How do you show all rows with missing fields in Crystal Reports? - syntax

I'm struggling with Crystal Reports suppressing rows whenever I add a field that some rows may not have data in.
I've been able to fix some of the rows and make them show by using the formula:
if not isnull({field}) then {field} else "Arbitrary string to make row display"
This at least fills in the absent field with something and displays the row.
Do I really have to try and identify every field that may have incomplete data for some rows? Or is there some global method to make all rows show no matter what?
Something like: If isnull(ANYTHING) then " "?

you can do right click on the field, then under suppress, click the formula icon beside it and you can input there the conditions.

You can try the following in report options:
Convert Database NULL values to Default
Convert Other NULL values to Default.
This is hidden in File > Report Options. I have used Convert Database NULL Values to default to show 0's instead of blanks for null valued summaries


BIRT suppress multiple duplicate columns

I am working on a BIRT report. Its records are grouped on the basis of the status column. I was looking for an option in the Eclipse BIRT tool by which I can hide combinations of multiple columns in a row which are repeating. I have attached screenshots for both the current report and the expected report structure.
I tried the "suppress duplicate" option but that is limited to a single column. I am not able to apply this on multiple columns together. I couldn't figure out any other option. Please suggest any solution in the tool or do I need to change my query to return the result in the expected format?
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
There are three obvious ways to hide duplicate values.
All of these require you to configure this per column (BTW I don't understand why you consider this to be a problem).
As you already did: Use "suppress duplicates" at the column level.
Add more groups to your table after the existing group.
E.g. one group for the first column (whatever that is).
Then you can choose "Drop" "detail" in the properties of the corresponding group header cell. It's a bit difficult to get the layout right this way.
In your data set, if it's SQL, you can use a little construnct with CASE and the LAG analytic function to compare the column value to that of the previous row, and if they are equal, return NULL instead (pure SQL solution).

Crystal Report not filtering SQL records based on selection formula

unfortunately I'm not an expert of Crystal Report, so I'll post here my question hoping for any help about my issue.
I want to display inside my report the result of a filter on a SQL RecordSet; this RecordSet is looked up from an a single table, of which I want to show some fields of my SQL table, while the filter I want to apply is based on a field parameter (defined static) that I'm trying to set programmatically.
Here below I attached my code where I'm applying the record selection formula, I tried also hard-coding the value instead of passing it through a dropdown selection:
ReportDocument RPT_Doc = new ReportDocument();
RPT_Doc.Load(RPT_Path_Name, OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByDefault);
ApplyConnInfos(ref RPT_Doc);
RPT_Doc.SetParameterValue("data_riferimento", "20161001");
RPT_Doc.RecordSelectionFormula = "{viaggi.data_part_pre} = '20161001'";
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = RPT_Doc;
In the first image attached you can find the field parameter definition, while second image is the record selection formula I defined inside my report:
The report always shows all the records of my table (more than ten thousand rows), instead of displaying a filtered RecordSet. The odd thing is Preview function from Visual Studio works like a charm; it prompts the field value, once I confirm the value the viewer displays the report with the rows filtered as I expect..
What am I missing from report/C# program configuration to make the record selection work?
Thank you in advance for any suggestion you can give me :)
Ok, finally we got the solution to our issue.
We found the CrystalReportViewer object used to display generated reports has 2 different properties, SelectionFormula and ViewTimeSelectionFormula; both has default value set to empty string.
Below I attached the picture of .Designer.cs file with the 2 properties valued:
We commented those 2 properties and the selection formulas and field parameters applied through code / report designer worked again.

Browse field data shows value, but displays another value

I have a formula written for a field in Crystal Reports. When i refresh the report, i get a different value from the formula. The required value is always the last value in Browse Field Data dialog for that formula.
Isnt the formula supposed to have only one value as output? why are multiple values shown in browse field data dialog.? Is there a way to retrieve last value of Browse File Data dialog?
My formula looks like below:
if {XXX.YYY} = 1 then
Browse field data shows all the values "CODTOTAL" acquires as a result of that formula and displays a random value amongst the assigned value.
Please help me out. I am amateur in crystal reports.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
First observation should be where have you placed the formula (Details, Footer.. etc).
why are multiple values shown in browse field data dialog.?
Browse field shows the data that is present in the table but in your case you are applying "If" condition of the filed. It can be possible that there is only one record that satisfies your condition.
I would suggest to run the report without the codition, Check the results and apply the condition and check results again.

iReport + XPath - Sum String Column

I'm building a report where I have a subreport. This subreport brings some data through XPath, this means it's everything strings from a XML. One of the columns of this subreport has some values, where I need do sum them and show in the end of the table.
I don't know how to put this to work. I've tried to create a variable with sum parameter, but it does not work.
Did anybody need this before?
I load a lot of values from a XPath query, e.g:
This query returns some fields according to my needs. With them I build a table (in a subreport). The problem is: the last column (4), values are strings from XML.
iReport version: 3.0.0
Really thanks!
What I needed? According to the original post, a column with strings read from a XML through XPath and a footer with the sum.
Result from column SUM
What to do? Create a variable where you'll keep your sum. After created, edit it. e.g:enter image description here
Fill variable expression with the format you need. Here I used
new BigDecimal($F{theFieldToSum});
Click ok. Now the variable is created, you must create a new TextField where you'll show your sum. Create it and edit it. Here I used the following format:
new java.text.DecimalFormat("#,##0.00").format($V{theVariableYouCreatedBefore})
Click "Apply" and that's all. Compile your report and now you'll have the expected result. For sure, you can do some adapt, but in general this is the process.

Problem with birt report in PDF format

I am creating a report in BIRT. My problem is a data set value which I am putting inside a table column. The returned value is a sentence, but in my report that column is showing only the first word. How can I break the line of the column to show the full data?
Try to use Dynamic Text instead of Data field, which I assume you were using.
As expression write something like row["MY_COLUMN"].
