add a RPC password to your bitcoin.conf file - settings

I'm following instructions here and it says that I will find a bitcoin.conf file Windows: %APPDATA%\Bitcoin\ and
To use bitcoind and bitcoin-cli, you will need to add a RPC password to your bitcoin.conf file. Both programs will read from the same file if both run on the same system as the same user, so any long random password will work: rpcpassword=change_this_to_a_long_random_password
However When I navigate to %APPDATA%\Bitcoin\ I don't see a bitcoin.conf file.
So What do I do? Do I add a bitcoin.conf file? There is a file in doc in my bitcoin install directory so maybe somthing todo with that? I really don't know. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

That guide does not take into account the fact that you do not have to add any RPC user or password to your configuration file for the past some years.
Bitcoind will generate a cookie that allows the CLI (command line interface) to communicate with the Bitcoin daemon using RPC without the user having had to give it a single thought.
That is a developers' guide, so developers may have more complex requirements that are solved if they specify their own RPC authentication settings, such as running multiple wallets, or possibly exchange software that communicates with the wallet or multiple wallets.
bitcoin.conf being optional, it is not by default created, and is not needed for ordinary usage, only becoming necessary when the user or developer has particular, non-default settings to set.
The possible settings can be found by the help command bitcoind -help and lists a number of command line parameters (beginning with a dash or hyphen) that can be typed or pasted after bitcoind on the command line, but can be put in a text file named bitcoin.conf without the minus sign before the command. For example: -connect=IPAddress becomes simply connect=IPAddress in the conf file.
For creating suitable rpcauth (username and hashed password), and rpcuser and rpcpassword values, I've found some resources such as
Rather than serving JLopp's RPC auth generator locally you can simply copy from, or use a Python script found in the Bitcoin repository under the folder named "share", you will see a folder called rpcauth which contains the script and a small explanatory file called

You have to create this file and put a single line rpcpassword=<your_password> in it. contains documentation for this btcoin.conf and particularily states:
The configuration file is not automatically created; you can create it using your favorite text editor.
Recommended reading this doc. It may help you to facilitate running your node.


Configuring settings for last paricipant support wsadmin/websphere

Recently i've came to an issue to configure Last Participant Support on deployed application. I've found some old post about that:
On server itself i found how to do it. But with jython or wsadmin commands im not able to find how to do it on application itself.
But it does not help for me. Any ideas?
There is no command assistance available for the action of changing last participant support from the admin console which typically implies there is no scripting command associated the action. And there doesn't appear to be an wsadmin AdminApp command to modify the property. Looking at config repo changes made as a result of the admin console action, the IBM Programming Model Extensions (PME) deployment descriptor file "ibm-application-ext-pme.xmi" for an application is created/modified by the action.
If possible, the best long-term solution would be to use a tool like RAD to generate that extensions file when packaging the application because if you need to redeploy the app, your config changes wouldn't get overridden. If you can't mod the app, you can script the addition of an PME descriptor file in each of the desired apps with the knowledge that redeploying the app will overwrite your changes. The changes can be made by doing something along the lines of:
1) create a text file named ibm-application-ext-pme.xmi with contents similar to this:
<pmeext:PMEApplicationExtension xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:pmeext="" xmi:id="PMEApplicationExtension_1559836881290">
<lastParticipantSupportExtension xmi:id="LastParticipantSupportExtension_1559836881292" acceptHeuristicHazard="false"/>
2) in wsadmin or your jython script do the following (note in this example the xmi file you created is in the current directory, if not, include the full path to it in the createDocument command) :
deployUri = "cells/<your_cell_name>/applications/<your_app_name>.ear/deployments/<your_app_name>/META-INF/ibm-application-ext-pme.xmi"
AdminConfig.createDocument(deployUri, "ibm-application-ext-pme.xmi")
3) restart the server

