Conda env is activated using source activate env_name.
How can I activate the environment in pycharm ?
pycharm/preferences/project/Project Interpreter
And check existing interpreter. Conda environments may already be listed there.
If not exists, you can create a new conda environment with "Create Conda Env" button
If you are looking for a specific conda environment you can use 'add local'. When you click 'add local' you will input conda environment path + /bin/python
You can list all conda environment in your system with following commnad.
>>conda info --env
# conda environments:
tensorflow * /Users/username/miniconda3/envs/tensorflow
you can chose the approach best fits your needs.
The best PyCharm specific answer is this one by wasabi (below).
In general though, if you want to use an interpreter from within a Conda environment then you can change the location of the interpreter to point to the particular environment that you want to use e.g. /home/username/miniconda/envs/bunnies as mentioned in this comment.
However, as mentioned in this answer by Mark Turner, it is possible to have a shell script executed when activating an environment. This method will not run that shell script, but you can follow his workaround if you need that shell script run:
open a conda prompt
activate the environment
run pycharm from the conda prompt
How about environment.yml
Pycharm can create a new conda environment indeed. Unfortunately, until this issue is fixed, it won't offer environment.yml support, which means it won't install the dependencies declared there.
When working on a project based on such a file, you need to create / update the dedicated env manually on your machine:
conda env create -n <my-project>
Then remember to update each time environment.yml changes (from you or upstream).
conda env update -n <my-project>
Not ideal
As mentioned in one of the comments above, activating an environment can run scripts that perform other actions such as setting environment variables. I have worked in one environment that did this. What worked in this scenario was to:
open a conda prompt
activate the environment
run pycharm from the conda prompt
Pycharm then had access to the environment variables that were set by activating the environment.
I had the same problem i am on windows 10 professional 64 bit
my solution was to start Pycharm as adminstrator and it worked
Go to settings at the top right corner of the PyCharm IDE.
Go to Project:{Your Project Name}->Python Interpreter
Go to the settings inside here and click add:
In Add Python Interpreter select conda env
Select existing environment and click on your required conda environment path from the dropdown menu OR add the path of the python.exe file in your conda environment. As a reference, I am adding the path for my windows10 system: C:\Users\maria\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs<mycondaenv>\python.exe It can vary for your system based on installation configs.
It seems important to me to know, that setting project interpreter as described in wasabi's comment does not actually activate the conda environment.
I had issue with running xgboost (that I installed with conda) inside PyCharm and it turned out that it also need some folders added to PATH. In the end I had to make do with an ugly workaround:
Find out what are the additional folders in PATH for given environment (with echo %PATH% in cmd)
In the file I wish to run put to the top before anything else:
import os
os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + os.pathsep.join(my_extra_folders_list)
I know this is not at all proper solution, but i was unable to find any other beside what Mark Turner mentioned in his comment.
To use Conda environment as PyCharm interpreter
activate Conda environment from Conda navigator
open PyCharm from the navigator tool list
in Conda Add interpreter section choose existing Conda environment and it automatically recognises the path of that environment's python.exe file
First , select Interpreter setting ... in right bottom of Pycharm.
Then choose python.exe from your desired conda environment.
My environment path is : C:\Users\javadsh\anaconda3\envs\tf-gpu\python.exe
Go to Pycharm -> Preferences -> Project Interpreter. At the top left of the packages table there is a plus sign, minus sign, a green circle and an eye; uncheck the green sign; that will let you have access to the packages while using conda environment.
I was having a strange behavior with virtual environments as you can see from the screenshot below
which looks weird.
By taking a look at conda info, the strange setup is confirmed, as shown in the next picture:
It looks like that for some reason, the base env is pointing to myenv (???)
Any idea on how to fix it?
Shall I reinstall Miniconda from scratch and recreate myenv virtual environment?
I am new to using the Terminal and in my homework assigment i have to create a virtual environment for the class with Python = 3.6.1 running this:
conda create -n cs7643 python=3.6.1 anaconda
conda activate cs7643
I have windows and this doesn't work.
Does anyone know the equivalent? Thanks
To be able to use the conda command you need to have anaconda installed on the machine. Check to make sure you have anaconda installed. Do you see this on Windows?
See the getting started if you have issues.
To create the environment there are 2 ways, one is to use the GUI and second is to use the terminal/command line.
See the following for creating the workspace.
I am experiencing unexpected/unusable behavior from pip and virtualenvs. For context, I am using fish shell.
When I create a new virtual env and install new packages to it, pip list/freeze correctly shows the installed packages. However, which pip routes to my system python, not my virtual environment python.
Before and after entering my virtualenv, which pip returns the same system path. Further, when I run code, my import statements do not detect installed packages.
I've spent days looking through over posts before asking, but I haven't found one that describes my exact situation / an adequate solution.
It is not a problem due to:
- aliases
How can I fix this?
Virtualfish is a project designed to gracefully handle virtual environments in a Fish shell context. You may find it provides a solution to the problems you are experiencing, as well as a number of other significant benefits.
I just did a more or less clean install of Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe. I selected the "All users" option to avoid admin rights problems with packages such as jupyter. The program was installed into C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3.
When I open the Anaconda prompt, conda returns the following output, however it doesn't recognize the base environment the way I would like it to, instead I get this on my prompt:
(C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3) C:\Users\aboufira>
When I really expect this:
(base) C:\Users\aboufira>
I find this problem to be quite annoying. Why does this occur? Have I installed into the wrong directory? How can I get it to display base like it should?
Delete your .condarc-file located at C:/Users/User and restart navigator again - worked for me :)