JMeter - Response code: Non HTTP response code: Response message - jmeter

Recorded Blazemeter scripts are not working in JMeter, getting following error message.
Response code: Non HTTP response code:
Response message: Non HTTP response message: Software caused connection abort: recv failed

The error indicates that JMeter fails to receive the response most probably due to network error (connection has been terminated or timed out)
In order to get more information you should increase JMeter Logging verbosity for Apache HttpComponents by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file
<Logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" />
it would also be a good idea to enable network debugging on Java level, it can be done by adding the next line to file:
and you should get way more information in jmeter.log file and STDOUT, this way you will get the error reason and would be able to handle it.
It worth also checking:
that your application is not overloaded as it might be the case the application cannot handle the load delivered by JMeter hence fails to respond properly
if you're absolutely sure that the application works normally and the problem is at JMeter end you can follow workarounds from JMeterSocketClosed wiki page


Using JMeter 5.4.1 recording .Net application gets either wrong response or Error response Code: 500

JMeter version 5.4.1
MS Edge 94.0
Google Chrome: 94.0
FireFox: 92.0.1
Using JMeter to record .Net application. 90% of the recording was perfectly fine. no page crashed and received the response correctly. Except, when I made any requests that related to permission.aspx or permission.asp page I got error message have shown below or wrong response content displayed on the page.
I did try to change the record type from httpclient4 to Java but it didn't help.
Also Error log from JMeter log showed: Cause: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:
Error Message:
Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown.
Inner Exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Your question provide sufficient level of details so I doubt you will get a comprehensive answer, it looks like JMeter isn't capable of handling some specific setup of your application.
In order to get more information you could:
Increase logging level verbosity for JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy" level="debug" />
then inspect jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries
Check your application logs as HTTP 5xx errors are server-side errors so most probably the reason can be found there
You might also want to try out an alternative way of recording a JMeter test: JMeter Chrome Extension which is kind of less "invasive" and "alien" to the browser than JMeter's proxy server.

JMeter's HTTP Request file throws 404 error

JMeter HTTP Request - 404 ERROR
While I run my jmx file, It throws a 404 error for one of the HTTP Request file. Screen shot is given above.
Can anyone please suggest some solution for this issue.
There is an embedded resource call for the /favicon URL which is not found therefore the request fails.
You should raise an issue as HTTP 404 errors might cause SEO consequences so your site will rank lower
If you don't care about the embedded resources errors you can add the next line to file:
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.

SSLHandshakeException when using recording in jmeter

The webpage breaks when using recording in JMeter.
I started the Test script recorder and entered the URL in Firefox browser
(manual proxy config are done correctly in Firefox browser)
The page do not load correctly and gives error
When i see "View Result Tree" in workbench it shows following error various times
" Received fatal alert: unknown_ca" Software caused connection abort: recv failed
I am new to JMeter. while giving instructions please explain it simply so that i can understand. Thanks
You must accept the Security rule exception when loading the first page in browser.
Also it is very helpful to install the CA certificate that JMeter generates in the browser, see:

Jmeter Uncaught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

I am trying to record REST requests with "http(s) test script recorder". It's working properly and record the request until i keep "Capture HTTP Headers" checked. Since I want to keep header common with some variable throughout requests and wanted to put dynamic parameter I don't want http header to be recorded everytime.
To do so, I remove that checkbox "Capture HTTP Headers", now none of my requests are getting recorded. And application is throwing exception
I am using to record the requests.
ERROR - jmeter.JMeter:
Uncaught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.ProxyControl.replaceValues(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.ProxyControl.deliverSampler(
I logged the bug with jmeter issue tracker.
They have suggested a solution to recompile the source with these 2 file changes.
Actual Bug

JMeter: HTTPJavaImpl clogs the logs with redundant errors

While running a stress test against an HTTP server which has an authentication process (401+challenge,200) I get the JMeter (v2.11) log full of these:
2015/02/17 13:52:48 ERROR - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPJavaImpl: readResponse: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http://w1-load1:8080/perftest/login
2015/02/17 13:53:04 ERROR - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPJavaImpl: Cause: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http://w1-load1:8080/perftest/login
2015/02/17 13:53:08 INFO - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPJavaImpl: Error Response Code: 401
I don't mind the HTTP 401 , I handle those in the next request (by design)
in the BeanShell post processor I read these 401 and "make" them ok (using prev.setResponseOK() ).
setting the response code in the BeanShell doesn't prevent the initial IOException.
The problem occur also when not using BeanShell at all.
However, under stress,with many threads, these errors cost me 10% of JMeter output rate (tested against a service which doesn't return 401).
I saw that the rate of error in the JMeter log is approximately 20 lines/sec.
tested also with JMeter remote agents.
can some one explain how to avoid those log lines or how I can remove them ?
if I fail to write the BeanShell directive the log gets even larger exception:
and the request is considered a failure.
The Log Messages format is probably
#log_format=%{time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss} %5.5{priority} - %{category}: %{message} %{throwable}
In this case the logging is not from BeanShell but jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPJavaImpl.
You can control this logging in the JMeter properties file or user properties file.
The logging configuration file is well documented in the source of the file.
You can turn down logging by controlling at the package or class level.
Anything that is below this package name will only log on FATAL_ERROR
Or at that class level, only impacting the HTTPJavaImpl
I tested the following using this load test and JMX just changing the Implementation to see the different log statements.
Finally in your case your are using HTTPJavaImpl, if you were to use HTTPClient4 the logging is a bit different and does not seem to log 401 return values or treat them as exceptions. you can change the Sampler implementation:
