How do I disable spring security in a Grails 4 integration test? - spring-boot

I had a grails 3 app including spring security, which I recently upgraded to grails 4.
My application.yml includes the following:
active: false
ignored: '/**'
enabled: false
enabled: false
Why doesn't this work in Grails 4? What's a good alternative solution?
Grails 4 seems to be ignoring this configuration. When I run integration tests, I am getting a 403 error with a message:
Could not verify the provided CSRF token because your session was not found.
It seems like spring security enabled, and it's using SecurityFilterAutoConfiguration, which is normally excluded for my app.
I am using the following dependencies:
compile('org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:3.2.3') {
exclude group: ''
compile ('') {
force = true
compile ''
compile ''
Update 2:
In my debugger, I found that the spring security core plugin actually is being disabled. The following code from the plugin class is executed:
def conf = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig
boolean printStatusMessages = (conf.printStatusMessages instanceof Boolean) ? conf.printStatusMessages : true
if (!conf || ! {
if (printStatusMessages) {
// <-- the code in this block is executed; active flag is false
String message = '\n\nSpring Security is disabled, not loading\n\n' message
println message
...however, I am still getting the CSRF filter error, so Spring Security must be configuring itself somehow regardless.
Update 3:
The CSRF filter is being set up by ManagementWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, using the default configuration.
I tried adding the following to resources.groovy:
if (grailsApplication.config.disableSecurity == true && !Environment.isWarDeployed()) {
webSecurityConfigurerAdapter(new WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter(true) {})
This did not fix the issue. Although my anonymous WSCA bean is being constructed, the MWSCA default bean is still being used by spring.

Try this in
environments {
development {
test { = false
production {


Configuring Swagger UI for OAuth 2.0 in Spring Boot with Kotlin

I am trying to configure OpenAPI 3 for OAuth 2.0 with a configuration class in Spring Boot with Kotlin.
Even though I set oauth2RedirectUrl in application.yml, when I click authorize in swagger UI to get new token to send a request, redirect url doesn't work as expected and I get the default redirect url called something like that(I believe it's a default redirectUrl): &redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/oauth2-redirect.html instead of (what i configured in application.yaml)
Access the Swagger-UI at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html?queryConfigEnabled=true&url=/v3/api-docs
Then click the authorize button and use the preconfigured values.
The IdentityProviderController prints then the configured values, e.g. redirect_uri.
The redirect_uri looks like http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/oauth2-redirect.html and the swagger-ui:oauth2RedirectUrl path is missing. Even when it is configured in the application.yaml.
I added the following dependencies:
and this is my application.yml
enabled: true
query-config-enabled: true
client-id: <clientId>
client-secret: <clientSecret>
use-pkce-with-authorization-code-grant: true
oauth2RedirectUrl: <redirectUrl>
and this here is my configuration class:
name = "oauth2",
type = SecuritySchemeType.OAUTH2,
flows =
authorizationCode =
authorizationUrl = "<authorizationUrl>",
tokenUrl = "<tokenUrl>",
scopes =
OAuthScope(name = "test1"),
OAuthScope(name = "test2"),
OAuthScope(name = "test3")],
open class OpenApiConfiguration {
open fun customOpenAPI(): OpenAPI {
return OpenAPI()
.title("ABC Service Rest API")
What am I missing here?
UPDATE: (17.02.2023)
After I am changing the redirect_uri in chrome with the correct one, then I can reach the Identity proverders' page, so I only need to find a way to set my redirectUrl configuration properly.

Hide details for health indicators in Spring Boot Actuator

I'm using Spring Boot health indicator from an actuator. So far example response looks like:
"details": {
"diskSpace": {
"details": {
Because I need to make /actuator/health endpoint public, I need to hide details for health indicators, so I expect to get something like this:
"details": {
"diskSpace": {
For disk space it's not a big problem but e.g. for database I don't want to share exception message and details in case of it's outage. Also (as I mentioned at the beginning) it must be public so I don't want to make this endpoint 'when-authorized'. And at the end - it would be great if it's possible to do that without writing my own custom endpoint.
Is it possible at all?
This isn't possible at the time of writing (in Spring Boot 2.1 and earlier) without writing your own custom endpoint. I've opened an issue to consider it as an enhancement for a future version of Spring Boot.
There is a way to achieve this in Spring Boot 2.X
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
More information can be found here

how do i configure static versioning (digest) for the asset-pipeline (bertramlabs) in my spring boot 2 application?