Correct way to edit pg_hba.conf

So, I am attempting to create an install script for my application (targeting Ubuntu 16). It has to create a postgresql user, grant permission to that user to authenticate via password, and grant permission to that user to authenticate locally. I only want to grant permission to do that on one database, the application database. So I need to insert the line local databasename username md5 above the lines that reject unknown connections, e.g., in the "Put your actual configuration here" section of pg_hba.conf. (pg_hba.conf uses position in the file to determine priority: first rule encountered that matches the connection gives the final result.)
To add this line, my script runs:
sudo awk '
/# Put your actual configuration here/ {
print "local databasename username md5"
{ print }
' /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf
# other setup
service postgresql restart
But that's less than optimal. First, the version number will change in the future, so hardcoding the directory is poor. Second, that's making a comment in someone else's project an actual structural part of the config file, which is a horrible idea from all possible points of view in all possible universes.
So my question is twopart. First, is there a good, correct, and accepted method to edit pg_hba.conf that I can use in an installation script instead of kitbashing about with text editors?
Second, if there is no good answer to the first part: is there a programmatic way to ask postgresql where it's pulling pg_hba from?
Is there a programmatic way to ask postgresql where it's pulling pg_hba from?
show hba_file;
-- or
select current_setting('hba_file');
Debian tool chain
So my question is twopart. First, is there a good, correct, and accepted method to edit pg_hba.conf that I can use in an installation script instead of kitbashing about with text editors?
Yes, however, you'll probably find it unsatisfactory.
Upstream, PostgreSQL doesn't support multiple versions and installs with their build tools. Debian does. So Debian has invented a concept of a cluster which is essentially a name and a version number.
Building a tool on Ubuntu or Debian, you should also probably use a name and version number.
Second, if there is no good answer to the first part: is there a programmatic way to ask postgresql where it's pulling pg_hba from?
Yes, there is a tool called pg_conftool. The default cluster's name is main. If you want the 9.5/main cluster. You can do this..
pg_conftool -s 9.5 main show hba_file
You can see conftool can make use of a version and name, but strictly it may not require one.
/usr/bin/pg_conftool [options] [<version> <cluster name>] [<configfile>] <command>
If you want to know more about a cluster in this context, check out check out all the binaries starting with pg_* but first and foremost pg_ctl and pg_ctlcluster (the debian wrapper)

Ruby gem CLI tool, how should I save user settings?

I am currently making a CLI tool gem that downloads files from some service and saves them to a specified folder.
I was wondering, what would be the best way to store user settings for it?
For example, the folder to download the files to, the api access token and secret, that kind of thing.
I wouldn't want to ask a user for that input on every run.
I would read the API stuff from environment variables. Let the users decide if they want to enter it every time or set the variable in a .bashrc or .bash_profile file.
And I would ask for the download folder every time.

Perserving File Ownership Win7 Share

I am trying to setup a "dropbox" on a Win7 workstation we will use to process simulation jobs. My plan was to pull ownership from file (do a simple dir /q "filename") so I can use the owner information during the simulation (send them an email when done for example).
The problem I have is when the user drops the simulation file on the share I setup, the ownership is set to BUILTIN\Administrators. I have tried tweak the share settings but so far nothing seems to work.
I do have a work around where users can embed their email address in the simulation file and I could pull that. But trying to make it easier as I know somer user will forget to do that... Any ideas how to preserver the ownership inforamation?
Quite possibly, you could embed the owner's email as an alternate data stream into the file. Read this link here.
And with a few powershell scripts, you could write the job owner into the file at submit time and extract it out on the remote machine at run time.
I believe the alternate data stream survives the command line copy command as long as NTFS is used everywhere as the filesystem.

How to configure firefox over command line on a linux machine

I use two Internet connections so i want to use bash scripts to automate the task of switching between the two..
the problem is i cant able to configure firefox proxy settings via scripts, so is there a way to do that... does any configuration file exists for firefox so that i can modify over command line..
I have read this entry but this dint helped me much.. (its on windows)
firefox proxy settings via command line
you can use the "automatic proxy configuration" for this. this field takes a "pac" file which in fact is just a javascript function named FindProxyForURL that can use things like dnsResolve or isInNet to determine wether a proxy is needed or not. there is a wikipedia article which describes the files in detail and i have written a blog post a while a go that gives an example function.
