How to increase the icon button of Menu in MacOS App SwiftUI? - macos

I want to increase the icon button of the Menu in SwiftUI for a macOS app, but modifiers such as .imageScale(.large), .resizable(), .scaleEffect(1.2), and changing font doesn't work.
Menu {
Button("Quit") {}
} label: {
Image(systemName: "gear")
How can I change icon size?

Use ImageinText.
struct DetailView: View {
var body: some View {
.contextMenu {
Button(action: { }) {
Text(Image(systemName: "gear"))
Button(action: { }) {
Image(systemName: "gear")


Change size of Navigation Bar in SwiftUI

Hello SO community 👋🏼
I'm trying to recreate NavigationBar from Contact tab Apple's Phone in my SwiftUI app.
I played around with .toolbar and modifications but really can't recreate it. I wanna replace TextField to SegmentPicker with saving all behavior of .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline). But don't know is it possible to use SwiftUI only to get it or need to dive into UIKit. I'm not the expert of UIKit and I will be glad for any help. I want use this NavBar in a exact screen in the app and if possible do not change my preferences of NavBar on other part of app. My code:
import SwiftUI
struct NavBar: View {
#State var pickerOptions: Int = 0
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ScrollView(.vertical) {
VStack {
Text("Hello, World!")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
Image(systemName: "plus")
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
private var SegmentPicker: some View {
VStack {
Picker("Options", selection: $pickerOptions) {
.frame(width: 200)

Placing the toggle sidebar button on the sidebar toolbar

I have a three column layout macOS application with the first being the sidebar. I have a button that toggles that enabling the user to hide the sidebar.
On Xcode and other macOS, the toggle sidebar button resides on the toolbar on top of the sidebar, and becomes part of the main toolbar when the sidebar is hidden.
For example, open sidebar on Xcode:
And when you hide the sidebar:
I have added the toolbar with the toggle sidebar to the view containing my sidebar, and another toolbar to the second column, but still toggle sidebar appears on the main toolbar, on top of the second column.
Am I missing anything? Here's the code:
// sidebar view, first of three columns
struct ContentView: View {
#State var selection: Set<Int> = [0]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(selection: self.$selection) {
NavigationLink(destination: AllData()) {
Label("All Data", systemImage: "note.text")
Label("Trash", systemImage: "trash")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigation) {
Button(action: toggleSidebar, label: {
Image(systemName: "sidebar.left") }).help("Toggle Sidebar")
func toggleSidebar() {
NSApp.keyWindow?.firstResponder?.tryToPerform(#selector(NSSplitViewController.toggleSidebar(_:)), with: nil)
// second column view, with the rest of the toolbar
struct AllData: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(filteredData) {
// list items here.
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic) {
Button("Press Me") {
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic) {
Button("Press Me too") {
print("Pressed too")
If you use the .frame modifier on the sidebar then you are able to set constraints for minimum width, ideal width and maximum width.
I find a minWidth: 148 ensures the sidebar cannot be collapsed to the point where SwiftUI shuffles the toolbar button off to the trailing edge of the nav toolbar and behind (need to click) the double chevron expander.
So your code might look like this...
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(selection: self.$selection) {
NavigationLink(destination: AllData()) {
Label("All Data", systemImage: "note.text")
Label("Trash", systemImage: "trash")
.listStyle(.sidebar) //<-- from iOS 14 and macOS 10.15
.frame(minWidth: 148, idealWidth: 160, maxWidth: 192, maxHeight: .infinity)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "sidebar.left")
.help("Toggle Sidebar")
PS. I note that the .primaryAction and .status modifiers both place the sidebar button in a similar position, although I've not tested this thoroughly or completed any research.
try this:
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {

