How to import geopandas in Pycharm if installed using conda? [duplicate] - installation

Conda env is activated using source activate env_name.
How can I activate the environment in pycharm ?

pycharm/preferences/project/Project Interpreter
And check existing interpreter. Conda environments may already be listed there.
If not exists, you can create a new conda environment with "Create Conda Env" button
If you are looking for a specific conda environment you can use 'add local'. When you click 'add local' you will input conda environment path + /bin/python
You can list all conda environment in your system with following commnad.
>>conda info --env
# conda environments:
tensorflow * /Users/username/miniconda3/envs/tensorflow
you can chose the approach best fits your needs.

The best PyCharm specific answer is this one by wasabi (below).
In general though, if you want to use an interpreter from within a Conda environment then you can change the location of the interpreter to point to the particular environment that you want to use e.g. /home/username/miniconda/envs/bunnies as mentioned in this comment.
However, as mentioned in this answer by Mark Turner, it is possible to have a shell script executed when activating an environment. This method will not run that shell script, but you can follow his workaround if you need that shell script run:
open a conda prompt
activate the environment
run pycharm from the conda prompt

How about environment.yml
Pycharm can create a new conda environment indeed. Unfortunately, until this issue is fixed, it won't offer environment.yml support, which means it won't install the dependencies declared there.
When working on a project based on such a file, you need to create / update the dedicated env manually on your machine:
conda env create -n <my-project>
Then remember to update each time environment.yml changes (from you or upstream).
conda env update -n <my-project>
Not ideal

As mentioned in one of the comments above, activating an environment can run scripts that perform other actions such as setting environment variables. I have worked in one environment that did this. What worked in this scenario was to:
open a conda prompt
activate the environment
run pycharm from the conda prompt
Pycharm then had access to the environment variables that were set by activating the environment.

I had the same problem i am on windows 10 professional 64 bit
my solution was to start Pycharm as adminstrator and it worked

Go to settings at the top right corner of the PyCharm IDE.
Go to Project:{Your Project Name}->Python Interpreter
Go to the settings inside here and click add:
In Add Python Interpreter select conda env
Select existing environment and click on your required conda environment path from the dropdown menu OR add the path of the python.exe file in your conda environment. As a reference, I am adding the path for my windows10 system: C:\Users\maria\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs<mycondaenv>\python.exe It can vary for your system based on installation configs.

It seems important to me to know, that setting project interpreter as described in wasabi's comment does not actually activate the conda environment.
I had issue with running xgboost (that I installed with conda) inside PyCharm and it turned out that it also need some folders added to PATH. In the end I had to make do with an ugly workaround:
Find out what are the additional folders in PATH for given environment (with echo %PATH% in cmd)
In the file I wish to run put to the top before anything else:
import os
os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + os.pathsep.join(my_extra_folders_list)
I know this is not at all proper solution, but i was unable to find any other beside what Mark Turner mentioned in his comment.

To use Conda environment as PyCharm interpreter
activate Conda environment from Conda navigator
open PyCharm from the navigator tool list
in Conda Add interpreter section choose existing Conda environment and it automatically recognises the path of that environment's python.exe file

First , select Interpreter setting ... in right bottom of Pycharm.
Then choose python.exe from your desired conda environment.
My environment path is : C:\Users\javadsh\anaconda3\envs\tf-gpu\python.exe

Go to Pycharm -> Preferences -> Project Interpreter. At the top left of the packages table there is a plus sign, minus sign, a green circle and an eye; uncheck the green sign; that will let you have access to the packages while using conda environment.


How do I run python in a conda environment with airflow?

conda 4.10.1
airflow 2.2.2
I normally run a script in the following manner
conda activate env
python /path to script/
So I put those two commands into a bash script and used the bashOperator like so:
t1 = BashOperator(
bash_command='/path to bash/script.bash ',
and got the dreaded conda is not setup to activate environments.
Then I did:
conda init bash
conda activate env
python /path to script/
but of course, the shell has to be restarted, which I don't know how to do in apache airflow. There has to be default args or something secret with the .bashrc etc. to activate anaconda environments in non interactive mode, but I'm a windows conda transplant and a tutorial is not handy.
There's this other solution which basically does a bunch of tricky things to start python in the environment of your choice,
How to run Airflow PythonOperator in a virtual environment
That secret hack is to just run the python in the environment:
This guy was able to do it on anaconda 3.9!
How to change working directory and specify conda environment in Apache Airflow
But mysteriously, my environment and my base environment have the same python. When I type env for both environments the difference is in the following:
conda_shlvl=2 instead of 1
conda_prefix_1 = users/me/opt/anaconda3
path includes /users/me/opt/anaconda3/envs/env_of_choice/bin
There are a few ways to go. Maybe I didn't set up the environment correctly and its using the base python instead of making a python in the virtual environment. I used a yml file. It's also really tempting just to set these environment variables in the DAG, but maybe that's not the accepted way? I couldn't find a tutorial. What's the right path? Or maybe my version, 4.10.1 is too advanced and I should downgrade to 3.9. Too many options. Advice?
The way I ended up doing this was to use the conda run command (inspired from this answer). conda run allows you to trigger a conda environment programmatically without needing to activate it - and this works within airflow.

