How to integrate a MetaMask Wallet into your Website - metamask

i want to build a browsergame, where you are able to connect with your MetaMask wallet as a Account, like OpenSea does it for example. It is not for transactions but for authorization reason.
Does somebody know how to do that in big points?

For doing Ethereum wallet based logins, please see
with Ethereum
However your question is too open-ended to be a practical programming question that is answerable on StackOverflow Q&A format. I suggest you go to Sign-in with Ethereum Discord for open-ended discussion.


Will my question show up in Microsoft Teams stack overflow connector?

I am trying to get the stack overflow connector to work in Microsoft Teams. Will this question show up?
Sometimes it is necessary to demonstrate an entire workflow to corporate influencers. In this case, I was showing how a question posted to StackOverflow will show up in the Microsoft Teams interface using the Connector.
Our internal concerns are:
What account is used in the connector? -- The Team owner logs the
connector into a StackOverflow account.
Is this account personal or
managed by the organization? -- By default it is my personal account,
but StackOverflow has an Enterprise plan.
Where are questions stored that appear in a Team? -- Questions are
posted to the Team's persistent chat and are stored with the chat
Hope this clarifies why this odd question is here. Thank you for your patience.
Will my question show up in Microsoft Teams stack overflow connector?
The answer is yes.
You need install the Stack Overflow App to your Microsoft Teams, then you can connect to Stack Overflow with your SO account.
After logging, you can subscribe to the tags you care about, then you will receive following message:
If the tag you added to the your question is in your tag subscription list, you can see your question in Microsoft Teams, but you could just subscribe to the list of your personal questions.
Hope this helps.

Using free google api plan for Bitrix24

recently my company started using Bitrix24 as an intranet portal. Our employees use google drive and calendar synchronization between their google accounts (private ones, not gsuite). Few days ago I received an email from google:
We have contacted Bitrix24 support, but they could not give us any specifics with regards to this email and pointed out to contact google. Free google plans do not really have helpdesk support and point to sites like stackoverflow for help.
We do not really know what to do in this situation, as we have very little knowledge about google developer console. One of us just used his account to set up a project and provide OAuth to sync google accounts with bitrix24.
Several months ago google started releasing security changes enacted to help ensure that users data is secure. Due to this all developers with applications running risky scopes must apply for application verification
The developer who has created this application, probably the same person who received that email must click the link and submit the application. Once your project is approved you will not have any more issues. I suggest you begin the process now as it may take sometime for you to compete the process.

Okta sync with database as identify provider

We are planning to use Okta as our identity provider and found some resources on its developer site, we was thinking to use Database sync option, we have already number of users on our own database so I want some detailed technical guidance that how we can sync things with Okta and how later we can support SAML 2.0 protocol with other identity providers.
Please provide some detailed things for start point. we are using mysql databases right now.
It would be great support if all technical resources in detail because I dont found enough detailed checklist on side.
You might start with the On-Premise Provisioning Guide available at:
Example Setup of On-Premises Provisioning and MySQL
If you get stuck, add a comment to your question or ask a new one.

Heroku organizations are still available?

I am wondering if Heroku still has support for organization accounts. I have followed the steps on this page and can not see the organization create form.
Anyone knows if the feature is still available?
This feature is currently available exclusively through the Heroku sales channel. For more information about Heroku organizations, please see

Using Twitter as a mechanism to remote control applications? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I was brainstorming interesting usages of Twitter and came up with the following:
An application can use it as a call home mechanism
An application that has an invalid license could broadcast its location
A software company could use it as a remote shell like interface and issue commands to shutdown, restart and to publish patches
An application can use it for heartbeat purposes
Has anyone else came up with other non-standard usages of Twitter?
I fail to see the advantage of using a proprietary, third-party chat site in place of an appropriate networking protocol.
Matthew nailed the point that all these "applications" just represent a communications protocol between twitterer and remote host, and there are lots of mature protocols you could use instead right out of the box, rather than rolling your own on twitter.
But depending on your situation, of course there could be scenarios in which twitter is the easy way. I have written similar hacks that use e-mail as transport mechanism for automated tasks, simply because corporate red tape doesn't permit us other more conventional means. They can reboot machines, restart processes, post public messages, etc.
One of it is already available for Windows - "TweetMyPC v2.0 lets you shutdown/restart/LogOff and lots more in your windows PC.remotely."
I'm not sure this counts as a very practical use (a bit of fun mainly), but it certainly attracted my interest:
Twitter image encoding challenge
The idea of this challenge is to try to encode a picture into a 140 (Unicode) character Tweet. It's quite astounding how much information some of the algorithms posted there can fit into a message.
Scott Hanselman used Twitter to create an app for ordering a sandwich.
Check out his post
I think the main advantage of using twitter in instances like this is its SMS capabilities (and the fact they're free - whereas you can buy services that charge a monthly fee to allow you to receive SMS messages to a HTTP page or something like that).
I'd considered using it to make a little budget app for myself where I could SMS twitter things I'd bought to a private twitter account, similar for tracking petrol usage I was planning on smsing the odometer reading,cost etc in a certain format and capturing it at home to run statistics and stuff on it. There are limitations to it though - like you can only hook up an SMS number to 1 twitter account...
It's good to think outside the box, but don't be too focused on using just twitter because it's cool.
If you were comfortable setting up sensors and such, you could get a microcontroller, hook it up to a twitter feed, and then give it remote commands.
For instance, remote controlled house lights. You could then just tweet "Home lights on GXSDFXV" (The garbage at the end is to prevent real tweets from turning on and off your lights).
I wouldn't use Twitter in particular for transferring any private information (think about security if someone hacks the account and can shutdown your corporate servers or transfer fake licenses). For that I would setup a private server which implements the open microblogging protocol (like as long as - like others already said - there is another more suitable protocol.
For publishing PUBLIC information (heartbeat messages can be considered that, too) I like the idea pretty much. We recently had a very successfull (but unfortunately effectless) E-Petition in Germany where a Twitter account posted the number of signatures every couple of minutes.
Carsonified are using this to allow people to discover other people sitting in the same room at their conferences.
They label each chair with a tag and then you tweet that tag to an account they have and it registers you on a floorplan on the venue. Users are coloured in on the plan by their interests.
Clever but a bit overcomplicated for my tastes...
