discriminator [url] does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions - hl7-fhir

Given a profile that references an extension via URL as usual (IOW, 'sliced' by extension URL), if the definition of the extension does not include a fixedUri constraint then the HAPI validator (5.6.26) emits the following error:
Slicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator ([url]) for slice [...]
in profile [...] - the discriminator [url] does not have fixed value, binding or
existence assertions.
This seems exceedingly odd, since Extension.url is a mandatory field and as such has an implicit 'existence assertion'. Moreover, one would think that - by definition - it would have the fixed value specified in StructureDefinition.url for a top-level extension.
Note: the problem can easily be prevented by adding the aforementioned fixedUri definition to the extension profile, if there is the remotest chance that the extension might ever be involved in slicing by URL (repeating the URL specified in StructureDefinition.url).
"id": "Extension.url",
"path": "Extension.url",
"fixedUri": "https://foo/StructureDefinition/blah"
However, I would like to understand what is going on here. Can some shed light on this?

There is no "by definition". It's actually possible to have an extension whose canonical URL differs from the Extension.url - if you're creating a profile of an existing extension. The Extension data type does, however explicitly pre-define the slicing which is what requires url to be explicitly declared as a fixed value. In short, everything is functioning as intended. If you're defining a profile with a base of 'Extension', you'll have to define a fixedUrl.


types issue resulting in bad signature when integrating assets pallet into node-template derived chain

Having an issue with types, i think, in implementing pallet_assets into the node template. When trying to apply the general idea from https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/tree/efd262f1a791be0a7986b25bd302338a590b46d3/frame/assets#simple-code-snippet
see -> https://github.com/Greenetwork/BLX_chain/blob/1a2f1f0f22f72c1795ff5900a62c8ccee69dbc23/pallets/allocator/src/lib.rs#L126
but including atokens: T::Balance causes a bad signature error. Am i missing some type in the frontend? I tried "atoken" : "Balance" with no luck
pallet_assets's balance is not the same as balances's balance
"atoken" : "Balance" custom type definition was not correct. atoken was the variable not the type.
I renamed pallet_assets's balance to balance1 and used "Balance1": "u64", in the types.json

Which Result Content types are valid for discovery and which are valid for non-discovery retrieves?

The oneM2M specs (various versions) seem to be very unclear about what should be returned for various combinations of rcn & fu flags.
can some please clarify? possibly with pointers to spec sections?
for example:
In TS-0001 v2.27, section 8.1.2, the only 'Result Content' type description that mentions discovery is child-resource-references which says "This option can be used within the context of resource discovery mechanisms". Does this imply that none of the other Result Content types can be used within the context of resource discovery mechanisms, since their descriptions do not explicitly allow this?
If that is the case, then why does TS-0004, section ( talk about both URIList and resourceRefList in Discovery responses? These two things seem to be in conflict.
You may have a look at TS-0001 v4.4.0 table 8.1.2-1 "Summary of Result Content Values". This table, and the text above it, gives an overview about which result content types are allowed for which request type.
Some of the RCN types return just references (or attributes + references). In this case some resource attributes as well as a list of URI's (resource ID's) is returned.
as per my discussion with #andreas-kraft, the answer is:
child-resource-references (default)

What NOREPLACE means at netflix's nebula plugin?

I was using netflix's nebula. Looking here, I saw this line:
fileType [org.freecompany.redline.payload.Directive] - Default for types, e.g. CONFIG, DOC, NOREPLACE, LICENSE
I didn't find any doc about the actual meaning of this enum, but I've found the original code.
Now I want an actual description of this enum. I thought NOREPLACE is releated to being not allowed to replace the file. But I want to be sure and don't rely on assumptions.
I have only seen noreplace as an additional attribute on a config file, e.g. %config(noreplace). It means that if the user has edited the file, the installer should put its new version as filename.rpmnew; by default %config files are replaced with the user one put as filename.rpmold .

CoreAudio: What is "AudioBox" as contrasted to "AudioDevice"

The header file CoreAudio/AudioHardware.h refers to a class "AudioBox" and indicates that it is distinct from but related to the class "AudioDevice". Searching developer.apple.com yields no hits for AudioBox. There is, unfortunately, a commercial product called AudioBox™, which makes googling for the term painfully low-yield.
Here are the comments containing the references:
An array of AudioObjectIDs that represent all the AudioBox
objects currently provided by the system.
This property fetches the AudioObjectID that corresponds to the
AudioBox that has the given UID. The UID is passed in via the qualifier as a CFString while the AudioObjectID for the AudioBox is
returned to the caller as the property's data. Note that an error
is not returned if the UID doesn't refer to any AudioBoxes.
Rather, this property will return kAudioObjectUnknown as the value of the property.
The header file: AudioHardwareBase.h contains numerous references to AudioBox, but does not define or explain it, although it associates it with AudioDevice.
Searching the docs via XCode just takes me back to AudioHardwareBase.h.
I can infer that perhaps an "AudioBox" is an audio device that is accessed via a plugin. But this does not appear to be stated anywhere.
So What Is An AudioBox?
An AudioBox is a container of (usually) AudioDevices

JBO-25002: What is the reason for this error?

I was running my project and was checking recently modified module. On click of the Menu tab it was giving me "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException" and when I checked in the log I could find the following description:
JBO-25002: Definition com.project.view.pageDefs.pages_per_SearchPageDef
of type Form Binding Definition not found
oracle.jbo.NoDefException: JBO-25002: Definition com.project.view.pageDefs.pages_per_SearchPageDef
of type Form Binding Definition not found
What could be the problem?
You say you were checking "recently modified module". What modification did you make? Was it something which invalidated the business component definition? The documentation says this about JBO-25002:
"Provide a correct name for the business component definition. If the
definition is not in the classpath, you must include it there. Names
are of the format
myProjectPackage.BusinessPackage.BusinessComponent. This error can
also occur if there is a case conflict, as when the database expects
"DEPTNO" and receives "Deptno" instead."
I got this error after changing a query in my View Object. The change removed 3 columns but in the PageDef file the tree binding retained the old column names. I manually removed those column names to fix the problem.
