I have a dropdown field and text field. Based on the value selected in the dropdown, the text field gets auto-populated with a value. But, this auto-population in the text field happens only if I tab out from the dropdown field.
cy.get('app-screen').find('#MLM-Code').select('I2301').should('have.value', 'I2301');
cy.get('app-screen').find('#MLM-Name').should('have.text', 'NBOOKS');
Now, the second statement gets failed as I am not sure how to tab out of the dropdown field.
Is there any option available in Cypress for tabbing out of a field?
I am guessing cypress-plugin-tab
.should('have.value', 'I2301')
.tab() // from plugin library
or if you find the plugin a bit flaky (see discussion),
Cypress.Commands.add('typeTab', (shiftKey, ctrlKey) => {
cy.focused().trigger('keydown', {
keyCode: 9,
which: 9,
shiftKey: shiftKey,
ctrlKey: ctrlKey
or cypress-real-events has a lot of success
I am having a weird problem with my v-combobox that is hard to explain but I will try my best.
When i start typing in the combobox the "list" gets filtered and if i click one of the items in the dropdown menu everything is fine.
The problem hapens if i click an item and then add another letter and directly press the send button in my form, the new charachters in my combo box is not passed to my axios request. If i instead change to another field all the information in my combobox is passed to the axios.post request.
But the weirdest part is that if i put:
The output contains all characters in the combobox but not in the axios.post request.
Below is my code.
<v-combobox v-model="shortname" color="forms" :items="shortnames" autocomplete="off"></v-combobox>
axios.post('/endpoint, {
shortname: this.shortname
.then((response) => {})
So in the sendForm() function if i type "Richa" in the combobox and click the "Richard" listitem the
console.log(this.shortname) // outputs "Richard" and so will axios request
But if i type "Richa" and click the "Richard" listitem and then ADD "sdf" (Richardsdf)
console.log(this.shortname) // outputs "Richardsdf" but axios request is still "Richard"
However if i change fields after I add "sdf" axios.post will have "Richardsdf"
Im using vuetify version 2.4.2 and same behaviour on chrome and safari
My question is if there is a way to be able to get all added info into the combobox without having to change input fields?
// Best regards.
Found the solution.
I added id="targetInput" and #update:search-input="updateTargetInput" and removed the v-model to combobox
<v-combobox id="targetInput" #update:search-input="updateTargetInput" :items="shortnames" outlined :rules="shortnameRules"></v-combobox>
and in the methods i added
methods: {
this.shortnameone = currentValue
Credits go to PradeepNooney
Is it possible to use a dropdown column in a HandsOnTable without the editable textbox?
I know you can set the type to dropdown and it will validate/highlight red when you enter an invalid value, but is there a way to completely disable text entry for dropdown columns? It seems just using the readOnly property on the column blocks the dropdown altogether.
As you said, the readOnly option will disable you dropdown. So I believe the closest solution you can use is the allowIndvalid = false (true by default) :
allowInvalid: true (optional) - allows manual input of value that does not exist in the source. In this case, the field background highlight becomes red and the selection advances to the next cell
allowInvalid: false - does not allow manual input of value that does not exist in the source. In this case, the ENTER key is ignored and the editor field remains opened.
Documentation Link
You can use this JSFiddle to quickly check this option
I have the same issue and was able to resolve it with such steps. Maybe this could help:
1 when creating columns add a special className to the necessary column type:
data: 'priceUnitsName',
type: 'dropdown',
invalidCellClassName: 'colored',
source: Object.keys(unitNames),
width: 100,
className: 'disable-edit',
2 Subscribe to events to handle cancel editing:
private targetCell: HTMLTableCellElement;
public settings: GridSettings = {
// your settings
afterOnCellMouseDown: (event: MouseEvent, coords: CellCoords, TD: HTMLTableCellElement) => {
this.targetCell = TD;
afterBeginEditing: (row: number, column: number) => {
if (this.targetCell.classList.contains('disable-edit')) { // this handle only necessary columns with special class
setTimeout(() => {
const inputCollection: HTMLCollection = document.getElementsByClassName('handsontableInput');
Array.from(inputCollection).forEach((input: HTMLTextAreaElement) => {
input.blur(); // this calls blur on element manually
Maybe this is not the best decision, but by default, handsontable can't make dropdown elements readonly with leaving open-close dropdown functional and I can't find any workable suggestion with this.
