Power Query recognizes "general" format column data as "date" format - powerquery

I am querying several .xlsx sheets into an appended table. These sheets are identical in headers, data format, etc.
One of the columns shared by the sheets is a calculation formatted as "general".
In all but one of the sheets, the query pulls this column in to the appended table in the "general" format. The outlying sheet recognizes this column to formatted as a "date".
I have checked the source's formatting several times, made sure the entire column was formatted to "general", tried to force the format to "general" using text-to-columns. I have tried to change the data type to "text" in the power query editor but that only returns errors.
The screen shot below shows the power query editor returning an error for each of the records in this column. The data in the error column is formatted identically to the following 3 columns (-_1,-_2, and -_3).
I'm at a loss. Any help is appreciated.
Screen Shot


Uipath - How to extract A table from a pdf

Hi i have found some video and text on how to do this but they dont help with this task.
I know how to get one values but not extract a table.
I want this to get exported into a database if possible or a Excel. But i cant figure it out.
I have even tryed change the "Change reading opption"
I tryed to "data scraping" but the program just say
"This controler does not support data extraction"
And it can't be more of a table then this.
I have heard that it cant be because the structure of the PDF is bad.
Still isn't there more ways of doing this.
Unfortunately, there is no activity in UiPath to read tables directly from PDFs. (As of today.) That was the bad news. The good news is that you can get to the contents of the PDF. Either you get the data (as flat text) directly with UiPath.PDF.Activities.ReadPDFText or you have to use OCR.
#kwoxer provided a wonderful link for explanations on this topic.
I have already been able to extract data from tables contained in a PDF document. At that time, I was lucky: ReadPDFText extracted everything. The table elements were separated by tabs ("\t"). And the table header contained a word that did not appear elsewhere in the document.
Just as an idea, I proceeded like this:
Extract text from the PDF document with UiPath.PDF.Activities.ReadPDFText.
Create an array, where the elements are the lines in the document. (Split using Environment.NewLine and option StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Go through lines in a loop (ForEach) until the table header is found. (StartsWith or Contains etc.)
The next row belongs to the table as long as it contains a tab. (Otherwise the table is over.)
Split current row by tab and store it in an array: The elements of the array are the individual cells of the row.
I hope, this idea help.

How do you show all rows with missing fields in Crystal Reports?

I'm struggling with Crystal Reports suppressing rows whenever I add a field that some rows may not have data in.
I've been able to fix some of the rows and make them show by using the formula:
if not isnull({field}) then {field} else "Arbitrary string to make row display"
This at least fills in the absent field with something and displays the row.
Do I really have to try and identify every field that may have incomplete data for some rows? Or is there some global method to make all rows show no matter what?
Something like: If isnull(ANYTHING) then " "?
you can do right click on the field, then under suppress, click the formula icon beside it and you can input there the conditions.
You can try the following in report options:
Convert Database NULL values to Default
Convert Other NULL values to Default.
This is hidden in File > Report Options. I have used Convert Database NULL Values to default to show 0's instead of blanks for null valued summaries

Tableau create a table matrix?

I have a CSV file that looks like this. It is in matrix form where cell A1 is empty. I want to visualize this in Tableau like this
How can I build this in tableau to show a matrix?
I tried putting measure name in both the row and column field and measure values in the marks text box but i ended up with diagonal values which isn't what i want.
First structure your data in the form of a table.
A well structured CSV file for Tableau (and most tools) has a single header row that labels each column (so skipping the first cell in the header row is a problem). Then each data row that follows contains only values in each field separated by columns (so there should be no leading row labels)
Order is not significant in a relational table. The rows in a table form a set, not a matrix.
So your CSV should look something closer to
Normally, the prime use of Tableau is display an aggregated summary of the data, not to display each individual data row. So you can put measure_names on columns and measure_values on the text or label shelf to get a summary of each measure (by default a sum)
If all you want to do is to view the underlying data rows in a table for diagnostics, the easiest way is to use the view data button or menu command.
If you want to build a visualization that displays all the data (without summarizing it) in a table, you have two ways to go. The simplest is if you have a unique primary key in your data, you can place it on the row shelf to get a row in your viz for each row in your data.
If your data rows do not have a primary key, you can turn off aggregate measures from the Analysis menu, but then you'll see multiple values in each table cell. Then to get a row in your viz for each row in your data, put the calculation index() on the rows shelf and change it to discrete.

Losing decimal places when exporting to csv

I am exporting data from oracle table into a csv file. I have a column of varchar2 datatype and it has values like 1.1 and 1.10. When I export these to a csv file the value 1.10 becomes 1.1 and thus creating duplicate records. Is there a way to get both the values 1.10, 1.1 into csv file without loosing the last zero in "1.10".
When I export these to a csv file the value 1.10 becomes 1.1 and thus creating duplicate records.
This has nothing to do with Oracle. It is a display problem with the tool you are using. use proper formatting of cells to display up to required decimal places.
Also, 1.1 and 1.10 are same. Appending zeroes to the right after decimal makes no significant difference to the value.
Excel Text Formatting
Right click on the cell.
Select Format Cells.
In the first tab Number, select Text.
Click OK.
Text format cells are treated as text even when a number is in the cell.
The cell is displayed exactly as entered.

Problem with birt report in PDF format

I am creating a report in BIRT. My problem is a data set value which I am putting inside a table column. The returned value is a sentence, but in my report that column is showing only the first word. How can I break the line of the column to show the full data?
Try to use Dynamic Text instead of Data field, which I assume you were using.
As expression write something like row["MY_COLUMN"].
