Godot : How to instantiate a scene from a list of possible scenes - scene

I am trying to create a game in which procedural generation will be like The Binding of Isaac one : successive rooms selected from a list. I think I will be able to link them together and all, but I have a problem : How do I choose a room from a list ?
My first thought is to create folders containing scenes, something like
and to select a random scene from the folder I need, for example a random basic room from the first zone would be a random scene from zone_1/basic_rooms.
The problem is that I have no idea if this a good solution as it will create lots of scenes, and that I don't know how to do this properly. Do I simply use a string containing the folder path, or are there better ways ? Then I suppose I get all the files in the folder, choose one randomly, load it and instanciate it, but again, I'm not sure.
I think I got a little lost in my explainations, but to summarize, I am searching for a way to select a room layout from a list, and don't know how to do.

What you suggest would work.
You can instance scene by this pattern:
var room_scene = load("res://zone/room_type/room_1.tscn")
var room_instance = room_scene.instance()
I'll also remind you to give a position to the room_instance.
So, as you said, you can build the string you pass to load.
I'll suggest to put hat logic in an autoload and call it where you need it.
However, the above code will stop the game while it is loading the scene. Instead do Background Loading with ResourceLoader.
First you need to call load_interactive which will give you a ResourceInteractiveLoader object:
loader = ResourceLoader.load_interactive(path)
Then you need to call poll on the loader. Until it returns ERR_FILE_EOF. In which case you can get the scene with get_resource:
if loader.poll() == ERR_FILE_EOF:
scene = loader.get_resource()
Otherwise, it means that call to poll wasn't enough to finish loading.
The idea is to spread the calls to poll across multiple frames (e.g. by calling it from _process).
You can call get_stage_count to get the number of times you need to call poll, and get_stage will tell you how many you have called it so far.
Thus, you can use them to compute the progress:
var progress = float(loader.get_stage()) / loader.get_stage_count()
That gives you a value from 0 to 1. Where 0 is not loaded at all, and 1 is done. Multiply by 100 to get a percentage to display. You may also use it for a progress bar.
The problem is that I have no idea if this a good solution as it will create lots of scenes
This is not a problem.
Do I simply use a string containing the folder path
Then I suppose I get all the files in the folder, choose one randomly
Not necessarily.
You can make sure that all the scenes in the folder have the same name, except for a number, then you only need to know how many scenes are in the folder, and pick a number.
However, you may not want full randomness. Depending on your approach to generate the rooms, you may want to:
Pick the room based on the connections it has. To make sure it connects to adjacent rooms.
Have weighs for how common or rare a room should be.
Thus, it would be useful to have a file with that information (e.g. a json or a csv file). Then your autoload code responsible for loading scenes would load that file into a data structure (e.g. a dictionary or an array), from where it can pick what scene to load, considering any weighs or constraints specified there.
I will assume that your rooms exist on a grid, and can have doors for NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. I will also assume that the player can backtrack, so the layout must be persistent.
I don't know how far ahead you will generate. You can choose to generate all the map at once, or generate rooms as the player attempt to enter, or generate a few rooms ahead.
If you are going to generate as the player attempts to enter, you will want an room transition animation where you can hide the scene loading (with the Background Loading approach).
However, you should not generate a room that has already been generated. Thus, keep a literal grid (an array) where you can store if a room has been generated. You would first check the grid (the array), and if it has been generated, there is nothing to do. But if it hasn't, then you need to pick a room at random.
But wait! If you are entering - for example - from the south, the room you pick must have a south door to go back. If you organize the rooms by the doors they have, then you can pick from the rooms that have south doors - in this example.
In fact, you need to consider the doors of any neighbor rooms you have already generated. Thus, store in the grid (the array) what doors the room that was generated has. So you can later read from the array to see what doors the new room needs. If there is no room, decide at random if you want a door there. Then pick a room at random, from the sets that have the those doors.
Your sets of rooms would be, the combinations of NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. A way to generate the list, is to give each direction a power of two. For example:
EAST = 4
WEST = 8
Then to figure out the sets, you can count, and the binary representation gives the doors. For example 10 = 8 + 2 -> WEST and SOUTH.
Those are your sets of rooms. To reiterate, look at the already generated neighbors for doors going into the room you are going to generate. If there is no room, decide at random if you want a door there. That should tell you from what set of rooms you need to pick to generate.
This is similar to the approach auto-tile solution use. You may want to read how that works.
Now assuming the rooms in the set have weights (so some rooms are more common and others are rarer), and you need to pick at random.
This is the general algorithm:
Sum the weights.
Normalize the weights (Divide the weights by the sum, so they add up to 1).
Accumulate the normalized weights.
Generate a random number from 0 to 1, and what is the last accumulated normalized weight that is greater than the random number we got.
Since, presumably, you will be picking rooms from the same set multiple times, you can calculate and store the accumulated normalized weights (let us call them final weights), so you don't compute them every time.
You can compute them like this:
var total_weight:float = 0.0
for option in options:
total_weight = total_weight + option.weight
var final_weight:float = 0.0
var final_weights:Array = []
for option in options:
var normalized_weight = option.weight / total_weight
final_weight = final_weight + normalized_weight
Then you can pick like this:
var randomic:float = randf()
for index in final_weights.size():
if final_weights[index] > randomic:
return options[index]
Once you have picked what room to generate, you can load it (e.g. with the Background Loading approach), instance it, and add it to the scene tree. Remember to give a position in the world.
Also remember to update the grid (the array) information. You picked a room from a set that have certain doors. You want to store that to take into account to generate the adjacent rooms.
And, by the way, if you need large scale path-finding (for something going from a room to another), you can use that grid too.