Checked on 'dropdown' and 'date' types, and it works.
I have a simple dropdown with two values.Lets say Staus:active and inactive.
During the onchange event, I want to perfrom some validation and revert back if the validation fails. Thai is if I change from active-inactive and my validation fails, I should change the dropdown back to active.
So far I am able to catch the on change event through the dataevents options of editOptions.
Below is my code, Thanks for the assist.
editoptions:{value:{Y:'Active',N:'Inactive'}, dataEvents:[
type: 'change',
fn: function(e) {
alert("inside change trigger");
$grid.setColProp('Status', { editoptions:{value:{Y:'Active',N:'Inactive'}}});
I also read I have to set recreate form :true. I tried that also.
I would recommend you to consider to make the column non-editable or to readonly/disabled if the validation condition could be checked before editing will be started. It shows the user more clear that the field mayn't be changed.
Alternatively you can get savedRow parameter of jqGrid if you use inline editing mode or cell editing mode (with var savedRows = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "savedRow")). To get the "old" data in case of form editing you can just get the data of selected row by using getGridParam with selrow (or alternatively from the hidden field of the form which have id="id_g". Something like var serRowId = $("#id_g").val();) and by using getRowData/getCell.
I have a Kendo UI grid which uses a dropdown as the editor for a field. I'm having problems getting the dropdown to properly bind to the viewModel (at least I think that is the issue). If I make a selection from the dropdown then add a new row or navigate from the row I am on, the field shows [object Object]. Now if I go back to the row and make a different selection and navigate to a different row, it behaves like it should, showing the selection I made. Here is a js bin showing the behavior.
The problem is SuggestedVendor type is string but when you click Add New Line Item link to add new item you set some default value Id: 1, Position: 1 and SuggestedVendor : null but it should empty string like SuggestedVendor : ''
dataSource.add({ Id: 1, SuggestedVendor: (viewModel.suggestedVendor === null) ? '' /* instead of null*/ : viewModel.suggestedVendor.SuggestedVendor, Position:1 });
Working demo
You can set your default value during datasource field declaration, for more details demo for custom editing. In this way you don't need manually handle $(".k-grid-custom-create").on("click", function (e) {...})
I have a simple MVC3 form that has a date field and client side validation enabled (jquery.validate / jquery.validate.unobtrusive). I've added code to attach a datepicker (jQuery UI) to the date field per the documentation. However, if the datepicker is the last thing I click prior to clicking the submit button and the date field is invalid, it causes the datepicker for that field to automatically show itself. I don't want this. How can I disable?
After reviewing the code for the validation plugin, it looks like it tries to manually focus on the last active input control using the focusInvalid() function below:
focusInvalid: function() {
if( this.settings.focusInvalid ) {
try {
$(this.findLastActive() || this.errorList.length && this.errorList[0].element || [])
// manually trigger focusin event; without it, focusin handler isn't called, findLastActive won't have anything to find
} catch(e) {
// ignore IE throwing errors when focusing hidden elements
There appear to be 2 options for dealing with this. One is to set the focusInvalid setting on the validator itself to false. I opted to monkey patch the focusInvalid function instead because it allows me to focus on the FIRST invalid element in the form, not necessarily the last active element.
$('form').data('validator').focusInvalid = function () {
I'd be interested to hear any other approaches to this problem, however.
If acceptable in your case, you could show the datepicker only using a button, using the following datepicker options:
showOn: 'button', showButtonPanel: true, buttonImage: '<your image file>',
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonText: 'Choose a Date',
If you do it this way the datepicker won't automatically display in case validation fails when submitting the form.