I have added conda and python path to the environment variable, but jupyter notebook is still not getting opened from cmd

I was trying to add conda and python to the environment variable using SETX Command from CMD but it was failing. I tried setting it using PowerShell and it worked. The path was added successfully but I still can't open Jupyter Notebook from my cmd.
Adding Python to the environment path is bad practice, see Anaconda FAQ. If you haven't installed Anaconda with it's default settings, you first need to:
Initialize your shells
conda init --all
After this you should have ../Anaconda3/condabin only in your path (more information via conda init --help).
But before you can run Jupyter, you also need to activate Anaconda:
C:\> conda activate
(base) C:\> jupyter notebook
The activation will add the following folders of the conda base environment to your PATH:
The python.exe resides in Anaconda3, jupyter.exe in Anaconda3\Scripts, so it's not enough to just add the first folder to your Path. And it's especially important to have the libraries on your Path when you want to run C-based packages like numpy.
But the very point behind the conda activate mechanism is that it allows you to configure and run different environments with different versions of python and 3rd party packages that would otherwise conflict, see Managing environmnts.
On top of that you can even install Python from next to your Anaconda distribution, since conda will make sure that they won't interfere.

specify commands to run after conda create from yml file

I have a environment.yml file which I used to create a Python environment using:
conda env create --file environment.yml.
After the environment is created, I need to perform some operations (such as registering a kernel with jupiter-lab):
ipython kernel install --name=to_the_edge
I would like to embed one or more shell commands to run "post install" so that the setup is self-contained within the .yml file. Is there a way to do this? Or is there a different way within conda to get close to what I'm after?
I would also like a way to specify shell commands to be run after conda activate, but that's a secondary hope.
Maybe this isn't possible because conda works cross platform?
This isn't really possible with standard Conda commands, but there are some options to obtain such functionality.
Jupyter and Conda
The best practice for Jupyter and Conda is to have a single env that has jupyter installed and also has nb_conda_kernels. You always launch jupyter notebook from this env. The nb_conda_kernels package enables Jupyter to automatically detect any other envs that have ipykernel (or other language equivalents, e.g., r-irkernel). Hence, you don't need any additional registration, but simply need to include ipykernel in the YAML. See the docs for nb_conda_kernels.
Running scripts at install
This cannot be done from a YAML. However, you could build your own custom package that does this at install time and then include that in your YAML. You would have to provide the .sh, .bat, etc. to run the commands. See the documentation on adding pre-link, post-link, and unlinked scripts to a package recipe.
Through this route, you can also add activate and deactivate scripts that are run when the env is activated and deactivated, respectively. You can also add such scripts manually, i.e., without a custom package. For example, the docs show how to define environment variables at activation, but you can run arbitrary scripts.

How to associate a conda enviroment with a project directory

I have been using miniconda for a while and have set up conda environments for each for each of my projects. What I can't figure out after looking through the documentation, is there a way to bond/associate my conda environment to my project folder for that conda environment? So that when I activate a specific conda environment it moves directly into the associated project directory. This virtualenvwrapper etc. can do for example. Is conda able to this?
As mentioned in Activating an environment, conda automatically executes "activation scripts" when an environment is activated. These scripts are typically provided by conda packages installed in the environment.
Just add a script of your own with a cd command. See here for details:

Spyder does not run in Anaconda virtual environment on Windows 10

This is my first post here. I tried to find an answer to this question but to no avail.
Just installed Anaconda2 (2.7.11 Python kernel) on my Win10 machine. I am trying to learn the conda command. Here is my problem.
I go to the Anaconda prompt window.
I create a virtual environmant with conda create -n myenv python=3.4 command.
I activate the environment with activate myenv.
When I list the environmants with conda env list it shows as active (star next to it).
When I start python from a command line it shows me that it is running 3.4.
The same with ipython.
When I type spyder it opens the spyder window but shows me 2.7.11. This is confirmed by running print(sys.version).
Am I doing anything wrong or is this just windows 10 problem.
Thanks in advance,
When you type spyder, the search for this command begins in the paths that the conda environment created. If it cannot find it there, it will go and search at other places. In your case in the paths of the default Anaconda install. So after you activate your environment:
activate myenv
you need to install sypder inside this environment:
(myenv) conda install spyder
where (myenv) indicates the active environment.
Change the Python interpreter in the Preference menu. See pic below.
you just have to write
conda create -n myenv python=3.4 spyder
conda activate myenv
and for deactivation later on ..
conda deactivate
Note: using Windows 10.
To use Spyder in a particular environment, there are at least two options:
conda install spyder into that environment - the problem, for me, is that it also wants to install a large number of other packages that I don't want or need in that environment.
I just want to use Spyder for interactive programming/investigation using the particular packages that I have chosen to install in a particular environment. The solution to this is option 2.
Note: I installed Anaconda initially and so have Spyder in the Anaconda environment.
Copy the relevant Spyder files from the Anaconda environment into the particular environment(s) you want to use Spyder in:
From: C:\Users\User\Anaconda\Lib\site-packages
Copy: spyderlib & spyderplugins Folders
To: C:\Users\User\Anaconda\envs\[Environment_Name]\Lib\site-packages
From: C:\Users\User\Anaconda\Scripts
Copy: spyder.exe, spyder.ico, spyder_light.ico & Files
To: C:\Users\User\Anaconda\envs\[Environment_Name]\Scripts
To use Spyder in the desired environment:
Activate the environment
(Environment_Name) prompt> spyder
This works for me!