What algorithm and data structure would fit the use case of overlapping traffic on a roadway

I have a problem where I have a road that has multiple entry points and exits. I am trying to model it so that traffic can flow into an entry and go out the exit. The entry points also act as exits. All the entrypoints are labelled 1 to 10 (i.e. we have 10 entry and exits).
A car is allowed to enter and exit at any point however the entry is always lower number than the exit. For example a car enters at 3 and goes to 8, it cannot go from 3 to 3 or from 8 to 3.
After every second the car moves one unit on the road. So from above example the car goes from 3 to 4 after one second. I want to continuously accept cars at different entrypoints and update their positions after each second. However I cannot accept a car at an entry if there is already one present at that location.
All cars are travelling at the same speed of 1 unit per second and all are same size and occupy just the space at the point they are in. Once a car reaches its destination, its removed from the road.
For all new cars that come into the entrypoint and are waiting, we need to assign a waiting time. How would that work? For example it needs to account for when it is able to find a slot where it can be put on the road.
Is there an algorithm that this problem fits into?
What data structure would I model this in - for example for each entrypoints, I was thinking something like a queue or like an ordered map and for the road, maybe a linkedlist?
Outside of a top down master algorithm that decides what each car does and when, there is another approach that uses agents that interact with their environment and amongst themselves, with a limited set of simple rules. This often give rise to complex behaviors: You could maybe code simple rules into car objects, to define these interactions?
Maybe something like this:
emerging behavior algorithm:
a car moves forward if there are no cars just in front of it.
a car merges into a lane if there are no car right on its side (and
maybe behind that slot too)
a car progresses towards its destination, and removes itself when destination is reached.
proposed data structure
The data structure could be an indexed collection of "slots" along which a car moves towards a destination.
Two data structures could intersect at a tuple of index values for each.
Roads with 2 or more lanes could be modeled with coupled data structures...
optimial numbers
Determining the max road use, and min time to destination would require running the simulation several times, with varying parameters of the number of cars, and maybe variations of the rules.
A more elaborate approach would us continuous space on the road, instead of discrete slots.
I can suggest a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) which will store each entry point as a node.
The problem of moving from one point to another can be thought of as a graph-flow problem, which has a number of algorithms for determining movement in a graph.

Efficiently and dynamically rank many users in memory?

