupation for all the different subjects, so I think you could rely on the simpler, random intercept model with the interaction term, as specified by m2.

How to optimize employee transport service?

I am in the process of writing some code to optimize employee transport for corporate. I need all you expert's advice on how can this be achieved. Here is my scenario.
There are 100 pick up points all over city from where employees need to be brought to company with multiple vehicles. Each vehicle can occupy say 4 or 6 employees. My objective is to write some code which will group the people from nearby areas and bring them to company. Master data will have addresses and its latitude/longitude. I want to build an algorithm to optimize vehicle occupancy as well as distance and time. Could you guys please give some directions how can this be achieved. I understand I may need to use google maps or direction API for this but looking for some logic hint/advice how this can be achieved.
Some more inputs: These vehicles are of company's vehicle with driver. Travel time should not be more than 1.5 Hrs.
Thanks in advance.
Your problem description is a more complicated version of "The travelling salesman problem". You can look it up on and find some different examples and how they are implemented.
One point that need to be clarified : the vehicules to be use will be the employee vehicule that will be carshared or it will be company's vehicule with a driver?
You also need to define some time constrain. For example 50 employees should have under 30 min travel, 40 employe under 1h travel and 10 employe under 1,5H.
You also need to define the travel time for each road depending of the time, because at different time there will be traffic jam or not.
You also need to define group within the employee: usually people (admin clerck or CEO) in a company don't commute at the same time, it can have 1 hour range or more.
In fine, don't forget to include about 10% of the employee that wil be 2 to 5 min late to their meeting point.

Network Coverage: Finding percentage of points within a given distance

I'll start out by framing the problem I'm trying to solve. This is a health care problem so I'll use the terms 'member' and 'provider.' Basically, we want to try to contract providers until a certain percentage of members are "covered."
With that, let me define "coverage": a member is covered if there is a contracted provider within a given number of miles (let's call this maxd for maximum distance). So if our maxd=15, and there's a provider 12 miles away from me, I'm covered by that provider. Each member only has to be covered by one provider.
The goal here is to cover a certain percentage of numbers (let's say 90%) while having to contract the fewest number of providers. In this case, it's helpful to generate a list that, given our current state (current state being our list of contracted providers), shows us which providers will cover the most members that aren't already covered.
Here's how I'm doing this so far. I have a set contracted_providers that tells me who I have contracted. It may be empty. First, I find out what members are already covered and forget about them, since members only need to be covered once.
maxd = 15 # maximum distance to be covered, 15 for example
for p in contracted_providers:
for m in members:
if dist(p,m) <= maxd:
Then I calculate each provider's coverage (percentage-wise) on the remaning set of yet-uncovered members.
uncovered_members = members # renaming this for clarity
results = dict()
for p in not_contracted_providers:
count = 0
for m in uncovered_members: # this set now just contains uncovered members
if dist(p,m) <= maxd:
results[p] = count/uncovered_members.size() # percentage of uncovered members that this provider would cover.
Ok, thanks for bearing with me through that. Now I can ask my question. These data sets are pretty big. On the larger end of the scale, we might have 10,000 providers and 40,000 members. Is there any better way to do this than brute-force?
I'm thinking something along the lines of a data structure that represents a heat map and then use that to find the best providers. Basically something that allows me to cheat a little bit and not have to calculate each individual distance for every provider, member combination. I've tried to research this but I don't even know what to search for, so any sort of direction would be helpful. If it's relevant, all locations are represented by geolocation (lat,long).
And as a side note, if brute force is pretty much the only option, would something like Hadoop be a good choice to do it quickly?

Logic Implemention: Determining availability by resource type, when a resource can belong to multiple types

Consider a hotel which has multiple room types (e.g. single, double, twin, family), and multiple rooms. Each room can be a combination of room types (e.g. one particular room can be a double/twin room).
The problem I'm facing is how to determine availability of rooms based on what is booked already. Consider a hotel with 2 rooms:
Single / Double
Double / Family
We have a basic availability of:
Single: 1
Double: 2
Family: 1
(yes, it seems like there are four rooms, but so long as the availability > 1, it can be assigned, that's the premise I'm working on right now)
In this way, I can sell any combination of rooms, and only when a room availability counter hits zero will it affect the other rooms. E.g. I can sell a double room, and still keep the option of single or family room available. Only when another room is sold will everything close off.
So far, so good.
Except when I come up with a multiple S/D rooms (e.g. two or more) and sell them separately (e.g. a single, then a double) the counter doesn't reach 0 (so I can't use that as a trigger to close off other rooms) but I've sold the maximum number of physical rooms the hotel has anyway.
Clearly there's some fault in my approach to how I'm determining what's available, and I'd appreciate any pointers if this issue has been resolved before (as pseudo-code for now, I'll translate to MySQL/PHP once I've got my head around it).
I managed to resolve this eventually through SQL.
My reservations table holds a room_type_id, and a room_id. Depending on whether a room is assigned, I either join the pivot table and then room_types table, or the room_types table directly using the room_type_id. And then I just SUM() 1 for each tuple which thankfully returns the right amount when you group by in the end.
