#propertysource overide one property - spring

Im using spring with #PropertySource, I want to change one of the propertiess, how can I do that?
for example:
A: false
B: false
and then in other file
but I want spring-A=true


Configuring Swagger UI for OAuth 2.0 in Spring Boot with Kotlin

I am trying to configure OpenAPI 3 for OAuth 2.0 with a configuration class in Spring Boot with Kotlin.
Even though I set oauth2RedirectUrl in application.yml, when I click authorize in swagger UI to get new token to send a request, redirect url doesn't work as expected and I get the default redirect url called something like that(I believe it's a default redirectUrl): &redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/oauth2-redirect.html instead of (what i configured in application.yaml)
Access the Swagger-UI at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html?queryConfigEnabled=true&url=/v3/api-docs
Then click the authorize button and use the preconfigured values.
The IdentityProviderController prints then the configured values, e.g. redirect_uri.
The redirect_uri looks like http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/oauth2-redirect.html and the swagger-ui:oauth2RedirectUrl path is missing. Even when it is configured in the application.yaml.
I added the following dependencies:
and this is my application.yml
enabled: true
query-config-enabled: true
client-id: <clientId>
client-secret: <clientSecret>
use-pkce-with-authorization-code-grant: true
oauth2RedirectUrl: <redirectUrl>
and this here is my configuration class:
name = "oauth2",
type = SecuritySchemeType.OAUTH2,
flows =
authorizationCode =
authorizationUrl = "<authorizationUrl>",
tokenUrl = "<tokenUrl>",
scopes =
OAuthScope(name = "test1"),
OAuthScope(name = "test2"),
OAuthScope(name = "test3")],
open class OpenApiConfiguration {
open fun customOpenAPI(): OpenAPI {
return OpenAPI()
.title("ABC Service Rest API")
What am I missing here?
UPDATE: (17.02.2023)
After I am changing the redirect_uri in chrome with the correct one, then I can reach the Identity proverders' page, so I only need to find a way to set my redirectUrl configuration properly.

How do I disable spring security in a Grails 4 integration test?

I had a grails 3 app including spring security, which I recently upgraded to grails 4.
My application.yml includes the following:
active: false
ignored: '/**'
enabled: false
enabled: false
Why doesn't this work in Grails 4? What's a good alternative solution?
Grails 4 seems to be ignoring this configuration. When I run integration tests, I am getting a 403 error with a message:
Could not verify the provided CSRF token because your session was not found.
It seems like spring security enabled, and it's using SecurityFilterAutoConfiguration, which is normally excluded for my app.
I am using the following dependencies:
compile('org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:3.2.3') {
exclude group: 'org.springframework.security'
compile ('org.springframework.security:spring-security-core:4.2.13.RELEASE') {
force = true
compile 'org.springframework.security:spring-security-web:4.2.13.RELEASE'
compile 'org.springframework.security:spring-security-config:4.2.13.RELEASE'
Update 2:
In my debugger, I found that the spring security core plugin actually is being disabled. The following code from the plugin class is executed:
def conf = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig
boolean printStatusMessages = (conf.printStatusMessages instanceof Boolean) ? conf.printStatusMessages : true
if (!conf || !conf.active) {
if (printStatusMessages) {
// <-- the code in this block is executed; active flag is false
String message = '\n\nSpring Security is disabled, not loading\n\n'
log.info message
println message
...however, I am still getting the CSRF filter error, so Spring Security must be configuring itself somehow regardless.
Update 3:
The CSRF filter is being set up by ManagementWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, using the default configuration.
I tried adding the following to resources.groovy:
if (grailsApplication.config.disableSecurity == true && !Environment.isWarDeployed()) {
webSecurityConfigurerAdapter(new WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter(true) {})
This did not fix the issue. Although my anonymous WSCA bean is being constructed, the MWSCA default bean is still being used by spring.
Try this in
environments {
development {
test {
grails.plugin.springsecurity.active = false
production {