I run a Java game server where I need to efficiently rank players in various ways. For example, by score, money, games won, and other achievements. This is so I can recognize the top 25 players in a given category to apply medals to those players, and dynamically update them as the rankings change. Performance is a high priority.
Note that this cannot easily be done in the database only, as the ranks will come from different sources of data and different database tables, so my hope is to handle this all in memory, and call methods on the ranked list when a value needs to be updated. Also, potentially many users can tie for the same rank.
For example, let's say I have a million players in the database. A given player might earn some extra points and instantly move from 21,305th place to 23rd place, and then later drop back off the top 25 list. I need a way to handle this efficiently. I imagine that some kind of doubly-linked list would be used, but am unsure of how to handle quickly jumping many spots in the list without traversing it one at a time to find the correct new ranking. The fact that players can tie complicates things a little bit, as each element in the ranked list can have multiple users.
How would you handle this in Java?
I don't know whether there is library that may help you, but I think you can maintain a minimum heap in the memory. When a player's point updates, you can compare this to the root of the heap, if less than,do nothing.else adjust the heap.
That means, you can maintain a minimum heap that has 25 nodes which are the highest 25 of all the players in one category.
Forget linked list. It allows fast insertions, but no efficient searching, so it's of no use.
Use the following data
double threshold
ArrayList<Player> top;
ArrayList<Player> others; (3)
and manage the following properties
each player in top has a score greater or equal to threshold
each player in others has a score lower than threshold
top is sorted
top.size() >= 25
top.size() < 25 + N where N is some arbitrary limit (e.g., 50)
Whenever some player raises it score, do the following:
if they're in top, sort top (*)
if they're in others, check if their score promotes them to top
if so, remove them from others, insert in top, and sort top
if top grew too big, move the n/2 worst players from top to others and update threshold
Whenever some player lowers it score, do the following:
- if they're in others, do nothing
- if they're in top, check if their new score allows them to stay in top
- if so, sort top (1)
- otherwise, demote them to bottom, and check if top got too small
- if so, determine an appropriate new threshold and move all corresponding players to top. (2)
(1) Sorting top is cheap as it's small. Moreover, TimSort (i.e., the algorithm behind Arrays.sort(Object[])) works very well on partially sorted sequences. Instead of sorting, you can simply remember that top is unsorted and sort it later when needed.
(2) Determining a proper threshold can be expensive and so can be moving the players. That's why only N/2 player get moved away from it when it grows too big. This leaves some spare players and makes this case pretty improbable assuming that players rarely lose score.
For managing the objects, you also need to be able to find them in the lists. Either add a corresponding field to Player or use a TObjectIntHashMap.
(3) When removing an element from the middle of others, simply replace the element by the last one and shorten the list by one. You can do it as the order doesn't matter and you must do it because of speed. (4)
(4) The whole others list needn't be actually stored anywhere. All you need is a possibility to iterate all the players not contained in top. This can be done by using an additional Set or by simply iterating though all the players and skipping those scoring above threshold.
Forget the others list (unless I'm overlooking something, you won't need it).
I guess you will need no TObjectIntHashMap either.
Use a list top and a boolean isTopSorted, which gets cleared whenever a top score changes or a player gets promoted to top (simple condition: oldScore >= threshold | newScore >= threshold).
For handling ties, make top contain at least 25 differently scored players. You can check this condition easily when printing the top players.
I assume you may use plenty of memory to do that or memory is not a concern for you. Now as you want only the top 25 entries for any category, I would suggest the following:
Have a HashSet of Player objects. Player objects have the info like name, games won, money etc.
Now have a HashMap of category name vs TreeSet of top 25 player objects in that category. The category name may be a checksum of some columns say gamewon, money, achievent etc.
HashMap<String /*for category name */, TreeSet /*Sort based on the criteria */> ......
Whenever you update a player object, you update the common HashSet first and then check if the player object is a candidate for top 25 entries in any of the categories. If it is a candidate, some player object unfortunately may lose their ranking and hence may get kicked out of the corresponding treeset.
>> if you make the TreeSet sorted by the score, it'll break whenever the score changes (and the player will not be found in it
Correct. Now I got the point :) . So, I will do the following to mitigate the problem. The player object will have a field that indicate whether it is already in some categories, basically a set of categories it is already in. While updating a player object, we have to check if the player is already in some categories, if it is in some categories already, we will rearrange the corresponding treeset first; i.e. remove the player object and readjust the score and add it back to the treeset. Whenever a player object is kicked out of a category, we remove the category from the field which is holding a set of categories the player is in
Now, what you do if the look-up is done with a brand new search criteria (means the top 25 is not computed for this criteria already) ? ------
Traverse the HashMap and build the top entries for this category from "scratch". This will be expensive operation, just like indexing something afresh.