spring boot version: 2.0.4.RELEASE
asset-pipeline version: 3.0.3
we're using this plugin, because we know it from our grails applications.
We liked it, because it has a simple configuration (for our requirements)
Now we're developing a spring boot application and we used this plugin too and we're (almost) happy with it.
But when we run the application in the development mode the assets don't have a digest like /assets/my-styles-b5d2d7380a49af2d7ca7943a9aa74f62s.css
How do i configure the plugin to create a digest for all our resources?
currently we're using this configuration:
assets {
minifyJs = true
minifyCss = true
enableSourceMaps = false
includes = ["application.js", "application.scss"]
And we're using thymeleaf for our templates:
<link th:href="#{/assets/application.css}" rel="stylesheet">
I found a solution...
when you use the asset-pipeline, you get a gradle task assetCompile.
when creating a .war file, you can add this gradle task and replace all the assets with the versioned files.
when you want to use the versioned files in your production mode you have to use this configuration (build.gradle)
assets {
minifyJs = true
minifyCss = true
skipNonDigests = true
packagePlugin = true
includes = ["application.js", "application.scss"]
war {
dependsOn 'assetCompile'
from( "${buildDir}/assets", {
into "/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/assets"
baseName = '<your project>'
enabled = true
that's all.
When running the assetCompile task, a file is created. This file contains the mapping of the original filename and the versioned one.
This file is used by the application to find the correct resource, e.g. application.css=application-79a3c8a2f085ecefadgfca3cda6fe3d12.css
I created a plugin which enables the url replacement for assets with digest in the production mode:
compile 'ch.itds.taglib:asset-pipeline-thymeleaf-taglib:1.0.0'
public class ThymeleafConfig {
public AssetDialect assetDialect() {
return new AssetDialect();
<html xmlns:asset="">
<script asset:src="#{/assets/main.js}"></script>
The asset:src="#{/assets/main.js}" will be replaced with src="/assets/main-DIGEST.js".
The replacement happens only if the developmentRuntime of the asset pipeline is disabled.
A little bit more details are available on my blog post:

Spring Boot - Change the location of the /health endpoint to /ping/me

I set the property to /ping/me. But I cannot access the endpoint using http://localhost:9000/ping/me
It only works with http://localhost:9000/health. What am I missing ?
Here is the code in app properties file.
#Configuration for Health endpoint
#Manage endpoints
The response I get is :
"timestamp" : 1455736069839,
"status" : 404,
"error" : "Not Found",
"message" : "Not Found",
"path" : "/ping/me"
The Actuator became technology-agnostic in Spring Boot 2.0.0, so it's not tied to MVC now. Thus if you use Spring Boot 2.0.x, you can just add the following config properties:
# custom actuator base path: use root mapping `/` instead of default `/actuator/`
# override endpoint name for health check: `/health` => `/ping/me`
If you don't override the management.endpoints.web.base-path, your health-check will be available at /actuator/ping/me.
The properties like endpoints.* became deprecated in Spring Boot 2.0.0.
See below for Spring Boot 2.*
MvcEndpoints is responsible for reading endpoints.{name}.path configurations and somehow in its afterPropertiesSet method:
for (Endpoint<?> endpoint : delegates) {
if (isGenericEndpoint(endpoint.getClass()) && endpoint.isEnabled()) {
EndpointMvcAdapter adapter = new EndpointMvcAdapter(endpoint);
String path = this.applicationContext.getEnvironment()
.getProperty("endpoints." + endpoint.getId() + ".path");
if (path != null) {
It refusing from setting the, since isGenericEndpoint(...) is returning false for HealthEndpoint. Maybe it's a bug or something.
Update: Apparently this was a bug and got fixed in 1.3.3.RELEASE version. So, you can use the /ping/me as your health monitoring path in this version.

Grails Spring Security Rest - 403 Forbidden

So I just started learning Grails, and I am trying incorporate the Spring Security REST plugin into my app, the plugin is installed in addition to spring security core which is working. In my REST client, when I hit "api/login" I am able to get an access token and it says I have the role of "ROLE_ADMIN", but then when I try to hit something using that, I keep getting a 403 Forbidden. In Postman, the REST client I am using, I have my Authorization header with "Bearer {key}", with my url of "http://localhost:8080/test/api/secret" and it gives the 403 error. I am trying to setup the log4j logging to see any other issues, but does anyone know what I should look into, any help would be appreciated. I provided my classes below if that helps, I generally used default values for everything such as the UrlMappings.
package test
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured
class MyController {
def secret() {
render "You have ACCESS!!!"
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
def adminRole = new SecRole(authority: 'ROLE_ADMIN').save(flush: true)
def testUser = new SecUser(username: 'bob', password: 'test') true)
SecUserSecRole.create testUser, adminRole, true
def destroy = {
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
"/api/$controller/$action?/$id?(.$format)?"{ constraints { // apply constraints here
} }
For what I can see from the code you posted, if you invoke url http://localhost:8080/test/api/secret, it should execute default action (maybe index) in SecretController but the controller you posted is called MyController.
To investigate further, you should enable more verbose logging using log4j configuration as suggested in the doc