Health Endpoint Metrics not being exported after Spring Boot 2 migration

My Team migrated our Microservices from Spring Boot 1 to Version 2 and since the Actuator changed, our Health Endpoint Metrics exported via prometheus jmx exporter do not work anymore.
The usual /actuator/health is working as expected, but the prometheus-jmx-exporter won't pick it up although several things tried:
I changed the Metainformation in the exporter-config.yaml to reflect the name change in Spring Boot 2
I added the io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus to our build.gradle to see if this is the issue
I exposed web and jmx endpoints acording to the Spring Boot 2 Documentation
So now I run out of ideas and would appreciate any hints oyu might be able to give me
old prometheus-jmx-exporter exporter-config.yaml:
lowercaseOutputName: true
lowercaseOutputLabelNames: true
whitelistObjectNames: ["org.springframework.boot:type=Endpoint,name=healthEndpoint"]
- pattern: 'org.springframework.boot<type=Endpoint, name=healthEndpoint><(.*, )?(.*)>(.*):'
name: health_endpoint_$1$3
attrNameSnakeCase: true
new prometheus-jmx-exporter exporter-config.yaml:
lowercaseOutputName: true
lowercaseOutputLabelNames: true
whitelistObjectNames: ["org.springframework.boot:type=Endpoint,name=Health"]
- pattern: 'org.springframework.boot<type=Endpoint, name=Health>'
name: health_endpoint_$1$3
attrNameSnakeCase: true
current application properties about actuator endpoints:
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=info, health, refresh, metrics, prometheus
management.endpoints.jmx.exposure.include=health, metrics, prometheus
in Spring Boot 1 with the old exporter-config.yaml I get results like this:
# HELP health_endpoint_hystrix_status Invoke the underlying endpoint (org.springframework.boot<type=Endpoint, name=healthEndpoint><hystrix, status>status)
# TYPE health_endpoint_hystrix_status untyped
health_endpoint_hystrix_status 1.0
# HELP health_endpoint_status Invoke the underlying endpoint (org.springframework.boot<type=Endpoint, name=healthEndpoint><status>status)
# TYPE health_endpoint_status untyped
health_endpoint_status 1.0
But with all the changes and in Spring Boot 2 I get nothing out of this.
You can cofigure your own health value and add it to the Prometheus Metrics endpoint:
public class HealthMetricsConfiguration {
public MeterRegistryCustomizer prometheusHealthCheck(HealthEndpoint healthEndpoint) {
return registry -> registry.gauge("health", healthEndpoint, HealthMetricsConfiguration::healthToCode);
public static int healthToCode(HealthEndpoint ep) {
Status status = ep.health().getStatus();
return status.equals(Status.UP) ? 1 : 0;

CloudFoundry manifest.yml with objects as env variables

so I am building a SpringBootApplication and I currently have the following settings in the yml:
- id: someId
url: someUrl
context: someContext
- id: someId2
url: someUrl2
context: someContext2
So basically it's a list of objects (I've created a POJO which has the 3 fields). Those objects are represented as a List in another class which is a #Component and has a #ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my") and the List of POJOs is with #NestedConfigurationproperty.
So far everything works perfectly, Spring constructs the objects from the application.yml and fills the List just fine, however I can't simulate this configuration in CloudFoundry. I'm using a different manifest.yml for cloudfoundry, and I'm trying to place this structure in the env part of the manifest but it's not working (Cloudfoundry ignores it).
It looks something like this:
- id: someId
url: someUrl
context: someContext
- id: someId2
url: someUrl2
context: someContext2
I know with simple lines it works (for example ev_my_caller_id) but that way I can construct only 1 object, not a whole list and I haven't found anything in the CloudFoundry doc on how to construct multiple objects from the manifest.
If anyone has any ideas I would be really grateful!
The env block of the Cloud Foundry cli's manifest.yml file has a specific format. You cannot use an arbitrary structure and expect it to work.
The format is:
var_name_1: val_1
var_name_2: val_2
See docs for more details -> https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/manifest.html#env-block
If you set the env variable with the correct name, you can use that to override certain values in Spring. Thanks to Spring Boot's external configuration support. Maybe that would be an option for you here.
Ex: MY_PROPERTY=1234 would override my.property in application.properties.
You could use the SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON environment variable mentioned in the Spring Boot external config link that Daniel provided.
In your case, that would like something like this:
SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON: '{ "my": { "caller": [{ "id": "someId", "url": "someUrl", "context": "someContext" }, { "id": "someId2", "url": "someUrl2", "context": "someContext2" }]}}'
Not sure what you are trying to do, but you can try something like this:
test: '{ whatever complex object/variables }'
test: '{ variable = value, variable2 = value2 }'

Expanding application.yml during Gradle processResources gives MissingPropertyException

To replaces properties in my Spring Boot application.yml I've added:
processResources {
filesMatching("**/application.yml") {
The replacement fails but gives a MissingPropertyException:
Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST for class: SimpleTemplateScript1
at SimpleTemplateScript1.run(SimpleTemplateScript1.groovy:49)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.copy.FilterChain$3.transform(FilterChain.java:95)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.copy.FilterChain$3.transform(FilterChain.java:84)
at org.gradle.api.internal.ChainingTransformer.transform(ChainingTransformer.java:37)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.copy.FilterChain.transform(FilterChain.java:39)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.copy.FilterChain.transform(FilterChain.java:46)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.copy.DefaultFileCopyDetails.open(DefaultFileCopyDetails.java:86)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.AbstractFileTreeElement.copyTo(AbstractFileTreeElement.java:56)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.copy.DefaultFileCopyDetails.copyTo(DefaultFileCopyDetails.java:94)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.AbstractFileTreeElement.copyFile(AbstractFileTreeElement.java:93)
at org.gradle.api.internal.file.AbstractFileTreeElement.copyTo(AbstractFileTreeElement.java:74)
... 81 more
Originally my application.yml contained:
Note these Openshift variables are only know on Openshift production environment but not when running locally in dev mode.
As stated on http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy.html: You can also include arbitrary Groovy code in the file, such as ${version ?: 'unknown'} so I changed my application.yml to:
But this gives the same MissingPropertyException.
Am I missing something here?
The Gradle expand ${..} style conflicts with the same Spring property placeholder style and therefor needs to be escaped like \${..}.
This is added to Spring Boot docs now: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/commit/c0c67f2593dbfd17aa304b43f4da3a3678fa58eb