Algorithm for animating elements running across a scene

I'm not sure if the title is right but...
I want to animate (with html + canvas + javascript) a section of a road with a given density/flow/speed configuration. For that, I need to have a "source" of vehicles in one end, and a "sink" in the other end. Then, a certain parameter would determine how many vehicles per time unit are created, and their (constant) speed. Then, I guess I should have a "clock" loop, to increment the position of the vehicles at a given frame-rate. Preferrably, a user could change some values in a form, and the running animation would update accordingly.
The end result should be a (much more sophisticated, hopefully) variation of this (sorry for the blinking):
Actually this is a very common problem, there are thousands of screen-savers that use this effect, most notably the "star field", which has parameters for star generation and star movement. So, I believe there must be some "design pattern", or more widespread form (maybe even a name) for this algoritm. What would solve my problem would be some example or tutorial on how to achieve this with common control flows (loops, counters, ifs).
Any idea is much appreciated!
I'm not sure of your question, this doesn't seem an algorithm question, more like programming advice. I have a game which needs exactly this (for monsters not cars), this is what I did. It is in a sort of .Net psuedocode but similar stuff exists in other environments.
If you are running an animation by hand, you essentially need a "game-loop".
while (noinput):
timenow = getsystemtime();
timedelta = timenow - timeprevious;
timeprevious = timenow;
noinput = check_for_input()
The update_object_positions(timedelta) moves everything along timedelta, which is how long since this loop last executed. It will run flat-out redrawing every timedelta. If you want it to run at a constant speed, say once every 20 mS, you can stick in a thread.sleep(20-timedelta) to pad out the time to 20mS.
Returning to your question. I had a car class that included its speed, lane, type etc as well as the time it appears. I had a finite number of "cars" so these were pre-generated. I held these in a list which I sorted by the time they appeared. Then in the update_object_position(time) routine, I saw if the next car had a start time before the current time, and if so I popped cars off the list until the first (next) car had a start time in the future.
You want (I guess) an infinite number of cars. This requires only a slight variation. Generate the first car for each lane, record its start time. When you call update_object_position(), if you start a car, find the next car for that lane and its time and make that the next car. If you have patterns that you want to repeat, generate the whole pattern in one go into a list, and then generate a new pattern when that list is emptied. This would also work well in terms of letting users specify variable pattern flows.
Finally, have you looked at what happens in real traffic flows as the volume mounts? Random small braking activities cause cars behind to slightly over-react, and as the slight over-reactions accumulate it turns into cars completely stopping a kilometre back up the road. Its quite strange, and so might be a great effect in your wallpaper/screensaver whatever as well as being a proper simulation.

How to locate data-item position in the hierarchy?

