Which Result Content types are valid for discovery and which are valid for non-discovery retrieves? - onem2m

The oneM2M specs (various versions) seem to be very unclear about what should be returned for various combinations of rcn & fu flags.
can some please clarify? possibly with pointers to spec sections?
for example:
In TS-0001 v2.27, section 8.1.2, the only 'Result Content' type description that mentions discovery is child-resource-references which says "This option can be used within the context of resource discovery mechanisms". Does this imply that none of the other Result Content types can be used within the context of resource discovery mechanisms, since their descriptions do not explicitly allow this?
If that is the case, then why does TS-0004, section ( talk about both URIList and resourceRefList in Discovery responses? These two things seem to be in conflict.

You may have a look at TS-0001 v4.4.0 table 8.1.2-1 "Summary of Result Content Values". This table, and the text above it, gives an overview about which result content types are allowed for which request type.
Some of the RCN types return just references (or attributes + references). In this case some resource attributes as well as a list of URI's (resource ID's) is returned.

as per my discussion with #andreas-kraft, the answer is:
child-resource-references (default)


Mapping existing resource to hl7-fhir response

Trying to understand the concept of the code datatype in hl7-fhir. Looking at the appointment (https://www.hl7.org/fhir/appointment.html) resource as an example it has a status parameter with suggested values of "proposed | pending | booked" etc.
Given an existing database with it's own custom status' (Attended, Confirmed, Attended but late) what is the correct way to handle a hl7-fhir response to a consumer?
If the "code" data type is used, then the FHIR binding strength is always "required" - which means you are required to use the FHIR-defined list of codes and no others.
It appears that two of your statuses - "Attended" and "Attended but late" aren't actually statuses of the appointment - the booking, but are instead commentary about the resulting encounter. So I would capture those as extensions. "confirmed" sounds similar to "booked", though I'd need to know the definition to know for sure. Do you have any appointment statuses for appointments that are not yet confirmed (let alone attended)?
To extend on Lloyds notes, you will want to put the extension under the status property, and map your existing values to the provided FHIR values, and put your local actual value in the extension underneath.
This way when other systems read the resource and don't know about your extension status values, they will still be able to act sensibly based on the core values.
<status value="fulfilled">
<extension url="http://yourorg.com/fhir/.../ExtendedAppointmentStatuses">
<code value="abl" />
<display value="Attended but late" />

How do we represent the Patient's room number in a FHIR resource?

Looking at the FHIR documentation for Patient resource https://www.hl7.org/fhir/patient.html I can't find a way to specify a Patient's room number as it pertains to an organization (facility) that they may be associated to. I found the Location resource type https://www.hl7.org/fhir/location.html#Location but don't see how to associated that with a Patient.
The linkage would be through the Encounter resource.
In v0.0.82 spec on the HL7.org website, the Encounter resource has a set of optional Hospitalization fields. Those in turn can point to Accommodation. One of the Accommodation fields is called 'bed', and refers to a location.
The "Current Build" documentation on github (http://hl7-fhir.github.io/encounter.html), has the Encounter directly referencing a more generic Location. But I've never been able to figure out how to reference these current builds by version number or time-date stamp, and thus: I don't know how long this 2nd paragraph of my reply will remain true/valid.

Data abstraction in API Blueprint + Aglio?

Reading the API Blueprint specification, it seems set up to allow one to specify 'Data Structures' like:
street: 100 Main Str. (string) - street address
zip: 77777-7777 (string) - zip / postal code
handle: mrchirpy (string)
address: (address)
And then in the model, make a reference to the data structure:
It seems all set up that by referencing the data structure it should generate documentation and examples in-line with the end points.
However, I can't seem to get it to work, nor can I find examples using "fully normalized data abstraction". I want to define my data structures once, and then reference everywhere. It seems like it might be a problem with the tooling, specifically I'm using aglio as the rendering agent.
It seems like all this would be top of the fold type stuff so I'm confused and wondering if I'm missing something or making the wrong assumptions about what's possible here.
#zanerock, I'm the author of Aglio. The data structure support that you mention is a part of MSON, which was recently added as a feature to API Blueprint to describe data structures / schemas. Aglio has not yet been updated to support this, but I do plan on adding the feature.

CoreAudio: What is "AudioBox" as contrasted to "AudioDevice"

The header file CoreAudio/AudioHardware.h refers to a class "AudioBox" and indicates that it is distinct from but related to the class "AudioDevice". Searching developer.apple.com yields no hits for AudioBox. There is, unfortunately, a commercial product called AudioBox™, which makes googling for the term painfully low-yield.
Here are the comments containing the references:
An array of AudioObjectIDs that represent all the AudioBox
objects currently provided by the system.
This property fetches the AudioObjectID that corresponds to the
AudioBox that has the given UID. The UID is passed in via the qualifier as a CFString while the AudioObjectID for the AudioBox is
returned to the caller as the property's data. Note that an error
is not returned if the UID doesn't refer to any AudioBoxes.
Rather, this property will return kAudioObjectUnknown as the value of the property.
The header file: AudioHardwareBase.h contains numerous references to AudioBox, but does not define or explain it, although it associates it with AudioDevice.
Searching the docs via XCode just takes me back to AudioHardwareBase.h.
I can infer that perhaps an "AudioBox" is an audio device that is accessed via a plugin. But this does not appear to be stated anywhere.
So What Is An AudioBox?
An AudioBox is a container of (usually) AudioDevices

Has anyone used the ConstraintRelationship class for Dynamics CRM?

As documented here there is a property on the AppointmentRequest class for the CRM webservice that allows you to add constraints to what possible appointments are returned from a search.
The actual constraint is specified as an xml string, but I can find almost no documentation about it. Can any one point me to any relevant resources?
I was never able to find any quality documentation on this property or an accepted schema. About all that is available (that I've found) exists on this example from the SDK: Schedule A Resource
You can kind of see how you would limit the search results to a set of resources/users. The list of which properties can be replaced for "name" in the example is in the article ConstraintRelation.Constraints Property.
Hope this helps...
