How to import an algorithm built in Python to H2O? - h2o

I have a requirement to add new algorithms built in Python/Java to H2O and making it available in Flow UI. I have not found much information other than these old posts
Please let me know if there is a way to do it. I don't think these articles are still relevant. Thanks in advance!

Article is still relevant, some details changed by the main concept remained the same.
Everything you read about map-reduce and DKV is still relevant to this day. The foundation of the article didn't change.
We will refresh the article to make it up to date with the current code base.

I already added an example of extending H2O:
It gives you a skeleton of the implementation of H2O algorithm.


Wanting to make an Xposed module

So I'm wanting to make an xposed module but cannot find any good video tutorials out there let alone an updated one also I know C# Decently and hardly any Java... Any help to help me get started would be appreciated. Thanks
You will need Java to create any Xposed modules. Android itself is based on (primarily) Java, so you will need Java knowledge to make Xposed modules.
That said, C# and Java are extremely similar languages, and you can quickly pick up the other if you know one.
As for Tutorials, Rovo89 (the creator of Xposed) has a simple tutorial here at This tutorial is almost completely upto-date, and you can use this to create your first module.
You will find another detailed tutorial here - Keep in mind that this link is very old, so wherever there are any conflicts, go by Rovo89's tutorial.
After going through the beginner tutorial mentioned by Akhil, you will want to look at the API docs and read through source code of some huge modules like GravityBox to get an idea of how the Framework is used. For teaching purpose mod some app which is open source and then move on to closed source app by reverse engineering them. For reverse engineering I use ByteCodeViewer.

(How) are fluid-templates preprocessed in Typo3

I'm looking for a performant already existing template-engine.
On my search there was one thing that made me curious:
The template-engine Smarty generates php-scripts from the templates to optimize the performance.
Furthermore I looked at the template-engine fluid which is based on Typo3 and is used by the php-framework Flow3.
Now my question:
Is there a way similar to the way of the Smarty-engine to preprocess fluid-templates to get more performance?
Or how do systems working with fluid achieve good performance?
I hope you can help me because I found no answer (especially in the typo3-fluid-wiki).
Thanks in advance!
Fluid templates are by default cached as PHP code, starting with TYPO3 4.6.
You will find all background informations on this on the blog of the developer of the caching, Sebastian Kurfürst:
The official announcement (if it can be called like this) is in the release notes of TYPO3 4.6.
Apart from the code of the complier, I'm not aware of any other technical background information.

How to add new field in checkout that is displayed in order view in backend

I am totally new to Magento. Still learning, so I am confused about where to start off when I have to do something new.
I have to add just another input field in the checkout that gets saved in the order and displayed in the back-end.
So can someone give me directions? It can probably be implemented in an existing extension, but I don’t really have a clue. Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated.
It would seem a popular solution is to utilize the order "agreements" for comments.
My answer here has lots of tips
And this blog specifically talks about installing a free extension and his explanation of the process is simple and thorough.

CodeIgniter 2.1.0 Template Library

Recently CI 2.1.0 is out.
I have a question. As I recognized that the CI folder structure has been 'evolved' (easy to setup, automatically defines base_url,etc), I'm wondering if the current template libraries like Phil's,william's concept,ocular,etc.. can be adapted to this new CI version.
I've tried Phil's but no luck, I mean..I don't know if I'm missing something this time, and ocular, also, to no avail ( I don't subclass the Controller, as suggested here)
Any better templating suggestions that will be suited enough to the latest CodeIgniter 2.1.0?
It seems like from the comments above that you're having trouble finding any resources online on the matter. Here's my suggestion for you:
Check the CodeIgniter Change Log here, and compare all the changes between this newest release, and the release that you know last worked with the template libraries that you've mentioned above. Use deductive reasoning, and see if you can find a way to modify the templates you need to work with the current CodeIgniter structure. I know that's a lot of work, and is not ideal for your situation. Regardless, it's the best advice I can give at the current moment. Good luck, and happy reading!

codeigniter php

I want to ask one of those broad questions so please go easy on me. I know that phil is doing well with pyrocms but I would like to use pyro for my sites and also know how to write custom additions to the cms to suit my needs so what bums me out is how do you use it? where do i add my additions? how is it laid out? Like I said before go easy with me cos there is no documentation for pyrocms.
I suppose this is one for me then :-)
modules can be added to the system by adding the folder to application/modules and copying the folder structure. To understand the modular structure better read the documentation for Matchbox by Zacharius K. I'm on my iPhone on a train so not going to look I up for you :-)
look a details.XML within the module to see how to set frontend/backend module type and when you have set a module with is_backend_sidebar clear the cache (or wait 6 hours :-p).
Documentation WILL come soon, my Internet has been down 2 months longer than expected so finishing v0.9.8 then documenting the lot will take a while.
Tweet or email me for more help.