Customizing the macOS toolbar with Swift UI

I'm working on a macOS app, with the view layers written in SwiftUI. I know that iOS toolbars can have the background color changed at least, but when I try to do this in macOS, it doesn't behave as I'd expect.
Here's a (simplified) example:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 300, maxHeight: .infinity)
.toolbar {
struct Toolbar: View {
var body: some View {
Group {
Slider(value: 250, in: 150...400) {
} minimumValueLabel: {
Image(systemName: "photo").resizable().scaledToFit().frame(width: 15)
} maximumValueLabel: {
Image(systemName: "photo").resizable().scaledToFit().frame(width: 23)
} onEditingChanged: { _ in
// do nothing
}.frame(minWidth: 200)
Which produces something like this, which as you can see, doesn't apply the background color to the entire toolbar, just to the items in the toolbar:
I'm guessing I could make my own WindowToolbarStyle style, but there's no documentation on the protocol!
If I make my own toolbar as a View rather than with the .toolbar modifier, I can't read the safe area insets for the window traffic buttons when the sidebar is collapsed, resulting in a complete mess:
Thanks for any help!
I recommend
.toolbar {

SwiftUI macOS right sidebar inspector

I have a document-based SwiftUI app. I'd like to make a inspector sidebar like the one in Xcode.
Starting with Xcode's Document App template, I tried the following:
struct ContentView: View {
#Binding var document: DocumentTestDocument
#State var showInspector = true
var body: some View {
HSplitView {
TextEditor(text: $document.text)
if showInspector {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.toolbar {
Button(action: { showInspector.toggle() }) {
Label("Toggle Inspector", systemImage: "sidebar.right")
Which yielded:
How can I extend the right sidebar to full height like in Xcode?
NavigationView works for left-side sidebars, but I'm not sure how to do it for right-side sidebars.
Here is some stripped down code that I have used in the past. It has the look and feel that you want.
It uses a NavigationView with .navigationViewStyle(.columns) with essentially three panes. Also, the HiddenTitleBarWindowStyle() is important.
The first (navigation) pane is never given any width because the second (Detail) pane is always given all of the width when there is no Inspector, or all of the width less the Inspector's width when it's present. The ToolBar needs to be broken up and have its contents placed differently depending on whether the Inspector is present or not.
struct DocumentTestDocumentApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
DocumentGroup(newDocument: DocumentTestDocument()) { file in
ContentView(document: file.$document)
struct ContentView: View {
#Binding var document: DocumentTestDocument
#State var showInspector = true
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { window in
if showInspector {
NavigationView {
TextEditor(text: $document.text)
.frame(minWidth: showInspector ? window.size.width - 200.0 : window.size.width)
.toolbar {
LeftToolBarItems(showInspector: $showInspector)
.toolbar {
RightToolBarItems(showInspector: $showInspector)
} else {
NavigationView {
TextEditor(text: $document.text)
.frame(width: window.size.width)
.toolbar {
LeftToolBarItems(showInspector: $showInspector)
RightToolBarItems(showInspector: $showInspector)
struct LeftToolBarItems: ToolbarContent {
#Binding var showInspector: Bool
var body: some ToolbarContent {
ToolbarItem(content: { Text("test left toolbar stuff") } )
struct RightToolBarItems: ToolbarContent {
#Binding var showInspector: Bool
var body: some ToolbarContent {
ToolbarItem(content: { Spacer() } )
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button(action: { showInspector.toggle() }) {
Label("Toggle Inspector", systemImage: "sidebar.right")
struct Inspector: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Inspector Top")

Simulate button click in macOS SwiftUI?

I’ve built a simple macOS modal dialog in SwiftUI that takes some text from the user:
OpenLocationView : View
#State private var location: String = ""
var body: some View
TextField("https://", text: $location) { self.openLocation() }
Button("Cancel") { self.dismiss() }
Button("Open") { self.simulateClick() }
.frame(minWidth: 500.0)
If the user presses enter or return, I’d like to briefly simulate a click on the default button before dismissing the dialog. How would I do this in SwiftUI?
Actually you've almost done it, see comments inline
TextField("https://", text: $location) {
// this is onCommit: called on Return or Enter
Button("Cancel") { self.dismiss() }
Button("Open") { }
func open() {