I need to develop an algorithm that can locate data item position in some hierarchy. I have hierarchy that classifies elements of some dataset. Hierarchy is taxonomic - top element is the most generic class, that matches any element of the dataset, the deeper elements contain more specific classes that match some subset of the dataset.
For example, consider hierarchy of yachts. We have class Yacht at the top. In the next level we have Sailing yacht and Motor yacht. Sailing yacht has two children - Cruising yacht and Racing yacht. Cruisers can be further divided by manufacturer, for example Bavaria Yachts and Dufour Yachts. Then each of this classes can be further divided by the hull type, length, sails area and so on.
This is an example from the dataset:
Drive Class Manufacturer Hull type Len Sails Area ... Model
Sailing Cruiser Bavaria Yachts Mono-hull 25ft 560sqft ... Bavaria 32
Sailing Cruiser Dufour Yachts Mono-hull 27ft 580sqft ... Dufour 32 Classic
I can easily map each sample to hierarchy by searching it in depth-first order.
It is a simple search problem at first glance but there are some difficulties.
First difficulty: data items doesn't necessary contain all the elements. It's common that data item lacks from 10 to 50 percent of elements. Many of this elements is not very significant, for example yacht Drive can only be Motor or Sail so it doesn't bring a lot of information (only 1 bit). These elements can be inferred easily using the more significant elements, for example if we know yacht Model, we can infer all other elements(or fields) of the data-item.
Second difficulty: some elements can vary between different data items even if they correspond to the same place in the hierarchy (same yacht model). For example Sails area can vary greatly because boat owners modify they yacht's rig in a different ways or just round area value.
As I've already mentioned, I need to locate different data items from the dataset in the hierarchy. Each data item can be located with different precision. Precision is a depth in the hierarchy at which search process stops. In other words, I need to get path in the hierarchy that corresponds to each data item and this path can be incomplete. For example, algorithm can find that data items corresponds to Juliet 23 yacht but production year can still be unknown.
It would be cool if I could get multiple paths with probability measure for each. For example, algorithm can return 4 paths for Juliet 23 for different production years, each with 25% probability.
At this moment I solve this problem using depth first search with some heuristics. It gives good results but I think that it is possible to get better results. Maybe you can formulate this problem in more generic way so I can search for some academic papers about it.
I think SQL can really help you resolve your difficulties,
For your First difficulty: use NVL(field, value-if-null)
Example: Print type & production year (if it exist), of racing yachts
Example: get all Yachts which Production Year is over year 2000
> TO_TIMESTAMP('01-01-2000','DD-MM-YYYY')
For your Second difficulty: use GROUP BY\CASCADING-SQL\DISTINCT\NVL
Example: see how many types of racing yachts are there

Predator-prey simulation

I'm trying to implement a model of predator-prey.
It is agent-based model. Every few milliseconds is a new move. On the field there are two types of creatures: predator and prey. The behavior of each of them is given by the following rules:
Just moved to an unoccupied cell
Every few steps creates offspring to his old cell
Life expectancy is limited by the number of moves
Predator moves to the cell with prey. If such cells are not, in any
free neighboring cell
I have a problem with the choice of prey move.
For example, I have preys in cells 5 and 9.
Each of them can move to cell 6.
How can I resolve this conflict?
Use asynchronous updating. Iterate through the prey in random order, having them decide in turn to which cell they should move.
This is a common approach in simulations. It has an additional benefit in that it eliminates limit cycles in the dynamics.
How long does 'moving' take? If you move one, then after the prey has moved, you move the next one, there is no conflict. The prey will simply see the space is already occupied and move elsewhere.
If moving takes time you might say the prey keep an eye on each other and see if some other prey is trying to move somewhere (like people watch cars in traffic). Then you would change the status of the target field to 'reserved for 5' when prey from 5 is trying to move there. Then prey from 9 can see this and decide if they want to collide with 5 (could be intresting :P) or avoid 5.
Depends on game logic. If preys can be on the same cell, so simply use indicator that show preys count. If you are using 2D array for representing current field state you can use such codes:
-1 - predator
n - preys
n >= 0, (n = 0 - cell is empty, n = 1 cell contains 1 prey and so on).
Otherwise (if preys can't appear on the same cell) use turn-based strategy. Save all your preys in array or give number to each prey. In that case preys' moves represents by simple loop (pseudocode):
for each prey in preys
where move logic describes algorithm how your prey moves.
Quite a few ways, depending on if you're deciding & moving as two steps or one, etc:
Keep track of each prey's intended moves, and prevent other prey from occupying those.
Check if another prey is already occupying the destination, and do nothing if so.
Remove one of the preys at random if they both try to occupy the same location.
Re-evaluate the move options if the destination is occupied.
There's not really a 'right' way to do it.
See this related question and my answer.
It describes a good collision detection mechanism.
Avoid O(n^2) complexity for collision detection
